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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Rising

When Hyuga Yuuto surged forward, Sugisaki Tetsujiro reacted swiftly.

As a seasoned middle-aged jounin with numerous battles under his belt, he instantly grasped Yuuto's strategic decision—

'Let's ignore Sato Mahiro under siege, focus on eliminating their lone Jonin first, abandon defense to seize the commander, and compete in speed to resolve the opposition!'

In a blur of lightning, the Kumogakure Jonin deftly dodged Yuuto's thrown kunai. Leveraging his adult reach advantage, he swiftly seized Yuuto's elbow, halting the young Hyuga's offensive momentum.

The Cloud Hidden Village Jonin, adept in Lightning Escape and ninjutsu, held a significant upper hand in this close-quarters strength contest against the twelve-year-old Yuuto.

Yet, the Hyuga prodigy showed no sign of fear. Instead, he used the Kumogakure Jonin's grip as leverage, suspending himself mid-air and leveraging his feet against the enemy's chest.

A burst of immense force erupted between them. Yuuto's less developed bones and joints groaned as if they might dislocate under the strain.

"Earth Release: Head hunting Jutsu!" Suddenly, hands emerged from the ground beneath the Kumogakure Jonin's feet, yanking him downward and exposing his upper body.

Boom! Tetsujiro Sugisaki emerged from the earth. Temporarily gaining control over his adversary, he swiftly drove a coldly gleaming kunai across the Jonin's throat.

With his lower body trapped and Yuuto pulling at his arms, the Kumogakure Jonin had little choice but to muster brute strength, hurling Yuuto aside while blocking the oncoming kunai with raised palms.


The kunai pierced through, embedding into the metacarpal bones.

"Ahhh!" In a surge of adrenaline, the Kumogakure Jonin disregarded the pain, summoning beast-like strength to wrench apart the kunai with both hands. He then lunged, grabbing Sugisaki Tetsujiro around the waist and hurling the Konoha Jonin to the ground with all his might!

Ninjutsu: Lightening Explosive Bomb!

Tetsujiro Sugisaki's head collided with the ground, fracturing the earth and rocks in a terrifying web of cracks.

The Konoha Jonin coughed up a mouthful of blood, nearly losing consciousness.

But a Jonin was still a Jonin. Even battered, he could counterattack swiftly. With precision and speed, Sugisaki Tetsujiro swiftly formed hand seals.

A stream of ultra-high-pressure water gushed from Tetsujiro Sugisaki's mouth, slicing through the air to impale the Kumogakure Jonin's abdomen. The sharp water blade continued through the body, tearing through more than a dozen trees before dissipating into a pool of water.

Water Style: Water severing wave

This was Tetsujiro Sugisaki's most unique and only S-rank ninjutsu!

Konoha's assault didn't falter.

Yuuto charged from behind again. Exploiting the enemy's severe injury, he struck with precision at the temple, chakra erupting forth. The penetrating nature of the Gentle Fist was on full display, rendering the enemy Braindead with shattered brain tissue.

The Kumogakure Jonin grunted weakly, body going limp as life ebbed away.

Gasping for breath, sweat streaming, Yuuto's body felt aflame.

Tetsujiro Sugisaki struggled to rise from the ground, spitting out another mouthful of blood.

"Sugisaki-senpai," Yuuto stood beside him, "I'll handle the next attack. Your Neck could snap at any moment."

"Well... thank you, Yuuto-kun," Sugisaki Tetsujiro managed a bitter smile, refraining from false bravado.

Together, they faced the remaining enemies.

At that moment, the body of Konoha Genin Sato Mahiro slumped to the ground.

Both sides had almost simultaneously slain their besieged opponents.

The few Kumogakure ninjas exchanged glances, assumed battle stances, and braced for the final clash.

They knew escape was futile under the penetrating gaze of the Byakugan.

... ... ...

Thirty minutes later.

In the dense forest on the border of the Land of Fire, Hyuga Yuuto and Sugisaki Tetsujiro walked side by side, stumbling. Lacking medical ninjutsu skills, they bore their wounds and pressed onward.

Additional wounds marked their bodies. Even a Genin should not be underestimated in a death match.

Nevertheless, the outcome was favorable. Yuuto and Sugisaki Tetsujiro had cooperated to annihilate the Kumogakure forces and safeguard invaluable intelligence.

"You're incredible, Yuuto-kun," Sugisaki Tetsujiro suddenly remarked.

Fights between Soldiers forged bonds swiftly. Initially addressing Yuuto formally, Sugisaki Tetsujiro now adopted a more familiar tone.

"Yuuto-kun, I heard of you when our recon unit was formed," Sugisaki Tetsujiro said with emotion. "At just twelve, you were already reaching Jounin-level prowess. ... Seeing you now, I realize no praise is too high."

"Sugisaki-senpai, your words are too kind," Yuuto smiled warmly.

He too shifted to using Sugisaki's first name, responding gently, "You single-handedly held back most of the enemy's strength and their Jounin. Your S-rank ninjutsu turned the tide when we needed it most. Without you, we might not have survived, but..."

Yuuto's voice trailed off somberly, pace slowing as melancholy overtook him.

"It's tragic we lost Sato Mahiro, Yamagata Reiro, and Hirahara Eiji," Yuuto continued, bowing his head. "I..."

Sugisaki Tetsujiro sighed inwardly, refraining from stopping or offering comfort. Fallen comrades in battle was a ninja's duty and an unavoidable rite.

"Look ahead, Yuuto-kun," Sugisaki Tetsujiro urged gently. "Your achievements today—eliminating enemies and securing vital intelligence—truly uphold the name of a Prodigy"

"Yeah... Sugisaki-senpai, thank you," Yuuto replied softly, his voice calm and steady.

He accepted the scroll from Sugisaki Tetsujiro's hand. The weight lifted, signaling Yuuto had taken charge of safeguarding the intelligence.

In that same moment, Sugisaki Tetsujiro felt something else—

Pain. Excruciating pain.

As a Jounin, he instantly understood:

'A kunai... pierced through from behind, between my fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, severing the nerve center. The enemy!' " But hadn't we...?

Before he could comprehend, Yuuto's calm voice reached his ears.

"Tetsujiro-senpai, surprised? Of course I didn't use the Gentle Fist just now."

Yuuto's voice was serene, revealing unshakeable resolve—a true mark of a ninja.

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