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36.36% Kampf / Chapter 12: The War Council, The Red Movement, and The Awarding Ceremony

Chapter 12: The War Council, The Red Movement, and The Awarding Ceremony

"Did the prince really devise this?"

In a room resembling a university lecture hall, numerous high-ranking officials held clipped papers in their hands.

The front page of these papers read "Fall Brennendes Haus" or Operation Burning House.

The name "Felix von Hohenzollern" was prominently displayed on the cover, labeled as the author.

Hans von Zettour presented the document to the council. Known for his exceptional intellect, Hans had almost perfectly inscribed the prince's words, with a few minor errors and some of his own opinions added.

"Yes, this is a plan devised by the prince to bring down the Duchal Family of Dacia," Hans confirmed.

"I merely inscribed it. All credit goes to our prince, though I have included some of my own thoughts."

The Generalfeldmarschall (Field Marshal) voiced his opinion on the strategy.

"A war based on misinformation to undermine the enemy... It's a viable strategy to position ourselves as saviors of the Dacian citizens. It minimizes bloodshed on our part and consolidates public opinion against the Dacian leadership."

"It involves a sophisticated use of deception, which is rare from someone so young. Children are typically innocent, but exceptional children like our prince are geniuses in their own right. Look at our Argent; these children will be the future of our nation."

Everyone in the room agreed with the Generalfeldmarschall. Exceptional children, though rare, must bear the weight of their gifts.

Another official noted the strategy's strengths but also its areas for improvement.

"Though this strategy is top-class, there are still parts where it is lacking. For instance, the base strategies for our field agents who will spread misinformation. We need a more detailed set of steps to execute this strategy effectively."

Zettour in response to the man added,

"The prince has given us a general strategy to use as a foundation. It is our responsibility to fill in the gaps and refine it into a more practical and effective plan."

Everyone nodded in agreement with Zettour's words. The Generalfeldmarschall, approving of the plan, called for a vote.

"All in favor of adopting His Highness's strategy against Dacia?"

The officials nodded their approval.

"Then we will adopt His Highness's strategy against Dacia, refining it for operational use in the field."

"Given the complexity and timeline, the Dacian Grand Duchy is likely to invade us within two to three months. We must implement this strategy as soon as possible. Prepare yourselves people, we will have to do a lot of late nights this days."

"Additionally, we should prepare contingencies in case other nations join the conflict."

"Next on our agenda is Major General Zettour's proposal to create a Division Schnelle Kräfte (Rapid Forces Division). This is not viable at the moment since our previous Rapid Forces failed to meet expectations. The Grand Army was supposed to be our Rapid Forces, yet it failed despite our technological superiority."

The Great German Empire leads in technological innovation. As a relatively new empire, its war strategies are still experimental and untested. This is why the Empire is committed to trying and refining different approaches to warfare.

The Grand Army, still inexperienced in warfare, especially on two fronts, failed to keep up with rapid orders from above.

Zettour, confident in his proposal, suggested it as another experiment.

"Generalfeldmarschall! What if we use mages? Mages are known for their flexibility and can respond to threats on the frontlines. The Division Schnelle Kräfte I propose would be a flight of elite mages ready to handle any situation."

The Field Marshal considered this for a moment.

"Alright. The flight of elite mages will serve as the experimental phase of our Division Schnelle Kräfte. If they prove effective, we can expand it into a full division. For now, we will proceed with a flight of mages."

"Yes, Generalfeldmarschall!"

"Do you have anyone in mind to lead this flight?"

"Yes, Generalfeldmarschall, I have the perfect mage for the task."

"Good. Now, gentlemen and ladies, the coming days will be hectic. We will be missing some of our family but know that we must dedicate ourselves to our duty for the Fatherland. However, tonight will be a night of leisure. It will be a night of connections and music. Tonight, let's enjoy ourselves. For the Empire!"

""For the Empire!""

The generals and majors left the room to prepare for the awarding ceremony and ball, ready to don their best military suits and make connections with nobles and higher-ups.


Inside the interior of a store, a backdoor can be seen. 

Through this backdoor is a dark room full of likeminded men and a handful of women. Found on the wall is a giant pin board that were tattered with pins, pictures and threads. The backdrop of the board is the Capital of the Empire, Berun.

In front, a lanky man who has brown hair is speaking in front of the crowd. 

"Comrades, today we stand on the precipice of history. Our struggle, our sacrifices, and our unwavering determination have led us to this moment. The Great German Empire, with its decadent imperial family and oppressive regime, has thrived for too long on the backs of the working class. Their opulence is built on our sweat, our blood, and our suffering. But no longer!

We are the vanguard of a new era, sent forth by the unwavering will of the Russy Federation, our brothers and sisters in the cause of communism. We carry with us not just weapons, but the hopes and dreams of the oppressed masses yearning for liberation. Today, we strike a blow for justice, equality, and true freedom.

The imperial family represents the pinnacle of the tyrannical system that has enslaved our comrades and stifled our spirits. They are the symbols of all that is wrong with the old world—a world of exploitation, inequality, and unearned privilege. By dismantling their power, we pave the way for a society where the worker is valued, where resources are shared, and where each person can live with dignity and respect.

Remember, comrades, this is not just an attack on individuals but on the very foundation of their corrupt rule. Our actions today will echo through the annals of history, inspiring future generations to continue the fight until the world is free from the chains of capitalism and imperialism.

We may face challenges, and the road ahead will be fraught with danger. But we stand united, fortified by our shared vision of a better world. Our cause is just, and our resolve is unbreakable. Together, we will tear down the walls of oppression and build a new society on the ashes of the old.

For the revolution! For the workers! For the future! Forward, comrades, to victory!"


Everyone cheered and got ready for their operation during the night. Everyone cleaned their guns, their knives, and even their clothes. 

Some people in the group kissed pictures containing their family or loved ones. They know that they will most likely die, but they were sent here by the Federation to commit chaos. 

For the Federation, they will do anything in order to uphold their wishes because some people in their group has their family held hostage. 

For them, they will do anything the Federation would order them to do, even if they would be forced to jump unto fire.


Our MC is currently facing himself in the mirror. 

He is currently wearing an imperial outfit fit for a prince. 

Although the outfit looks militaristic, it is deemed to be unreliable during battle. 

His outfit colors compliment his hair and eyes, black with a lining of crimson in some places. On his right chest is a medal known as the Order of the Black Eagle.

This medal is conferred to those male members of the Royal Family during their 10th birthday. The collar is then received during their 18th birthday.

Currently, Felix is still looking at the mirror for 15 minutes now. 

He is looking for an outfit that will boost his handsomeness and where he will look best. 

His maid, that is by his side, was a little bit curious on why the prince bothered to dress a bit more today. Although she knew that there will be a formal ceremony tonight, she was curious on why the prince wants to be at his best looking today. 

Mia, his maid, was curious since the prince mostly wears clothes that are easy to wear and comfortable.

Tonight, Felix is wearing something that is definitely extra extravagant. 

"Your Highness, you already look handsome on your current outfit. Prince, I am a bit curious, are you styling in order to impress someone?"

Felix, still looking at the mirror, thought about it. 

Will Tanya like this? I wonder... wait. Nah, she does not even have a casual dress that she wears so why will she like the clothes... hmmmm

Convinced that Tanya will not even take note of the clothes, Felix then settled for the one he is currently wearing.

"Maid Mia, what do you think of my outfit?"

"You look handsome, your highness."

Felix knew that the answer was a bit bias, but still, looking at his self in the mirror, makes him realize how lucky he was that he has been reincarnated as a handsome prince.

After admiring his face for a bit, Felix then started to head towards the throne room where the feast will be held. 

Before heading there, Felix went to look for his mother, in order to raise his confidence, because no matter what, mothers will tell you that you are handsome, even if you look like a fish.

"Mom. Am I handsome?"

"Yes, my dear son. You are handsome."

With his confidence renewed, Felix then went straight towards the throne room. 

Before the throne room was a waiting room. The room was full of extravagant items that can be considered relics. Paintings, vases, and items of history were scattered in the room.

Felix knew that this room is used as a way to show off the history and power of a certain family. His family, the Hohenzollern, is a long lived family that has its origins in the 11th century at the earliest. Surely, the Hohenzollern family can be equated to history itself.

The room showed the wonders of the ages of the current ruling family of the Empire.

However, Felix also knew that the items here are just replicas of the originals. The originals were stored in a room somewhere down the basement of the Palace. Thus the room was also used by the Emperor as a sort of test.

If the visitor of the empire claimed to be an art appreciator themselves, then the Emperor would ask them what they liked about the room.

There are two ways on answering this question.

First is to point out a certain art in the room. The Emperor would then ask what they liked about the art. The Emperor would just ask and ask until the visitor is out of their wits. 

The first answer is a trap laid out by the Emperor. If the visitor would answer in such a way, the Emperor would know that the person is a pretentious prick. 

The second answer is to point out the arts are fake. The Emperor would then ask a series of questions just like the previous option, yet this time, there is a certain amiability in the Emperor.

Looking around, Felix admired the paintings, though he knew that it was all fake, there are no costs to admiring such great replicas. 

The painting that was his favorite was the painting of Gaspar David's Wandering Above the Sea of Mist. Yes, Gaspar David is the Caspar David of this world. 

Going back, Felix is currently being held at the room. He is to wait for his family before going inside. 

He can hear the soft music that was being played beyond the door which gives him a sense of calm while waiting. 

After a few moments, Felix's family came. 

Franz, Felix's father, reminded the family to act royally and confidently.

"Alright. Chin up and straighten your body. Beyond this door is a political battlefield. Nobles will try to make connections with you, my children, but I know you can handle them. Make them know that the Imperial Family is nothing to scoff off."

The Emperor then nodded at the person who was at the door.

This person is the same person who announces the name of those who will enter. 

Now, this person is currently announcing the presence of the Imperial Family in the throne Room.


The room suddenly become silent, to the point that a pin can be heard dropping. Only the taps of the Imperial Family's soles can be heard. 

While the Imperial Family was walking to the front, all of the people in the room were saluting.

The nobles are saluting in a manner where they cross their right arm and the right fist gently laying in the left chest. 

The military personnel on the other hand was saluting with their right hand in the saluting position and laying at their right temple, like a typical military salute.

Once the family reached the front of the room, the Emperor announced the start of the ceremony,

"Loyal subjects of the Great German Empire,

Today is a momentous occasion, a day that will be etched in the annals of our history. We gather here to honor the brightest and the best from our esteemed War College, the future leaders of our great Empire. These twelve individuals have demonstrated unparalleled excellence, intellect, and dedication, rising above their peers to earn the highest distinction.

As we face the challenges of an ever-changing world, it is imperative that we are led by those who embody the virtues of courage, wisdom, and loyalty. These young men and women have proven themselves to be worthy of the noble titles they are about to receive.

Let us welcome them, not only as graduates but as the newest members of our noble class, who will lead our military and serve our Empire with honor and distinction.

First, we have Maximilian Johann von Ugar, whose strategic brilliance and unwavering resolve have set a new standard for excellence."

Captain Ugar then went to the front of the Emperor and knelt down. After the Emperor patted Captain Ugar's shoulders with his sword, Captain Ugar stood up. The Emperor then attached an Iron Cross on the left uniform breast pocket of Captain Ugar.

"Good work. You are now known as a Reichsritter (Imperial Knight). I hope you do well and continue contributing to the Empire."

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Captain Ugar then went to the side and the Emperor proceeded to introduce the other members of the Twelve Knights.

"Next is... "

After 11 graduates were called, it is now time for the protagonist of the original series to come up.

"Last, but not the least, Tanya von Degurechaff, whose combat prowess is above all. Known as the ace of aces, she eliminated numerous mages, including named mages. She fought valiantly in the face of opposition and carried out her orders properly. She is also a recipient of the Silver Wings Assault Medal, and numerous other medals. She is known as our country's Argent."

Tanya then went in front of the Emperor and knelt down. She was waiting for the Emperor to tap her shoulders when she heard the Emperor say.

"For this, I think it is much better for my son, Felix, to introduce you to nobility."

Felix was shocked when he was called by his Father.

He was content to just see his goddess from just 2 meters away, but his father gave him an opportunity to come more closer.

W Father! BEST WINGMAN EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Felix was internally screaming his praises towards his father, but in the outward, he still kept his appearance.

Felix breathed hard in order to compose himself which was misunderstood by Tanya as a sign of nervousness.

Looks like the prince is a bit nervous. Hmmmm... the information I have on him is that he is of the same age as mine. Maybe... I can befriend him and convince him to let me stay in the rear.... hehehehe not a bad plan! MY REAR OFFICERSHIP HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!! RESORTS! MONEY! COFFEE! WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!! TAKE THAT BEING X! YOU CANNOT STOP ME FROM COMING TO THE REAR NOW RIGHT?! BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Having friend in high places sure is good eyyyy?

Of course, all of those are just inwardly musings of Tanya. Outwardly, she is still kneeling down waiting for Felix to pat her shoulders with his sword [( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)].

Felix went in front of his goddess and inwardly reassured himself. 

You can do this! You can do this! YOU CAN DO THIS! You are born a fighter! A lover! Not a disgrace! REPEAT IT! I AM BORN A FIGHTER! A LOVER! AND NOT AS A DISGRACE!!!!!

Felix brought out his own sword and tapped the shoulders of Tanya starting with Tanya's right shoulder. 

After the accolade, Tanya stood up and looked at the 5'5" foot tall Felix. Tanya is currently just 4'7" or just as the same height of a Mondragon Rifle with Bayonet. 

Alright Felix, calm down and just pin the medal on her left breast pocket........ BREAST?????? nope still non-existent. Alright. Calm. Calm. I am the sea. Calm.

Hmm.... I wonder how I can befriend the prince.... 

Felix then pinned the Iron Cross medal at Tanya's left breast pocket and made sure that it was properly pinned.

He then looked at Tanya's eyes and was distracted by the bright blue eyes with a tint of purple that is also staring straight at his crimson red eyes.

Okay... Felix... just say the sentence and it's done. "Good work. You are now known as a Reichsritter (Imperial Knight). I hope you do well and continue contributing to the Empire." No need to complicate it and do more. Sometimes, simple is the bes-

"Läßt uns heiraten (Let's get married)."





Alright! Thank you guys for the congratulations! I showed it to my mom and she was thankful to you guys too! 

I am aiming to post 2 more chapters tomorrow, so wait for it!


Quick question for Hololive fans here. The new Holo EN gen is mostly made out of Europeans, ERB is british, Cecilia is German, and Raora is an Italian. I am wondering what nationality does GG have? anyone knows?

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