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Encounter with Danger

As Yuuma continued his exploration of Aiai, his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar ringing from his binder. The name "Nazim" flashed on the screen, signaling another contact attempt. Curious but cautious, Yuuma answered the call.

"Yuuma," Nazim's voice crackled through the binder. "I have another trade proposal. Meet me at the old warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Come alone."

Yuuma felt a twinge of suspicion but decided to meet Nazim. He knew the dangers but also the potential benefits of acquiring more cards. After all, he was here to complete the game.

When Yuuma arrived at the old warehouse, he saw a guy about Nazim height waiting nervously outside. As Yuuma approached, he noticed someone else standing beside Nazim—Genthru. Genthru was tall, very thin, with lanky arms and blond hair. His pointed chin and angular glasses gave him an evil look that complemented his sinister demeanor.

Yuuma's guard went up instantly. He knew that Genthru was never alone. His teammates, Sub and Bara, had to be close by.

"Yuuma," Nazim said, his voice shaky. "Mr. Genthru wanted to join the trade. He...he insisted."

Genthru stepped forward, extending his hand towards Yuuma. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Yuuma. I've heard a lot about you."

Yuuma's eyes narrowed as he stared at Genthru's outstretched hand. He knew better than to shake it. Genthru's reputation preceded him, and Yuuma wasn't about to fall into a trap.

"What's the trade, Nazim?" Yuuma asked, ignoring Genthru's hand.

Before Nazim could respond, Genthru chuckled. "Smart. I see you're not as naive as some of the others."

Suddenly, Nazim turned and bolted away, running into the distance. Yuuma's heart sank as he realized the setup. He quickly scanned the surroundings, knowing that Genthru's teammates could be anywhere.

"Oh that's no fun if you run, how am I to make a deal." Gentry chuckled as he grabbed his face to catch himself."

Within seconds later, an explosion echoed from where Nazim had run. Yuuma's heart raced as he saw smoke rising in the distance. He couldn't be sure, but he hoped Nazim had escaped.

Genthru stepped closer, his smile widening. "You're highly guarded, Yuuma. Whatever you think, don't do it. 

"Huh says the murder, I'm pretty sure you have a bounty on your head don't you?" Yuuma said confidently."

"I don't think I give such a appression but since you're so sure, give me your cards and I'll let you go."

"Yeah, that's not happening! Yuuma said sternly."

"Well there's other ways to take cards. Said Genthru as he smiled gleefully."




Three others used thief cards when Yuuma was focused on genthru. 

"Damn it! He got me, I should have ran earlier. Yuuma said as he was disbelief"

Yuuma casted fortress: Cards inserted in slots on target Imposed Slot page are permanently protected against stealing and destruction spells as long as they remain in the slots (Free Slot pages cannot be chosen).

With this no other cards would be stolen. Yuuma said readily. As he took a look at his book to see what was lost. The only card taken was the sword of truth. Seeing this he was relieved he would have been pissed off otherwise.

"Genthru confidently yells, what cards did you get!"



Sword of truth!

Herring this genthru was agitated 

"Okay, kid, how about we make a deal, hmm. Genthru stated as face was twitching as he smiled."

"Nah I think I'll just take your cards from you, what do you think? Stated Yuuma."

Yuuma prepared himself for a fight. He knew Genthru was dangerous, and that his teammates were likely lurking nearby. "Staying on guard, This won't be easy."

Genthru made the first move, charging at Yuuma with surprising speed. Yuuma dodged, using his Orbital Orbs ability to create floating platforms, allowing him to maneuver in mid-air. Genthru's fists swung through empty space as Yuuma launched a counterattack, sending a barrage of orbs at him.

Genthru deflected the orbs with an explosion of his hand, his hand was glowing with a sinister energy. "You'll have to do better than that," he taunted, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Yuuma jumped in the sky landing on one of his platforms, assessing the situation. He needed to find a way to break through Genthru's defenses. He summoned more orbs, using them to create a barrage of orbs that was shot at Genthru. The assault came down like rain.

Genthru's fists collided with the orbs deflecting the incoming attacks.

Yuuma seeing this was shocked at how weak his attacks were compared to little flower explosive power.

Seeing that long range was not enough Yuuma got in closer with a barrier protecting his body.

Genthru's fists collided with the barrier, the force of his punches creating shockwaves. Yuuma winced as the barrier began to crack. He had to think fast. He directed his orbs to form a spiral around Genthru, attempting to trap him.

This should give me some breathing room. I think it's time for some experimenting.

Genthru's eyes widened as the orbs closed in, but he quickly regained his composure. "Nice trick," he said, a manic grin spreading across his face. "But not good enough!" With a burst of energy, he shattered the orbs, sending fragments flying.

Yuuma used the distraction to his advantage, darting forward and delivering a powerful kick to Genthru's midsection. Genthru staggered back, coughing, but quickly recovered.

"You're strong," Genthru admitted, wiping blood from his mouth. "But I'm not done yet."

Yuuma prepared for the next wave of attacks. He knew Genthru was holding back, and he needed to be ready for anything. Suddenly, he sensed movement behind him. Sub and Bara appeared, their expressions cold and calculating.

"Three against one, huh?" Yuuma muttered. "This should be interesting."

Sub lunged at Yuuma, his fists encased in dark energy. Yuuma dodged, countering with a spinning kick that sent Sub crashing into a nearby wall. Bara followed up with a series of rapid punches, forcing Yuuma to backpedal and defend with his orbs.

Despite being outnumbered, Yuuma held his ground. He used his Orbital Orbs to create barriers and platforms, giving him the advantage of mobility. He countered each attack with precision, slowly wearing down his opponents.

Genthru watched with a mixture of frustration and admiration. "You're better than I thought," he admitted. "But this ends now!"

With a surge of power, Genthru unleashed his full strength. His aura flared, and he charged at Yuuma with renewed ferocity. Yuuma braced himself, knowing this would be the final clash.

The two fighters collided in a flurry of punches and kicks, their auras clashing and creating shockwaves. Yuuma used his agility and strategic mind to outmaneuver Genthru, but the Bomber's raw power was overwhelming.

In a desperate move, Yuuma summoned all his remaining orbs, forming a massive barrier around himself. Genthru's fists pounded against the barrier, each strike causing cracks to spread. Yuuma poured all his energy into maintaining the barrier, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Finally, with a burst of energy, Yuuma released the barrier, sending the orbs flying in all directions. The explosion caught Genthru off guard, and Yuuma seized the opportunity. He lunged forward, delivering a powerful punch to Genthru's jaw, followed by a spinning kick that sent him crashing to the ground.

Genthru lay there, stunned, as Yuuma stood over him, breathing heavily. "It's over, Genthru," he said. "You've lost."

Genthru glared up at him, but the fight had drained him. With a defeated sigh, he nodded. "You win this time, Yuuma. But mark my words, we will meet again."

With that, Genthru activated a Drift card and disappeared, leaving Yuuma standing alone in the warehouse

With that, Genthru Sub and bara used Drift cards, disappearing from sight. Yuuma watched as the dust settled, the adrenaline slowly leaving his body. He had won, but he knew this was only the beginning. 

Yuuma took a deep breath, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew he had to be more careful from now on. Genthru and his team were formidable opponents, and he couldn't afford to underestimate them.

As he left the warehouse, Yuuma couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. He knew that Genthru and his teammates would be back, and next time, they wouldn't be so easily deterred.

Returning to the city, Yuuma decided to prepare for the inevitable confrontation. He spent the next few days honing his Nen abilities, practicing and experimenting on his Orbital techniques, and devising new strategies. He knew he had to be ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

After Yuuma's encounter with Genthru, the days that followed. The appearance of new players, hired by Battera, added a new layer of complexity to the game. Among these new players, Genthru quickly made his move, killing Jeet, leader of the player alliance somewhere on greed island before making his presence known to the rest of the players.

Genthru, now posing as a member of Nickes' player alliance, met with the new arrivals: Gon, Killua, Nicolias, Biscuit, Abengane, and Puhat and others. He was introduced by Nickes, who explained that Genthru was a reliable and knowledgeable player.

"Welcome to Greed Island," Genthru greeted them with a warm smile, masking his true intentions. "I'm glad to see so many new faces. This game can be quite overwhelming at first, but with some guidance, you'll get the hang of it."

Nickes nodded in agreement. "We're here to help you understand the basics of Greed Island and the spell cards. We've managed to gather a significant number of specified slot cards, putting us at 70% completion of the game."

Genthru continued, "But be wary. There are players who will do anything to complete the game first, including killing others. The most dangerous of these players is the mysterious 'Bomber,' who was responsible for Jeet's death."

The newcomers exchanged worried glances, the weight of the situation sinking in. Gon and Killua, however, remained resolute.

"Joining our alliance will give you protection and increase your chances of survival," Genthru added. "We can also help you remove any unwanted spells. For instance, I can remove the spell placed by Latarza on Killua if you two join our group."

Gon and Killua, however, were not easily swayed. They shook their heads in unison, their resolve unbroken. "We appreciate the offer, but we prefer to continue on our own," Gon said firmly.

Genthru's eyes flickered with irritation for a brief moment, but he quickly masked it with a smile. "Very well. The offer stands if you change your minds."

Nickes, sensing the tension, changed the subject. "Let's discuss the division of the final reward," he suggested, turning to Genthru and Jispa. "We need to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the rewards are distributed fairly."

As they began to discuss the division of the prize, Genthru leaned in, lowering his voice. "The other members of the alliance are becoming restless," he warned. "They want to speed up the process and are growing impatient with our progress."

Nickes frowned, his concern evident. "We need to maintain order and keep everyone focused. If we start turning on each other, we'll never complete the game."

Genthru nodded, a glint of calculation in his eyes. "Agreed. But we must also be prepared for the possibility that some members might act out of desperation. We need to keep an eye on everyone."

As the meeting continued, Genthru's mind was already working on his next move. He knew that gaining the trust of these new players and solidifying his position within the alliance was crucial. But his ultimate goal remained the same: to complete the game by any means necessary.

Meanwhile, Yuuma, listening to new developments from Genthru, Yuuma knew this was a chance to take his cards and knew that he had to stay vigilant. The arrival of Gon, Killua, and the others added new dynamics to the game, and with Genthru's true nature hidden behind a facade of friendliness, the stakes were higher than ever.

Yuuma decided to keep a close watch on Genthru and his actions. He knew that Genthru was a master manipulator, capable of turning allies into enemies. Yuuma needed to stay one step ahead if he wanted to survive and ultimately win Greed Island.

As the players dispersed, each group went their separate ways, continuing their quests for the remaining cards. The game had entered a new phase, one filled with alliances, betrayals, and the ever-present threat of the Bomber. Yuuma steeled himself for the challenges ahead, ready to face whatever dangers lay in wait.

In the shadows, Genthru, sub and bara watched the players disperse, a smile of joyfully appeared on his lips. The game was far from over, and he relished the chaos and conflict that were sure to come. For Genthru, every encounter, every alliance, was just another move in a deadly game of strategy and survival.

To be continued...….

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