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Chapter 3: Missing Chapter

Over the next few weeks, I settled into life aboard the ship. The crew taught me the basics of navigation, seamanship, and nen. Captain Bone shared stories of his adventures, each one more fantastical than the last. I absorbed everything, eager to learn and grow. My Ten skills improved as I practiced daily, honing my ability to Sharpen my auras and maintain focus.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the sea, Captain Bone called for a meeting. The crew gathered on the deck, anticipation in the air.

"We're heading to the mainland," he announced. "There's a port town called Carthis. It's a good place to start, full of opportunities and information. But it's also a place where you'll need to be careful. Not everyone there is friendly."

The name Carthis sent a thrill of excitement through me. This was it—the start of my journey into the wider world.

When we docked at Carthis, the town was bustling with activity. Market stalls lined the streets, merchants shouting their wares, and townsfolk moving about their daily lives. The smell of exotic spices and fresh seafood filled the air.

Captain Bone clapped me on the shoulder. "This is where we part ways, kid. We've got our own business to attend to. But remember what I told you—keep your wits about you. And if you ever need help, find a way to contact us. We'll be around."

I nodded, feeling a pang of sadness at leaving the crew that had become my second family. "Thank you, Captain. For everything."

With that, I stepped off the ship and into the throng of Carthis. My heart raced with a mix of fear and excitement. This was the start of my journey as a Hunter. I had a mission to fulfill and a world to explore.

My first stop was an inn, where I rented a small room. I needed a base of operations, a place to rest and plan my next moves. After settling in, I ventured out into the town, keen to gather information.

I found a tavern bustling with life and decided it was a good place to start. The interior was dimly lit, filled with the murmur of conversation and the clinking of mugs. I approached the bar and ordered a drink, listening to the chatter around me.

"…heard there's a tournament coming up, big prize for the winner…"

"…did you see those strange lights in the forest last night? Spooky stuff…"

"…new gang in town, causing trouble for the merchants…"

I perked up at the mention of a tournament. Winning a tournament could be a way to prove my skills and earn some money. I leaned closer to the man speaking. "Excuse me, did you say something about a tournament?"

He turned, sizing me up before nodding. "Yeah, a fighting tournament. Big prize for the winner. It's held in the town square in a few days. Anyone can enter, but it's tough competition."

"Thanks," I said, feeling a surge of excitement. This could be my chance to test my abilities and make a name for myself.

The next few days were spent preparing. I trained hard, honing my Nen and physical skills. The tournament day arrived quickly, and I made my way to the town square, which was buzzing with activity. A large ring had been set up in the center, surrounded by eager spectators.

I registered for the tournament and waited for my turn. The fights were intense, each combatant displaying impressive skills. When my name was called, I stepped into the ring, heart pounding.

My opponent was a burly man with a menacing grin. The referee signaled the start, and we began. I focused on my Nen, using Gyo to read his movements. He charged at me with a flurry of punches, but I dodged and countered with swift, precise strikes. The crowd roared as the fight intensified.

In a moment of clarity, I saw an opening. Channeling my Nen into ten, I delivered a powerful blow that sent my opponent crashing to the ground. The referee raised my hand in victory, and the crowd erupted in cheers.

The other fights were easier than i thought they were all non nen user so i was able to win very easily 

Winning the tournament brought a sense of accomplishment and recognition. As I collected my prize, I knew this was just the beginning. I had proven myself, but there was still so much to learn and achieve.

That night, back at the inn, I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. My journey was just starting, and the world of Hunter x Hunter was vast and full of mysteries. 

Chapter 3

The days that followed were filled with a renewed sense of purpose. Winning the tournament had earned me some recognition and respect, but it had also painted a target on my back. Carthis was a bustling town, teeming with people of all kinds—merchants, travelers, and, as I soon discovered, plenty of troublemakers.

I used my prize money to purchase better gear and supplies. I also took the time to learn more about the town and its inhabitants. The tavern continued to be a rich source of information. Through eavesdropping and casual conversations, I picked up on the local rumors and legends. One particular rumor caught my attention—a tale about a hidden treasure located deep within the mountains to the north.

One evening, while enjoying a quiet meal at the tavern, a mysterious figure approached my table. He was an older man, his face lined with years of hardship, but his eyes were sharp and piercing.

"Mind if I sit?" he asked, his voice gravelly.

I nodded, curious about what he wanted. "Go ahead."

He sat down, leaning in close. "I saw you fight in the tournament. Impressive skills for someone so young. You handled yourself well."

"Thank you," I replied cautiously. "What's your interest?"

"I have a proposition for you," he said, lowering his voice. "I know you're not from around here. And I know you're looking for something—something big."

I narrowed my eyes, intrigued but wary. "Go on."

He glanced around to ensure no one was listening, then continued. "I'm a treasure hunter. I've been searching for a legendary artifact for years. It's said to be hidden in the mountains to the north, guarded by dangerous creatures and ancient traps. I need someone with your skills to help me retrieve it."

My heart raced at the prospect of an adventure. This could be the chance I was looking for. "What's in it for me?"

"Half of the treasure," he replied. "And the experience and knowledge you'll gain. Plus, it's rumored that the artifact has mystical properties—something that might interest a Nen user like yourself."

The offer was tempting. I weighed my options, considering the potential risks and rewards. Finally, I nodded. "Alright, I'm in. But we do this on my terms. I don't trust easily."

He smiled, a glint of approval in his eyes. "Fair enough. Meet me at dawn by the northern gate. We'll head out then."

The next morning, I gathered my supplies and met the old man at the designated spot. He introduced himself as Kaito, a seasoned treasure hunter with a wealth of knowledge about the region. We set off together, leaving the bustling town of Carthis behind and heading into the rugged wilderness.

The journey to the mountains was arduous. The terrain was unforgiving, and we encountered numerous obstacles along the way. But Kaito proved to be an invaluable guide, navigating the treacherous paths with ease. We camped under the stars, sharing stories and strategies. I learned a great deal from him, not just about treasure hunting, but about survival and the world beyond the island.

After several days of travel, we finally reached the base of the mountains. The air was crisp and cold, and the towering peaks loomed ominously above us. Kaito pointed to a narrow path that wound its way up the mountain. "That's our route. It's going to be tough, but the treasure is worth it."

"You just had to use this route," I muttered to myself.

Kaito began his ascent, his movements swift and sure as if he had taken this route before. It looked easy, but when I tried to follow right behind him, I was met with the unsteady balance of the rocks.

"Hey kid, don't fall. It's a long way down once you get up higher."

"It's a long way up, kiddo, so tell me a little bit more about yourself. What brings you out here all alone? No parents in sight. I mean, don't get me wrong, you're strong for a kid. You're definitely stronger than I was at your age."

"To be honest, that should not concern you, Mr. Kaito. When you asked me to join the job, you saw my potential to be able to assist you if worse came to worst. So maybe I should ask you a question, Mr. Kaito. Why did you choose me, a kid, to come along with you?"

"Well, if I have to be honest with you, it was your skills with Nen. At first, I thought you were a Hunter. But you seem a little wet behind the ears. Your ability to control your aura as you do now is extremely hard to achieve. Your Ten is a lot stronger than your average Nen user."

"Hmm. I never thought about that before. I don't know how weak or strong I am at the moment. So, how strong do you think I am?"

"Well, to be honest, I'm not the strongest Hunter by any means. But if I had to gauge your level, I'd say you're still a complete novice. I should have asked you this before taking you on this job, but are you even a Hunter?"

"Is that really relevant to the question if you already chose me for the job? Even so, I felt like I satisfied some kind of criteria. Whether I'm a Hunter or not, it shouldn't matter, right?"

"Kid, you're smarter than you look. But to be honest with you, answer that question now."

"Fine. I'll be serious. I'm not officially a Hunter. Nor have I taken the test."

"So you haven't taken the test yet. But you do have the abilities as if you've been trained. Nonetheless, I do have some information on the upcoming Hunter Exam. I got a couple of gourmet buddies who are going to be a part of the exam. If you do a good job with me, kid, I might just give you that information after my task is completed, of course. Well, we'll save that for later. Get ready, it's going to be a bumpy way up."

The higher we climbed, the more dangerous the journey became. The path was littered with loose rocks and treacherous drops, and we had to be constantly on guard. As we neared the summit, we encountered the first of many traps. Hidden pressure plates triggered deadly spikes, and narrow ledges tested our balance and agility. Using my Nen, I was able to sense some of the traps and avoid them, but it was clear that whoever had hidden the treasure had gone to great lengths to protect it.

"Whoever set those traps was a monster, kid."

"You're right, those traps are dangerous. If we didn't have Nen, the average person would die."

"Look, kid. We're almost there, the summit is straight ahead. But still, be on the lookout."

Finally, we reached a large cavern near the summit. The entrance was guarded by two massive stone statues, their eyes glowing with an eerie light. Kaito and I exchanged a glance, knowing we were close.

Inside, the cavern was filled with glittering crystals and ancient markings. In the center, on a pedestal, rested the artifact—a beautiful, intricately carved orb that seemed to pulse with mystical energy.

Kaito approached it cautiously, examining the pedestal for traps. "This is it," he whispered. "The treasure we've been searching for."

As he reached out to take the orb, the ground beneath us rumbled. The statues at the entrance sprang to life, their stone forms cracking and shifting as they moved to block our escape.

"We're not alone," I said, drawing my weapon and readying my Nen.

Kaito nodded, gripping his own weapon tightly. "Stay focused. We'll have to fight our way out."

"Thank you. You take the left one, I'll take the right one."

Without hesitation, I accepted his plan and jumped into action. I activated Gyo to see if there was any aura or hidden mechanisms. Before I could fully assess, the statue's speed increased and it swung its fist at high speed. I barely dodged the attack, my balance thrown off by the force. I flipped to regain my footing and reactivated Gyo. From a distance, I noticed a thread of aura connecting the two statues from their chests.

"Good catch, kid. Try to get a chance to look at them well. Since you found some kind of gimmick or mechanism, let's strike at their chests and see what happens. Think you can do that, kid?"

"I should be asking you that, old man."

Using what I had learned, I coated my weapon in aura. Though unstable, it should be enough to at least break down the statues' defenses. With one powerful slash, I cut into the chest of the statue. The chest cracked open, revealing a small orb within it, pulsing with energy. The thread became even clearer, connecting to the other statue. Despite the damage, the statues seemed unfazed and continued their assault. I realized that the statues were slowly recovering—both needed to be destroyed simultaneously.

"We need to destroy them both at the same time!" I shouted to Kaito.

Kaito grinned, clearly relishing the challenge. "Got it, kid. On your signal!"

We positioned ourselves, each facing our respective statue. I steadied my breathing, focusing my Nen into my blade. The aura around it grew more stable, a testament to my growing control and determination.

"Now!" I yelled.

We both lunged forward, our weapons aimed at the glowing crystals in the statues' chests. My blade pierced the cracked chest of the statue, and I felt a surge of energy as the aura connected. At the same moment, Kaito's club shattered the chest of his statue.

The statues froze, their glowing eyes flickering before dimming completely. The connection between them severed, they crumbled into heaps of rubble, the remnants of their protective enchantment dissipating into the air.

We stood amidst the ruins, breathing heavily but victorious. Kaito turned to me, a look of genuine respect in his eyes. "You did good, kid. Looks like we make a pretty good team."

"Thanks, Kaito," I replied, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Now, let's get that artifact and get out of here."

Kaito approached the pedestal once more, this time with confidence. He carefully lifted the orb, cradling it in his hands as if it were the most precious thing in the world. "This is it. The treasure we've been searching for."

I nodded, feeling a strange connection to the artifact. "Let's get back to Carthis and celebrate. We've earned it."

The journey back down the mountain was much easier, our spirits lifted by our success. We returned to Carthis as heroes, the artifact in hand. Kaito kept his promise, sharing information about the upcoming Hunter Exam and even offering to help me prepare.

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