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29.54% Hunter A Hunter / Chapter 9: Trails And Triumph

Chapter 9: Trails And Triumph

We began to navigate the tower, each decision requiring a majority vote. Despite our differences, we managed to move forward. Dice, or Glass, proved to be a quick thinker, often suggesting strategies that aligned with my own thoughts. Jack, while rough around the edges, showed a surprising level of competence.

The tower was filled with traps and puzzles, testing our cooperation at every turn. We encountered creatures that required us to fight together, obstacles that needed combined strength, and puzzles that challenged our intellect. At one point, we faced a massive room filled with hallucinogenic plants. The illusions created by these plants tested our mental fortitude. Using Gyo, I was able to see through the illusions and guide the group safely.

"Stay close and trust me," I told them, my voice steady.

"You're the boss," Nicholas affirmed, while Dice and the others nodded, albeit reluctantly.

We continued through the tower, each challenge bringing us closer together. Our diverse skills complemented each other, and slowly, a sense of camaraderie began to form.

As we neared the bottom of the tower, we faced our final challenge. The massive gate slowly creaked open, and we took a collective breath and stepped forward, entering the final chamber. The air inside was cold and damp, and a faint, eerie light illuminated the space. The walls were adorned with ancient carvings and symbols, hinting at the long-forgotten secrets this place held.

In the center of the chamber stood a pedestal, upon which rested a glowing, crystalline artifact. It pulsed with an otherworldly energy, casting shimmering reflections on the walls. Surrounding the pedestal were four stone statues, each depicting a fearsome beast—an eagle, a lion, a serpent, and a bull.

The hooded figure spoke again, their voice echoing in the chamber. "The artifact you seek lies before you. However, retrieving it will not be so simple. Each statue represents a trial you must overcome. Only by proving your worth will you be able to claim the artifact. Choose your trials wisely, for each one tests a different aspect of your abilities."

We exchanged determined glances, knowing that this final challenge would push us to our limits. We had come too far to turn back now.

"I suggest we split up and each take on a different trial," I said, my voice steady. "We'll cover more ground that way and can support each other if needed."

Nicholas nodded in agreement. "I'll take on the serpent. It seems fitting for a game of wits."

"I'll face the eagle," Dice said, her eyes gleaming with determination. "I have a feeling this trial will test my agility."

"I'll go for the bull," Jack said, cracking his knuckles. "Strength is my specialty."

"That leaves me with the lion," I said, stepping forward. "I'll handle it."

We each approached our respective statues, feeling the weight of the challenge ahead. As we neared the statues, they seemed to come to life, their stone eyes glowing with an inner light.

Nicholas faced the serpent statue, its coiled body and piercing gaze exuding a sense of cunning and danger. As he stood before it, a riddle appeared on a stone tablet at the base of the statue.

"I speak without a mouth and move without legs. I have no eyes, but I can see. What am I?"

Nicholas thought for a moment before confidently answering, "A shadow."

The serpent statue's eyes glowed brighter, and the stone tablet dissolved into dust. A second riddle appeared.

"I have keys but open no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can't go inside. What am I?"

Nicholas smiled. "A keyboard."

Once again, the statue's eyes glowed brighter, and the tablet crumbled. The final riddle appeared.

"I am not alive, but I can grow. I do not have lungs, but I need air. What am I?"

Nicholas took a deep breath and answered, "Fire."

The serpent statue's eyes flashed one last time before returning to their original state. Nicholas had passed his trial.

Meanwhile, Dice stood before the eagle statue, which seemed to radiate an aura of speed and agility. As she approached, the statue's wings spread wide, and a gust of wind enveloped her. She had to navigate a series of intricate aerial obstacles that appeared out of thin air, testing her reflexes and coordination.

Dice moved with precision and grace, dodging and weaving through the obstacles with ease. The eagle statue watched her intently, its gaze never leaving her as she completed the trial. When she reached the end, the obstacles vanished, and the eagle's eyes dimmed. Dice had succeeded.

Jack faced the bull statue, its massive form exuding raw power. The ground shook as he approached, and a series of heavy stone weights appeared around him. His trial was a test of strength and endurance.

With a determined roar, Jack lifted the weights one by one, his muscles straining under the immense pressure. Sweat poured down his face, but he refused to give up. Finally, he lifted the last weight and placed it on the pedestal. The bull statue's eyes dimmed, signaling his victory.

As I approached the lion statue, its regal form exuding an aura of courage and leadership, I felt a surge of determination. The statue's eyes, carved with meticulous detail, seemed to lock onto mine, challenging me to prove my worth. I took a deep breath, activating my Nen, feeling the familiar rush of energy course through my veins. The trial ahead would test my strength and resolve, and I was ready to face it head-on.

The stone lion began to glow with a golden light, its features softening and shifting until it became a spectral lion, shimmering with an ethereal glow. Its eyes, now glowing with a fierce intensity, bore into me as it spoke directly into my mind. "You must face me in combat," the lion's voice echoed, deep and resonant. "Show me your strength and resolve."

I nodded, acknowledging the challenge. The lion lunged at me with incredible speed, its movements fluid and powerful. I barely had time to react, diving to the side as its massive paw swiped through the space where I had been standing. The force of the attack sent a gust of wind rushing past me, and I realized just how strong this opponent was.

I regained my footing and countered with a series of precise strikes, my aura flaring with each move. The lion was relentless, its attacks coming in rapid succession. Each time I dodged or blocked, I could feel the sheer power behind its blows. My muscles strained under the effort, but I refused to back down.

The lion's next attack was a feint, its paw slashing towards me before pulling back at the last second. I stumbled, caught off guard, and the lion took advantage, ramming into me with its shoulder. The impact sent me flying across the chamber, and I crashed into the hard stone floor, pain radiating through my body.

Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to stand. The lion was already charging again, its eyes glowing with an almost predatory glee. I focused my Nen, channeling it into my legs, and leaped into the air, somersaulting over the lion's head. As I landed, I twisted my body and delivered a powerful kick to its side. The lion roared in pain and anger, but it quickly recovered, turning to face me once more.

We circled each other, both of us breathing heavily. I could see the intelligence in the lion's eyes, a keen awareness that mirrored my own. This was more than just a test of strength; it was a battle of wills. I needed to outthink my opponent, to anticipate its moves and counter them with precision.

I lunged forward, feinting a punch to its face before dropping low and sweeping its legs. The lion stumbled, and I took the opportunity to deliver a series of rapid strikes to its torso. Each hit was infused with my aura, adding an extra layer of power to my blows. The lion roared again, its spectral form flickering, but it didn't fall.

The lion's next attack was a barrage of swipes and bites, each one faster and more ferocious than the last. I dodged and weaved, my movements a blur as I tried to keep up. My stamina was waning, and I knew I couldn't keep this up for much longer. I needed to end this fight, and soon.

With a burst of energy, I summoned all my remaining strength and charged at the lion. It met me head-on, and we clashed in a flurry of blows. My fists and feet connected with its spectral body, each hit resonating with the force of my determination. The lion's attacks were just as relentless, but I refused to back down.

In a final, desperate move, I channeled my aura into a single, concentrated burst. My fist glowed with a brilliant light as I aimed for the lion's heart. Time seemed to slow as I launched my attack, my entire being focused on this one moment. The lion's eyes widened in surprise and recognition, but it was too late.

My fist connected with the lion's chest, and there was a blinding flash of light. The lion roared one last time before its spectral form shattered into a million shards of light, dissipating into the air. The chamber fell silent, the echoes of our battle fading away.

I stood there, panting and exhausted, my body aching from the intense fight. The lion statue's eyes had dimmed, returning to their original state. I had passed the trial. The sense of accomplishment and relief washed over me as I realized what I had just achieved. This battle had pushed me to my limits, but I had proven my strength and resolve.

With the lion defeated, I turned to see my companions had also succeeded in their respective trials. We had faced our challenges and emerged victorious, our bond stronger than ever. Together, we approached the pedestal where the artifact rested, ready to claim our reward.

With all four trials completed, the pedestal holding the artifact began to glow. The crystalline artifact lifted into the air, floating towards us. The hooded figure stepped forward, their hood falling back to reveal an elderly man with wise, piercing eyes.

"Congratulations, examinees," he said. "You have proven yourselves worthy. The artifact is now yours to claim."

I reached out and took the artifact, feeling its energy pulse through me. As we stood together, victorious, we knew that this was just the beginning of our journey as Hunters. The trials had tested our strength, intelligence, agility, and resolve, but they had also forged a bond between us that would carry us forward into the future.

With the artifact in hand, we made our way back through the chamber, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. We had proven ourselves in the Hunter Exam, and now, we were ready to take on the world.

"Congratulations," the announcer's voice echoed. "You have completed the third trial. Prepare for the next phase of the Hunter Exam. Participants who reached the goal: 28. One deceased."

As my group and the other participants left the tower, we were met by a short man with a Mohawk and glasses.

"Congratulations to all of you for exiting this tower. I am examiner Lipo. You have only two more trials: the fourth round and the final fight. The fourth round will take place on that island over there," he said, pointing to an island behind him.

"Now, let's make this quick, shall we? You see this box? This box holds different numbers. The number chosen by you through this lottery will determine the Hunters and the prey," Lipo said menacingly.

"Inside the box, there are 24 number cards. These numbers correspond to the ones that were given to you in the beginning of the competition, all the way back in round one. You will pick a card in the order you arrived at the tower's bottom. The person whose number you pick becomes your target. Now, don't get the hunter and prey thing completely confused. The rules are you just have to grab the number in question from the target. If you succeed in taking your target's number sheet, you will gain three points. But you can also keep your own number, which will also give you three points. If you take another's, you will only receive one point. To reach the end, you will need a total of six points in the time allocated to you."

With that out of the way, Lipo continued, "It's pretty late here. We're going to take you on this ferry boat to the island. I wish you the best of luck."

As the examiner said, Julie, a woman who introduced herself as our guide, spoke up. "Congratulations to all passengers for their qualifications during the third round. We will sail about two hours in the direction of that island over there. All passengers who do not pass this portion of the exams will be given a fast pass to the next Hunter exams next year. So don't be discouraged and come back next year."

As everyone boarded the ferry, I noticed the tension in the air. Participants removed the numbers from their chests and hid them under their clothes, not giving any eye contact.

Seeing how everybody was so nervous about who their target was, I knew I had nothing to worry about. I had Nicholas on my side, who documented who had which number since the beginning. So it shouldn't be too hard to know which number my prey had.

"What number did you get?" Nicholas asked.

I told him it's best not to ask right now. We have too many prying eyes and ears.

"Okay then, boss. I'll wait, but if you need anything, just let me know."

Nicholas spent the rest of his time on his laptop, enjoying gathering information.

Dice, who had separated from our group, soon came by and asked if I was her hunter. I told her I wouldn't tell her if I was.

"Why is everyone so hard to get? You don't find me cute?" Dice asked.

"It's not that I don't find you cute, but don't think your looks are going to get you any points with me. If you want me to go easy on you, I'll make sure it doesn't hurt too much. That's the best I can give you," I replied.

"I'll keep you to that word if I am your prey," she said happily, skipping away.

After that, I saw Gon sitting alone by himself. I decided to go join him.

"Yo, Gon," I said aloud. "How was the third round? Was it easy?"

"I guess it was fine. It was a little tight because of my friends, you know? We lost a lot of hours, but we were able to all make it, which is cool. But honestly, it was actually quite fun. I hope the fourth round is as fun as the third was. It was so much to do."

As Gon was saying this, Killua made his appearance.

"Hey there, guys," he said, sitting down on the left of Gon while I was on the right.

"What numbers did you guys get?" Killua asked.

Gon and I said in unison, "It's a secret."

We all laughed. Once we stopped, Killua said, "Don't worry, my target isn't either of your numbers."

With a sigh of relief, I said, "Mine isn't #99 or #405 either."

We all made a promise to show our cards on the count of three. "One, two, three," we counted together.

Gon pulled out 44, while Killua pulled out 199. I pulled out number 362. Killua and I were seriously surprised by Gon's pick.

I was surprised because I thought the timeline would have changed just a little bit with me interacting with them, but it seems like fate was in play.

"Well, Gon, you're not very lucky at this, are you? Getting that crazy clown. It's going to be super hard," I stated.

"You know he's right. That isn't a good pool at all," Killua added.

"I know, I was thinking the same thing too. But it is what it is. Do you guys know whose numbers they correlate with?"

"I was asking you guys, hoping that you wouldn't remember seeing the numbers on my target," Gon admitted.

"How about you, Yuuma? Got any ideas?"

"Not at the moment, but once we set foot on the island, I should have the information by then."

"Well, I've got to go back to my teammate. I'll let you guys finish your conversation," I said.

As I was saying this, Gon had a determined look on his face.

"Understood," I said. "In seconds, you're happy, aren't you? Or is that your afraid face?"

Soon we arrived at the island. The announcer, Julie, began her explanation.

"Please leave the boat in the order of your arrival at the bottom of the tower during the third phase. Once you leave this boat, you will have two minutes before we send another applicant behind you. All of you will stay on this island for one week. That's the time you have to get all six points and come back here. Begin the departure of the first candidate."

Hisoka was the first to step off the boat, slowly disappearing into the forest. I was 16th, Jack was 17th, Dice was 18th, and Nicholas was 19th, respectively.

Jack and Dice went their separate ways, but Nicholas and I stayed together. We stayed close to the boat, waiting for Killua so I could give him the information on his target.

Killua was the 21st person to exit the boat. He headed in my direction as if a bloodhound caught a whiff of blood.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Killua said. "So you had information, right? Who's the guy I'm looking for? Who's 199?"

Nicholas opened his laptop to show the image of applicant 199. He was the oldest Amori brother. Nicholas asked to work together to capture the Amori brother, as one of his targets was also one of the three brothers.

"Thank you for the information," Killua said. Nicholas decided to tag along.

"How about you, boss? You wanna come?"

"Now you guys go ahead. I'm going to get my other badge from 362, a young monk-looking guy. You guys go ahead. But once you guys are finished and I'm done with my task, we'll rendezvous back around here. You're at the starting point. Happy hunting."

Nicholas and Killua nodded and headed off into the forest, ready for the hunt.

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