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20% Hela - The Goddess of Death / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Embracing the Goddess Within

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Embracing the Goddess Within

The days blurred into each other as Samantha—now Hela—threw herself into mastering her newfound powers. Each morning, she awoke with a singular focus: to understand and control the immense strength that coursed through her veins. The ancient hall where she had first awakened became both her home and her training ground.

At first, it was overwhelming. Hela's memories, so vivid and powerful, threatened to drown Samantha's own thoughts. But she quickly realized that these memories were not a burden; they were a source of knowledge, a guide to understanding her new abilities.

The first power she focused on was her strength. It was astonishing—she could shatter boulders with a single blow and lift weights that defied belief. To test her limits, she found the largest rock in the courtyard outside the hall. Wrapping her hands around it, she lifted it effortlessly, feeling the muscles in her arms respond with power. She hurled it across the landscape, watching it smash into the ground hundreds of yards away.

The exhilaration was intoxicating. She felt invincible. But strength was just the beginning.

Next, she turned her attention to Hela's control over the dead. This power frightened her more than any other. The ability to summon and control the spirits of the fallen seemed like something out of a nightmare. Yet, as she practiced, she discovered a strange comfort in it. The spirits were not malevolent; they were loyal to her, and their presence was oddly reassuring.

Standing in the center of the courtyard, she raised her hands and closed her eyes, focusing on the ground beneath her. She called out, not with words, but with her mind. The earth trembled, and spectral figures began to rise, their forms shimmering in the dim light. They bowed before her, awaiting her command. She could feel their thoughts, their loyalty, and she knew she could trust them.

Over time, she learned to summon them with a mere thought, to command them with a glance. They became her eyes and ears, her soldiers in this strange new world. She practiced tirelessly, learning to coordinate their movements, to use them as extensions of her own will.

Then there was the matter of her blades. Hela's iconic weapons were not just for show; they were deadly, precise, and incredibly versatile. Summoning them had been instinctive, but mastering them required practice. She spent hours honing her skill, creating blades of all shapes and sizes, learning to throw them with deadly accuracy.

She would stand at one end of the hall, hurling blades at targets she had set up at the other end. Each throw became more precise, more controlled. She practiced summoning blades from different angles, from her hands, her shoulders, even from the ground at her feet. The hall became littered with shattered targets, the stone walls pocked with deep gouges.

But it wasn't just about power. It was about control, finesse. Hela's memories taught her that raw strength was nothing without the skill to wield it. So she practiced, day after day, until her movements became fluid, almost effortless.

As days turned into weeks, she began to feel more at home in Hela's skin. The initial fear and confusion gave way to a fierce determination. She was no longer just Samantha, an ordinary girl from Earth. She was Hela, the Goddess of Death, and she would master this power, not be overwhelmed by it.

Her training was not without challenges. There were moments of frustration, of failure. Summoning the dead drained her energy, and there were days when she could barely stand. Controlling the blades required precision, and she often missed her targets. But each setback only fueled her determination. She was driven by a desire to understand, to control, to conquer.

One particularly difficult day, she had been trying to summon multiple blades at once, only to have them disintegrate before they even formed. Exhausted and frustrated, she sank to the ground, clutching her head. The memories of Hela's battles, of her victories and defeats, swirled in her mind, mocking her.

But then, a memory surfaced—a memory of Hela training in the same way, struggling to control her powers, driven by a fierce will to succeed. It was a reminder that even Hela had not been born a master of death; she had earned her power through relentless practice and sheer force of will.

Renewed by this memory, Samantha pushed herself up, determination burning in her eyes. She focused, took a deep breath, and tried again. This time, the blades formed perfectly, shimmering with deadly energy. She hurled them at her targets, each one hitting its mark with unerring accuracy.

The sense of triumph was overwhelming. She had done it. She was mastering Hela's powers, one step at a time.

But it wasn't just about the physical training. She also had to understand Hela's place in this world, her history, her enemies. She spent hours poring over ancient texts and runes, deciphering the stories of Asgard, of Odin's betrayal, of the Nine Realms. She learned about her siblings, Thor and Loki, and the complex web of alliances and rivalries that defined their world.

The more she learned, the more she understood Hela's motivations, her desires, her pain. She began to see the world through Hela's eyes, to feel her anger, her longing for power, her sense of betrayal. It was a strange and disconcerting experience, but it also gave her a deeper understanding of the role she had to play.

One evening, after a particularly grueling day of training, she stood on the balcony overlooking the desolate landscape. The sky was a deep, swirling mass of dark clouds, the ground littered with the remnants of ancient battles. She felt a strange sense of peace, of belonging. This world was harsh, unforgiving, but it was also hers.

As she gazed out over the land, she made a silent vow. She would master Hela's powers, she would understand her role in this world, and she would carve out her own destiny. She was no longer just a girl from Earth. She was Hela, the Goddess of Death, and she would not be denied.

With renewed determination, she turned and walked back into the hall, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. She was Hela, and this was her world now.

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