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45% Spider-Verse: The New Hero / Chapter 9: Ability Testing

Chapter 9: Ability Testing

Next day

With the hospital behind them, Ren, having been discharged, walked alongside Rick, towards the parking space. The air outside felt refreshing, and the sunlight hinted at the beginning of a new chapter.

They reached the sleek, inconspicuous car that belonged to Rick. As they got in, Ren couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and uncertainty about what lay ahead.

"So, where are we going?" he asked, looking at Rick.

Rick started the car and smiled reassuringly. "We're heading to a place where you can train and better understand your abilities. It's time to unlock the full potential of those powers of yours."

As the car pulled away from the hospital, Ren gazed out of the car window, lost in contemplation. The passing scenery blurred as thoughts of the possible future unfolded in his mind.

The prospect of training and having powers, stirred a mix of excitement and uncertainty. The world beyond the car window seemed to hold endless possibilities, and the weight of his newfound abilities added a layer of complexity to his thoughts.

As his Rick drove, the sleek car glided smoothly towards a dome-like building that held an air of secrecy. Ren, seated beside Rick, couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and anticipation.

Pulling up to the entrance, Rick parked the car and turned to Ren. "Welcome to the former base of the Beta Force. Now, it serves a different purpose. This is where new awaken supers come to learn how to control their abilities, to blend in, and avoid causing trouble in the public eye."

Ren gazed at the imposing structure, absorbing the significance of the place. "So, this is where I'll be training?"

Rick nodded. "Exactly. You'll meet others like you, and under the guidance of experienced supers, you'll learn how to navigate this new world of ours. It's a place of support and understanding."

They stepped out of the car, and as they entered the building, Ren couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging, knowing that this former base held the key to unlocking his potential while providing a sanctuary for those like him – individuals with extraordinary abilities trying to find their place in the world.

As they entered the dome-like building, Ren's eyes widened at the bustling activity within. Agents, scientists, and superheroes in various costumes moved purposefully, creating an atmosphere of organized chaos.

Rick led Ren through the facility until they reached a middle-aged scientist who seemed to be coordinating various activities. "Dr. Reynolds," Rick greeted.

"Rick," Dr. Reynolds replied with a nod. "What brings you here?"

Rick motioned to Ren. "This is Ren. He recently awakened his abilities. We need to test and understand the extent of what he can do."

Dr. Reynolds examined the young man with a thoughtful gaze. "Of course. Follow me."

They were led into a large white room with advanced monitoring equipment. Dr. Reynolds explained, "We'll be conducting some tests to assess your abilities. It's standard procedure for new awaken supers."

Ren nodded in understanding. In the controlled environment of the room, he was asked to demonstrate his abilities.

Scientists and researchers observed with a mix of anticipation and curiosity to what is the power of this new super.

"Alright, Ren, let's see what you can do," one of the scientists encouraged.

"Alright let's do this." Taking a deep breath, Ren focused on his wrists, attempting to summon the organic web-shooters that now resided within him. After a moment of concentration, thin strands of webbing shot out, but not without a degree of clumsiness. Ren winced, still adjusting to the newfound abilities.

'This is awkward!' Ren thought uncomfortably.

'Focus Ren, Focus!'

Ren shake his head as he approached a vertical surface, attempting to crawl. However, the process was far from smooth. Ren stuck to the wall, but his movements were awkward and uncertain. The scientists observed, some exchanging glances as they witnessed the young man's early attempts at wall crawling.

'Its hard to unstuck!!'

As the demonstration continued, Ren showcased the organic web and wall crawling, even with the occasional stumble. The scientists took note, understanding that mastery over these abilities would come with time and practice for the newly awaked super..

Finally, he unfurled the four spider legs concealed behind his back. The spider like appendages gleamed, highlighting his genetically altered physiology.

The room buzzed with conversation and analysis as Ren concluded the demonstration.

As Rem showcased his powers in the testing facility, the scientist Dr. Reynolds observed with keen interest. After the demonstration, the Dr. Reynolds approached him.

"You have some impressive abilities," Dr. Reynolds commented.

Ren, still adjusting to his newfound powers, looked earnestly at the scientist. "Thanks, but I'm still figuring things out. I mean, I can do this..." He gestured towards the showcased powers. "But there are other abilities, like these spider legs," he continued, indicating the metallic like appendages on his back. "I have no idea how to use them."

Dr. Reynolds nodded understandingly. "It's a learning process. We'll work on understanding and harnessing each aspect of your abilities. With time and guidance, you'll become more adept at using all your powers."

Impressed with the Ace's showcased powers, Dr. Reynolds decided to test the full extent of his abilities. "Alright, let's see how fast you can go. Run as fast as you can across the room," the scientist instructed.

Ren nodded and, with determination, accelerated to his top speed, covering the distance in a blur. The scientists observed, measuring the incredible speed he displayed.

"Excellent. Now, let's see how high you can jump. Try to reach the highest point on that platform," Dr. Reynolds directed, pointing towards an elevated surface.

With a powerful leap, Ren soared into the air, demonstrating remarkable agility and vertical prowess. The scientists exchanged impressed glances as he landed gracefully.

"Good, good," Dr. Reynolds nodded. "These tests will help us understand the extent of your physical capabilities. We'll continue to explore and refine your powers to ensure you can use them effectively."

Ren, catching his breath, appreciated the guidance as he embarked on a series of tests, each designed to uncover the full scope of his extraordinary abilities.

After half an hour of performing different task in the white room his results came in, in a form of the Supers Certificate.

Name: Ren Hamada

Age: 15 yrs

Birthday: 12 - 14 - 2005

Parents/Guardian: Cass Hamada

Superpower: Spider Physiology

Type: Mutant/Fighter

Category: Fighter/Non-destructive

Brief: Grants the user a spider like physique and abilities. It enables the user to stick to any desired surface along with a spider silk emitting ability through his wrist in extension with retractable talons. The user also has four spider like legs on his back with superhuman capabilities including strength, stamina, senses, dexterity, defence, and endurance.

Superpower potential: A+

Dr. Reynolds approached Ren, holding a certificate in hand. "Your test results are exceptional. Consider this certificate a recognition of your progress and potential," the scientist said, handing it to him.

"Thanks," Ren replied, accepting the certificate with gratitude.

"I'll arrange for someone to guide you to your living quarters. You'll be staying here for a few weeks to refine your powers," the scientist explained.

As Ren processed this information, Rick, approached. "I'll be going for now. I have to take care of some things, but I'll be back to see you your progress kid."

Ren nodded in understanding "Sure"

Rick patted Ren's back offering a reassuring smile. "Make the most of this time, and I'll see you soon."

As Rick left the guide arrived to lead Ren to his temporary living quarters and to have a tour at the facilities of the building. The guide led Ren through the expansive facility, introducing him to various rooms tailored to hone the skills of emerging supers.

Entering the martial arts room, Ren was captivated by the rhythmic sounds of sparring and the swift movements of supers engaged in combat training.

"This is the martial arts room," the guide explained, gesturing towards a space where seasoned supers practiced combat techniques.

"Here, many supers fine-tune their combat skills to complement their powers with martial arts training."

They then proceed to move to the super powers training room, a high-tech space filled with specialized equipment. "Here, you'll undergo tailored exercises to refine and control your abilities," the guide added as Ren witnessed a spectrum of abilities on display. Energy manipulation, telekinesis, and incredible feats unfold.

Next, they entered the bustling cafeteria, where supers gathered for meals. "Fueling up is crucial. Our cafeteria provides nutritious meals to support your training," the guide noted.

Amazement filled the young man's eyes as he took in the array of facilities. "This is incredible. I had no idea this would existed," he remarked.

The guide smiled. "Welcome to a place where supers come to grow, learn, and harness their full potential. Feel free to explore, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask."

After the informative tour, they approached the elevator. "Now, we're heading to the third floor, where your temporary room is located," the guide said.

In the elevator, the guide continued, "During your stay, take advantage of the facilities, and don't hesitate to ask for assistance. We're here to help you unlock the full potential of your powers."


Arriving on the third floor, the guide led Ren to his temporary room. "This is where you'll be staying. Make yourself comfortable, and someone will be available if you have any questions or need assistance," the guide assured, leaving the young man to settle into this new chapter of his life.

Entering his temporary room, Ren took in the simple yet comfortable setup – a wardrobe, a neatly made bed, and a computer. Placing his bag onto the bed, he felt a mix of anticipation and contemplation about the days ahead.

After a moment, he decided to change into more casual clothes. As he did, he glanced around, absorbing the unfamiliar surroundings. The idea of being in a place filled with supers and advanced facilities still felt surreal.

Laying back on the bed, he looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought. "What will happen now?" he pondered aloud. The weight of his newly awakened powers and the responsibilities that came with them lingered in his mind.

As he lay there, the hum of activity outside his room and the knowledge of the extraordinary journey he was about to embark on filled the air. It was a moment of reflection, a pause before the training and challenges that awaited him in this new chapter of his life.


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