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47.05% Transmigration In Cursed Worlds / Chapter 7: The Regret- 7

Chapter 7: The Regret- 7

The release of Ryuuma's light novel, "Death Note," under his pen name Darien Dragonheart, had taken the internet by storm. Social media platforms were abuzz with discussions, fan theories, and praises for the intriguing storyline and captivating characters. 

Hashtags like #DeathNote, #DarienDragonheart, and #BestLightNovel were trending on Twitter, while forums and fan sites dedicated to light novels were flooded with threads dissecting every chapter and eagerly anticipating the next volume.

News channels picked up on the buzz, featuring segments about the novel's rapid rise to fame and interviews with industry experts who marvelled at its unprecedented success. 

The excitement was palpable, and it wasn't long before another 10,000 copies were printed and sent to bookstores. Just like the first batch, they were swiftly bought up by eager fans, leaving shelves empty and shopkeepers scrambling to restock.

In the past week, the bond between Ryuuma and Emi had deepened even further. They spent more time together, both in their personal lives and as partners in the promotional journey of the novel.

Emi had grown more comfortable with the public attention, thanks to Ryuuma's unwavering support and encouragement.

Now, they stood outside a very big bookstore, ready for their first official fan meeting. Security had lined up the excited fans, ensuring the crowd wouldn't rush.

Banners and posters of "Death Note" adorned the area, and a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air.

Ryuuma and Emi exchanged excited glances, their hands intertwined. Ryuuma looked at her with a reassuring smile. "Ready for this, Emi-chan?"

Emi nodded, her nerves mixed with excitement. "As long as you're with me, I'm ready."

The doors of the bookstore opened, and the first group of fans, holding their copies of "Death Note," eagerly approached the signing table.

Ryuuma greeted them with a warm smile, thanking each fan personally and signing their books with a flourish. Emi sat beside him, engaging with the fans, sharing smiles and small conversations.

One young fan, barely able to contain her excitement, handed her book to Ryuuma. "I can't believe I'm meeting you! Your book is amazing! When's the next volume coming out?"

Ryuuma chuckled, signing her book. "Thank you! The next volume is in the works. I promise it won't be too long."

Emi added, "We appreciate your support so much. It means the world to us."

As the event continued, the line of fans seemed endless, but Ryuuma and Emi's enthusiasm never waned. They were buoyed by the genuine admiration and love from the fans, and it fueled their commitment to their work and each other.

The fan meeting lasted for hours, but the energy never dipped. By the end, Ryuuma and Emi were tired but elated.

They had shared an unforgettable experience, not just with each other, but with countless fans who had been touched by their story.

As they left the bookstore, hand in hand, Ryuuma turned to Emi. "Thank you for being with me through all of this, Emi-chan. I couldn't have done it without you."

Emi smiled, her eyes shining with love. "And I couldn't be prouder of you, Gatou-kun. This is just the beginning."


The public appearance of Ryuuma and Emi at the fan meeting had a dramatic impact on their social media presence.

Followers surged, with fans expressing their admiration and excitement in comments and messages. Their profiles became flooded with tags, mentions, and fan art. The positive reception was overwhelming, and their popularity soared.

Friends and colleagues from college, surprised by the revelation that Ryuuma, the quiet student who had married the most beautiful girl in college, was the author behind the hit light novel, began to call and congratulate them.

They insisted on holding a celebration, a request to which Ryuuma and Emi happily agreed. They saw it as a perfect opportunity to reconnect with old friends and share their joy.

While the couple basked in the happiness and support from their social circle, there was one person whose emotions were far from joyous—Toyama-sensei.

Watching their success on TV, he seethed with anger. Ever since he found out Ryuuma was the author of "Death Note," every praise he heard about the novel only fueled his rage, especially remembering the slap Emi had given him.

Toyama-sensei sat in his dimly lit apartment, surrounded by empty bottles of booze. He downed another drink, his face contorted with bitterness. "I'll destroy them," he muttered, his words slurred. "I'll ruin them both... and then I'll have her. She'll regret rejecting me."

His anger drove him to take petty actions online. Hiding behind anonymous accounts, he began to post malicious comments below Ryuuma and Emi's social media posts, hoping to tarnish their reputation.

"Overrated book, not worth the hype," he wrote under a fan's enthusiastic post. "The author's just lucky, nothing special about the story," he commented on another.

Despite his efforts, the couple's growing fanbase and the genuine love for "Death Note" drowned out his negative remarks. The support they received from their fans and friends far outweighed the few scattered criticisms.

All of a sudden, the door was opened.

Startled, he turned to see several officers standing at the doorway, their expressions stern and unwavering. As they moved forward to arrest him, Toyama-sensei's heart raced with panic and confusion.

"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and defiance.

The officers wasted no time in presenting him with evidence—evidence of crimes he had committed, crimes that had long been hidden in the shadows.

Among them were allegations of blackmailing his students, manipulation, and other nefarious deeds. Some of these accusations held grains of truth, while others were fabricated, twisted to fit a narrative of malice.

As the weight of the evidence pressed down on him, Toyama-sensei felt a sinking sensation in his chest. He struggled to comprehend the severity of the situation, his mind racing with questions. Who could have orchestrated this downfall? Who could have unearthed his darkest secrets?

Amid the chaos of his thoughts, one face lingered in his mind—a face he had come to resent and envy. Ryuuma, the former student turned successful author, seemed to haunt his thoughts like a spectre, a constant reminder of his failures and shortcomings.

As the officers led him away, Toyama-sensei couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him. He knew that his downfall had been orchestrated by someone with a vendetta, someone who had meticulously plotted his demise.

And though he couldn't be certain, Ryuuma's face loomed large in his mind, a silent accuser in the shadows.

He also knew that Ryuuma couldn't have accomplished this alone. While famous, he could not uncover such secrets independently.

It hinted at assistance from someone influential, someone capable of manipulating law enforcement and fabricating evidence.

For a while, he struggled to identify anyone fitting this description. Then, a troubling realization dawned on him: the publishing company Ryuuma was associated with belonging to the daughter of the wealthiest publisher in the country.

Ryuuma may have lacked the means, but that man wielded enough power to incarcerate an ordinary person like him.

Internally, he cursed Ryuuma and Emi once more for their betrayal. Yet, deep down, he acknowledged that his greed for that girl had catalyzed this unfortunate turn of events.

Oblivious to the turmoil in her sensei's life, Emi was busy preparing dishes for tonight's celebration. She and Ryuuma had decided to invite close friends and colleagues from their college days for a party, celebrating their recent successes and the newfound popularity of Ryuuma's light novel.

Ryuuma helped by decorating the entire living room and buying a variety of drinks, ensuring both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options were available. After finishing his tasks, he joined Emi in the kitchen to assist with the cooking. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and excitement, a stark contrast to the dark clouds looming over Toyama-sensei.

As they worked side by side, Ryuuma's phone rang. He excused himself with an apologetic smile and stepped out of the kitchen to answer the call. The name on the screen made his heart skip a beat—it was Akari's father, the influential publisher who had helped him take down Toyama-sensei.

"Good evening, sir," Ryuuma greeted, his tone respectful.

"Good evening, Ryuuma-kun," the deep voice responded. "I trust everything is well?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you once again for your assistance. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it," Ryuuma said earnestly.

"Consider it a favour repaid," Akari's father replied. "Now, how are the preparations for your celebration coming along?"

"They're going well. Emi and I are just finishing up the cooking. We're excited to host our friends tonight," Ryuuma said, glancing back towards the kitchen where Emi was bustling about.

"Excellent. Enjoy your evening, and congratulations again on your success. You know, if you weren't already married, I'd have made sure my daughter Akari married you. You're quite the catch."

Ryuuma chuckled at the compliment. "Thank you, sir, but I'm already incredibly lucky to have Emi as my wife. And I'm sure Akari will find a great husband on her own."

The older man laughed warmly. "Indeed, she will. Well, I'll let you get back to your preparations. Enjoy your evening, and remember, I'm always here if you need anything."

"Thank you, sir. I'll keep that in mind," Ryuuma replied, ending the call with a sense of relief and gratitude.

He returned to the kitchen, where Emi was putting the finishing touches on a tray of appetizers. "Who was it?" she asked, looking up with curiosity.

"Just a call from Akari's father," Ryuuma said casually, not wanting to worry her with the details of their conversation. "He wanted to congratulate us again and wish us well for tonight."

Emi smiled, her earlier worries completely forgotten. "That's sweet of him. Now, let's get these dishes ready before our guests arrive."

Since Ryuuma's light novel became a massive hit, Akari's publishing company reaped substantial benefits as well, a success that made her father immensely proud. This was the reason he chose to help Ryuuma, as the young author had managed to elevate his daughter's career without exposing her to the darker aspects of the industry.

Akari's father had always been protective of her, knowing how ruthless the publishing world could be. Seeing his daughter reach such heights thanks to Ryuuma's work reassured him that she was in good hands, professionally and personally.

Meanwhile, in Ryuuma and Emi's home, preparations for the celebration were in full swing. The house buzzed with activity, a stark contrast to the grim fate that had befallen Toyama-sensei. 

As evening approached, their friends began to arrive, filling the house with laughter and excitement. The celebration was not just about Ryuuma's success, but also a testament to the strong relationships they had built over the years.

Ryuuma and Emi greeted their guests warmly, and soon the house was filled with the sounds of cheerful conversation and clinking glasses. The aroma of delicious home-cooked dishes added to the festive atmosphere. 

During a quieter moment, Emi pulled Ryuuma aside, her eyes shining with happiness. "I'm so proud of you, Gatou-kun. Look at all these people, here to celebrate your success."

Ryuuma smiled, his heart swelling with love for his wife. "It's our success, Emi-chan. I couldn't have done any of this without your support."

Their conversation was interrupted by a round of applause as their friends called for a toast. Ryuuma raised his glass, feeling a sense of gratitude and fulfilment. "To friends, to success, and to love," he declared, his voice filled with emotion.

As the night wore on, the celebration continued with more stories, laughter, and the joy of being surrounded by loved ones. The bond between Ryuuma and Emi had only grown stronger over the past week, and tonight's celebration was a perfect culmination of their shared journey.

Back at the celebration, Ryuuma's phone buzzed with notifications. Their social media accounts were exploding with new followers, and messages of congratulations poured in. Friends and colleagues who had learned about his true identity as Darien Dragonheart recently were reaching out, shocked and impressed by his success.

"Seems like we can't keep a low profile anymore," Emi joked, glancing at the flood of notifications on Ryuuma's phone.

"Guess not," Ryuuma replied with a chuckle. "But it's all worth it. We've come a long way, and we're just getting started."

Around midnight, the party wound down, and their friends began to leave the house, each offering heartfelt congratulations once more. Ryuuma and Emi stood by the door, thanking everyone for coming and basking in the warm afterglow of their successful celebration.

Once the last guest had departed, the couple returned to the living room, which now bore the pleasant chaos of a well-enjoyed party. They set to work tidying up, chatting amiably as they gathered empty glasses and disposed of crumpled napkins.

As they worked side by side, Emi couldn't help but notice that no one had mentioned Toyama-sensei. It struck her as odd, considering that their friends and colleagues were usually quite thorough in discussing mutual acquaintances. But then she remembered that only she and Ryuuma knew the true nature of their former teacher.

What Emi didn't realize was that Ryuuma had taken measures to ensure that Toyama-sensei's name wouldn't come up. He had subtly prohibited their friends from mentioning the disgraced teacher, wanting to shield Emi from any further distress. He didn't want her to know that Toyama-sensei had been jailed, believing it best for her peace of mind.

"Everyone was so happy for us," Emi said, breaking the comfortable silence as she stacked some plates. "It's been such a great night."

"Yeah, it has," Ryuuma agreed, placing the last of the bottles in the recycling bin. "I'm glad we could share this moment with our friends."

They finished cleaning and stood back to admire their now spotless living room. Exhausted but content, they headed upstairs to their bedroom. They took a bath together, letting the warm water wash away the last remnants of the day's excitement.

As they lay in bed, the events of the night replayed in their minds. Ryuuma turned to Emi, a soft smile on his face. "Good night, Emi-chan."

"Good night, Gatou-kun," she replied, her voice filled with love and contentment.

They fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

DarienDragonheart DarienDragonheart

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