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96% Competent Poseidon / Chapter 21: Ain't no rest for the wicked

Chapter 21: Ain't no rest for the wicked

A/N I added a character-auxiliary chapter. 

Also Jord = Gaia


(3rd Person POV)

In order to understand the history of the Asgardian Thunder God known as Thor, one must first understand the nature of the Asgardian people. Although their true origins are lost to antiquity, the Asgardian people, native to the dimensional realm of Asgard, have spent centuries as slaves to the mysterious being known only as Those Who Sit Above in Shadow. These immensely powerful beings have utilized the Asgardian people to sustain and increase their ever-growing power. Generally, the people of Asgard had long believed Those Who Sit Above to be only myth, the only member of this pantheon who was aware of the full truth was Thor's father Odin, who for untold centuries has attempted to break the hold Those Who Sit Above have had on his people.

This cycle of death and rebirth has since been called Ragnarök, or the Twilight of the Gods. Each cycle. This cycle has appeared to be part of the Celestial Axis of the Zodiacal Procession. Asgard and eight of the Nine Worlds within are linked to the planet Earth in another dimension via the celestial equator. Each Ragnarok cycle has been run roughly every 2160 years. Each new cycle would occur basically the same with varying differences. Thor himself would relive his life over and over, sometimes different in appearance, sometimes different in overall character. His relationships with his fellow gods also varied from cycle to cycle.

Generally speaking, most myths state that the people of Asgard had their beginnings with the birth of the Frost Giant Ymir who rose out of the the frozen waters of the Well of Life many millennia ago. This was followed by the birth of the cow known as Audumbla who was protected and nourished itself from Ymir's body. From this feeding from the ice, Audumbla uncovered the first of the gods, Buri. Buri later married the Frost Giantess as a wife who bore him a number of children. Among these children was Bor, who begat more children with his wife Bestla, among these children was Odin. Odin eventually became the ruler of the realm of Asgard and lorded over its Nine Worlds. Odin, through his wife Frigga, had a single son, Thor, who grew to become the god of thunder and eventually wielded the mystical hammer known as Mjolnir.

But this cycle things were different. In this cycle that we find ourselves in, things are very different.

In this cycle, Odin decided that his son Thor should be born with a direct connection to Earth. In order to facilitate this, Thor sought out the Earth mother Jord, also known as Gaia. Jord gave birth to Thor, and after a few months of weaning, Odin took the boy to Asgard where he was given into the care of his wife Frigga. It was not long after Thor's arrival in Asgard that Odin allowed his father Bor to seemingly perish battling Frost Giants by being turned into snow so that he could rule the kingdom himself. Growing up as a child, Thor often heard tales of his father's various quests. 

But what he didn't tell him, was what happened when his father Odin went to Earth and met Jord in order to convince her to conceive his son. 


- Several centuries ago -

On Earth, inside a secret dimension that was only accessible to a few, a man appeared. It was the dimension belonging to Gaia or Jord, as the northerners called her. The man was tall and powerful. His aura told of many battles and the mystical energy he wielded spoke for his role as a leader of his Pantheon, the Skyfather Odin Borson. Due to his status as All-Father of Asgard, Odin is an extremely prideful deity, demanding respect from all gods and mortals. 

But his power might have also made him a bit arrogant, because only the most foolish or the most powerful would dare to enter Jord's domain like he did. And there weren't many who could even hope to get out of her domain alive like that. So there he stood, looking at Jord, Gaia, the Earth Mother and she looked at him. 

"The All-Father Odin bids thee greeting, Jord Goddess of the Earth. I come to Midgard from high to seek counsel from thee, Primordial.", Odin speaks. 

"Speak, Odin Borson of Asgard. And I shall see whether you may leave alive.", Gaia or Jord says. 

"I seek an heir whose power surpasses Asgard. You are the fertile spirit of Earth, fair Primordial and I of heaven's glory. Were we to join in love ... what majesty might be born of such divine union?", Odin asks. 

"You think highly of yourself, All-Father. But why would I ever care about that? I have more than enough offspring that are strong enough. Even the offspring of my offspring is powerful and continues to impress. So tell me, what can you offer me, for this?", Jord asks. 

Odin thinks for a moment. He didn't see this happening. His missing eye is a testament to the wisdom he gained from Igrdasil. So he thought that a powerful son, born of their union would be within her interest. And yet, here she was wanting something. But what?

"What is it that you seek? What could I, Odin Borson have that you desire? Speak and I might grant it?"

"I do understand within my soul your burning desire for a son whose strength might derive not solely from your own. A son, unlike the gods of Asgard whom you gave form at the beginning of age ... but I also desire something. And if you truly want that son of yours, then you will swear to me that you will grant it."

"What is it?"

"Revenge. Revenge on the one who dared to go against the natural order. The one who stole the souls of my precious children and did the worst of crimes. The one who I can no longer touch on my own. Swear it to me, that you will get revenge for me, and destroy him. If you do that, then you shall have what you seek.", Jord tells Odin. 

Odin thought about her words and finally nodded his head. 

"An easy request. It shall be done, you have the oath of Odin Borson."

"Very well then. Come then, if you find the present guise of Jord most pleasing to your eyes which I as Mother Earth wear ... Embrace me in your arms and I shall give you such a son as time has never known."

And so, a child was conceived ... Thor Odinson.


- Present day -

In the halls of Asgard's throne room, sat Odin, the All-Father, the Skyfatehr, the God King of the Nordic Pantheon. He was in thought and knew that the time had come. The time for paying back debts he owed. 

"Call Njord here now!", Odin demands and the guards immediately leave the halls to fulfil his request. 

Odin was in thought. He knew that doing what Jord asked of him all those centuries ago, would not be easy as he first thought. But that was hardly a problem. On the contrary, he was even a bit excited, that his son Thor, whom he had groomed and prepared for so long, could find some enjoyment in battle soon enough. 

Despite what he said to others, Odin loved battle as much as Thor does now in his youth. But Odin has learned when to fight and when it is better not to.

The best time of attack was now, Odin knew. But he wouldn't go ahead and attack head-on, that would be folly. No, he had other plans and could see the outcome of certain actions. Having observed his target and those around him for years now, he knew that it was best to use the tactic he had prepared. 


The door opened and in walked Njord. He was dressed in his armour and bowed before Odin. 

"You called for me All-Father?", Njord asked. 

"Indeed Njord. There is a crucial task I have for you. Over the centuries, things have started to take a displeasing turn for our Pantheon and it is time to change that.", Odin spoke in his deep authoritarian voice that demanded respect. 

"What displeases you my Lord and I shall change it."

"The Pantheon of Solar Tides has gotten far too strong over the years and has even dared to venture into our territory. I fear that their greed will become too big in the future. Therefore, we will act now and strike them when they least expect it."

"The Pantheon of Solar Tides? That is a big target, All-Father. How may I assist you?"

"Go forth and attack their settlements. Destroy their human settlements, cause chaos and make it seem like it was Poseidon's doing. The anger addressed at him, will keep him busy, for us to strike them at their core and take them out."

"Are you certain that will be enough, All-Father? I stand no chance against Poseidon, from what I have heard and-"

"Do you question my intelligence? You are to capture their attention and grant us a big window for attack. Don't worry, I have more than enough plans to see this through. Do your task, unless ... you don't feel up for the task?"

"Of course not, All-Father. I will do what you asked.", Njord says and bows his head. 

Things were going to be interesting, thought Odin. With a thought, Odin connected to another person, who would prove invaluable in his plans and who he could use as a meat shield. 



- Mount Kailash -

On Mount Kailash, overlooking the world, a single being is meditating. Next to him, a trishula stands. A trident, representing the three aspects of his being, creation, preservation, and destruction. His hair flows in as if it were underwater, despite that not being the case. He has a third eye on his forehead, symbolising his ability to see beyond the physical realm and destroy evil. 

The being with purple skin is deep in meditation. Nothing and no one could ever get him out of this, except very few things. No one knows what the being is meditating on, or for how long. Those things don't matter though. What matters is that he was here at the beginning and would be here to end it all and have things be created anew. 

The being is known under many names. Mahadeva: The Great God, Shankara: The Auspicious One, Rudra: The Howler, a more fearsome form, Maheshwara: The Great Lord and Neelakantha: The Blue-Throated One. 

But he is most commonly known as Shiva. 

Shiva is one of the principal deities in Hinduism and a member of the Trimurti, the holy trinity that includes Brahma and Vishnu. Together they form the most powerful gods on Earth and are very very high up on the Multiversal scale of power. Shiva is known as the "Destroyer" or "Transformer" within the Trimurti, responsible for the destruction necessary for regeneration and renewal. 

Shiva's role as the destroyer is not negative but essential for the cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction. He destroys the universe at the end of each cycle, making way for new creation. He is a complex deity, embodying both compassion and fierceness. He is known to be easily pleased by his devotees and offers boons generously. Conversely, he can be fierce and destructive, particularly in his form as Bhairava. 


As it would have it, the calm of Shiva's meditation was disturbed. Not in a forceful quick way, but it felt as if something wasn't right. In case of danger, if such a thing was even possible, Shiva's senses would warn him and he would awake from his meditation. But this time his senses didn't warn him of danger. Instead, it felt more like something was bothering him like an itch that you couldn't scratch. Being the powerful and old deity that he was, he had never experienced this. 

But it wasn't going away. 

So, after meditating for ages, he finally opened his eyes and what he saw caused him to raise his eyebrow. There in front of him, sits someone, a young god from another Pantheon no less. Shiva finds the situation amusing as he can see, that the young god in front of him is seemingly in very deep meditation and undergoing some kind of process. His body and soul are changing and Shiva can sense something meaningful happening. 

After a moment, the young god, with golden hair, opens his eyes and the two look each other in the eyes. No words are needed to convey what they think. Both are strong enough to transcend the need for words. 

"Greetings, oh Auspicious one, I am Poseidon a neighbour of yours."

"Greetings to you too, Poseidon. Might I inquire about your reason for coming here?"

"Did we not exchange words with our eyes just now? I thought that was the reason for our intense moment."



"Hohohoho ... I see now. You are overflowing with charisma."

"You are not laughing at my joke are you?"

"No. But the situation was amusing nonetheless."


"So will you tell me why you're here?"

"Certainly, I am here to learn how to dance like you ... Nataraja."

"I see. It makes sense after all. We are similar in some ways. Are we not?"



I added some Marvel comic elements here, but that is not important. I will do something that I don't think anyone has ever done in fanfiction about gods. At least to my knowledge.

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