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Chapter 42: Uchiha Itachi’s Secret and Orochimaru’s Confidence

Determined to give Yugao a good talking-to later, Shishou turned back to Orochimaru and began to speak.

"Orochimaru-sama, above the three-tomoe Sharingan exists an even more powerful eye called the Mangekyo Sharingan," Shishou explained. "Each Mangekyo Sharingan possesses unique and extremely powerful abilities."

Orochimaru's eyes gleamed with an unusual light, repeating the name "Mangekyo Sharingan" excitedly. He was determined to obtain a pair of these eyes and use them to avenge his past humiliation.

Then, Orochimaru froze. He remembered that Uchiha Itachi had already annihilated the Uchiha clan. Annihilated... The entire clan was gone.

Realizing that his newfound knowledge led to a dead end, Orochimaru's excitement turned into dejection. Shishou chuckled, knowing exactly why Orochimaru was so disheartened. The fact that Itachi had spared Sasuke was a closely guarded secret in Konoha, unknown even to Orochimaru. This was why Orochimaru had only turned his attention to Sasuke during the Chunin Exams.

"There's no need to be discouraged, Orochimaru-sama," Shishou said, trying to lift Orochimaru's spirits. "Even without the Sharingan, there is another way to defeat Uchiha Itachi."

Orochimaru's eyes lit up as he eagerly asked, "What method?"

Seeing that Orochimaru was hooked, Shishou revealed his ultimate goal.

"Hashirama's cells," Shishou said.

"Hashirama's cells?" Orochimaru echoed, puzzled. He had once conducted experiments with Danzo on Hashirama's cells, but all had ended in failure, leading him to abandon the research.

"Yes, someone has successfully transplanted Hashirama's cells and gained immense power," Shishou continued. "And also..."

Shishou was referring to Uchiha Madara. As for Yamato, he didn't consider him relevant due to his comparatively insignificant power.

"Someone succeeded in transplanting Hashirama's cells?" Orochimaru's eyes shone with a thirst for knowledge, eagerly awaiting Shishou's next words. His curiosity and drive for discovery truly befitted the title of the ninja world's scientist.

"Moreover, your experiments with Danzo were actually a success," Shishou said. "Danzo deceived you."

Orochimaru was stunned. Then, a murderous intent flared up within him, but this time it wasn't directed at Shishou or Yugao.

"Danzo, you dare deceive me?" Orochimaru snarled, swearing vengeance.

Turning back to Shishou, Orochimaru asked, "Tell me, what do you want?"

Shishou, having shared so many secrets, must have had his own demands. Shishou didn't hold back, stating his demands and advice clearly.

"I want the perfect method for transplanting Hashirama's cells," Shishou said. "Your previous experiments couldn't replicate Hashirama's true power. I suggest you take a different approach. Only then can you wield the same power as the First Hokage."

Orochimaru squinted, reassessing Shishou. He hadn't expected Shishou to know so many secrets, leaving him uncertain about how to handle the situation. Orochimaru's desire to capture Shishou was evident, but Shishou's demonstrated abilities and confidence made it clear he wasn't an easy target.

"Orochimaru-sama, that's all I have to say for now," Shishou concluded. "If you want to learn how to evolve the Sharingan into the Mangekyo Sharingan, then provide me with the complete method for transplanting Hashirama's cells."

Hearing that Shishou knew the evolution method for the Mangekyo Sharingan, Orochimaru chuckled. "Then it's a deal."

After exchanging contact information, Shishou took Yugao's hand, ready to leave. Before departing, he looked back at Orochimaru.

"Uchiha Itachi is on his way here," Shishou warned. "He has many tricks up his sleeve. If I were you, I'd avoid direct confrontation, stay out of his Genjutsu range, and use large summonings to keep him at a distance while observing. Once you've identified all his techniques, strike with a killing blow."

With that, Shishou and Yugao disappeared from sight, using the Flying Thunder God technique to leave the area.

"Hehehe, many tricks, huh?" Orochimaru mused. "Now that I know the source of your power, I won't be as helpless against you as before."

Originally planning to abandon the base, Orochimaru decided to stay and await Itachi's arrival after hearing Shishou's warning.

Not long after, Uchiha Itachi, accompanied by Kisame Hoshigaki, arrived at Orochimaru's laboratory. Seeing Orochimaru waiting for them, Itachi prepared for battle.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

Orochimaru wasted no time and followed Shishou's advice, summoning massive snakes to block Itachi and Kisame's path. Two enormous serpents, each three meters thick and several meters long, appeared before them.

Itachi, with his red-painted nails and the ring bearing the kanji for "Vermilion Bird," was taken aback by Orochimaru's immediate aggression. He quickly retreated, knowing he couldn't use his Genjutsu from such a distance.

Orochimaru's summoned snakes lunged at Itachi and Kisame with open jaws. Orochimaru wasn't idle either, determined to follow Shishou's strategy.

"Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes!"

Opening his mouth, Orochimaru unleashed countless venomous snakes that surged towards Itachi and Kisame.

Meanwhile, Shishou, along with Mikoto and the others, was watching the battle from a mountaintop. Observing the clash between these powerful ninjas was a rare opportunity.

Witnessing the fight between Itachi and Orochimaru would help the girls develop a proper worldview and understanding of strength.

Uchiha Mikoto was the most excited, her Sharingan glowing even more intensely. She had tried several times to rush down and confront Itachi, only to be stopped by Shishou.

With her current strength, confronting Itachi would be suicide.

Tired of repeatedly stopping her, Shishou finally resorted to tying her securely to a post.

Next to her was Uchiha Izumi, who looked at her former crush, now a mortal enemy, with a complex mix of emotions. Quietly, she knelt beside Shishou, watching the battlefield intently.

Yugao was the most excited, having learned so many secrets of the ninja world and now witnessing a legendary battle. The fight between the S-class rogue ninja who massacred the Uchiha clan and one of the legendary Sannin was thrilling.

If not for Shishou's instructions to stay by Mikoto's side, she would have rushed to the front lines to watch.

Erina Uzumaki wasn't as interested in the battle, content to sit on a mat, serving Shishou food.

As for Karin, Shishou had not brought her along. The Flying Thunder God technique was already straining with four people, and at seven years old, Karin wasn't suited to witnessing such battles.

After eating a banana handed to him by Erina, Shishou focused on the battle at the foot of the mountain.

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