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Chapter 32 - Date 1

The next day from the fiasco where his mother kept crying for finally getting more girls and accepting their feelings. He finds it both stressful and rewarding that his one was fortunate to have multiple women falling for him.

Izuku donned a crisp green button-up shirt, the fabric tailored to fit his form perfectly. The shirt was neatly tucked into his dark trousers, the sharp creases running down the legs.

On his feet, he wore a pair of vibrant red shoes, their polished surfaces gleaming under the light, adding a bold splash of color to his otherwise understated ensemble.

"Hope I wasn't late."

Turning his head to find Itsuka wearing a light green blouse and dark leather jacket with blue jeans and white sneakers. The most striking thing is her hair was down instead of her usual side ponytail that increased her appeal.

"Nah, you arrive just in time. Also looks amazing in you especially when you let your hair down. Why won't you let it stay this way?"

"Well, I don't want others to see it besides you."

"Ha! I guess I'm lucky to see beauty every day."

Izuku smoothly complimented that made Itsuka skip a beat as he held out his head.

"Hold my hands, I don't want to get separated from you."

Itsuka smiled, taking his hands as they went to have their date. They went to play some arcade games winning a few prizes then tried the dancing machine.

"You know I don't know how to dance right, Izu?"

"Does that matter? Just dance and everything will be fine knowing whatever you do is already perfect."

"You know, you've gotten better at flirting. Did something happen?"

"Well, I may or may not have studied the whole day about dating tips."

Izuku chuckled, slightly blushing after knowing how dense he was and took the time to learn things. He is still a bit dense but not enough to ignore advances to him.

"Hahaha is that so? You don't need to be embarrassed and I do enjoy your cheeky flirts. I'll give you 5 out 10."

"Ah? I expected lower but I'll take it! Now let's dance!"

The two disregard the surroundings and dance at the machine only listening to the rhyme ignoring the purpose of the game. They were laughing at their action but kept going until the game ended.

They went to their next destination which was at a nearby mountain looking at the sun setting as the two were boxes of pizza. Itsuka leaned on his shoulder silently enjoying their moment together.

"This place looks remarkable…thank you for bringing me here."

Itsuka leaned for a kiss as both passionately shared the moment witnessing the sun slowly set. Izuku smiled hearing her words and felt glad he didn't screw up by picking up a horrible place for a first date.


Izuku Midoriya stood in front of the movie theater, checking his watch for the third time in as many minutes. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing in his ears like a drum. It wasn't like him to be this nervous.

"Relax, Izuku. It's just a date," he muttered to himself, trying to calm the butterflies swarming in his stomach. But this wasn't just any date. Just as he was about to check his watch again, he heard a familiar, confident voice.

"Oi, Deku! You waiting all day or what?"

Izuku looked up to see Katsumi striding toward him, her messy ash blonde hair and red eyes sparkling with their usual intensity. She wore a simple but stylish outfit: a black leather jacket over a white tee, ripped jeans, and combat boots. She looked amazing.

"Hey, Kacchan," Izuku greeted, using her childhood nickname.

"You look great." Katsumi smirked, crossing her arms.

"Damn right, I do. You ready to watch some action?"

"Yeah, absolutely," Izuku replied, matching her grin with one of his own.

"Let's go."

They headed into the theater, the smell of popcorn and the hum of excited chatter filling the air. Izuku bought the tickets, while Katsumi insisted on getting the snacks.

"You can get dinner," she said, handing him a large bucket of popcorn and a couple of sodas.

"Hotpot, right?"

"Yeah, hotpot sounds perfect," Izuku agreed, following her into the theater.

The movie was a high-octane action film, full of explosions, daring stunts, and heroic battles. Katsumi was completely engrossed, her eyes fixed on the screen as she munched on popcorn. Izuku found himself glancing at her more often than at the movie. The way her eyes lit up during the fight scenes, the little smirk that tugged at her lips whenever the hero triumphed—it was mesmerizing.

As the credits rolled, Katsumi stretched and turned to him with a satisfied grin.

"That was awesome! What did you think, Deku?"

"It was great," Izuku replied, genuinely enthusiastic.

"The fight choreography was incredible."

"Yeah, it was," she agreed, standing up and grabbing their empty popcorn bucket.

"Alright, let's get some spicy hotpot. I'm starving."

They left the theater and walked to a nearby restaurant known for its hotpot. The warm, inviting aroma greeted them as they stepped inside. A friendly hostess led them to a cozy booth, and soon they were seated with a bubbling pot of broth in front of them, surrounded by plates of fresh vegetables, thinly sliced meats, and various dipping sauces.

Katsumi took charge, adding ingredients to the pot with practiced ease.

"You gotta know the right order to put stuff in," she explained, dropping in the meat first.

"It's all about timing." Izuku watched her with admiration, appreciating her confidence and skill.

"You really know what you're doing."

"Damn right, I do," she replied, smirking at him.

"You're lucky to have me as your guide."

"I am," he said, meeting her gaze. "I really am."

For a moment, they just looked at each other, the bubbling broth providing a comforting background sound. Then Katsumi broke the silence, her tone surprisingly gentle.

"You know, Deku, I haven't said this but I'm really glad you became stronger." Izuku felt his face heat up at her words.

"Thanks, Kacchan. That means a lot, coming from you."

"Don't get all sappy on me now," she said, but her smile took the sting out of her words.

"Eat up before the meat gets overcooked."

They ate in comfortable silence for a while, savoring the rich flavors and the warmth of the hotpot. Izuku couldn't help but think how perfect the night had been so far. The movie, the dinner, and most importantly, Katsumi's company—it all felt right.

As they finished their meal, Katsumi leaned back with a satisfied sigh.

"That hit the spot. We should do this again sometime."

"Definitely," Izuku agreed, his heart swelling with happiness.

"I'd love that." Katsumi's eyes softened as she looked at him.

"Me too, Deku. Me too."

As they left the restaurant and walked out into the cool night air, Izuku felt a sense of contentment wash over him. He reached out and took Katsumi's hand, intertwining their fingers. She glanced at him, surprised at first, but then her expression softened, and she squeezed his hand in return.

"Let's go home," she said, her voice warm and full of promise.

Izuku nodded, a smile spreading across his face.

"Yeah, let's go home."


Izuku Midoriya sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his reflection in the mirror. He adjusted the collar of his shirt. Today was a special day. He was going on a date with Mizuna, his adopted sister, and he wanted everything to be perfect. He heard a soft knock on his door.

"Izuku, are you ready?" Mizuna's voice called, tinged with her usual seriousness.

"Yeah, just a second!" he replied, taking a deep breath before opening the door.

Mizuna stood there, dressed in a simple yet elegant outfit: a pale green dress that complemented her hair, with a light sweater draped over her shoulders. She looked up at him, her expression as composed as ever, but Izuku could see a hint of nervousness in her eyes.

"You look great, Mizuna," he said, offering her a warm smile.

She nodded, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

"Thank you, Izuku. You look nice too."

They left the house together, walking side by side down the familiar streets of their neighborhood. Their destination was a small café that Mizuna had mentioned wanting to try.

As they walked, Izuku couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had planned this date carefully, hoping to give Mizuna a day where she could relax and enjoy herself.

The café was charming, with a cozy interior and a menu full of delicious pastries and drinks. They found a table by the window, and Izuku ordered a selection of Mizuna's favorite treats: a strawberry shortcake, matcha-flavored pastries, and a pot of chamomile tea.

As they waited for their order, Mizuna's serious expression softened slightly.

"I've been looking forward to this, you know."

"I'm glad," Izuku replied, reaching across the table to gently squeeze her hand.

"You deserve to be pampered sometimes." Mizuna's blush deepened, but she didn't pull away.

"Thank you, Izuku. It means a lot."

Their order arrived, and they spent the next hour enjoying the delicious treats and talking about everything from their hero training to their favorite books. Izuku loved seeing Mizuna's eyes light up as she talked about the things she loves, and he made sure to give her plenty of compliments and encouragement.

After the café, they took a leisurely walk through a nearby park. The afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the lush greenery, and they found a quiet spot by a small pond. They sat on a bench, watching the ducks glide across the water.

Mizuna leaned her head on Izuku's shoulder, letting out a content sigh.

"This is nice. Peaceful." Izuku wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close.

"It is. I'm glad you're enjoying today."

"I am," she said, her voice soft.

"Sometimes, I forget to take a break and just enjoy moments like this."

"That's why I'm here," Izuku said gently.

"To remind you to take it easy sometimes. You're always working so hard, Mizuna. You deserve to relax." Mizuna looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with gratitude.

"You're always looking out for me, Izuku. Thank you."

"Always," he replied, smiling down at her.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the park, they made their way back home. The day had been perfect, and Izuku could see the change in Mizuna's demeanor. She seemed lighter, more at ease.

Back at the house, Mizuna paused at her bedroom door, turning to face Izuku.

"Today was wonderful. I really needed this."

"I'm glad," he said, giving her a warm smile.

"Anytime you need to unwind, just let me know. I'll always be here for you." Mizuna stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him in a rare hug.

"Thank you, Izuku. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Mizuna," he replied, hugging her back.


Izuku Midoriya paced back and forth in front of the amusement park entrance, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. It wasn't his first date, but it was his first with Camie Utsushimi, the bubbly and unpredictable girl. She had suggested the amusement park, and Izuku had agreed, eager to spend the day with her in a fun and lively setting.

Just as he checked his watch for the third time, a cheerful voice called out to him.

"Hey, Midoriya!"

Izuku turned to see Camie approaching, a wide smile on her face. She wore a cute sundress, her long light blonde hair flowing freely in the breeze. She looked effortlessly radiant, and Izuku felt his heart skip a beat.

"Hi, Camie," he greeted, returning her smile.

"You look amazing."

"Thanks, you too!" she replied, giving him a playful wink.

"Ready for some fun?"

"Definitely," Izuku said, feeling his nerves melt away in the warmth of her enthusiasm.

They entered the park, the sounds of laughter, music, and the distant screams of thrill-seekers creating an exciting atmosphere. Camie grabbed Izuku's hand and pulled him toward the nearest ride, a roller coaster that twisted and turned high above them. Normally he would be scared because of motion sickness but Izuku learned to seal this magic temporarily and remove it when he needed it.

"Let's start with something exhilarating!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Izuku couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, let's do it."

The roller coaster was a whirlwind of adrenaline, and by the time they got off, both of them were breathless and laughing. Camie's carefree spirit was infectious, and Izuku found himself relaxing and enjoying the moment.

They spent the day exploring the park, trying out various rides, and indulging in carnival games. Camie managed to win a large stuffed bear at one of the booths, proudly handing it to Izuku.

"For you, hero boy," she said with a wink.

Izuku blushed but accepted the gift with a grin. "Thanks, Camie. I'll treasure it."

As the sun began to set, they found themselves near the Ferris wheel. Camie's eyes lit up as she pointed to it.

"Let's go on that next. It'll be a perfect way to end the day."

They climbed into a carriage, and as it slowly ascended, they were treated to a breathtaking view of the park and the surrounding city bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. Camie leaned against the window, her usual playful demeanor replaced by a rare moment of quiet reflection.

"This is beautiful," she said softly.

"It really is." Izuku agreed, his eyes on her more than the view outside. There was something about the way the light played on her features that made the moment feel almost magical. Camie turned to him, her expression unusually serious.

"You know, Midoriya, I really had a great time today. I'm glad I'm spending it with you." Izuku felt his face heat up.

"Thanks, Camie. I had a great time too. You make everything feel so… alive." She laughed, a soft, melodic sound.

"That's sweet. But seriously, you've got something special, and I like being around that."

Before Izuku could respond, the Ferris wheel stopped at the top, giving them a perfect view of the sunset. Camie moved closer to him, her shoulder brushing against his.

"This is our moment," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the gentle breeze. Izuku's heart pounded in his chest.

"Yeah, it is."

They sat in comfortable silence, watching the sun dip below the horizon. As the sky turned shades of pink and purple, Camie reached out and took Izuku's hand, her fingers intertwining with his.

"You know," she said, her voice soft,

"I think this might be one of the best days I've had in a long time." Izuku squeezed her hand gently.

"Me too, Camie. Me too."

When the Ferris wheel finally descended, they walked out of the park hand in hand, the magic of the moment lingering in the air around them. Camie's usual playful demeanor returned as they made their way to the exit, but there was a new warmth in her eyes when she looked at Izuku.

"Thanks for today, Midoriya," she said, giving him a quick hug.

"Let's do this again sometime, yeah?"

"Definitely," Izuku replied, his smile matching hers.

"I'd love that."

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