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Chapter 33 - Date 2

Izuku Midoriya stood at the edge of the park, shifting his weight nervously from one foot to the other. He was going on a date with Himiko Toga, a girl he had known for a while but had only recently grown closer to.

Unlike her counterpart in another world, this Himiko was kind-hearted and genuine, without a trace of the insanity that plagued her other self. But can be crazy and would kill anyone who hurt her beloved Izuku.

He spotted her approaching, her blonde hair tied up in twin buns and a cheerful smile on her face. She wore a cute floral dress that fluttered in the gentle breeze, making her look even more radiant. Izuku's heart skipped a beat as she came closer.

"Hey, Izuku!" she called out, waving energetically.

"Hi, Himiko," he replied, returning her smile.

"You look amazing."

"Thank you! You look pretty handsome yourself," she said with a playful wink.

They walked into the park together, the sounds of children playing and birds singing creating a serene atmosphere. Izuku had planned a simple but heartfelt date, starting with a visit to a small botanical garden within the park.

As they wandered through the garden, admiring the vibrant flowers and lush greenery, Himiko slipped her hand into his. Izuku felt a pleasant warmth spread through him at her touch.

"I love this place," Himiko said, her eyes sparkling with delight.

"It's so peaceful and beautiful."

"Yeah, it is," Izuku agreed, squeezing her hand gently.

"I thought you'd like it." Himiko turned to him, her expression softening.

"You always know how to make me happy, Izuku."

They continued their stroll, stopping occasionally to take pictures of the flowers or simply enjoy each other's company.

After exploring the garden, they found a cozy spot under a large oak tree and sat down on a picnic blanket Izuku had brought. He unpacked a basket filled with sandwiches, fruit, and homemade pastries.

"You made all this?" Himiko asked, her eyes wide with admiration.

"Yeah," Izuku said, a bit shyly.

"I wanted to make something special for you." Himiko beamed at him, her smile lighting up her face.

"You're amazing, Izuku. Thank you."

They ate their picnic lunch, chatting and laughing about everything from school to their favorite heroes. Izuku loved the way Himiko's eyes lit up when she talked about her dreams and passions. She had a vibrant energy that was contagious, making him feel more alive and hopeful.

After lunch, they decided to rent a paddleboat and take a leisurely ride on the park's small lake. The reason why he is not having motion sickness is that he sealed his fire dragon magic temporarily.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the water. As they paddled, Himiko leaned back and closed her eyes, a content smile on her lips.

"This is perfect," she said softly.

"I wish everyday could be like this." Izuku watched her, his heart swelling with affection.

"Me too, Himiko."

They floated in comfortable silence for a while, the gentle rocking of the boat and the sound of the water lapping against its sides creating a soothing rhythm. Himiko opened her eyes and looked at Izuku, her gaze intense yet tender.

"Izuku," she began, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I want you to know how much you mean to me. You've always been there for me, even when things were tough. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Izuku reached out and took her hand, his thumb gently tracing circles on her skin.

"You mean a lot to me too, Himiko. I'm so glad we found each other."

They shared a quiet moment, the world around them fading into the background. It was just the two of them, connected by a bond that felt unbreakable.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, they paddled back to the shore. They returned the boat and walked back through the park, the fading light casting long shadows on the path.

"I had a wonderful time today, Izuku," Himiko said as they reached the park's entrance.

"Thank you for everything."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Izuku replied. Himiko stepped closer and wrapped her arms around him in a warm hug then a kiss.

"Let's do this again soon, okay?"

"Definitely," Izuku said, hugging her back.

"I'd love that."

The next day, Izuku Midoriya found himself in a clothing store that catered specifically to fans of rock music. The place was filled with racks of leather jackets, studded belts, and band t-shirts. It was a stark contrast to his usual attire, and he felt a bit out of place.

He glanced over at Jiro, who was already immersed in her element. She wore a sleeveless violet shirt, ripped jeans, and boots that added a touch of edge to her look. Her enthusiasm was mesmerizing, and Izuku couldn't help but find it adorable.

"Umm, Jiro, what are we doing here?" Izuku asked, a bit bewildered. Jiro flashed him a grin that was both mischievous and enthusiastic.

"We're updating your look, Izuku. There's no better place than here!"

Before he could protest, she grabbed his arm and pulled him deeper into the store. Izuku found himself surrounded by an overwhelming selection of leather goods and rock-inspired apparel. He was completely out of his element.

"Okay, take this and this. Oh, and this is really cool!" Jiro exclaimed, rapidly piling clothes into Izuku's arms until he could barely see over the stack. She pushed him toward the dressing room, her excitement contagious.

"Try these on, and we'll see what works," she said, practically shoving him into the dressing room.

Izuku dropped the massive pile of clothes on the bench and picked an outfit at random. He tried on a pair of black jeans with frayed hems and a red t-shirt emblazoned with twin guitars. He added fingerless gloves to complete the look and stepped out of the dressing room.

"How's this?" he asked, feeling a bit self-conscious. Jiro looked him over, her critical eye missing nothing.

"Nah, I'm not feeling it. Next."

Izuku shut the curtain and tried on another outfit: a leather jacket with studs on the shoulders, a black t-shirt, and blue jeans. He stepped out again, hoping for a better reaction. Jiro shook her head.


This process repeated a few more times until Izuku emerged wearing a white shirt under a leather jacket, ripped jeans, and boots with spikes on the toes. Jiro looked him over, her finger tapping her chin thoughtfully. She grabbed the shirt from a previous outfit and the gloves from another, combining them with his current look.

"I think we have a winner," she said with a satisfied smile. She reached out to his messy hair, ruffling it playfully.

"You should grow your hair out." Izuku blushed under her scrutiny.

"Jiro, is there something wrong?" She shook her head, her eyes softening.

"No, nothing's wrong. Come on, get dressed, and I'll pay for these. Then we can go to the next place."

After changing back into his clothes, Izuku joined Jiro at the register.

"Jiro, I could have paid for those," he insisted.

"Nope, I wanted to buy them for you, so I did. Don't read so much into it. Now, come on," she said, handing him the bag of clothes before leading him to another store in the mall.

This store was more familiar territory for Izuku—a music store filled with instruments of all kinds. Izuku's eyes widened as he took in the selection, from saxophones to drums.

"This reminds me of our stay at I-Island. You know, you still haven't taught me how to play," he said.

"That's why I brought you here!" Jiro replied.

"The instruments at I-Island were unique, but here, you can actually use them." She led him to a soundproof room at the back of the store.

"Here we can test out the instruments, and you don't have to worry about anyone hearing how bad you may play." Izuku felt a wave of relief.

"Okay, I'll give it a try. I've always wanted to learn to play an instrument." He sat down in a chair, and Jiro placed a guitar in his lap.

"That's the spirit. It's not as hard as it looks, I promise." She positioned his hands on the guitar, her fingers guiding his. Her face was inches from his, and Izuku could feel her breath on his cheek.

"Now, repeat after me," she said, her voice soft and encouraging.

With Jiro's guidance, Izuku began to strum a few notes. Thanks to his quick learning abilities, he picked it up faster than he expected.

"Amazing! You're a fast learner," Jiro said, smiling brightly. Izuku chuckled.

"Maybe I'll write you a love song or something."

Jiro's laughter stopped abruptly. She looked at him, her eyes wide and her face turning red.


"Yeah, why wouldn't I? You're my girlfriend, and you love music. I figured it'd be something nice I could do for you. Should I not?" Izuku asked, tilting his head in confusion.

Jiro crossed her arms and looked away, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"D-do what you want. I just wanted to share something with you." Izuku stood up and gently placed his hand on her head, ruffling her hair softly.

"You know it's okay to ask me for stuff, Jiro. I'm yours, remember? I'd do anything for you." She vibrated against his chest, her voice a whisper.

"P-please make a love song for me."

"One love song for my girlfriend coming up," Izuku said, smiling as he sat back down with the guitar. It only took a few minutes for him to compose a simple yet heartfelt tune.

Jiro listened intently as Izuku played and sang the love song he had just created. Each word made her heart race, and she felt a deep warmth spreading through her chest.

"...Done. Hope you like it," Izuku said, looking at her with a hopeful smile. Jiro blushed as she stepped closer to Izuku.

"I don't like it. I love it!" she exclaimed before kissing him.

Izuku wrapped his arms around her, pouring his own feelings into the kiss. When they finally pulled back, both were breathless. Jiro looked up at him through her lashes, her face still flushed.

"Thank you, Izuku. That was perfect," she whispered. Izuku smiled, his heart full.

"Anything for you, Jiro. Always."

After the excitement of his date with Jiro, Izuku Midoriya found himself preparing for a different kind of outing, this time with Momo Yaoyorozu. Momo, who had grown up in luxury, wanted to experience something simple and ordinary. Izuku was determined to give her just that.

He decided on a plan that involved a picnic at a local park, followed by a walk through a nearby market. It was a humble idea, but Izuku hoped it would give Momo a taste of everyday life.

When he arrived at Momo's house to pick her up, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. The grandeur of her family estate was intimidating, but Momo greeted him warmly, dressed in a casual yet elegant outfit of a white blouse and a flowing skirt. She looked radiant, her excitement palpable.

"Hi, Izuku! I'm so looking forward to today," Momo said, her smile bright and genuine.

"Hi, Momo! I'm really glad you're excited. I've got everything planned out. Ready to go?" Izuku replied, returning her smile.

"Absolutely!" she exclaimed, taking his offered hand.

They made their way to the park, the weather perfect for a picnic. Izuku had prepared a simple yet delicious lunch: sandwiches, fruit, and some homemade pastries. They found a quiet spot under a large tree and spread out the picnic blanket.

"This is wonderful, Izuku," Momo said as she looked around.

"It's so peaceful here."

"I thought you'd like it," Izuku said, feeling a bit more at ease.

"Sometimes the simplest things can be the most enjoyable."

They sat down and began to eat, chatting about their classes, their friends, and their dreams. Momo's eyes sparkled with interest as she listened to Izuku talk about his training and aspirations as a hero. In turn, Izuku found himself fascinated by Momo's insights and her own goals.

"This food is delicious," Momo remarked, taking a bite of a pastry.

"Did you make these yourself?"

"Yeah, I did," Izuku said, blushing slightly.

"I wanted to make something special for today."

"You're very talented, Izuku," Momo said warmly.

"Thank you for putting so much effort into this."

After finishing their meal, they packed up and took a leisurely stroll through the park. They watched children playing, couples walking hand in hand, and people enjoying the simple pleasures of a sunny day. Momo seemed to take everything in with a sense of wonder.

"This is exactly what I wanted, Izuku," she said softly.

"Thank you, Izu-kun."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it," Izuku replied.

Their next stop was a bustling market nearby. The narrow streets were lined with stalls selling everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts. The air was filled with the enticing aromas of street food and the lively sounds of vendors calling out their wares.

Momo's eyes widened in delight as they wandered through the market. She stopped at various stalls, admiring the colorful displays and chatting with the vendors. Izuku watched her with a smile, enjoying her enthusiasm.

"Look at these," Momo said, pointing to a stall filled with handcrafted jewelry.

"They're beautiful."

"Do you want to get something?" Izuku asked.Momo hesitated, then shook her head.

"No, I'm just happy to look. It's nice to see how much care and skill goes into making these."

They continued exploring the market, trying samples of different foods and enjoying the vibrant atmosphere. Izuku felt a sense of contentment, seeing Momo so happy and relaxed.

As the afternoon turned to evening, they decided to head back. On their way, they passed a small ice cream stand, and Izuku couldn't resist the idea of a sweet treat to end the day.

"How about some ice cream?" he suggested.

"That sounds perfect." Momo agreed, her eyes lighting up.

They each got a cone and sat on a bench to enjoy their treat. The setting sun cast a warm glow over the park, adding a touch of magic to the moment.

"This has been a perfect day, Izuku," Momo said, her voice filled with gratitude.

"Thank you for showing me something so special."

"I'm really glad you enjoyed it, Momo," Izuku said, feeling a warm sense of accomplishment.

"Sometimes it's the simple things that mean the most."

Momo leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, causing him to blush furiously.

"You've given me a memory I'll always cherish," she whispered. Izuku smiled, his heart swelling with affection.

"I'll always be here to share these moments with you, Momo."

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