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Chapter 10:The Artist part 2!!


Regveg here: Patreon is Regveg3000!

Hope you enjoy!!


Waves parted as a black blur raced across the ocean, sending water and fish alike in the air, wind was expelled from the darting figures already retreating back.

Kazuki's mind raced as he thought about what he was going to face when he reached the island the large man came from and the situation he left on the pier.

He knew that doing this wasn't to be a hero nor to rescue that man's child, no rage was clouding his judgment but he couldn't help it when he heard about the island burning and people being killed left and right.

Due to his daily meditation and insights into himself his fluctuating emotions were usually always in his control now, he hasn't had a outburst or a feeling of indifference towards things in a long time.

He now felt whole and at peace with himself and who he was as a person, taking certain quirks from his sensei's helped him a ton in molding demeanor and personality.

He was now calm and humorous towards the dangerous he felt that he has now and will have to face in the future.

But now his anger was on fire as the image of the man in white basically killing him, appeared in his mind with the same echoing laughter that he hated with a passion.

White flames started flickering the outline of his body and his green eyes gave off a slight glow.

'I hate that laugh.' Kazuki thought as a snarl sprung on his face, wind and water parted alike as he started to move even faster in a blur of speed, that bewildered the sea life below.

His goal in going out to sea wasn't for revenge and he was past that part of himself that wanted to waste his life away in pursuit of a man he cared nothing for, but if he saw him or just had a general idea of where he was…

He would kill him as slow as possible just to savor the satisfaction he knows he will feel if they did ever encounter again.

A black blur continued to cross the ocean, parting it as Kazuki headed towards the burning island in the distance surrounded by pirate vessels.

In his hast Kakuki didn't notice a large shadow below him with bright orange eyes, getting attracted to his parting figure above the split sea. It then started to follow him with immense speed, keeping some distance away.


Peinto regretted staying behind now, as he hid behind a large tree covered in a blanket of leaves to hide his injured figure. He was holding his bleeding leg, trying to stop the yell of pain that wanted shoot out of him.

'Useless fucking powers!' Peinto screamed in his mind as he ducked his head into the leaves hearing loud footsteps cross nearby.

"Where the fuck is he!"

"Useless shit, I told you to aim for the head!"

"But everyone was shooting, not just me captain Lincole?!"

Peinto heard the conversation that was happening a couple feet away from him. He peeked through the leaves so he could see the one who was being called captain and saw that it was the man who was chasing him earlier.

The man was short and obese but his arms were insanely large and defined in muscle, he was bald but had a faint mustache. He wore a black coat, pants and shirt with dark red boots.

Panic settled in him as he saw the man, during the fight against him it was revealed that the man was a devil user and he was far too powerful for Peinto to handle.

He was overwhelmed and beaten to the ground from the strange power the man had, when he first tried attacking Lincole, he just looked at him with spite before snapped his fingers and then peinto was suddenly in the sky, high above the trees.

He then started falling to the hard earth below, thinking this was his death he closed his eyes and waited.

Luckily his ability allowed him to survive the fall, he didn't know what it was exactly yet but if he could catch a breath he would analyze everything so far.

But for now he could phase through the ground before popping up somewhere else among other things.

He thought that when eating a devil fruit, that the know how for his power would just come to him, but he was proven wrong. He didn't know what it was that the nasty fruit granted him.

All he felt was a tingle in his neck whenever he got near the ground, he couldn't just do it on command, that's how he got shot earlier.

"Spread out and find him, it can't be to hard after all he's a new born devil and injured. I want him alive for now, for stealing my fruit, I'm going to peel everything off of him till death comes Duhaduhaha."

Peinto was angry and frightened as he seethed at what the man said, his fruit! It was never his to began with, he found it not them!

'Fucking pirates!' Peinto raged in thought as he clinched his fist tight to stop himself from making any noise, if he could just get somewhere hidden then he…

Suddenly his vision darkened before he suddenly found himself submerged in dirt and rocks but it all felt smooth?

This was his power activating, first he feels a tingle than it feels like everything around him was made up of water?

And when going into the ground it felt like he was going inside a smooth tube that was transferring him from A to B, teleportation maybe? Wait no thats not how his power was working, as it wouldn't explain everything else he's been doing since he ate it.

After eating the fruit he was immediately attacked by pirates from all sides, but every attack was just going through him like he was a ghost or an image.

This scared a lot of pirates away but some older ones seem to just back off a little muttering the words, new born in a patient tone, like if they just had to wait then act.

Which they then did when he got a little too cocky fighting back and then suddenly his phasing ability just stopped working how it was before, coming out in spurts that prevented him from being impaled.

This forced him to flee, running around the island and hiding or sneak attacking when he had the opportunity's.

Peinto leaned against the wet cave and just let himself fall into a silence only hearing the droplets of water and soft vibrations over his head.

He wondered if he was in a underground cave judging from the details around him, hopefully it doesn't cave in, not that it mattered at this point if he was honest with himself.

He was going to die, he knew that when he didn't get on the boat with his dad but he had no fear of death anyway.

No what brought back the rage and anger that was swelling in his heart was that he would die a worthless death, if he could he would bring this whole island down with him if it meant every single pirate was going to die also.

But he couldn't with this power the fruit granted him, if there wa-


Suddenly explosions thundered from above sending giant rocks down from the collapsing cave at him, Peinto shutting his eyes quickly felt his powers activate before he was crushed.

A hot breeze hit his face as he opened his eyes finding himself not far from the spot he was hidden in before, he quickly hid himself among the trees foliage before hearing another explosion far from him.


"Run quickly towards the coast the three captains are fighting someone!" A yell rang out not far from Peinto who looked and saw a group of pirates hacking away to get through the dense trees.

'Theirs someone else here and there fighting all those powerful captains?' Peinto thought bewildered as he trailed the pirates from behind while staying out of sight.

Peinto watched as the pirates reached a cliff and was confused when they just started shaking, going around them he quickly climbed a tree and peered out into the distance to see the fight that shook the pirates.


Lincole grounded his teeth together, standing on his ship he was staring at the other two pirate captains who came along side him to raid this island for its devil fruit.

"How did you mess this up, all that needed to be done was to get the fruit and destroy the island, we should have just followed my plan" A tall bulky man in green pirate attire said with a laugh, he was a no named pirate captain with twenty crew members and was hoping to make waves after getting the fruit.

He wanted a power just like Lincole's but because of the deal he made with the other two he wouldn't be able to eat it, unless…

Veins throbbed on Lincole's head, "It was your man, Brattle that started blasting the island before we could even land to find the fruit!" He roared in anger, this was there fault that the fruit was now lost forever.

"Hohoho calm down a little, as long as we have the boy who ate it, we can sell him away as a slave and earn millions of berry." A tall, thin light skinned men in a purple suit said as he tilted his purple top hat.

He was Jasber the last captain apart of there short alliance, he was a new pirate captain, with fifty men on his crew and had a devil fruit that was terrifying.

Lincole settled his rage hearing the man's words and just frowned, turning to towards the island, causing the other two to look at him with equal frowns.

"Lincole where is he!" Brattle said stepping closer too him, causing Lincole to scowl at him for even trying to intimidate him.

"How da-." Lincole was stopped from yelling at Brattle when suddenly one of his crew members screamed out from the birds nest.

"SOMETHING'S COMING!" The pirate yelled out, shakes were coming from his body as he held the binoculars towards his eyes.

The yell drew everyone's attention causing the crew on board and captains too look out towards the phenomenon happening far out sea.

The ocean was parting as a blurred figure covered in white flames raced across the sea heading towards the island they were raiding.

Lincole blinked at the sight of the figure and clutched his hands in apprehension, he didn't know what it was but he felt the need to prepare for a fight.


To be continued…

reginaldveg22 reginaldveg22

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