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Chapter 9: The artists part 1!


Regveg here: Patreon is Regveg3000 please subscribe if you want to support the story and want faster releases!!

Hope you enjoy!!


Kazuki watched from a window as a magic show was happening outside, he was inside a clothing store waiting for Bloom to stop shopping.

They made it too the island in the afternoon and were able too exchange their loot for berri, after which Bloom proceeded too drag him to different stores and buy a shit ton of things.

He now had three giant bags next to him filled to the brim with clothes and and things Bloom said were necessary too sail out to sea.

'These things will definitely will not fit on the ship.' Kazuki thought with amusement, he leaned his shelled back against the giant sacks and started pondering his choices since coming back.

He felt confident in his strength, abilities and mindset despite being thrown right into combat as soon as he came to his original world.

Though combat was stretching it when fighting Rufus and his crew, all he had to do is throw some Kiai around and he defeated them easily.

Especially now that he knew about the weakness of devil fruits, he wasn't arrogant but he knew his strength was great, but even that thought made his shoulders drop.

His KI control was terrible since he had trouble bringing it up fast, and molding, it just felt heavy. Kuri-sensei said that as long as he continued to train and fight, he would find control soon so…

He decided to just go with the flow, even just being a pirate was on a whelm, letting opportunities come to him rather than too try an force it was going to be his approach to the vast sea.

After all appearing below just the sea was luck and him being below Bloom's boat was even luckier. Hopefully his luck continues to be rolling green.

'Hmm I'm a pirate now fhafhaha? Ka-sensei told be about all the adventures he went on as a kid, and how he ended up becoming a pirate in one of them. So they definitely wouldn't disapprove of my decision.' Kazuki thought as a smile appeared on his face.

Bloom walked over dragging a sack with her as her with a giant smile on her face as well, she now wore a red shirt, white pants, grey boots and a long white open scientist jacket on her shoulders.

"Kazuki what a haul, we got everything we need to sail the sea!" Bloom said with enthusiasm as she stood in front of kazuki dumping the bag next to her.

Kazuki smiling shook his head, "You know all this won't fit on the boat right?" Kazuki said looking at the giant bags surrounding them.

Bloom scoffed and gave him an unimpressed stare. "Please you obviously have a storage space or something in that shell of yours."

Kazuki chuckled, "Yeah it has that functionality and a couple others too." He said patting the purple shell on his back.

Bloom was now intrigued, "What kind of technically did your sensei's use to make that?" She asked stepping closer too look at it.

"No tech, it was made with magic." Kazuki said as he turned to look back outside, at the magic show about to end as the main female magician was doing her finale act.

Bloom stomped her foot in the as she glared at Kazuki. "Fine you don't have to lie to keep it a secret, whatever I'll figure it out sooner later." She huffed then turned walking away from Kazuki.

Kazuki scratched in confusion watching Blooms departing back, he shrugged his shoulders before walking towards each bag and tapping them before suddenly snapping his fingers.


Suddenly all four giant bags disappeared from there spots. Kazuki smiled as he nodded to himself, looking briefly at the departing crowd as the magic show ended, shrugging he turned away towards Bloom's direction.

He didn't notice the female magician from the show looking at his departing back with wide purple eyes in shock.

'Was-s t-that magic!" She thought in shock not being able to move, drawing concerned stares from others people around.


"He didn't have to lie! Now I'm rethinking this whole pirating thing with him especially if he intentions are going eventually be the same as Rufus." Bloom said angrily as she walked towards the port where there ship was.

"I mean what nerve and just when I was about to tell him about…" Bloom cut off her words as she heard a yells and screams coming from the port and ran to see a ship approaching covered in blood stains and bodies.

Bloom covered her mouth in horror as she watched the few remaining people on the bloody ship dock it to port and descend when a tall man in front yelled out.

"HELP PLEASE!" The voice of the tall man in blue overalls hollered as he sunk to his knees once he hit the dock.

"Pirates ravaged our island, burning, slaughtering women, men and child alike without care. NO they relished in it!" He yelled as tears ran down his face.

"My son is still on the island fighting the pirates but he can't keep up!" The man continued to yell, "Please anybody, any warriors help me save my son!"

Silence lingered on the port as bystanders glanced away and even some started walking from the port continuing there task.

"PLEASE ANYONE!" He hollered again bowing low till his face was in the wooden board that was soon covered in the endless tears pouring down the man's face.

Bloom watched on sadly as people continued to turn away from the crying man and the bloody ship, that was how it was in this great pirate era.

Pirates plundered and brought death to the common people even with the marines stationed on some islands or not that far from islands facing a pirate invasion.

They were too late or the battle brought from the two sides clashing still caused collateral damages or death to the common man.

Bloom clenched her fist in anger and frustration at her inability to do anything, she hated not having the strength or power to do anything.

'But with the books Kazuki has I can maybe be something greater than be a amazing scientist.' Bloom thought as she sadly watched the man yell for help again in hysteria.

"Isn't anybody a man, a hero..." the man stopped his shout as he felt a small hand pat his head, looking up the crying man saw a small brown skinned child kneeling with black locks and bright green eyes that locked him in place.

"Sir I'm sorry for your circumstances, but there's nothing these people here can do besides alert the marines." Kazuki said softly to the still crying man.

"Even if you do gather some man and go out to face the unknown amount of pirates which I don't advise let me say something my sensei once told me."

"Be brave but cautious, because graveyards are filled with hero's. Don't ask these man to march to their death to be another unknown hero." Kazuki said sadly as the tall man's face sunk with despair.

Bloom watched with sadness as the man fell quiet, there was nothing anybody could do. But as she looked at Kazuki's small back turned towards her, to her it felt different, it felt larger?

"Bloom." Kazuki called out startling her as she instinctively ran towards him, he stood up looking at the battered up people coming down from the ship.

"I need you to watch this for me," Kazuki said as starting taking off the purple shell on his back.

Bloom raised a eyebrow at the weird request and was about to answer but as Kazuki set his turtle shell lightly on the down it than started sinking into the ground.


Bloom looked at the deep crater in the port as broken wood formed around the shell, she backed up tripping over her feet as she landed on her butt.

"W-wha-t t-the hell." Bloom stuttered out as she watched Kazuki stretch his legs, arms and back while looking at the equally stunned large man.

Finishing his stretch Kazuki smirked looking at the man, "Hey what direction is your island?"

The man not thinking, pointed in the direction there ship came from, "T-that way about a hour away."

Kazuki nodded before turning to Bloom with a smirk. "I'll be back in a few, going to go see if I can rescue his son and take care of some pest."

Bloom blinking rapidly, shook her head. "How are you going to get there?"

Kazuki smirked as he crouched spreading his arms and legs on the ground looking like he was about to set off in a sprint.

"I'm going to run." Kazuki said before suddenly tensing his body that exploding forward in the direction the man pointed to.

Whirlwinds surged from his take off, Kazuki's fast speed split the sea and left gales of wind in his wake as his departing figure disappeared from everyone's sight.

Bloom just sat there as strong winds blew around her, looking at the black dot disappearing from her view. "What the fuck." She said looking awestruck at the display of power Kazuki just showed.


To be continued…

reginaldveg22 reginaldveg22

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