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Chapter 7: Clash on the ship!!


Regveg here: Patreon is Regveg3000 please subscribe if you like the stoy.

Hope you enjoy!!


The ship looked like it went through a great storm as the main sail was in tatters, the main and fore mast broken in half, pierced into the captains cabin.

The deck floor was littered with broken wood and craters. The remaining three crew members had ran away in a life boat when Rufus started his transformation and now floated some yards away rescuing the ones who were thrown away or drowning.

Bloom was also in a life boats, a further distance away from them watching the battle happening on the ship.

They didn't even dare to attack her, not when that monster of a kid is currently beating the fuck out of there captain.

Captain Rufus was strong, his bounty was at seven-million in the east blue, which was strong and this was before there captain ate his fruit.

They were now confident in fighting the likes of Don Kreig, the black cat pirates and etc. going to the grand line too seek higher treasures was there only goal.

They would stick by there captain side no matter the enemy till the end, and willing to fight marines and other pirates to obtain the resources needed to do so.

But would they fight this kid that suddenly appeared and threw invisible waves at them and beat some of them up with just his hands.

No, they choose to wait here collecting there fallen members and watching there massive captain fight the kid, but suddenly they were freighted watching as Rufus was blasted in his jaw causing him to be thrown high into the air.

They watched as a smaller figure erupted from the broken deck causing the already swaying destroyed ship to nearly sink.

Kazuki flew fast, passing Rufus flying body as he flew higher and higher into the sky, he turned around, facing the giant black dot that began to become smaller as he ascended into the sky.

The view he saw from the height was breathtakingly beautiful, the ocean expanded thousands of miles looking like a expansive jewel.

Kazuki decided then, what he would do for here on out. A excited grin spread across his face as his eyes glowed brightly green.

Kazuki turned cutting his flight short as he let out a bit of KI to cut the momentum from his jump and started to decened down.

He aimed his drop towards Rufus back, he tucked in his arms and legs. He then began to to roll like a ball, that picked up incredible speed as it rushed down.

It soon looked like a purple meteor coming from the sky as the air split open as his downward speed further increased.

suddenly the shell turned red from the heat till fire then consumed the ball, lighting up the sky as it headed towards Rufus.

About to hit by the attack Rufus quickly maneuvered his giant body to turn towards the attack aimed at him.

The black goo surrounding his body distorted as it pulled away from him, causing him to revert back to his original form.

The goo was attached to his hand as it then rushed forwards the attack coming at him, it began to form a giant shield trying to block Kazuki's rushing form.

"Black Bed!"

"Purple Impact!"

Shouts were heard before the impact caused the air to vibrate and distort, the fire from the shell began to burn the goo as it forced it's way towards Rufus.

The meteor soon broke through to Rufus shield sending him reeling back as he continued to descend from the air to the ship below, some of his goo red from the fire rushed towards his falling form but couldn't stop his speed.

The goo wrapped around Rufus but soon impacted the ship with a shock wave that nearly spit the ship.

The ball got buried into the deck as it continued to crash down till it landed into the hold of the ship.

The flaming meteor continued to roll before it reached the ship, suddenly in a burst the Kazuki erupted outward spreading fire around that started to consume the pirate ship, waves of water crashed around from the outburst.

The pirates braced themselves from the strong wave that nearly tipped them over and just silently stared at each other in disbelief.

Kazuki stood with flames surrounding him as his formerly purple turtle shell glowed bright orange from the heat of his attack, his green eyes shined as his brown skin gave off a majestic light.

Yeah, they were good with just watching and hopefully they could go collect him alive afterwards, well hopefully he is alive afterwards.


Bloom after steadying the boat, watched as fire consumed the pirate ship, she looked warily at the gathering of pirates some yards away from her but they just looked defeated and scared anytime they looked at her.

She couldn't blame them, it didn't look like Rufus would win this battle and even if they did their wasn't a ship anymore for them to sail away off with the mon-…

The money?!

Bloom looked at the ship on fire and saw Kazuki standing on the bow looking at the hole in the ship, where he stood was the only part on the ship that wasn't entrenched in flames.

"Kakuzi I need the money! Don't let the ship burn, I'll split it with you!" Bloom screamed out hoping he could hear her, our the whole point in setting out to sea in the first place would have been a waste.

Kazuki seemed to hear her as he looked over but he just closed his eye suddenly pointed his hand towards the ship burning in flames.

Suddenly his hand gave off a white glow that pulsed once then twice before the it continued to pulse, expanded gradually before covering the ship and flames in a glowing wave.

Then everything stopped, the glow disappeared and the flames stood still as if frozen in time. Everyone watching was captivated as Kazuki raised his hand into the sky and the flames followed suit.

The flames took off from the ship forming into a ball that lingered brightly into the sky, but as Kazuki opened his eyes, he clinched his hand into a tight fist, the flames began to wither away and smoke filled the air from the burned pirate ship.

In the middle of the ship was a glowing super heated orange ball that was slowly cracking away to reveal the sweating figure of a injured Rufus who had burns covering his body.

"P-pleas-e let's cut a deal you can have any treasure that survived! Just spare me!" Rufus erupted as sat on his knees looking at Kazuki in fear, who was using some water to cool his hot shell.

"Not for me to decided, after all. I just met you." Kazuki said with a smirk as he crossed his arms, "It's Bloom you have to ask."

Rufus face scowled with anger, 'Then why did you get involved in the first place!' He wanted to scream but realized it would be pointless, this kid beat the hell out of him and came out without even the slightest scratch.

Kazuki gestured Bloom over who started rowing towards the ship after seeing rhe wave.

Bloom and Kazuki worked quickly together too collect the money that wasn't damaged from the fire and loaded it on to the boat as the pirate ship started to sink.

Rufus men were helping their injured captain down as they overcrowded the small boat, already preparing to get as far away as possible.

Bloomed grinned wide as she hugged the giant sack while Kazuki leaned back on his shell closing his eyes as they started to sail the sea.


Bloom looked at kazuki meditating in his seat, every now and then a slight glow would come off him before leaving just as quickly.

The moon hung high in the air as night settled in, waves parted as a small sailing boat sailed the sea. Bloom was sailing towards the closest island, it would take them till morning before they would reach it.

Bloom kept glancing at Kazuki as the wind tossed her red hair around, she had so many questions she wanted to ask him especially when it came too the glow he kept giving off.

Kazuki opened his eyes as he looked at bloom with a smile. "No need to be shy, if you have any questions just ask." He said as he stretched his arms around.

Bloom looked at Kazuki, "So… where did you come from, how did you do that stuff? What's with the weird glowing thing? Do you have a devil in you?"

"Can you not swim anymore? And is that a purple turtle shell on your back?" Bloom blasted off questions as she looked at Kazuki who was chuckling while scratching his head looking at her.

"Haha I didn't follow all that and I don't know what you mean by devil but I learned how to fight from my teachers along with the invisible attack and the glowing thing is part of my training Haha, yes I can swim, and this." Kazuki paused as patted the shell on his back with a warm smile.

"Is a gift from my teachers before I set out on my journey." Kazuki said as he stared at the shell with fondness. He then looked up at Bloom who scooted closer and was looking at the shell.

"Part of your training?" Bloom muttered about to ask him another question but Kazuki was intrigued about her earlier question.

"So what's the devil thing about? And why wouldn't I be able to swim? I also heard that pirate call me the same thing earlier." Kazuki said in confusion at being identified as a devil.

Bloom looked surprised at him. "You don't know about devil fruits?" She asked thinking of how rare it was that someone out at sea didn't know about the legendary fruits.

"Well, there are special fruits scattered across the world that grant random powers but at the cost of not being able to swim in sea water." Bloom said as Kazuki leaned in very curious of the fruits.

"I've never seen one before but Rufus had eaten one that he described as a pear that was brown like mud and apparently tasted like it too, it also had white swirls around it." Bloom paused as she rubbed her chin taking on a thinking pose.

"I really want to study one if I could find it! There really rare and hard find, just thinking about the data I would collect makes me want it now." Bloom said as a giant smile spread across her face.

Kazuki smiled at how excited she got. "Study? Are you a student?" Kazuki asked tilting his head in curiosity.

Bloom giggled at as she patted the sack filled with money and held her head up with pride. "I'm a scientist! well, training to be one at least." She said briefly looking at the moon.

"WAIT!" She yelled looking intently at Kazuki, "You don't have a devil fruit! So how did you move the fire from the ship?

"You didn't answer my question on how you appeared out of nowhere either! Like you just fell from the sky after that weird pressure! Was that you also?" Bloom stared at Kazuki with suspicion as he got up and started stretching his arms and back.

"You also used that invisible blast that threw everyone away, hell you came so fast down from the air that you created fire around you and there's not a single injury on you!" She said in wonder looking up at Kazuki.

Kazuki put his hands behind his head as he sat back down and leaned his shelled back on the mast of the small boat.

"Well it's like this…" Kazuki paused as he scratched his head think about what to tell her and what to leave out.


To be continued…

reginaldveg22 reginaldveg22

Sorry for the wait was planning arks out and had to work OT this week.

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