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3.7% Time Ninja
Time Ninja Time Ninja original

Time Ninja

Author: Abraham_Sote23

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Shadow of Time

In the year 1615, the city of Kyoto was a bustling metropolis, the heart of Japan's culture and politics. Streets thrummed with the sounds of merchants peddling their wares, the clink of coins, and the steady rhythm of geta clogs on stone pathways. Amidst the daily chaos, whispers of change echoed through the narrow alleys and grand palaces alike.

Taro was just a boy when he first felt the pull of something greater than himself. Orphaned by a warlord's greed, he had survived on the streets by his wits and agility. Now, at fifteen, he was well-versed in the arts of stealth and deception, skills that made him an invaluable asset to the local Yakuza, the Kurogane Clan. But Taro's true path was about to diverge in ways he could never have imagined.

One crisp autumn evening, the sky painted in hues of red and gold, Taro was summoned by the clan's leader, Okami. As he entered the dimly lit room of the Kurogane's headquarters, a chill ran down his spine. Okami, a formidable man with a gaze like tempered steel, motioned for Taro to sit.

"You have done well, Taro," Okami began, his voice a low rumble. "But your destiny lies beyond these walls. The time has come for you to embrace your true heritage."

Confused, Taro glanced around the room, noting the presence of another man, cloaked in shadows. The stranger stepped forward, revealing a face marked by age and wisdom, his eyes piercing through the dim light.

"I am Master Hoshi," the man said, bowing slightly. "I belong to a lineage that has guarded secrets older than this city itself. You, Taro, are the last of our line."

Taro's mind raced. He had heard stories of ancient clans and their mystical arts, but he had never considered himself a part of such legends.

"We are the Shinobi of Time," Hoshi continued. "Ninjas who can traverse the rivers of time to protect the flow of history. It is a perilous duty, but one that you must now undertake."

To prove his words, Hoshi produced an artifact from within his robes—a small, intricately carved hourglass, its sands glowing with an otherworldly light. Taro's breath caught as he stared into the shifting grains, feeling a strange resonance deep within him.

"With this hourglass, you will travel to eras past and future," Hoshi explained. "You will safeguard pivotal moments from those who wish to alter our world's destiny."

Taro was overwhelmed, yet something inside him recognized the truth in Hoshi's words. This was why he had always felt different, why he had survived against all odds.

Before he could speak, a loud crash echoed through the compound. Shouts and the clanging of weapons followed. Okami and Hoshi exchanged urgent glances.

"The enemy has found us," Okami growled. "Taro, take the hourglass and flee. Master Hoshi will guide you."

Without a moment's hesitation, Taro grabbed the hourglass, its weight both foreign and familiar in his hand. Hoshi's firm grip on his shoulder was reassuring as they darted through the secret passageways of the compound. The sounds of battle grew fainter as they reached a secluded grove outside the city walls.

"Focus on the hourglass," Hoshi instructed. "Feel its power and think of a time you wish to travel to."

Taro closed his eyes, the cool night air filling his lungs as he concentrated. Images of ancient Kyoto, untouched by war, filled his mind. The hourglass warmed in his hand, its glow intensifying until he felt himself being pulled through a vortex of light and shadow.

When he opened his eyes, Taro stood in a Kyoto that was both familiar and strange. The city was quieter, its buildings pristine and unscarred by time's ravages. He had done it—he had traveled back to the early days of the Edo period.

But there was no time to marvel at the feat. Hoshi's voice echoed in his mind, a reminder of his mission. Taro knew that this was just the beginning. As the last Shinobi of Time, he would face dangers unimaginable, all to preserve the delicate balance of history.

With a deep breath, Taro steeled himself for the challenges ahead. He was ready to become the Time Ninja, a guardian of the past and protector of the future.

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