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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: New world

Chapter 2: New world


It's been six years since I was reincarnated into this new world. My mother named me Arthur Pendragon. Speaking of my mother, her name is Rukia Pendragon. She has black hair and deep blue eyes, just like mine. As for my appearance, I have golden hair and ocean-blue eyes, reminiscent of my past life. It seems I inherited my father's hair and my mother's eyes.

About my father—well, he's a mystery. He's either passed away or left my mother upon learning she was pregnant. Or maybe he just went out to buy milk and never came back—just kidding. Whenever I ask my mother about him, she simply says, "I'll tell you when you're big enough." Knowing her, she'll keep that promise.

Right now, I'm at the back of our house, finishing up some exercises. I can't do much, but hey, exercise is exercise.

Afterward, I walk through the hallway of our home. It's not very large, but it's spacious enough for the two of us.

I head towards the kitchen where my mother is preparing dinner. "Mom, I finished my exercises," I say calmly.

Over the past six years, I've learned a lot about my mother. She's kind, gentle, and always willing to help others. We've grown quite close—after all, we are mother and son.

"Oh, alright. Go and freshen up. Dinner's almost ready," my mother said gently, glancing towards me with a warm smile.

I headed to the bathroom for a quick bath. After about fifteen minutes, I was done and returned to the kitchen where my mother had already set the food on the table.

I quickly took a seat and began eating like there was no tomorrow.

Seeing me devour my food so eagerly, my mother, Rukia, cautioned, "Slow down, or you'll choke."

But I barely heard her and continued eating at my usual fast pace. "I'm done," I announced shortly after, leaning back with a satisfied sigh.

"Jeez, you always eat so fast," she said, a mix of worry and mild frustration in her voice. "How many times have I told you? You could choke."

"Don't worry, Mother," I replied, smiling up at her. "I'll never choke on my food."

My smile seemed to soften her gaze, and she let the topic drop, though I could still see a trace of concern in her eyes.

"So, when are you going to go outside and make some friends your age?" she asked.

Her question didn't surprise me. I knew she was concerned because I rarely ventured outdoors to play or socialize. In fact, I didn't have a single friend.

"Mother, I've told you before," I began, choosing my words carefully. "I don't want to be friends with them. They're too childish."

She sighed, her eyes reflecting a mix of understanding and resignation. "Well, you do seem more mature than your age. If you weren't just six years old, I might even believe you were an adult. You've been reading, writing, and doing things most children your age don't. It's no wonder you feel out of place among them."

She was right. From a very young age, I had taken to reading, writing, and emulating adult behaviors. Because of this, children my age didn't relate to me, and frankly, I found them too immature to befriend.

We continued talking until darkness settled in. Eventually, I headed towards my room. As I passed by some of the other rooms, I paused in front of a door that was always locked. Whenever I asked my mother about it, she would give me the same reply: "I'll tell you when you're big enough."

I stared at the door for a few moments, curiosity tugging at me, but then I turned away and continued to my room. Once there, I jumped onto my futon and soon drifted into the world of dreams.

Two years passed by in the blink of an eye. Now, at eight years old, I had learned a lot. This world lagged behind in science and technology compared to my previous one. I also picked up various other skills, including cooking, thanks to my mother. And no, I'm definitely not bragging.

I've grown quite a bit, too. My height reached 94 cm—not particularly tall by any means, but definitely above average for kids my age.

This morning, I lay in bed for a moment before getting up and heading straight to the bathroom for a bath.

After freshening up, I made my way to the living room where my mother awaited. She had something important to tell me. Could it be about my father? Or perhaps the mystery of the locked room? There was only one way to find out.

I slid open the door and saw my mother sitting on the sofa. "You're up. Come here," she said with a welcoming smile.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside, ready to hear what she had to say.


A/N: I changed the name of MC from yuta to Arthur as yuta Pendragon doesn't really fit.

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