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Viridian City

As Ethan approached the entrance to Viridian City, he was stopped by a lady in a police outfit with teal-colored hair. Recognizing her immediately, he thought, *Officer Jenny.*

"Hold it right there," Officer Jenny said, her tone firm but not unfriendly. "What's your business in Viridian City?"

Ethan calmly handed over his Pokémon Trainer ID. "Just passing through on my journey," he replied succinctly.

Officer Jenny examined the ID carefully before handing it back. "Everything seems to be in order. Welcome to Viridian City. Stay safe and be mindful of your surroundings."

"Thank you," Ethan said with a nod of gratitude. He continued into the city, heading directly for the Poké Mart.

The bustling store was a treasure trove for trainers, with shelves stocked full of items ranging from basic supplies to specialized gear.

Ethan made a beeline for the egg section, scanning the various incubators on display.

After a few moments of careful consideration, he selected a top-of-the-line incubator designed to maintain optimal conditions for hatching Pokémon eggs.

Once the Fearow egg was placed securely inside, the incubator displayed a countdown:

[ the egg would hatch within three days. ]

"Good," Ethan murmured to himself. "Just in time."

"Eevee~," Eevee chirped from his shoulder, sharing his excitement.

Next, Ethan moved through the aisles, gathering ingredients to prepare Pokémon food suitable for a newly hatched Spearow.

He picked up various berries, special supplements, and high-quality grains. As he approached the checkout counter, he pulled out his black card.

" Thanks, Professor Oak " he thought, appreciating the convenience of having such a resource at his disposal.

After the purchases were complete, Ethan left the Poké Mart and found a quiet spot in a nearby park.

Setting up his portable cooking kit, Ethan began preparing the Pokémon food. His movements were precise and practiced, reflecting his extensive knowledge and experience.

He carefully blended the ingredients, ensuring the right balance of nutrients essential for a young Pokémon's growth and development.

"Eevee~," Eevee watched intently, occasionally nudging a berry into place.

Ethan glanced at his companion with a faint smile. "You'll have a new friend soon. Let's make sure everything is perfect for when they hatch."

Eevee nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Once the food was prepared, Ethan stored it in a set of containers, making sure they were labeled and sealed for freshness.

His thoughts drifted back to when he first caught Eevee as a baby. The knowledge and skills he had gained from those early days would now benefit his new Pokémon.

"Eevee, we're ready," he said, packing up his supplies. "Let's find a place to rest and wait for the egg to hatch."

"Eevee~," Eevee agreed, nuzzling against his neck.

With the incubator securely in hand and hidden in his backpack, Ethan made his way to the Pokémon Center.

The familiar red roof and large Poké Ball symbol welcomed him as he entered.

Inside, the atmosphere was calm and welcoming, with trainers and their Pokémon resting or seeking medical attention.

Behind the counter, Nurse Joy greeted him with a warm smile. "Welcome to the Viridian City Pokémon Center. How can I assist you today?"

"I need a room for four days," Ethan said, keeping his backpack close to his side.

Nurse Joy smiled and tapped a few keys on her computer. "Of course. We have excellent facilities for both trainers and their Pokémon. Let me check you in." She glanced up and handed him a keycard. "You'll be staying in Room 204. It's on the second floor."

"Thank you," Ethan replied, holding his backpack securely.

As Nurse Joy observed Eevee, she couldn't help but remark on her pristine condition.

"Your Eevee looks incredibly healthy," she commented, her eyes gleaming with admiration. "Her fur is so shiny, and she seems full of energy. You're doing an excellent job taking care of her."

Hearing the Compliment a smile appeared on ethan's Face. "Thank you, Nurse Joy. I always make sure she's well-fed and exercised."

As Nurse Joy reached out to pat Eevee, the Pokémon hissed and bristled, clearly uncomfortable with anyone other than Ethan touching her.

"Eevee~!" Eevee growled softly, retreating to Ethan's shoulder.

Nurse Joy withdrew her hand with a gentle laugh. "Looks like Eevee is very attached to you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Ethan nodded, expressing his gratitude with a brief smile. "Thanks, Nurse Joy."

He headed upstairs to his room, feeling a sense of calm.

The room was simple but comfortable, with a bed, a desk, and a small table for preparing food. After settling in, Ethan set up his supplies and prepared for the next few days.

After settling into his room, Ethan knew he had one more thing to do before the day ended.

Ethan dialed Professor Oak's number on the video phone in his room. After a few rings, the professor's familiar face appeared on the screen.

"Ethan, good evening! How are you settling in?" Professor Oak greeted warmly.

"Good evening, Professor. I've just arrived in Viridian City and checked into the Pokémon Center. I wanted to touch base with you before starting my training tomorrow," Ethan replied, his tone calm and composed.

"That's excellent to hear. Remember, your journey is as much about bonding with your Pokémon as it is about battling. Take the time to understand your Pokemon's strengths and capabilities," Professor Oak advised.

"I will, Professor." Ethan said, nodding respectfully.

"Good luck, Ethan. Every challenge you face is an opportunity to learn and grow," Professor Oak said with a smile before ending the call.

Ethan spent the next three days in intense preparation for his first gym battle at the Pewter City Gym, known for its rock-type Pokémon.

His training sessions with Eevee were rigorous and methodical, focusing on exploiting the weaknesses of rock-type Pokémon.

"Eevee, let's focus on our Quick Attack and Sand Attack combinations," Ethan instructed.

"We need to be swift and maintain our distance."

"Eevee~," Eevee responded energetically, ready to follow her trainer's commands.

They trained tirelessly in the park, using makeshift targets to simulate the tough rock-type Pokémon they would face.

Ethan's strategies were designed to outmaneuver and wear down their opponents. He knew that rock-type Pokémon were strong defensively but could be vulnerable to quick, agile moves.

On the third day, the anticipation was palpable. The incubator's countdown showed mere minutes remaining until the Spearow egg would hatch.

Ethan sat in his room at the Pokémon Center, Eevee perched on his shoulder, both watching intently.

"It's almost time," Ethan said, his voice barely above a whisper.

The incubator beeped softly as the egg began to crack.

A bright light emanated from the egg as it started to hatch, illuminating the room. Ethan's heart raced with excitement and curiosity.

The light faded, revealing a small, shiny Spearow with sleek, black feathers.

The Spearow looked up at Ethan with a curious expression, letting out a tiny chirp.

Ethan quickly opened his Pokédex to scan the newly hatched Pokémon.

[ Spearow ] [ M ]

[ Type: Normal/ Flying ]

[ Description : Spearow has a short temper and will fiercely defend itself from any threat. Its sharp beak is a formidable weapon . ]

[Mutation detected: Royal Gene]

[ Special Attributes: Enhanced physical capabilities and heightened senses. ]

The shiny Spearow fluttered its tiny wings and looked up at Ethan with a sense of recognition and trust, having imprinted on him as he was the first person it saw. Ethan reached out gently, allowing the Spearow to hop onto his hand.

"Welcome to the team," Ethan said softly, a rare smile touching his lips. "We'll ensure you grow strong and proud."

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