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91.3% The Infamous : American Football / Chapter 19: Reconnecting and Urgency

Chapter 19: Reconnecting and Urgency

DJ woke up early, the first rays of sunlight just starting to peek through his bedroom window. He stretched, his muscles still sore from the intense game and practices. His morning routine was almost sacred – a quick jog, followed by a shower, and a light breakfast. It was the one part of his day he had complete control over.

As he was finishing his breakfast, his mom entered the kitchen, her expression serious. DJ's mom was a woman with a strong personality. She wore her usual work attire, a neatly pressed blouse and slacks, her hair tied back in a bun.

"DJ, we need to talk," she said, sitting down across from him.

"What's up, Mom?" DJ asked, sensing the gravity in her tone.

"We're moving after this year," she announced bluntly.

DJ's world seemed to come crashing down around him. "What? Why now?" he asked, his voice filled with shock and disbelief.

"I got a promotion, and we need to relocate. It's a great opportunity for me, DJ. But we need to leave after the school year ends, I want to take my chance to distance myself from the past."

"But what about football? What about my senior year? I won't be eligible to play if we move!" DJ's voice grew louder, panic setting in.

His mom sighed, clearly not understanding the weight of her decision on his life. "I know, DJ. But this is important for our family. You need to think about your future beyond football."

'She doesn't get it. This is my future,' DJ thought, frustration bubbling up. "If I don't play, I might lose interest from colleges. My stock will drop. This could ruin everything," he said, his tone desperate.

"You'll figure something out, DJ. You're smart and talented. There's more to life than football," she said dismissively.

DJ clenched his fists under the table. "This season might be my last shot. I can't afford to mess it up. I'll talk to my counselor about reclassifying and graduating early. I need to win this season – there are no second chances."

His mom nodded, seemingly satisfied. "Just do what you need to do, DJ."




At school, DJ tried to focus, but his mind was swirling with thoughts of the move. He knew he had to make things right with Brianna after their recent misunderstandings. During lunch, he approached her with a smile.

"Hey Bri, I was thinking... how about we go to that café you like after you get off work? My treat," he suggested.

Brianna looked at him, a hint of surprise in her eyes. "Sure, that sounds nice. I get off at 7."

"Great, I'll pick you up then," DJ said, feeling

a sense of relief.

After practice, DJ showered and got dressed, his mind focused on his evening with Brianna. He picked her up from work, walking into the store and asking one of her co-workers for her.

"Hey, I'm looking for Brianna," he said, smiling.

The co-worker grinned, teasingly calling out,

"Brianna, your boyfriend's here!"

Brianna walked over, rolling her eyes at her co-worker's teasing. "Thanks for that," she said, giving DJ a playful look.

DJ laughed. "Ready to go?"

They walked out of the store together, the cool evening air hitting them as they stepped outside. DJ opened the car door for Brianna, a small gesture that didn't go unnoticed by her. She climbed in, and DJ couldn't help but notice how her eyes lit up when she saw him.

"You look amazing, Bri," he said, his gaze lingering on her.

Brianna blushed, a smile tugging at her lips.

"It's just my work uniform, flattery won't get you anywhere, but you on the other hand are a different story."

DJ chuckled, feeling a little self-conscious under her gaze. He was dressed casually in a pair of cargo pants and a white tee, with a pair of earrings adding a touch of style to his look. He couldn't help but feel a little out of his element, but he felt like he had to make this date special for Brianna.

As they drove to her house, DJ couldn't help but steal glances at her when she wasn't looking. She wore a black long-sleeve shirt that hugged her figure perfectly, paired with two delicate necklaces that shimmered in the dim light of the car. She looked effortlessly beautiful, and DJ couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for her.

When they arrived at her house, Brianna invited him in while she got changed for their date. DJ waited in the living room, feeling a little nervous as he tried to make conversation with Brianna's parents. They were friendly and welcoming, but DJ couldn't shake the feeling that they were sizing him up, almost as they were trying to see if he was

guilty of anything.

After what felt like an eternity, Brianna emerged from her room, looking even more stunning than before. She had changed into a

pair of jeans that hugged her curves in all the right places, paired with a white long-sleeve shirt and delicate necklaces. She looked effortlessly beautiful, and DJ couldn't help but feel a surge of awe as he took in her appearance.

"You ready?" Brianna asked, her eyes

sparkling with excitement.

"Absolutely," DJ replied, offering her

his hand. "Shall we?"

They drove to the café, the atmosphere relaxing and cozy. As they sat in a corner booth, the low lighting and soft music created an intimate setting. DJ couldn't help but notice how beautiful Brianna looked, her

eyes sparkling as they talked.

"You know, I really missed this," DJ said, his

voice soft. "Just being with you, talking like this."

Brianna smiled, her fingers lightly brushing his hand. "Me too, DJ. It feels good to just... be us."

There was a moment of silence, the kind that felt heavy with unspoken words and emotions. DJ leaned in slightly, his heart racing. "Bri, I just want you to know that you're important to me. I don't want anything to come between us and that I think I did a bad job of letting you know that."

Brianna's gaze softened, her cheeks flushing. "I feel the same way, DJ. I just... I need to know that you're really here, with me."

DJ took her hand, squeezing it gently. "I am, Bri. I promise."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, with DJ asking about her basketball season and how her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Harris, were doing. "So, how's basketball going?" DJ asked.

"It's been good, a bit tough balancing everything, but I'm managing. My parents are good, still trying to keep up with everything going on," Brianna replied.

DJ nodded, listening intently. "That's good

to hear. I always liked your parents. They're good people."

As the evening went on, DJ's appetite became apparent. He ordered a bacon sausage wrap, a double smoked bacon egg sandwich and a dessert with a chocolate croissant. Brianna couldn't help but laugh.

"How do you eat so much and stay in shape, I'm kind of jealous?" she teased with her hands resting under her chin.

DJ grinned. "Football burns a lot of calories. Plus, I guess I just have an insane appetite and I need to put on weight."

After their café date, DJ invited Brianna back to his place to watch a movie. They settled on the couch, the tension between them palpable. As the K-drama played, DJ found himself more interested in Brianna than the

screen. His arm draped over her shoulder, pulling her close.

"Bri, I've been thinking a lot lately... about

us," DJ said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Brianna looked up at him, her eyes filled with

anticipation. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," he said, leaning in. Their lips met, a

soft, lingering kiss that seemed to melt away all the tension and doubts.

When the movie ended, DJ walked Brianna to the door, their hands still intertwined. "Tonight was perfect," he said, his voice full of sincerity.

"It was," Brianna agreed, standing on her tiptoes to give him one last kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow."




At practice before the date, the coaches handed out the scouting report on Greenwood Prep. Coach Carter gathered the team, his tone serious.

"Greenwood Prep may not have the best record, but we can't underestimate them. They have a great safety we need to watch out for – Michael Jacobs. He's 6'2", built like a brick wall, and has a great read on the ball. But he's not the fastest, so use that to our advantage," Coach Carter explained.

The team nodded, understanding the importance of not letting their guard down. Practice started with speed work – hill sprints and 12 60-yard dashes, split into two sets of six at full effort. The players pushed themselves to the limit, sweat pouring down their faces, muscles burning.

DJ's legs felt like they were on fire, his legs were cramping due to the lactic, but he pushed through, knowing he needed to be better than what he thought was his 'best'. The no-pad practice followed, focusing on

skill drills and 7-on-7. DJ lined up against the corners, his eyes sharp and focused.

DJ's footwork was crisp as he worked on his releases and routes. He practiced double moves, like the stutter-step and go, freezing the cornerback before exploding into his route. His eyes stayed locked on the ball;

his hands ready to catch it cleanly.

During a drill, DJ lined up on the far outside. It was third down, and the team needed a first. He used a quick stutter-step off the line as he the corner was playing press coverage, his eyes were fixed on the cornerback, who bit on the fake. DJ exploded upfield, his legs pumping hard. He glanced back, spotting the ball spiraling towards him. The cornerback tried to recover, reaching out to swat the ball away, but DJ's timing was perfect. He leapt into the air, catching the ball cleanly with both hands before tucking it in and landing smoothly.

On another play, DJ lined up in the slot. It was first down, and he was running a crossing route. He used a hop release, his feet

dancing lightly before bursting inside. The corner tried to jam him at the line, but DJ slipped past him. He kept his eyes on the quarterback, who was under pressure. As the ball came his way, DJ had to adjust quickly, the safety closing in. DJ reached out with two hands trying to extend his body as much as

possible, before the ball sticking to his gloves as he pulled it in, securing it against his body as he came crashing down.

During a 7-on-7 drill, DJ faced double coverage. It was second down, and he was running a deep post. He used a quick jab step to the outside before cutting back inside, each cut causing his cleats to tear through the turf. The cornerback stayed close, his hands trying to interfere with DJ's route. DJ's eyes stayed focused on the ball, his body twisting in mid-air as he caught it with one hand, his other arm fending off the cornerback. He landed, his feet tapping the ground as he secured the catch.




After practice, DJ's phone buzzed with notifications. He checked it and saw a local article about him.

"One thing that we know Donovan King can do is fly," it read, highlighting his recent performances. The article detailed his stats,

his incredible catches, and his game changing speed. It also mentioned his

potential as one of the top rising recruits in the state, catching the attention of major colleges across the country.

Travis and Malik joined him in the car as they drove home. "Saw that article about you, DJ. Congrats," Malik said.

"Thanks man, honestly I was surprised I mean we've only played two games." DJ said.

"Yeah, but I mean your numbers have been crazy, so it shouldn't be too surprising." Travis smiled.

"Hey, but have you guys heard about those NIL deals, I head Cali cleared for Highschool athletes to get them?" Malik said, with money signs bursting out of his eyes. "I heard some TV shows even want to document our season. Could be pretty cool."

[NIL - Stands for Name likeness and image, it's basically the ability to legally make money from advertisements and brand deals utilizing highschool/College sports]

DJ laughed. "Imagine that – us on TV, getting paid to play ball. Sounds like a dream."

"Man, I could use some of that money," Travis

joked. "Maybe buy a new car or something."

"Or just pay for college," Malik added, grinning.

They continued to joke and talk about their future, the weight of their current struggles momentarily lifted by the camaraderie and

shared dreams. The conversation shifted to how NIL deals were changing the landscape of college sports, giving players more opportunities to earn money and gain exposure.

"Can you imagine me on a cereal box, it'd be perfect?" Malik said, laughing.

" Having your own brand of sneakers is way cooler," Travis added.

DJ smiled, feeling a sense of relaxation with his friends. Despite the problems and drama they faced, they had each other's backs, and that made all the difference in the end.



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