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21.73% The Infamous : American Football / Chapter 3: 1st Day Back

Chapter 3: 1st Day Back

DJ woke up to the blaring sound of his alarm clock, groggily realizing he had overslept. He scrambled out of bed, glancing at the time. It was already past 12 AM, much later than he had planned. After a quick breakfast, he returned to his room, determined to dive

deeper into the football system he had unlocked. Sitting down at his desk, DJ called

out in his mind 'system'

The main menu greeted him with several options: Stats, Training, Simulations, and Missions. Intrigued, he clicked on the Simulations tab. A new screen loaded, offering a variety of scenarios for him to practice against virtual cornerbacks. He could choose different weather conditions like rain, snow, cold, and heat, and even things

like the level and difficulty of the corner.

DJ noticed a small icon

labeled "FK Points" at the top of the screen. Clicking on it, a pop-up explained that FK Points were used to access and run these simulations. He had 100 points to start with, which seemed like enough for a few sessions.

DJ decided to give it a try.

He selected a scenario: playing against a top-tier High School cornerback in heavy rain. The VR came to life as he selected the options, transporting him to a virtual football field under a downpour. The simulation seemed lifelike as he could feel the raindrops

and hear the crowd. DJ took his position, heart pounding with excitement, as the virtual cornerback lined up in front of him.

He ran his first route, a quick slant, and caught the ball cleanly despite the slick conditions. The VR cornerback was relentless, mirroring his every move. DJ ran several more routes, adjusting to the different challenges the weather presented. After about 30 minutes, he exited the simulation, drenched in sweat but feeling more confident in his abilities.

DJ then navigated to the Stats section to review his physical attributes. His player profile displayed his height at 6'1" and weight at 165 pounds. His Balance and Coordination

were rated at B, indicating room for improvement but solid for his current level. These stats were a good foundation, but he knew he needed to work hard to improve.

He reorganized the system by making it simpler as for now he didn't need to see the minor details until later.



AGE: 16




>Athleticism/Fitness: B+

>Receiving: B+

>Ball Carrying: C-

>Badges: None

Just as he was about to

log off, a new notification appeared in the Missions tab. Curious, DJ clicked on it.

Mission: Impress Everyone

on Your First Day of Summer Practice

Objective: Stand out during

practice by showcasing your skills.

Reward: 200 FK Points and

increased team morale.

The mission added a layer of excitement and pressure to the day. DJ quickly gathered his gear, making sure everything was in order. He packed his cleats, gloves, and a water bottle

into his duffel bag. After a quick check in the mirror, he grabbed his keys and headed out the door, driving to the school field with a mix of nerves and determination.

As he pulled into the parking lot, DJ saw several familiar faces. Coach Carter stood at the entrance, greeting players as they arrived. DJ took a deep breath, got out of his car,

and approached the coach.

"DJ, welcome back!" Coach Carter's voice boomed with enthusiasm. "It's great to

see you again. The team could really use your skills this season."

"Thanks, Coach. I'm ready to give it my all."

"Alright, let's get started."

Coach Carter gathered the team in a huddle on the field. "Listen up, everyone! We have a busy day ahead of us. First, we'll be hitting the weight room for some strength training. After that, we'll head to the field for drills and scrimmages. And before we get started, I want to welcome back DJ King. He's been through a lot, but he's here to make a difference. Let's show him the support and teamwork we're known for."

The team erupted in cheers and applause, making DJ feel both welcomed and a little nervous. Coach Carter then handed the team off to the weightlifting coach, Coach Simmons, a burly man with a no-nonsense


"Alright, gentlemen," Coach Simmons

barked. "Today's workout is going to push you. We're starting with the bench press, moving to back squats, then depth jumps and dumbbells, and finishing with power cleans. You'll be in groups of three, so let's get to


DJ found himself paired with Travis and Malik, two seniors and key members of the team. They started at the bench press station.

The weightlifting session was the first item on the agenda. DJ joined the team in the weight room, where the air was thick with the sound of clanging weights and focused grunts. He

quickly got into the rhythm, lifting alongside his teammates and pushing himself harder with each set. It felt good to be back, the familiar burn of muscles working hard a welcome sensation.

DJ was put into a group of three with a couple of other players, Travis and Malik, both seniors and key members of the team. They started at the bench press station.

"So, DJ, back from the dead, huh?" Travis joked as DJ loaded weights onto the bar.

"Yeah, just couldn't stay away," DJ replied with a grin. "Heard you missed me."

"Missed having someone to show up, you mean," Malik chimed in, earning a laugh from the group.

DJ lay down on the bench, readying himself. As he pressed the bar, he could feel the eyes of his teammates on him, but instead of feeling nervous, he felt motivated. He finished his set and sat up, catching his breath.

"Not bad," Travis said, nodding approvingly. "But we've got 4 more sets, let's see if

you can keep it up."

They moved to the back squat station, and as they worked through their sets, the conversation flowed easily. They joked about Coach Carter's intense drills and his insane like passion, and shared stories from past games, and bonded over their mutual love

of football.

Next up were depth jumps and dumbbells. DJ felt his legs burn with each jump, but he pushed through, he had to set the tone, that he was worth the faith the coaches had placed in him. Travis and Malik cheered him on, and made sure he didn't skip out on any reps and he did the same for them, the camaraderie kept growing with each exercise.

Finally, they moved to the power clean station. By this point, DJ was feeling the dead, he'd seen a couple freshman throw up already, but he powered through, focusing on his form and technique since power cleans were the key to getting faster and jumping higher which was vital as a receiver.

"Looking good, DJ," Malik said as DJ completed his set. "You're definitely not the

same guy from last year."

"Thanks, man," DJ replied, feeling a surge of pride. "Trying to prove I still got it."

After the lifting session, the team moved to the field. Coach Carter divided the players into groups, with DJ being grouped with the Varsity receivers. The atmosphere was intense but supportive; everyone was eager to see what DJ could bring to the table.

The loss of his brother Jalen and other seniors from the previous year had left a noticeable gap in the team. They had been runner-up's in the state championship, and the sting of that near victory still lingered. Coach Carter's strategy for the season was

clear: rebuild and come back stronger. DJ's return was a crucial part of that plan.

As they started their drills, DJ felt the eyes of his teammates on him. He ran his routes smoothly, catching every pass thrown his way. His body moved with fluidity, the balance

and coordination he had worked on earlier today evident in each play. He pushed through the fatigue, driven by the mission he needed to complete.

"Nice work, DJ!" Coach Carter called out after a particularly sharp cut and catch. "That's

the kind of effort we need this season!"

"Man, how do you get out of your brakes so well?" Travis said, coming over to bump fists with DJ. "You're making us all look good out here."

"Just trying to keep up with you guys," DJ replied, grinning.

By the end of practice, DJ was exhausted but exhilarated. He had made a strong impression, fulfilling the mission's objective. His teammates slapped him on the back, and he could feel the camaraderie building. The return to the field had been everything he hoped for and more.

"Hey DJ wanna come get some food with us, everybody's practically starving." Malik said

"Nah ill pass I barely have enough energy to get myself home right now, but I appreciate it though." DJ replied

"No problem but you gotta come next time bro." Malik said as he dapped him up

As he packed up his gear, DJ couldn't help but smile. The road ahead was long, but today had been a solid first step. He was ready to tackle whatever challenges came next, one goal at a time.


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