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53.84% reincarnator survival in DC / Chapter 7: (ch 7) enter highschool of the dead

Chapter 7: (ch 7) enter highschool of the dead

Stepping out of the portal, Anthony felt disoriented and dizzy from the trip. After getting his head clear, he looked around and saw he was on a roof of some building. Before Anthony could take a better look around, he heard yelling and screaming, so he quickly went over to the ledge to see what was going on. 

Once Anthony got to the ledge, his eyes widen in shock and horror. People were running around like cockroaches, students Anthony deduced judging by their uniform's.  They were shoving people out the way, trampling over slower moving people, and some were straight out jumping out of windows. That wasn't what made Anthony shocked, tho it was a contributing factor, what made Anthony just watch in horror were the literal undead zombies chasing after and eating all the unlucky ones that got caught in there grasp. 

Anthony with his heart racing began to think and try and calm himself down. 'Ok Anthony calm down. You already had an idea on what you were getting into. You need to think on-ugh it's more gruesome than they show in the movies.' Anthony thought to himself. He continued his thought process, 'well looking at the zombies at least there the slow moving kind and not the zombies from 28 days later.' 

As Anthony was musing to himself the door to the roof was violently thrown open. This made Anthony quickly spin around and raised the iron man gauntlets, causing them to make a high pitched noise indicating they're ready to fire a repulser blast. At the door were three students of the school, two boys and one girl. 

One of the boys had spiky black hair and was wearing the black school uniform with the top unbuttoned, revealing his red shirt. He held a metal baseball bat that had some blood on it, indicating its use. 

The other boy had grayish silver hair and was also wearing the black uniform but was buttoned all the way. He was holding one of his arms over an injury he suffered. 

The girl had long golden brown hair and wore the girls uniform. The sailor uniform had a tight white top with a green collar that didn't hide her large boobs, a short green skirt that barely covered her thighs and because of the wind would periodically flip up, showing her white panties. In her hands she held what looked like a broom stick with its end broken off as she used it as a spear. 

They all stood in their places like it was a Mexican standoff. The students were wondering who Anthony was, because they don't remember someone like him at their school. They also were curious about the metal gloves he had on his hands that had the palms glowing. Anthony was looking between the three, trying to figure out why they look familiar, before military helicopters took their attention as they flew by. 

With a face full of joy the girl started running after the helicopters, waving her hands trying to get their attention. "Hey we're down here!" She screamed as she ran. The boy with black hair takes another look at Anthony and seeing him not make any more aggressive moves he ran behind the girl. The last boy, still holding his arm, walks behind the two keeping Anthony in his site. 

Seeing as the three students weren't a threat for now, Anthony lowered his arms powering down the gauntlets charge. He started to take a few deep breaths, 'I need to calm down or I'm going to kill someone that's not a zombie.' He then took another look at the group. 'I swear I've seen them somewhere before I just can't place it.' He then focused on the guy holding his injured arm. 'I'll have to keep an eye on that guy. That looks like a bite mark and if it's anything like the movies, he'll become a zombie sooner or later. Unless he's immune, but judging by how he looks I don't think he is.' Anthony finished thinking, seeing how sickly the one boy looked.

Anthony's attention was then brought to the roof door that the three left wide open. He could hear low groans and footsteps slowly getting closer. With caution he made his way to the door, with the iron man gloves ready to fire, to close it shut. Getting closer to the door Anthony could see a few humanoid figures about to step out. Once Anthony got a good look at them he could see that they were zombies, 'they probably followed those three.' Anthony thought to himself as he charged his gloves. The next second Anthony repeatedly shot his repulser blast, knocking back and blowing holes in some, as he cleared the door. 

 Once Anthony made it to the door he shut it, preventing any zombie from accessing the roof. He let out a sigh, trying to release some tension, as he turned to the three people who were on the roof with him and they were standing about six feet away from him. As he faced them, he could see that they all had faces of wide eyed shock at what he had done. Before Anthony could say anything the black haired boy, with a look of fear and anger, points his bat at Anthony and yells, "who the fuck are you and what are you doing here." He was shaking all over but was tense, ready to make a move. 

Anthony furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance at how the guy was addressing him. He knows that their probably stressed but that's no excuse to be antagonistic, especially after seeing the weapons he had. "First, I suggest you calm the fuck down, panicking right now won't help anyone, and second you should lower that bat before I shoot it out of your hand." Anthony said as he sent a glare at the guy and raised one of his hands, palms facing him. The black haired guy grinds his teeth in irritation before he took a breath and lowered his bat, he still had a glare directed at Anthony but he seemed to be calmer now. 

Seeing as the guy seemed to calm down Anthony lowered his hand. Thinking about it he pressed a button on one of the gloves causing it to start shifting. This made the three flinch but they didn't do anything. After the glove was done shifting it now appeared like a wrist gauntlet that only covered part of his upper forearm. It almost looks like the ultimatrix, just a little thicker, from Ben 10 alien force with the arc reactor in the place where the hour glass dial would be. He did this to show he was trying to de-escalate the situation tho he did keep one glove active just in case. 

Anthony decided to humor the guy and answer his questions. Anthony extended his hand in a greeting, "Well to answer your first question, my name is Anthony Luthor. And about your second question, that's a little hard to explain, I will tell you for now that I'm not your enemy and I just want to survive all this." He doesn't really care about telling them about his world traveling, the system didn't say to keep it secret or anything. He just doesn't want to deal with all the questions right now when they have much more pressing things to deal with. 

The guy with the bat didn't like his second answer and was contemplating raising his bat again, but then the girl cut in grabbed Anthony's  hand with both of hers and brought it close to her heart causing Anthony's hand to sink in between her breast. "Hello Anthony-kun, my name is Rei Miyamoto, that's my friend Takashi Komuro, and my boyfriend Hisashi Igo. Thank you for taking care of those monsters before they got on the roof." She said as she gestured to said individuals. Takashi and Hisashi seemed both shocked and surprised by how Rei was acting. 

Anthony seemed amused by the situation, his perk at play again. He was about to respond but then he paused and thought on their names again. 'Rei, Takashi, and Hisashi, I know I have heard those names before.' He then thought and his eyes then widen and looked at them again. 'Holy shit. I now know where I heard those names before. It seams like I found myself in the world of high school of the dead.' Anthony thought to himself as he now knew what world he was in and who these people are. 


Hey sorry about the long wait I got distracted by life lol and also had a little writers block in where I would start the MC in the high school of the dead world. 

Leave a comment and a review on what you guys think. I like hearing the feedback even if it's just about something small. And I try and comment back. 

Also I'll take suggestion on things the mc could do, worlds he could go to, or girls he should add to his harem. I'm not saying I'll use them, but if I like it I'll think about adding it. 

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