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Loser of victory


The stands gathered by New Manchester United fans suddenly burst into the warmest cheers since the game began!

Lyons, Lyons equalized the score for New Manchester United in the 92nd minute!

"It's amazing, it's incredible, it's a miracle!" Andy Gray also became very excited.

"He was also sent off, and the lineup was not the same, but Arsenal's performance in the last 20 minutes was as bad as an amateur team, whereas New Manchester United was completely transformed and did not look like a tenth-tier team at all. They deserve this goal, they deserve this draw!"

"We can even foresee that one week later, at New Manchester United's Butcher Knife Stadium, the two teams' play-off will be another battle, we ... wait ... wait!"

Andy Gray suddenly stopped!

"What's the matter, the referee is signaling that the goal is invalid! Oh my god, this is definitely a wonderful goal. An undisputed goal, why was it disallowed?"

The entire Highbury stadium seemed to explode. Arsenal fans cheered while New Manchester United fans protested with indignation.

"Through the slow motion, Lyons' shot hit the crossbar and then bounced into the goal. It was clear that it had crossed the goal line by almost a meter, and then popped out due to the spin. Manninger then caught it. It's definitely a fantastic goal."

New Manchester United's players wanted to argue with the referee, believing they had just completed a wonderful attack. However, after discussing with the referees, the officials strongly denied it was a goal and signaled for New Manchester United to resume play as soon as possible, warning of yellow cards if they delayed.

New Manchester United fans in the stands suddenly booed overwhelmingly.

Even commentator Andy Gray was puzzled by the referee's decision.

"This is definitely a misjudgment. We can clearly see from the slow motion that the ball had completely entered the goal at that time, but the linesman was unable to see the situation clearly due to his position, and the referee's vision was blocked."

Andy Gray then joked, "If misjudgment is also part of football, then I think New Manchester United can only blame their counterattack speed, especially the left-back, Patrice Evra. Because of his incredible speed, he left the referees unable to keep up, causing this misjudgment."

But no matter the controversy about this goal, since the referee had ruled it invalid, New Manchester United could only comply. Even if they were dissatisfied, it would not help.

As a result of this episode, New Manchester United players lost focus. The remaining time seemed to drag on the field. The referee, eager to end the game, blew the final whistle early.

"The referee has finally blown the whistle to end the game. Arsenal players are clearly relieved. Yes, they finally won a victory from New Manchester United at Highbury Stadium, but if you look at the game objectively, it should have been a draw. New Manchester United played very well, especially in the last 20 minutes."

"In the last 20 minutes of the second half, New Manchester United almost pressed Arsenal. Judging by the situation on the field, everyone would think that in the last 20 minutes, New Manchester United looked more like a Premier League team, while Arsenal looked like a tenth league team."

"This is a fighting team. Although they are still in England's tenth league and still young, no one can deny the impressive performance they have shown in this game."

"Perhaps as the New Manchester United Club itself said, they are not the Red Devils, and they do not want to be the Red Devils. They are the Red Rebels, the proud Red Rebels who have their own independent character!"

It was clear that Andy Gray felt sorry for New Manchester United's defeat.

"Go, thank the fans!" Levi shouted at the players, who were ready to leave.

As the temporary captain, Darren Lyons and his teammates came to the stands where the New Manchester United fans were gathered. They waved their thanks to the fans in the stands, appreciating their support in coming to London to cheer for the team.

"Red rebels, good job!"

"Come on, Red Rebels!"

The fans in the stands gave immense applause.

Levi, standing in the distance, thought that if the team had a song of their own at this time, and it was chorused by these 3,000 fans, it would be a moving scene.

"Don't be sad, Levi, in fact, we didn't lose!" Cassel comforted Levi.

"Yes, we didn't lose, so we should leave here with our heads held high. Don't you see, even the gentle and elegant professor didn't come to shake our hands?" Levi said with a smile.

Levi was respectful to Wenger. Even the fans should be impressed by him, but in fact, Wenger's flaws as a head coach were quite obvious. This is why his Arsenal tenure was long subjected to Manchester United. After Manchester United fell into a low tide, it was difficult to resist Mourinho's Chelsea.

It has been said that Wenger's most suitable position is actually not a head coach but a technical consultant or a scout.

Levi left the players on the pitch, and he walked into the player tunnel by himself. This defeat made him feel uneasy.

Steve Bruce stood at the door of the team's locker room, leaned against the wall, and turned his face to the side, seeing Levi come over.

Levi did not speak, came to him, and leaned against the wall.

The two were quiet, listening to sounds from outside the stadium, feeling surreal and dreamy.

"We almost drew Arsenal at Highbury, man!" Levi comforted, embracing Bruce's shoulder.

Bruce nodded, having heard it all in the player tunnel.

"Compared to the players, I feel ashamed, Levi!" Bruce said after a while, "I didn't fulfill the responsibilities of a head coach or even a captain. I think I'm too irritable. I even wonder if I'm suitable for the head coach!"

"Don't do that, Steve!" Levi patted his shoulder comfortingly. "Would you like to listen to my opinion on this matter as the club owner?"

Bruce froze and looked up at Levi. Their relationship had always been one of friends. Even in the club, they didn't talk about bosses and employees, but as good friends.

But now Levi was speaking as the boss, why?

Although strange, Bruce nodded.

"I really think you should have punched him, severely, either towards the temple or the nose, and given him a punch!" Levi pointed at his head exaggeratedly as a demonstration.

Bruce knew Levi was comforting him, but he still laughed. "But that would get me a serious suspension!"

"What does it matter? Anyway, you plan to retire, right? No matter the penalty. Would the FA still punish you for not being the head coach?" Levi's face showed he didn't care.

Bruce laughed for a while, feeling better, and hugged Levi. "Thank you, Levi!"

"Really, Steve, in this game, I think your blood was stimulated in the last 20 minutes, so you didn't do anything wrong!" Levi put on a serious look.

"Well, I've figured it out!" Bruce sighed deeply, as if to sigh away all the depression in his heart.

"That's all right," Levi said with a laugh, and footsteps sounded at the entrance of the tunnel at this time. "The players are coming in, don't let them see you sad. We are the winners of this game, we are glorious. You should hold your head up, you know?"

"Relax, boss!" Bruce smiled and opened the locker room door.

After seeing Bruce go in, Levi's smile quickly faded from his face, leaving no trace, and then he slowly turned around and headed towards the exit of the stadium.

To him, a defeat was not unacceptable. What was unacceptable was the way they lost. He didn't even know how to understand his current mood.


Obviously not, the players' performance on the field was desperate; they almost played from the first minute to the last.


That's not true, because it was normal for New Manchester United to lose to Arsenal. Levi was already prepared for a big defeat. Now, with a score of 1-2 and even almost equalizing, he was satisfied.

In short, Levi didn't know what happened, but he was in a bad mood and wanted to find a place to stay alone and think about nothing.

Maybe when he woke up the next morning, he would start to forget about it.

This was London, and Levi was not familiar with it, so the only refuge he could find was the team's bus.

Obviously, the bus driver also went to watch the game and hadn't returned yet, making it impossible for Levi to get on the bus.

He kicked the tires resentfully, making the nearby security guards cautious, apparently wondering whether Levi was a thief or a fan causing trouble.

Out of the parking lot was an alley. Walking along the alley to the main gate of Highbury Stadium, Levi saw the fans pouring out of the stadium like a tide, flowing down the steps.

Such a spectacular scene filled Levi with a surge of emotion. At this moment, he was extremely eager to own a stadium of his own. He believed that if one day he stood on top of the stadium, looking down at so many fans coming out, the feeling would be beautiful.

Of course, the prerequisite was that his team must constantly win, otherwise, he wouldn't feel good!

Levi looked at the crowd, not noticing someone approaching him from behind.

"It seems you are not in a good mood, my friend," the man said with a smile.

Levi turned around and saw a middle-aged man with a gentle smile. He was holding a notebook and a pen, clearly a journalist.

"Not really," Levi replied, forcing a smile. "Just disappointed with the result."

"Understandable," the journalist said sympathetically. "It was a tough game, and that disallowed goal was controversial."

Levi nodded, feeling a mix of frustration and exhaustion. "Yes, it was. But that's football, isn't it? Full of unexpected twists and turns."

The journalist nodded. "Indeed. Mind if I ask you a few questions for my column?"

Levi hesitated for a moment but then shrugged. "Sure, why not."

The journalist quickly jotted down some notes before starting. "First, how do you feel about your team's performance today, despite the loss?"

"I'm incredibly proud of the team," Levi said earnestly. "They played with heart and determination, especially in the last 20 minutes. We may not have won, but we showed that we can compete with the best."

The journalist smiled. "That's a positive outlook. And what about the disallowed goal? Any thoughts on that?"

Levi sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's frustrating, of course. From our perspective, it was a clear goal. But the referees have a tough job, and sometimes mistakes happen. We just have to accept it and move on."

"Fair enough," the journalist said, jotting down more notes. "Lastly, what are your plans moving forward with New Manchester United?"

Levi took a deep breath. "We keep pushing forward. We're building something special here, and one game won't change that. Our goal is to keep improving, keep fighting, and keep showing everyone what the Red Rebels are capable of."

The journalist smiled, clearly impressed. "Thank you, Levi. I appreciate your time."

As the journalist walked away, Levi felt a little lighter. Talking about the game had helped him process his emotions. He took one last look at the stadium, then turned and headed back towards the bus. It was time to regroup and prepare for the next challenge.

Levi reached the team's bus just as the driver returned. He climbed aboard, finding a seat near the back. The players slowly filed in, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and disappointment. Levi stood up, ready to address them.

"Listen up, everyone," he began, his voice firm but encouraging. "Today was tough, and that disallowed goal was a blow. But I want you all to know how proud I am of each and every one of you. We played our hearts out, and we showed that we belong on this stage. This isn't the end for us; it's just the beginning. We'll come back stronger and better. Now, let's head home and get ready for the next battle."

The players nodded, their spirits lifting slightly. As the bus pulled away from Highbury Stadium, Levi sat back in his seat, feeling a renewed sense of determination. The road ahead would be challenging, but he was ready for it. The Red Rebels were just getting started.

As the bus drove through the London streets, Levi gazed out the window, lost in thought. The city lights blurred past, reflecting his swirling emotions. Despite the setback, he felt a deep sense of pride in his team. They had shown resilience and spirit, qualities that would serve them well in the battles to come.

Back at their training ground, Levi and his team would analyze the game, learn from their mistakes, and prepare for the next match. The journey of the Red Rebels was far from over. They had made a statement today, and Levi was determined to build on that momentum.

Levi's phone buzzed in his pocket, snapping him out of his reverie. It was a message from Cassel: "Great job today, boss. Proud of you and the team."

Levi smiled, typing a quick reply: "Thanks, Cassel. Proud of all of us. Let's keep pushing forward."

As he put his phone away, Levi looked around at his team. They were tired but united, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The future of New Manchester United was bright, and Levi knew that with hard work and determination, they would achieve great things.

The bus continued its journey, carrying the Red Rebels home. The road ahead was long and winding, but Levi was ready. With his team by his side, he felt confident they could overcome any obstacle. This was just the beginning of their story, and Levi was excited to see where it would lead.

The night settled in as the bus traveled through the countryside. Levi leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes and letting the hum of the engine lull him into a peaceful state. Tomorrow would bring new challenges and opportunities, but for now, he allowed himself a moment of rest.

As the bus neared their training ground, Levi opened his eyes, feeling refreshed and ready to face whatever came next. The journey of the Red Rebels was just beginning, and Levi was determined to lead his team to success. Together, they would rise, overcome adversity, and carve their own path in the world of football.

The bus pulled into the training ground, and the players disembarked, heading to their respective homes for a well-deserved rest. Levi lingered for a moment, looking around at the place where dreams were nurtured and champions were made.

He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of fulfillment and purpose. This was his team, his family, and together they would achieve greatness. With renewed determination, Levi headed to his office to prepare for the next day's training. The Red Rebels' journey was far from over, and Levi was ready to lead them every step of the way.

As he sat at his desk, planning the next training session, Levi couldn't help but smile. Despite the day's challenges, he felt a deep sense of hope and excitement for the future. The Red Rebels were on the rise, and nothing could stop them now.

The journey was long, but Levi knew that with hard work, passion, and unity, they would reach their goals. The Red Rebels were more than a team; they were a symbol of resilience and determination. And Levi was proud to be their leader, guiding them towards a bright and victorious future.

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