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50% My Hero Academia: From The Ashes / Chapter 12: 12. School Days

Chapter 12: 12. School Days

Momo and Izuku went to the support course dorms to meet with Mei and Melissa; the two walked, enjoying the early evening, their fingers intertwined. Upon arriving at the dorms, they were greeted by Melissa, who was waiting outside.

"Hey everyone, Mei is in the lab. I will lead you over," Melissa said; Momo noticed as her friend's gaze lingered on Izuku for a moment; she could tell that something was on Melissa's mind.

"How was your second day?" Izuku asked.

"It went well; we didn't get much work in the lab today. It was more normal school stuff; they had us start looking through student submittals so we could do a project. I am meeting with a few other first-years to review their support requests. I should have some essential undergarments for Toru by tomorrow, it will take more time for the other stuff, but this way, she won't have to be completely naked.

"That's good; I am sure she will appreciate it," Momo said.

They soon found themselves entering the lab where Mei was engrossed in the project, they had discussed the previous day; Izuku had walked over and was talking over the project with Mei seeing if he could offer any advice. Momo used this moment to place her hand on Melissa's arm and pull her to the side.

"Is something wrong, Mel?"

"No, exactly…" she replied.

"I have noticed you have been giving Izuku looks since the reveal."

Melissa sighed deeply and said, "Everyone desires what they lack. If you're short, you crave height; if you have straight hair, you want curls, and so on. Izuku and I share a similar past; we were both quirkless until he was bestowed with extraordinary abilities. Being quirkless is challenging, and I greatly empathize with him. I can't help but wonder if he could grant me a quirk. It has been on my mind."

"I didn't think about that, Mel; I didn't even consider that impact would have on you. I wondered if how you looked at him had to do with something else. Like I thought you may have been attracted to him."

"Izuku is hot and intelligent; Momo, any girl would think so, but you mean more to me."

"I know that, Melissa; I wasn't upset by it. I know that one or more of the girls in my class have a thing for him; Jean told me this kind of thing would happen."

"Are you ok with that?"

"It's all right for others to help Izuku if they have his best interest. Izuku decided not to let the world suffer because of me. Jean mentioned that I am his primary anchor, and he must also have other anchors. If something happened to me, he could fall, and the Dark Phoenix could emerge. I don't want that to happen to the world or him. I'm not sure if he can bear it if that happens. For now, he must make friends and let others in. I was relieved when he told you and Mei that you supported him. However, I need to be more naïve to believe everyone will feel the same way when sharing this information."

"So, you are ok with sharing your boyfriend?"

"Izuku possesses exceptional strength and an unwavering spirit. His stamina is phenomenal in numerous aspects. I hold a deep affection for him, which he reciprocates. Moreover, I am confident of my place in his heart, which remains unchallenged. However, given my future commitments to Heroics and running the company, I might only sometimes be able to provide him with the time and attention he requires. I hope you comprehend what I am trying to convey."

"I think I do; I won't lie and say that I am not attracted to him, but I would always put squash on any of those thoughts. I want to make sure you won't mind that I think about it a little more; your friendship and love mean more to me, Momo?"

"Melissa, take your time and keep me updated. Regarding the quirk, it would be best to talk with him. Ultimately, he decides whether to do it if he's capable. However, would you be all right if he chooses not to do it even if he can?"

"He empathizes with the pain of being quirkless in a society that values quirks. Knowing he possesses that ability, yet choosing not to aid the quirkless, would be a source of great anguish for me. It would also depend on his reasoning; if he could do it and told me no, there would be a solid reason."

"I do too. Let's ensure those two don't blow up the lab, Mei more than Izuku, but you understand."

Melissa joined in as Mei and Izuku discussed the power source's stability. Mei was confident that the power source would be stable, while Izuku questioned why they weren't considering an alternative method. However, Melissa had the correct answer. The three of them continued to debate, and Momo found their arguments amusing. The second explosion of the night was particularly impressive. Ultimately, Melissa's answer was correct, which was a satisfying outcome for her.

As the group went to part for the evening, Melissa pulled Izuku aside. "Hey, Izuku, I wanted to talk to you about something. Do you think that maybe we could get together Saturday?"

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes, everything is fine. I want to talk to you about something from dinner the other night and want some time to get all my thoughts in order before we do."

"Ok then, Melissa, Saturday will be fine. We can set something up as we get closer."

"Thank you, Izuku."


As Ochaco gazed upon the impressive spread of food before her, her eyes widened in curiosity. Despite Brighton's charm, something about him and the battle test gave her a bad feeing in her gut, as her father had always cautioned her to trust her instincts. However, she found solace in the company of her classmates, Hitoshi, Denki, Itsuka, and Ida, who were also present at the restaurant. Although she felt slightly out of place, Ochaco saw it as a chance to forge closer bonds with her peers and appreciate the restaurant's excellent cuisine.

Brighton was pleasant enough to talk to but seemed to have a problem with Izuku. He let slip some subtle comments about Izuku's character and intentions toward Momo. This placed Ochaco on edge slightly as she hadn't noticed anything odd, she blushed some to herself as she had seen Izuku slipping into Momo's room late one evening, but that was none of Ochaco's business. Most of the class had eaten lunch together the previous day, and the young couple seemed happy; Ochaco didn't understand the deal. Ochaco was on edge when she asked him what happened during the Tsu battle test.

"It is nothing to worry about; I highly question her future in heroics. It would seem her quirk may be better suited somewhere else."

Ochaco, a girl from the countryside, felt a sense of condescension in his voice, like how city contractors or businessmen would speak to her parents. Despite not knowing Tsu well, the girl had became one of her favorites. When Ochaco mentioned she didn't have much to move into the dorms, Izuku showed empathy and understanding by admitting he was in the same situation. He didn't offer pity but rather compassion and understanding.

She watched Brighton flutter about talking to everyone, adapting to their interests, and offering some opportunity. A new game for Denki, a chance for Itsuka to meet a famous martial artist, and a rare book for Hitoshi, he had offered to put in a good word for her parents with some construction job. That set off alarm bells; she hadn't told him her parent were in construction; she had only told Tsu about it as they discussed family. There was no way that Tsu would have shared that information with Brighton.

He was playing a game, and Ochaco did not like people who played games. Say what you mean and mean what you say. This rich boy thought he was better than her and felt more intelligent than her. She was raised in the country but still made it into a school with a 2% acceptance rate. She had scored in the top 90% on the written test. She was not dumb or ignorant and was not about letting someone try and use her in some game. She would find out what this douchebag was up to and show him she was not one to be fucked with.


Bakugo had made his way down to the kitchen, but the explosive teen was hungry and went to get something to eat. As he entered the kitchen, he saw Brighton sitting on the kitchen island, eating some curry.

He responded to the rich prick's question with a grunt as he rummaged through the fridge for something. It wasn't until he heard the offer of spicy curry that Bakugo turned around and noticed that Brighton was sweating profusely as he ate.

"Do you like spicy curry?"

"Why?" Bakugo responded with all the civility of an angry Pomeranian.

"I ordered mild, and they gave me spicy; I can't eat it. Did you want it before I got rid of it? You came down here to get something to eat. I am just trying to be nice."

"Why would I want anything from you, and why, what do you want?"

Brighton smiled. "To get rid of Izuku Midoriya. Now do you like spicy curry or not?"

Bakugo smirked, "I could go for some."


-Madam President-

Momo sat at lunch rather pleased that she had been elected class president during homeroom, with her boyfriend elected her Vice president. The morning classes had progressed rather well as she and her classmates sat down to eat lunch; Momo sat back and took in the scene of the whole lunch table, Mei and Melissa, Mina, and Toru, and Shoto and Itsuka all sitting together. The girl who always felt lonely was leaving that in the past, as she was surrounded by others who shared her passion and desire to become a hero and her drive. She was laughing as Mina and Toru were already saying how their homework had mysteriously disappeared into the phantom zone when her musing was broken by the school alarms going off.


The lunchroom erupted into immediate chaos as the student body began to panic; Izuku immediately wrapped himself and Momo in a telekinetic bubble and pulled them into the air, locating Mei and Melissa; he did the same.

Mei quickly looked to the windows, expecting to see that paramilitary unit descending on the school, but she immediately noticed no such thing. Instead, the press seemed to be flooding through a destroyed gate. "Izuku, it's the press. They are entering through a destroyed gate, which is troublesome in a different way. The gate's destruction seems way too much for a simple press member. I mean the quirk that would have to be used to destroy it in such a manner…" she communicated telepathically.


"YES, MA'AM," They responded in unison.

Izuku immediately lowered his group to the ground and began sweeping telepathically throughout the building.

Yes, this is precisely what we were looking for, perfect. The young master will be pleased.

Before Izuku could lock down a position, the person was gone; it must be some teleporter. He relayed the info; there wasn't much they could do about it without revealing more of their hand; they were reluctant to do so as they were aware of the possible confrontational relationship between Izuku and the staff. Melissa supplied an option by having an anonymous report sent to the school. Mei said she would mention her findings about the gate as she could tell the truth of what she had seen via her quirk from the window. Izuku provided a general area where he sensed Melissa's thoughts to include in her tip. Momo was seeing her classmates and clearing the cafeteria; thankfully, Toru had been found easily and was unhurt though she had been knocked to the ground.

The group made their way outside before they had to split to their response zones; Izuku did a quick head count of their class, ensuring they were all present and informing Professor Midnight, who oversaw the evacuation grounds. Soon they were given the all-clear and returned to class. As they were walking back to class, they had heard from some of the general studies students that the press had harassed them about All-Might teaching at the school and had wanted to get a quote from them. The press had left them alone for the most part after they told them they were Gen-Ed and All-Might wasn't their teacher.

Momo and Izuku were pulled into their first student council meeting per se; it was more of an introduction to the other elected officials. They bumped into the representatives of their sister class along the way boy with Ice-Blue hair and black eyes introduced himself as the President of 1-B Shoda Nerengeki, and his vice president was another boy with Blonde hair and blue eyes whose false politeness tainted his introduction and as Neito Monoma. Neito shook hands with Momo. A disturbing look glanced through his eyes as he did so when he did the same with Izuku though it was confusion. The two presidents made small talk as they were making their way to the student council meeting while the two vice presidents had fallen into step behind them.

"So, Midoriya, what is your quirk?" Neito said, his voice momentarily seeming to quaver with curiosity.

Izuku raised an eyebrow and responded, "Tell me yours first."

Neito smiled. "Why can I copy someone's quirk with a touch? Your class President has a fascinating quirk, while you seem to have a weak form of Telekinesis. But something is wrong with that; I saw you today in the cafeteria, how you lifted the two of you and those other girls. Part of my quirk gives me a basic understanding of how it works, and with yours right now, I would struggle to move a pencil."

"Sounds like a problem then," Izuku responded, shrugging his shoulders. "Quirks are like a muscle, I was only able to move a pencil when my quirk first manifested, but after some rather intense training, I can use it as I can now; maybe that is the problem."

"I could be that. It is not something I have necessarily encountered before, but I see your point. I understand your president's quirk, but I lack the knowledge to use it. I know what I need to trigger it…"


Upon entering the council chambers, Izuku felt a chill run down his spine as he noticed Mirio Togata seated at the front of the room. Beside him was the girl he had encountered on the move-in day who had expressed interest in speaking with him. She possessed long, spiral Periwinkle hair, blue eyes, and a shapely figure that drew Izuku's attention. The girl appeared excited upon seeing him, while the boy who had pulled her away during their first encounter stood beside her. This boy was of decent height, with Indigo hair, eyes, and pointy ears that gave him an elf-like quality. Unlike their previous meeting, the boy seemed disinterested and would rather be elsewhere.

A boy with black hair and eyes with a slender build promptly walked over. He introduced himself as the President of 2-B, Muramoto Sho, and his Vice president was a pleasant-looking girl with long straight black hair and indigo eyes, Tao Mayumi. 2-A's representatives were both female and identical twins at that. They were beautiful with Auburn hair and Teal eyes, Keri, and Teri. Momo noticed the look the twins gave her and Izuku. Before she could say anything besides hello and introduce herself and Izuku, the meeting was called to order by Mirio.

"I would first like to welcome our newest student council members, please introduce yourselves, and we can get this show on the road." After the brief introductions, "We, of course, are the third-year representatives, also known as the big three; all that means is that we are considered the strongest in the school." Mirio and Izuku locked eyes briefly as Izuku gave him a knowing smirk. "I am Mirio Togata, Class 1-B President; this is Nejire Hado, Class 1-A President, and Tamaki Amajaki, Class 1-B vice president." As if on cue, the door opened, and in walked with Reddish hair and red-brown eyes; she was pushing a cart with refreshments and cakes that looked simply divine. "this is YuYu Haya, the class 1-A vice."

"Sorry, I am late, Duncan was putting the finishing touches on the cake, and we got distracted." The girl said with a slight blush.

"It's ok, YuYu, I understand," Nejire giggled.

"Moving on," Mirio said as Tamaki rose, picking up some booklets and walking around to hand them out to the members. "This is just the heroics class representatives. We will meet Thursday in the Business Course hall to meet with the members of the other councils; what Tamaki is handing you is the handbook for all council members as well as guidelines and rules. I expect you all to read them for our next meeting; you will also find a list of positions that need to be filled in your classes, such as Treasurer and Secretary. How you choose to do so is up to you. This is all for now; I want us to know each other better and ensure everyone exchanges numbers and joins the group chats. We third years are busy with our work studies, as are the second years but feel free to contact us if you need any assistance."

"Please enjoy YuYu's boyfriend's work, and let's mingle!" Nejire said as she pumped her fist into the air.

YuYu blushed as she set out the tea pots and cups; after everyone had grabbed a drink and a bite, everyone talked until they took their first bite, and silence filled the room. It was the most amazing thing that anyone had ever eaten; Momo looked over at Izuku with stars in her eyes as she then took a sip of the tea and almost melted into the floor. Izuku darling, you know I love you, but things I would do if the man would cook for me every day make me ashamed.

I agree with you, I have never had homosexual thoughts, but I would do whatever he wanted for this food.

Momo walked over to YuYu, "Haya, you must introduce me to your boyfriend and tell him that my family would love to bankroll any restaurant or that if he would be amenable to being hired as a private chef, he just needs to name his price. This is… DIVINE."

YuYu smiled. "I will let him know, and thank you, Yaoyorozu, it is something.

Izuku could feel the energy behind him as he turned and faced Nejire Hado.

"No one can stop me now, so Midoriya, what is your quirk? How do you know my Mirio? Why doesn't he like you? Do you not like him? Why? What did he do? Do I need to punch him? Should I punch you? Do you want to spare some time? Is Yaoyorozu your girlfriend? If so, how did you meet? Are you into girls? Or maybe boys? Did you try to hit on my boyfriend? Is that what is wrong? Did he hit on you? Does he like boys and not tell me? I told him I like girls. I need to go ask him?" she was about to turn and rush off when Izuku lightly placed his hand on her arm, causing her attention back to him.

"The easiest way to explain my quirk is Telekinesis, but there is more to it than that. I met "your" Mirio one day, and we had a disagreement, and that is why he doesn't like me; no, I am not that fond of him either. I doubt that punching him would do any good. I don't think I need to be punched by you though I did beat your boyfriend during the entrance exam; maybe you want to punch me for that. I would love to spar with you. Yes, Yaoyorozu is my girlfriend; we met by chance in town one day. I am very into girls, not boys, and I haven't met one that has sparked that curiosity. I would rather cut out my eyes than hit on our boyfriend, same if he hit on me. I have no idea if he likes boys, and that you like girls too is cool."

"You answered all my questions and never told me to shut up. That is so awesome. Wait, you beat up Mirio; that is hard to do. We should spare soon. Why was Mirio part of the entrance exam? He didn't tell me that. Why didn't he tell me that? Does this have something to do with this, Mr. Yagi? He is always blowing me off. He has missed date night like ten times. I don't like it; it doesn't make me feel good."

"I think those are all answers that you should get from him; all I can say is that if he blew off a date with you, he is dumber than I already believe."

"I'll ask him," she said confidently as she pivoted towards Mirio and marched over to him. Izuku smiled, but it only seemed to create more trouble for the blonde, who was already dealing with his problems. He decided to move over and join the other representatives in conversation. Meanwhile, the twins had cornered Momo and attempted to set a date with the couple. After some maneuvering, they were able to fend off the twins with the excuse of settling into the start of the school year.

Momo smiled and whispered a thankyou to Izuku as they moved on to talk to the other reps, avoiding a Mirio who looked annoyed at Nejire, who had pulled him aside.

"You're doing?" Momo asked.

"Slightly; I just told her that if she wanted some answers to some questions that she asked, she should go to the source." He responded. After talking with the other year two reps, they exited as homework and dinner were still on their list to accomplish tonight. Upon returning to the dorms, they settled in with their growing group of friends, doing homework and helping them out; it was a pleasant night, primarily bereft of drama. As Izuku and Momo made their way to bed, they slowly slipped into each other's embrace as the night drifted on.

Day 4

Izuku and Momo managed to avoid having a repeat of day 2. The fact that Izuku was downstairs making American omelets for breakfast after Rikido joined him made the process much smoother. Fumikage soon joined them, helping to serve plates and point people to the tea and coffee. The trio were laughing and having a good time; it was enjoyable. They even started to plan what to do the following day. Fumi and Dark Shadow suggested something with Apples, their favorite food. After a hearty meal, Izuku ensured his girlfriend was well fed as today was supposed to be some special training. Most of them walked together with little groups clustered together, and the ones that crossed over to other groups pulled people into conversations. It was chaotic and, honestly, much fun; Izuku noticed that Bakugo would orbit but not engage in conversation; Brighton had a group that he seemed to be focused on.

Homeroom was brief as they were directed to get into costume and meet at the bus; Izuku and Momo just made sure that everyone boarded, ignoring the seating chart suggestion of Ida, their newly appointed Secretary, who smiled and boarded the bus. They were still discussing the position of Treasure when the last of their class boarded; they reported to Aizawa as they boarded themselves as the bus began to move.

"All right, children, we are heading to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or the USJ for specialized rescue training; once we arrive, we will be joined by a rescue specialist. I want all of you to give them complete attention and proper respect. No matter what avenue of heroics you go into, you will be involved in rescue operations, so pay close attention."

"YES SENSEI" rang from his students.

Brighton was talking to Ochaco, sitting next to Tsu when Tsu turned to Brighton. "Brighton, I tend to speak my mind."

Brighton just looked over at the girl before rolling his eyes and turning his focus back to Ochaco, "So Ochaco, I was wondering if you had any plans this weekend?" his conversation was interrupted by Tsu tapping his shoulder.

"I am not sure what you did during battle training, but I want you to know I don't like you, and I don't trust you." The bus had quieted down as the conversation caught most of the people's attention.

"Now Tsu-Chan.." he responded.

"Asui, call me Asui. You don't deserve to use my name."

"Then call me Freadom, you worthless amphibian."

"Hey, don't talk to her like that!" Ochaco said.

The word is worthless reverberated through the bus and made a home in Izuku's ears, DEKU.

"I am sorry, Ochaco, but we can discuss plans later when others have gone to do whatever they do." Brighton returned to his seat.

"Ochaco, I don't have the authority to dictate your company, but please excuse me," Tsu said politely. She then stood up and relocated to sit beside Kyoka, who welcomed her with a gesture. Momo followed suit, sitting in front of them and leaning in to converse with Tsu. Meanwhile, Brighton appeared preoccupied with a hushed conversation with Ida, paying no attention to the situation.

Fortunately, the bus arrived outside a massive, doomed building quickly the size of 4 football fields; the thing was tremendous. Ochaco's sour mood brightened when she saw her favorite hero, 13 standing outside.

"Where's All-Might?" Aizawa said as he stepped off.

"He is running late. Did you want to wait for him?"

"No, we can get started; we just have to adjust the group sizes till he gets here."

Thirteen nodded her head before stepping forward.

"Does anyone know what my quirk is?" she asked.

Ochaco bounced forward. "It is Black Hole. It can absorb anything in its way; you use it to clear rubble in rescue operations."

Thirteen nodded, "You are correct; it can do that, including people. My quirk is extremely deadly, and I have had to train hard to use it as I do. Some of you have very dangerous and powerful quirks; it is important that you learn how to control them when you are called in on missions like this." Bakugo rolled his eyes and looked away. "Not only are we here to train that but to train you how to defend people trapped from villain attacks. Villains love to ambush heroes in these scenarios, especially rescue heroes, so knowing your environment and identifying things that can be used against you is essential. Mr. Bakugo, if you feel this training is beneath you, you can wait on the bus and take the incomplete."

Bakugo clicked his tongue but returned his focus to the rescue hero. "That goes for anyone of you as well; there will be no fighting amongst yourselves today; you will respect your teammates in all the scenarios; if you do not, you will fail. You do not have the luxury of choosing who will be by your side in these operations. I will not let your petty squabbles get in the way of saving lives, nor should you. Am I understood?"

"YES, SENSEI!" the class responded, even Bakugo, though with little enthusiasm.

"Good now, follow me," Thirteen motioned as she walked towards the massive doors, and the class fell behind her.

As they entered, they could overlook the massive facility, seeing all the zones; it was truly grand. The class gathered on the landing overlooking the central courtyard and fountain. "Now, today we will separate you into different groups…." Thirteen started to say.

Eijiro was looking over the railing, "MR. AIZAWA, is this part of the simulation?"

Everyone turned their attention to the portals opening in the courtyard as real villains poured out.

"There is no way they are real alarms would be going off," said Denki.

"Eraser Head, I have no signal; someone is jamming the communications."

"THIRTEEN, GET THE STUDENTS OUT OF HERE AND SIGNAL FOR HELP!" Aizawa said, vaulting over the ledge to the ground below.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU CAN'T FIGHT THEM ALL, NOT WITH OUR QUIRK. LET ME SHOW HOW IT'S DONE!" Bakugo yelled after their homeroom teacher.

"Listen, Bakugo, a true hero, is versatile and can do more than one thing. You need to follow Thirteen's orders, or you will be expelled," Aizawa commanded. Suddenly, the leaders appeared from a portal. A peculiar man made of purple smoke with yellow eyes, dressed in slacks and a vest, was accompanied by another man with light blue hair and red eyes, various hands holding onto his body. The final figure to emerge was a hulking creature with a beaked face and exposed brain.

"Where is All-Might Kurogiri? He was supposed to be here!" the man said in a raspy voice.

"I do not know, young master; according to the information we obtained, he was supposed to be here."

"How dare he does not show up to his execution! In the meantime, let's kill some kids until he shows up. Kurogiri, if you would. The rest of you take care of this Hobo here." He said with a dismissive hand wave towards Eraser Head.

The smoke man stepped back into a portal.

Thirteen was leading the students toward the exit when a black portal opened and out stepped Kurogiri. "Stay behind me, children." The rescue hero stepped forward.

"Denki, can you get a signal through?" Momo asked.

"No, just interference." He responded. Momo looked at Izuku, who nodded.



"Children get that door open and escape while I deal with this one," Thirteen commanded as her hand shot forward, the caps on the end of her fingers opening, unleashing her quirk. A portal opened in front of her attack, and a second opened behind her tearing open Thirteen's suit, and the hero screamed in pain.

Bakugo and Eijiro yelled and leaped at the villain, only to be swallowed by a portal. Suddenly portal erupted all around the students; Izuku pulled himself away and was doing the same to Momo when suddenly he felt a shove in his side and was knocked into the swirling darkness. Brighton smirked as Izuku and most other students were swallowed; he pulled Momo away from the portal that sought to consume her and sent Itsuka in her place, not that anyone would know.

He managed to pull Momo, Ochaco, Hitoshi, and Ida safely out of harm's way, now to deal with this portal villain, save Thirteen, and hope that Izuku was adequately dealt with. He would gain allies, and Momo would swoon right into his arms. Perfect. He loved it when a plan came together perfectly, even if it had to be improvised.

Brighton Freadom

Quirk: Time Dilation – Able to slow time in an area allowing the user to move about at standard time; he can affect objects while they are restricted when the effect ends, his action will take effect.

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