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41.66% My Hero Academia: From The Ashes / Chapter 10: 10. First Day

Chapter 10: 10. First Day

-Day One-

Izuku awoke before his alarm; slowly, he stretched, having returned to his room late after spending the evening with Momo. He reached over and shut off the alarm to prevent it from sounding and went to the shower. As he wiped the steam from the mirror, he stared at his reflection momentarily. "Day One, now let's see how this goes."

Momo went downstairs to find Izuku in the kitchen, setting down a plate for her. She walked over and kissed his cheek. "For me?"

Izuku laughed, "No, it is for my other girlfriend, shhh I am not supposed to tell anyone."

Momo gave him a fake pout, "Well, she should have got down here first." Momo took a seat and began to eat. The meal was large, with four eggs, hashbrowns, multiple ham steaks, salad, and pancakes. Izuku set down a glass of milk and her favorite tea.

"Don't think we will have to use our quirks today but figured better safe than sorry." He said as he took a seat next to her with his meal. The two didn't speak verbally but chose to continue their conversation mentally. The sound of two girls going "AWWW." Behind them, Izuku turned and saw Mina and Toru, well, her floating uniform at least. Izuku telepathically asked Momo if she had enough food, to which she stated she was quite satisfied with the morning offering.

"There is plenty extra if you girls want some?" Izuku said.

"Really?" Toru said with a bounce; Izuku nodded as the girls smiled and grabbed some food joining the couple.

"So, how long have you two been together?" Mina asked as she took a bite of her eggs.

Momo smiled and lightly touched Izuku's hand about "About nine months," she then kissed Izuku's cheek.

"How did it happen? Did he swoop you off your feet?" Toru said Izuku watched as the food just disappeared.

Momo laughed lightly, "Sort of; we bumped into each other on the street, I almost fell, and he caught me. He went to leave, but he came back and asked if he could take me and my friends to get something to eat; sadly, we had just eaten, then he asked me for lunch. Another time he said, 'Once again, forgive my forwardness, but I know I would kick myself if I didn't say anything.'"

Izuku blushed some, "You remember what I said?"

"It was quite the impression," she responded.

"Smooth moves there, Izuku," Mina said with a giggle; Izuku blushed more, making the giggle turn into a laugh.

They talked some more when they finished Toru, and Mina offered to put the dishes in the dishwasher as Izuku had cooked for them. Soon they were making their way out the door; Izuku saw Shoto and called out to him, asking if he wanted to walk with them. Shoto tilted his head and asked, "Do you not know the way to class?"

The girls were somewhat confused; Izuku smiled and responded. "No, we were hoping that you did."

They watched as Shoto seemed to think about this, "Very well, then follow me. I shall make sure that we get to class. I wanted to know if you knew the warning signs of the floor becoming lava. I would like not to be caught unaware."

"Sorry, it's a spontaneous event; you just have to remain vigilant," Izuku said with a straight face. Confusion spread amongst the girls even more.

"Very well." He said, walking ahead and monitoring the ground as he did so.

Momo grabbed Izuku's hand, "What in the world was that about?"

"Yeah, bro, you need to explain that like asap," Mina said.

"I am so confused," Toru added.

Izuku recounted his exchange with Shoto and his sister when he helped them move in. "So, he honestly believes that the floor can become lava like we are five or something," Mina said.

Izuku shrugged honestly, "At first, I thought he was joking, but I honestly have no idea."

They were joined on their walk by Ochaco and Mina's friend Eijiro.

As they approached the door, the thought of why it was so large crossed everyone's mind; they could hear Ida chastising someone, "You should not put your feet on the desk. It is disrespectful to all the students who came before us and those who will come after us."


"Murder me? Are you sure you want to be a hero who speaks like that?"


Shoto opened the door and peeked in before turning to Izuku, "The floor seems safe." Izuku noticed that Shoto gave a small smile as he turned and walked in. That son of a gun, he is in on it.

The group was the last to arrive; Momo and Izuku took seats next to each other near the front, with Mina and Toru taking the seats behind them; everyone had taken their seat and were making light chit-chat about who their homeroom teacher would be when the door opened, the class turned and saw at most of them assumed to be a homeless person who may be the Hitoshi's father by the bags under their eyes.

"Dude, I didn't know your dad was a teacher here," Denki said to the teen with purple hair and eyes with dark circles under his eyes that matched the man walking in.

"No, neither did I, and he is not my dad."

"Stop talking; if you are here to make friends go home; at least you were all in your seats. I am Shota Aizawa; you may refer to me as Aizawa or Sensei. You are not here to make friends or to socialize, do that on your own time. When you are on my time, you are here to learn to be pro heroes, now grab the P.E uniforms in your desk head and meet me on the athletic fields in 10 minutes or be expelled."

Izuku paused for one second before grabbing his uniform; Momo followed suit. "Hey guys, I highly doubt he is joking," he said over his shoulder as the couple ran out the door; he noticed Bakugo and Brighton were already moving.

Mina and Toru shook off their shock and followed the rest of the class springing to life.

-8 Minutes Later-

The last member of the class joined the rest on the athletic field.

"Not bad; glad you lot at least know to hustle." Ochaco raised her hand. "Yes, Ms. Uraraka?"

"Um, sir, aren't we going to miss orientation and meeting with our guidance counselors."

"Unnecessary orientation is a waste of time; you are all here to become heroes. Why do you need to meet with a guidance counselor? Unless you are lost, are you lost, Ms. Uraraka?"

Ochaco's eyes narrowed for a moment, "No, Sensei."

"Good, now we are going to perform an assessment test, the same one you have performed all your lives, but unlike the illogical reasoning or lies that everyone is created equal, they give you will get to use your quirks. Mr. Midoriya, you scored tops in the written and practical step up to the circle."

Izuku stepped into the circle on the ground as Aizawa tossed him a ball. "How far could you throw a ball in school?"

Izuku gave a weary smile, "15 meters."

Aizawa looked over Izuku's impressive build, "way this time, do it using your quirk." The class also needed clarification on Izuku's statement, with, of course, the exception of Momo.

Looking at the ball, he wrapped it in his telekinesis and just tossed it over his shoulder, flying off out of sight. Aizawa raised an eyebrow looking at a device in his hand before he turned and showed it to the class, 1256 Meters.

There were some varied responses for the class, most of them loud, Brighton sneered but said nothing, and Bakugo just ground his teeth and muttered, "Fucking Deku."

Mina looked like she was about to explode with excitement, but Izuku quickly caught her attention and shook his head at her. Mina stopped and even grabbed Toru's arm to stop her as well. Unfortunately, Denki said, "Dude, this is going to be so much fun."

Without missing a beat, Aizawa's very faint smile danced across his lips. "Fun, Mr. Kaminari, then how about whoever scores the lowest will be expelled for showing minimal potential."

Hitoshi got extremely nervous, and Toru suddenly said, "Wait, how is that fair? It is only the first day."

Aizawa rubbed his eyes, "Life is not fair, Ms. Hagakure; natural disasters, villain attacks, disease, what quirk you are born with, none of that is fair. Now children, let's get to it, so I can get someone's expulsion paperwork filled out."

Izuku placed his hand on Toru's shoulder, and subtly using his empathy, he calmed the invisible girl down, "Just do your best, Toru; if you do, I am sure you won't be expelled."

-Test One: 50 Meter Dash-

Izuku, not wanting to call down a strike on the school, decided not to use the Power Cosmic to boost himself; he lost his race to Katsuki, who used his explosions to launch himself down the track. Katsuki was rather pleased that he beat Izuku, but his mood soured when Ida beat his time, and the Brighton Freadom took his place at the line. With a smile, he stepped to the line, and in a blink, he was across the line; the bots could barely register the time of 0.2 seconds. Izuku blinked again. Was that super speed? That is way beyond Ida; I couldn't even track it.

-Test Two: Grip Test-

Momo created a vice to destroy the device, and Izuku used his telekinesis to do the same. He smiled when Katsuki did not even place into the top 5, Itsuka, Rikido, and Mezo did amazing. He paid particular attention to Brighton, who scored below average. He was surprised when Hitoshi walked over to Itsuka.

"That was impressive, Kendo,"

"Thanks, my quirk is more suited for strength than speed."

"Nice, would you squeeze this for me?" he said as he handed her his test meter.

"Why would…" Itsuka gave went vacant, and she took the meter and did just what he asked. She seemed to return to her senses as she handed him the meter. "What just happened?"

The rest of the class turned to their teacher. "I allow it."

Hitoshi walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder, "Hey, sorry about that. If you want, I will explain later, and you can even deck me if you want."

Itsuka nodded.

-Test Three: Standing Long Jump-

Katsuki cleared the pit, Izuku cleared it just a little past him, then Brighton did the same to Izuku. In truth, the whole class did rather well. But Izuku was confused again about Brighton; he stood at the pit and was on the other side, just past Izuku's mark.

-Test Four: Repeated Side Steps-

With the aid of Springs, Momo did great, Tsu for apparent reasons, and surprisingly Toru rounded out the top Three.

-Test Five: Distance Run-

Izuku loved his girlfriend, but she was a straight-up cheater, a solar-powered scooter; he just smiled at her as she zipped past him without a care in the world. He was amazed when he saw Hitoshi zipping on the same contraption. Ida, well this was his time to shine, and he did take the top spot.

"Momo, what happened?"

"I don't know. He came up and said hello; I responded and made him a scooter."

Izuku reached out and touched his girlfriend's mind and could feel what had happened. He quickly set up blocks to stop that from happening to her again.

Katsuki was fuming; he wasn't taking the top spot. What the hell? He was supposed to be the next number one, but somehow a girl with invisibility had managed to do better than him in the side-step test.

-Test Six: Seated Toe-Touch-

Mina and Toru won easily, as the only way they could get closer to the ground was if they managed to merge with it; most surprisingly, Koji did almost as well, to everyone's surprise.

-Test Seven: Sit Ups-

Izuku was doing well due to how Jean had rebuilt him and his training regimen; he also admired how everyone except Hitoshi, who struggled, was in such good shape. In the end, Izuku stopped and put up a good number. To Izuku's confusion, Brighton could have done better than Izuku thought he would.

-Test Eight: Ball Throw-

Ochaco won with infinity, Katsuki tried to kill the ball, and he got one of the top scores in class, behind Ochaco, Izuku, Momo, and Shoto, and surprisingly Koji beat everyone except Ochaco and Hitoshi when a bird came down and grabbed his ball and flew off. The shy giant gave everyone his timid smile and walked out of the circle. Hitoshi had called over to Ochaco, who responded then, with the same zombie-like look, walked over and touched the softball for him as he just let it float off.

What caught Izuku's attention was when Brighton was about to step into the circle, the Aizawa said that Brighton had to remain in the circle. Then there was no superspeed but a somewhat subpar throw.

Everyone sat nervously as Aizawa tallied up the scores. "Now, let's get to it." The scores manifested on a hologram in front of the class. Toru was last; she had done her best; she was about to cry when she heard her classmates complain to Aizawa. She felt two hands gently placed on her shoulder, and Mina and Izuku were trying to comfort her. Izuku looked over at Momo, who nodded as she stepped forward.

"Mr. Aizawa, are you really about to expel Toru?"

"I told you all what would happen to whoever came in last?"

"Sir, was that not a logical ruse to push us to do our best? I noticed the small smile when Denki spoke up."

"And if it was?"

"I feel personally that there are better ways to get us to do our best other than psychological trauma."

"It is my job to make you into heroes, not to hold your hand from the realities of the world."

"That is where you are wrong; it is your job, Mr. Aizawa," Izuku said, coming to stand next to Momo. "Your job is to teach us and to give us the best chance to succeed, not to step in and shatter something someone has worked for in just one afternoon over some stupid high school tests."

"My job is to make sure you don't die out there once you leave these grounds, to remove those with no potential, Mr. Midoriya. Today is not that day, so settle down. The threat of expulsion was indeed used to motivate all of you today, but it was also a real threat. If any of you had not tried your best, you would have been expelled today. Mr. Shinso, today you placed higher than Ms. Hagakure by the nature of your quirk, which is commendable, but your physical capabilities are atrocious. A hero cannot be defined by their quirk alone, as none of you are All-Might in disguise; you need to be able to defend yourself and others without your quirk. Whether you aim to be number one, a support or rescue hero, no one can afford to be a one-trick pony. Ms. Hagakure, you are not being expelled today. After you all change, head back to class and collect your syllabus; you are done for the day."

-Boys Locker Room-

The boys were changing idle chit-chat, passing back and forth; Izuku looked over at Shoto, who was changing silently.

"Hey, Shoto, why didn't you use your fire during the drills?" Izuku asked. He saw Shoto sigh and looked over at him.

"I don't use my fireside because it belongs to Father; I don't want to give him the satisfaction."

Izuku could sense the emotions coming off Shoto; he walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You know that your fire doesn't belong to him, just as much that your ice doesn't belong to your mother. They are your powers, not theirs. My mom is a minor Telekinetic and abandoned me along with my father. My power is an improvement of hers; it is not hers. It is mine. You should think about the type of person YOU want to be, not what anyone else wants. Now come on, let's get some lunch,"

Shoto looked at him with a peculiar look, "Food would be good. That way, Fuyumi won't worry."

Izuku saw most of the guys looking at them, "You guys are more than welcome to join; the more, the merrier."

"I must decline, as Tenya has already agreed to have lunch with me," Brighton said.

"Ah, Yes, Brighton, let us head out," Tenya said with a stiff chop.

"I would rather eat my boot, fucking Deku," Bakugo said under his breath as he slammed his locker and stalked off.

Shoto looked at Izuku, "He doesn't seem to like you."

"Yea, the feeling is mutual; come eat with us, Hitoshi."

"You don't mind if I used my power on your girlfriend?"

"You didn't do anything bad to her, so yeah, that's fine; your quirk is cool. It would be amazing in hostage situations."

"Yea, Bro, you could get the villain just to surrender or deactivate the bomb," Eijiro added. "I'll join you, Midoriya."

Hitoshi was surprised by Izuku's reaction, but it was one of the first times someone had not called his quirk villainous. "I could eat."

Soon the other guys decided to join, and they headed to the cafeteria as a group meeting with the girls along the way.

-Girls Locker Room-

"Momo, do you want to come and get some food with Toru and me?" Mina asked as she stepped out of the shower wrapped in a towel. "Or do you have plans with Izuku?"

"No, I am free for lunch; he will eat with the guys from class. It's a good chance to mingle and everything. We could always join up with them and make it a class thing."

"I would be down for either; I would like to get to know everyone better," Itsuka said as she sat down on the bench.

Tsu stopped dressing and held her finger to her chin, thinking, "Ribbit, a class lunch sounds good. I want to make more friends."

"If we go to the cafeteria, I would love to go. I am on a budget." Ochaco said with a blush.

"Food is food," Kyoka said.

"Hey, Momo, thanks for sticking up for me; I thought he was going to expel me," Toru said.

"Yea, that was bullshit," Kyoka added.

"It was no problem, Toru. We have to stick together," Momo said, pulling her hair into her signature ponytail.

"Well, thanks anyway; we should set up a group chat to talk more," Toru said, holding up her phone.

"It would be cool if we could also work out together," Itsuka said.

"Only if you help with learning some hand-to-hand," Ochaco said. "I think I really should learn some with my quirk."

"I thought you wanted to go rescue?" Mina said.

"I do, but I was talking with Tsu, and she told me that sometimes you have to go into an active battle zone to rescue, and some villains target the rescue heroes specifically."

"Kero, rescue heroes die a lot because they don't know how to fight, so I learned some martial arts myself. Ribbit."

"That makes sense, yea we should work out together. It will be better than doing it alone," Mina said.

Itsuka smiled at Ochaco, "I would be happy to help in any way I can."

Soon all the girls were agreeing and sharing contact info. Mina and Toru teased Momo at her home screen picture of her and Izuku on the beach. Momo blushed a little before pulling her phone back, scrolling through her photos, and flashed the two a shot of Izuku wrapped in a towel flexing in the mirror. She laughed at their reactions. "Damn girl, that is nice," Mina said.

Momo smiled. How many of them will agree with the plan we have?

Soon they were on their way to meet up with the boys.

-After Lunch-

As the rest of class 1-A returned to the dorms, Momo and Izuku excused themselves and headed to the support department to see their friends. Along the way, their finger intertwined; they stole kisses and enjoyed the stroll. Standing in front of the heavy metal doors, they heard the familiar sound of Mei cackling wildly and Melissa attempting to restrain her. After being granted access, they found the duo in the corner of the building with a half-formed device on the bench.

"New baby Mei?" Izuku asked.

The girls turned and looked at him. Mei smiled wildly; Melissa looked at him. Her gaze seemed to linger on him longer than usual he quietly dismissed it. Momo however took note.

"Izuku, just the man I wanted to see, I had an idea, and I believe this will help us with our little detection problem. It's rough, but we should have a working prototype if we can get the teacher to let us move the project to our private workshop."

Momo noticed that Melissa kept looking over at Izuku. She wanted to ask him something but needed to figure out how to approach it. Momo decided to watch and see what would happen; she would step in if needed.

She pulled herself back to the conversation as the girls explained that the device would disrupt the energy readings around Izuku when he went all "special." The two were pitching it as a portable anti-surveillance device. They started talking about materials to Momo; the heiress was deep in thought before she began to counter Mei's requests with different options. Soon the three girls debated feverishly over this; Izuku stepped back and smiled, watching it unfold. The only thing that stopped the argument was when the head of the support department Power Loader came over; he was eyeing Izuku intently.

Izuku looked over at the teacher; he could feel the trepidation cut with a feeling of aggression radiating off the teacher. "Well, hello, professor. Sorry if they are disrupting anything; they get passionate about projects."

"Well, in one day, Ms. Hatsume has proved to be quite excitable when something catches her attention, but what she has submitted in just a day is amazing. Ms. Shield is a good calming influence. But I must wonder what two heroic course students are doing here."

"We finished with our classes for the day and simply wanted to check on our friends; I wanted to make sure that they were adapting well, being welcomed and everything. You were in the booth when I took my second exam, weren't you."

Power Loader's gaze narrowed behind his mask, "I was; it was an interesting display on several levels; I was unaware of your connection to these two."

"They are friends of mine; please make sure to pass that information on when you make your report."

Power Loader nodded and handed a pack of papers; "That is the signed permission for them to move their project to their private labs; I have to ask you and your other friend to leave as class is still in session."

Izuku nodded and took the packet; he walked over and stopped the debate by handing the paperwork to Melissa and taking Momo's hand to lead her out. Once they were away from the class, Izuku whispered into Momo's ear. Momo's cheeks flamed as she nodded; Izuku took her hand and led her back to the dorms.

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