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12.5% My Hero Academia: From The Ashes / Chapter 3: 3. They Meet

Chapter 3: 3. They Meet


Holy Cow, that is a lot of Amazon boxes. "How did you afford all this stuff, Jean?"

"I didn't; your parents did. Remember that allowance and stuff. We didn't have to buy food for six months, and I also used your allowance. I could have just let you wander around naked. I'm sure Mrs. Yao would have enjoyed it before falling over from a heart attack. She is 80, after all."

"Yea, giving old ladies heart attacks is not exactly what I had in mind for changing the world. So you said you were here to guide me for a little bit. What did you mean?" Izuku was opening boxes and sorting clothes. He glanced over toward her.

"Emotions. I am here to help you navigate emotion."

"Um. Hate to tell you this I'm an Empath."

"No shit. Then great, my work is done. Drop me a line in the room every once in a while."

"No, wait…."


"That was fucked up."

"But that is what I was talking about. The panic, the way your heart raced, everything." Her clothes vanished, and she stood in a sexy green lace thong and bra set with matching stockings.

He felt his body react instantly; he had to stop himself from acting inappropriately. It was so bad that he called upon his Empathy to control himself. She winked at him, and he had to redouble his efforts.

"That Izuku is what I am talking about." Her clothes changed again to a nice pair of jeans and a T-shirt. "You are the Phoenix now. While I was able to train you in the White Room on how to fight, tactics, feed you knowledge, and situational training, it's the emotional aspect that has to be experienced or if not." His mind was filled with Jean in a dark red version of her Phoenix outfit and the destruction of a star. "With your connection to the Pheonix Force, your emotions are heightened to an extent, so your immediate reaction is beyond what you would typically have done. While lust is a powerful trigger, you must be wary of anger.

Izuku had composed himself somewhat. The image made him shutter.

"As the Phoenix, we are a representation of life itself. Of rebirth. Of change. We feel emotion very strongly. Love, Lust, and Anger. It can overwhelm us. Leading to great and terrible things." She continued. "If you do not learn how to control your reaction, you might destroy the city the first time you see Bakugo. And before you say shit, no, using Empathy to push it down is not an option. I bottled stuff up inside, which fucked up my life in many ways."

"So, you're my shrink now?"

"Essentially," her clothing shifted to a white blouse with too many buttons undone, a leather skirt, fishnet stockings, and high heels. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun. "So, Mr. Midoriya, let's talk about your parents." He didn't know whether to beg her to step on him or what.

"This is going to be so much fun," she giggled. "Now, sit on the couch now" Her voice was stern yet had a lustful tone.

He quickly sat down, doing his best to suppress the growing tent in his pants; he was staring at her legs when he heard a ding like a bell go off above his head and in glowing fiery green letters, 'NEW KINK UNLOCKED.' That's it. He just died. As he hung his head in his hands, he heard Jean laughing.

The rest of the morning went on well. He was able to work while he and Jean talked. They did it more Telepathically so they could cover more ground. The speed of thought worked out better. Izuku had known he was angry. But shit, he was furious. He was a bomb ready to explode. His parents, Bakugo, the other kids at school, society, the teachers, shit, there was enough anger there to say, "fuck it come on, Pookie, let's burn this MOTHER FUCKER DOWN."

The only thing that had held Izuku in check was two things. One is his sense of right and desire to be a hero. Two, his inferiority complex. Now there were new problems, he wanted to be a hero, but things were different. Problem two was no longer a problem. They got down to the hard work of dealing with that.

They had progressed as he sealed up the last of his clothes and packed the memorabilia in his room. No more All-Might worship. He just couldn't anymore. It was more complicated than he thought. It's hard when you have someone on such a high pedestal, and they fall off. He only kept one figurine—a limited-edition silver age.

"What are you going to do with all that stuff?"

"Well, all the clothes that are still in good shape, I am going to walk down to the orphanage, the memorabilia I'll take down the collectible shop and sell; some of this stuff is worth much cash."

With that, he gathered up one of the large boxes of clothes and two of the stuff to sell and went outside.

-Momo, Mei and Melissa-

They had just finished their meal at the café, and after a brief debate on paying, Momo won by setting down the credit card faster than her friends could pull out money. Melissa put up more of an argument than Mei. They left the café catching stares and looks from the boys. A fearless trio had approached them, but as soon as the small one with hair resembling purple orbs spoke any chance, they crashed and burned like the Hindenburg.

"How disgusting and rude can one person be?" Momo said as they walked away.

"I give them credit for coming up and talking, but that's all," Melissa added.

Mei said, "All I heard was the little one say boobies."

"Those we do have in spades." Melissa giggled.

"Melissa!" Momo gasped.

"Oh, come on, Momo. Mei and I have nice racks, but those things you're rocking are on another level."

"They things are huge." Mei giggled. "How is that even possible?"

Fighting a blush from her cheeks, Momo took a few steps in front of her friends. Turning, she puffed out her sizable chest some. "Milk does a body good!"

Melissa and Mei were shocked into silence for a few moments before absolutely bursting into laughter, soon joined by Momo. She turned to walk away and bumped into a wall. Well, not a real one but a wall of a man. It threw her off balance as she tumbled to the side.

Well, this is what I get for goofing around. She thought.

Melissa and Mei could barely get the word "Momo" out as she stumbled.


The outside was breathtaking. After spending what felt like years in a white room, the scent filling his nose, the sun on his face, it was terrific. He loved it. So new. He made his first stop of the day at the collector's shop. The owner didn't even recognize him. Which he was okay with. He got a great price on his stuff. They had increased in value. He picked up the box to take to the orphanage and exited onto the street. He needs to get some food after this. Jean was floating around him as they continued their session while he was out.

"Milk does a body good!" followed by peals of laughter. The laughter caught his attention. It was warm, rich, and most assuredly female. Jean giggled telepathically. Then someone bumped into him as he was glancing into a shop window. Izuku spun around and quickly caught the girl in a dip. He held her there momentarily, gazing into a gorgeous set of onyx-black eyes.

Something deep inside him sang out as their eyes locked; it was as if his soul was singing.


One second she was falling, and the next, she was held in strong arms. She looked up at the person that had caught her. Brilliant emerald green eyes gazed down at her. Long green hair done in a single braid hung over his shoulder. The afternoon sun backlit him. As her eyes focused, she could see the strong jawline, the muscles in his arm, and his hand on the small of her back; she had placed her hand to steady herself on his chest, and she could feel the rippling muscles.

It was like one of the books she had hidden under her bed. Her heart thumped against her chest; she drew a deep breath causing her bosom to heave. A heat started in her core and was spreading. She could feel his heart rate increase through her fingertips. His breath was warm. Her mind raced. Were they about to kiss? She wanted to be kissed by him. Just being in his arms gave this sense of life, of fire.

"Izuku," he said.


"Hey buddy, you can put her down now."

She hated Mei in that instant. Her mind snapped back to where she was. In the middle street in an "embrace." The blush rushed into her face instantly, and an "eep" escaped her lips. He set her back on her feet. Her friends rushed to her side.

"Are you ok?" Melissa asked.

She looked over to her friends, telling them, "Yes." She turned back to the man. "I am so sorry; I wasn't looking where I was going."

"No, it's quite all right. You can bump into me anytime." He smiled. Its warmth and dazzling nature caused her blush to increase, if possible. He extended his hand to her. "It is my pleasure to meet you, Izuku Midoriya." She took his hand.

"Momo Yaoyorozu."

He turned and introduced himself to Mei and Melissa. Damn, he is hot, both of the girls thought.

"Are you ok, Yaoyorozu?"

"Yes, Midoriya," she responded, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Her blush and that single action set his heartbeat into overdrive; the sun's rays framed her perfectly.

"Well then, sorry for disrupting you and your friend's day." He gave them a slight bow and moved to walk away as he passed them. Momo wanted to reach out and grab his arm, she didn't, but she wanted to.

Her friends were checking on her as she watched him move away then he suddenly stopped. And she turned back to them.

"Excuse me, Ms. Yaoyorozu?"

Their eyes were locked on each other.

"I don't know what you and your friends are doing today, and please forgive me for being so forward with all of you. But I have to run an errand, but would you like to grab something to eat after."

Mei and Melissa were shocked. Did he ask her out?

"I'm sorry, Midoriya, we just ate."

"That's all right." He set the box down and pulled out a receipt from his pocket and a pen. "If you would like, please call me if you would like to get lunch another time. Once again, forgive my forwardness, but I know I would kick myself if I didn't say anything. Mei, Melissa, it was nice to meet you as well." She accepted the slip of paper as he retrieved his box and continued walking down the street.

"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?" exclaimed Mei and Melissa.


"Smooth Casanova." Jean giggled.

Shut up. But damn, Jean, you weren't kidding. I just looked into her eyes, and wow. Just WOW. Mei and Melissa are pretty, but Momo is Hot. Holy Shit. I hope she calls.

"I know Izuku, I know."

He continued down the road. He went to turn and caught a glimpse of her and her friends turning down further up the block.

-The girls-

"So, Momo, what was that?" Melissa said teasingly.

"I. I. don't know what you are talking about."

"So, the rabid breathing, the eyes dilating," Mei asked.

Momo remembered her friends' quirk. "I don't know, but he was breathtaking," she said almost without thinking.

Melissa giggled. "Breathtaking, huh?"

Momo blushed furiously as her friends began to laugh, which she joined in.

"So, you are you going to call him? If not, I wouldn't mind giving him a call. He can help me make something in my shop. Did you see those muscles? Hot damn. There was this vibrancy around him." Mei said.

"IF I weren't going be leaving tomorrow, I would as well; he just seemed alive, like you said, Mei vibrant," Melissa added.

"Mei! Melissa!" Momo looked down for a second at the phone number still in her hand. "I saw him first," she whispered.

-Unmarked Vehicle-

"Subjects are moving to s secondary location after an encounter with an unknown male, which appears random. Subjects are giggling and talking about boys." Agent 1 sighed into the recording device. "How did we pull this assignment again."

"Who knows? Let's do this and get out of here. I am sitting here watching three girls about as old as my daughter, and it is grossing me out." Responded Agent 2


He exited the orphanage and made his way back towards the restaurants. He waived at the house matron, telling her he would be by again tomorrow with some more clothes, to which they expressed gratitude. His telepathic conversation had not ended this entire time. It deviated course after his encounter with Momo and her friends but shifted from anger to lust and love.

It was a point being driven home by Jean that he couldn't ignore his desires or emotions but how to manage them. That anger and rage had their moments just as love and compassion. Lust most definitely had a place, but he had to make sure he wasn't running around all day just trying to get his dick wet. She understood that sometimes you needed to get laid, especially in a profession where tomorrow could be your last.

Upon entering a café and taking his seat, he was pouring over the menu as he was getting accustomed to girls paying him attention. It was excellent, he had to admit. The waitress flirted with him and even gave him a free order of fries. Girls in another booth would look over at him and giggle. He was absorbed in his meal and talking with Jean when a knock on the window got his attention. She was tall, a little older, with a great figure still, but it was the ash blonde hair and sharp teeth. That was Mitsuki Bakugo. Fuck me!


Mitsuki was out shopping when her stomach grumble pulled her away from the clothing store. She had just picked up a new outfit for herself and some jeans for her brat of a kid. As she went down the street, she was looking for a place to grab food; she saw this green-haired hunk eating in a café by the window. The color caught her attention; the green looked like her friend Inko. Inko had recently left town to live with her husband in the U.S.

She had essentially abandoned her son Izuku here in town. Her brat once had been friends with Izuku, but that was a long time ago. All her brat would say is, "Deku this or Deku that." It took her a few months to figure out that Deku was Izuku.

Inko had tired of dealing with Izuku and all his hero nonsense because Izuku was quirkless. And had said fuck this, and left. Mitsuki was pretty upset with her friend. A few months ago, she had heard from the brat that Deku was in some accident. Mitsuki had gone to check on Izuku a few times, but his nurse had told her once he was asleep or the second time he was at the Dr. getting a check-up.

When she asked Inko about it, she brushed it off as having talked to the doctor, and everything was fine. Her friend was acting so different. Raising Izuku had been rough for her Mitsuki, but Inko never encouraged Izuku to do anything. Mitsuki had inspired the brat too much. Now she wanted to slap the shit out of him more often. Then she saw that guy sitting there. She walked up to the glass, trying to get a good look at him. There was no way this was Izuku, the height, the hair, the muscles; she was sure she was wrong till she noticed the hint of the freckles. She knew it was him. And she knocked on the glass.

-Izuku and Mitsuki-

Mitsuki stood next to the booth looking down at Izuku as he was wiping his mouth and moving to stand up.

"Holy Shit, Izuku, is that you."

"Hey, Aunty Mitsu. My nurse told me you came by. 'Just now, actually.' I was going to give you a call tomorrow and thank you."

They embraced in a warm hug; Mitsuki was so surprised by the muscles, height, and heat coming off him. Masaru kept himself in shape, but something other than this. Bad Mitsuki is Inko's son, her not-so-little son but damn. "Jesus, kid, when did you sprout and all this" she motioned with her hand over his frame. They took a seat as the waitress brought over a menu for Mitsuki.

Izuku sat back down. "Well, I had a kind of spiritual kick to the head and realized that I need to help myself because no one will do it. So I got in shape; sadly, I got into an accident leaving the gym and was in recovery for a while. But all the sleep and getting some proper nutrition. I hit a growth spurt."

"That's more than a spurt, kid."

"Yes, Aunty, I know," flashing her his dazzling smile.

Mitsuki was caught off guard by the smile. It gave her a quiver that was highly inappropriate. "You know, kid, the girls are not ready for you."

"That's the plan, a sneak attack like a lion, roar," he laughed.

Or a cougar, added Jean.

Mistsuki laughed. She placed her order before switching to Aunt mode and asked him how he felt physically and mentally. She was stunned when the boy answered her not with platitudes but with open honesty. Anger with his parents and himself, and life in general. She could see his eyes shining with fire as he spoke. He told her of the phone call he had today with his parents.

Mitsuki wanted to yell at her friend, but she just listened. She saw the resolve Izuku had. They cut ties with him; he was ready to do the same. He was mad, but he also understood that while most of the burden lay with them, he had a little himself. He didn't brush off her platitudes but accepted them. Soon they were laughing and smiling.

She did notice he never brought up the brat at all. She didn't either. They went to pay, and Mitsuki insisted as it was his birthday. He showed surprise as he had never mentioned it. The waitress slipped Izuku her phone number, which gave Mitsuki a good chuckle. They talked in front of the café briefly before going their separate ways. Mitsuki may have enjoyed the hug a little too much, but a warm sensation spread in her gut when he kissed her cheek and thanked her for brightening her day. "Charmer," she said and playfully punched him in the arm. She watched him walk away and sighed to her herself. I will call Inko and give her a piece of my mind later. And that kid is going to break all kinds of hearts.

As Izuku began his journey to the market, after all, there was no food in the house. Jean started to tease him that there was no better revenge than telling the person he hated most. 'Hey, I fucked your Mom.' No, Jean, Aunty may have done a shitty job with Bakugo, but she never did that to me.

"Good, Izuku. Remember, revenge has a place and time. The innocent have no place in it."

He exited the grocery store when a buzz from his pocket got his attention.

Momo: Hello Midoriya, this a Momo Yaoyorozu. Would you still like to have lunch sometime? I admit I was surprised by your invitation to lunch today. But I have to agree with you. I would be upset if I didn't respond and accept your offer.

Izuku: If we are speaking honestly. If I didn't do what I did, I would have spent all the time I could wandering the streets in hopes of seeing you again so I could ask you to lunch.

Momo: Well, I am glad you took the action you did. Is there somewhere, in particular, you would like to go to lunch?

Izuku: How about you pick the place? We met a few hours ago, so I would like to go somewhere you are comfortable. Anywhere you choose will be just fine.

Momo: That is very generous, Izuku. How about the Café Divine in Musutafu?

Izuku: Divine. How about tomorrow at 12?

Momo: Yes, tomorrow at 12 would be Divine.

Izuku: See you tomorrow then. I enjoyed your pun.

Momo: I enjoyed yours as well.

Izuku slipped his phone back into his pocket and continued the walk home, and Jean danced around him, teasing him mercilessly.

Simply Amazing. I was reborn today. I meet a girl. I found my purpose. This is truly a rebirth.

On the other side of town, two girls were teasing her friend, looking at her phone at the exchange. Momo just fell to her side, chewing on her thumb. He had come out of nowhere like a hero in her books and whispered his name to her. He never took his eyes away from hers. Didn't stare at her body or anything. He then had just asked her out then and there. Now she had a date. What was she going to do? SHE HAD A DATE.


True to Jean's word, he didn't need sleep; it allowed them to continue talking most of the night. They took breaks from their continued therapy sensations throughout the night. He found out that he was going to need hobbies. Due to the nature of the Phoenix, stagnation was not an option. He had enjoyed sketching for his hero journals, so for the time being, that would work. He spent the night looking up requirements for U.A., researching things for a driving permit, and looking over jobs in the area. He would need to lay in some money before entering U.A. as he would need more financial backing.

He then started reading up on all the hero news he had missed. Villain activity was on the rise, All-Might was spending much time around Musutafu, he noticed; he still appeared around Japan, but his lack of appearances was not going unnoticed by the Villain Community. As the sun was rising, he went for a run as he passed the trash beach Takoba. He saw an elderly couple picking up small pieces of trash and placing them in a bag; he slowed his run and approached them as the woman seemed to be having an issue picking up something.

"Hi, I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but did you need help?" he asked.

"Oh, thank you, young man, this thing is heavy and sharp. I see kids sometimes playing around here, and I don't want them to cut themselves."

Izuku looked at what she was talking about, and he saw a jagged piece of metal sticking out of the sand. He lifted it out, placing it as best he could in the trash can.

"This beach used to be so nice. I brought her here on our first date; this is where I proposed and where she told me she was pregnant." The husband sighed. "It's just sad. I wish we could see it clean one more time. But thank you for listening to the ramblings of an old man."

The old couple smiled and moved off on their walk. Jean popped in next to him, smiling. Project?


He finished his run and returned home, taking a long shower and getting ready for his date.

Momo Yaoyorozu. Those eyes. Those lips.


She woke up looking around her room; it was a disaster area. Drinks and snack wrappers were everywhere. Melissa was asleep next to her peacefully; Mei was sprawled out, half on the bed and half on the floor. How does she even sleep like that? She exited the bed and slipped into the bathroom to wash her face and teeth. As she emerged, Melissa and Mei were beginning to stir.

"Morning, girls."

She got a few mumbled mornings the Mei shot up and exclaimed. "ITS DATE DAY!".

Momo blushed for a moment. "Well, let's get some breakfast; then you can help me prepare."

Izuku Midoriya. Those eyes. Those lips.

-Infinite Arcana-

Infinity rolled out his lab hammock and stretched his arms above his head. As he moved through the lab, it started to come to life. Lights turned on, coffee brewed, and various machines sprang to life. He walked over to the collection of devices sprawled all over the workspace.

Mei Hatsume. Brilliant engineer. Amazing mind. She has a chance to do something great. Well, if this ball keeps spinning, that is. He walked over and grabbed his first cup of coffee.

"HAL any new radiation readings"

"No, Infinity. The sample is continuing to deteriorate. It is projected to be exhausted in 2 weeks."

Infinity walked over to where the remaining ash sample was contained. Cosmic Radiation. The only time this was recorded was 300 years ago when quirks manifested. This reading wasn't the same, so this might have been a different entity. If the first contact brought the world quirks, what would the second contact bring?

The door to the lab opened. He could tell by the clack of the high heels who it was. Slender-defined arms slipped around his neck. A kiss was lightly placed on his neck. "You didn't come to bed again."

"Sorry about that, my love. I had an idea and started chasing it."

"Did it pan out?"

"No, sadly."

"Well, wait to get started on anything the Yaoyorozu will be here at noon for the garden party. And you need a shower."

He chuckled, kissing her hand. "Yes, dear, let me set some things up to start running, and I will see you upstairs."

"20 Minutes," and she left.

He glanced over his shoulder as she exited the lab before returning to the ashes. Now are you going to tell me your secrets or not?


She was ready; ok, she should change her shoes. She was about to do so when Melissa and Mei stopped her. As they exited the room, several maids were standing at the ready. With a nod from Momo, they entered the room and began the cleanup process. Thirty-seven outfits later, Momo wore a red sundress with black patterning around the skirt. The neckline was pleasant and appropriate, but she did an excellent job framing her bust; it was easy. Black sandals with straps wrapping around her calves, red lipstick, light makeup, fresh paint on her nails and toes, and a matching clutch. She was as ready as she could be. Mei had made a fuss over making Momo choose "sexy" undergarments, but they had reached a compromise.

Three vehicles were waiting for the young women as they exited the front doors. Mei was returning home. Melissa had to meet up with her father as they left this afternoon. And the third was for Momo. Hugs and kisses were exchanged, with Momo promising to call and share details as the two girls departed.

Her heart fluttered. One thought crossed her mind as she entered the car—those Lips.


He was a duck on the pond. Calm on the surface, but his little feet were going a mile a minute. A teasing, giggling redhead was not helping. Well, she was but still. He stood in front of the mirror dressed in black slacks and a dark green button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, hair braided and smooth, and he was adjusting a watch that Jean had bought him. The watch was lovely, gold with a white pearl face. When he asked, he only got that A girl has her ways.

"Should I buy her flowers? Is that a bit much?"

Most girls love flowers, and it would show that you are interested.

"Thanks, Jean." He pulled out his phone and found a flower shop near the café; when he received a notification that his ride share was outside. He spritzed some cologne and did a final check in the mirror, last pat down, keys: check, wallet: check, phone: in hand. "Let us get this show on the road."

-Upstate New York-

Goro and Ashai Yaoyorozu sat in the back of the limo as they were heading to a garden party. They were reviewing notes they had prepared as some rather influential American and European businessmen, and their wives were expected to be there.

"We should have brought Momo," Goro said.

"No, Melissa was coming to town. You know that she would have been heartbroken."

"Still, it would have been a good opportunity for her to make some connections."

"True, but she has what four more years? Let us not take everything from her just yet."

"Your right. Did you see the correspondence that arrived?"

"Yes, Dominic Freadom would like to arrange a meeting between his son and our daughter. And Endeavor has reached out about arranging a marriage for her and his youngest Shoto."

"Goro, we are already taking her dream away. Do we want to force her into an arranged marriage as well"

"Ashai, I just want what's best for her. But I understand what you are saying. Maybe we can at least introduce them to each other and see if it happens naturally."

Ashai was about to answer her husband when her phone drew her attention. "We might not want to wait too long, Goro," she turned her phone to show their daughter, obviously dressed for a date stepping into a car.

"I'll start making the arrangement when we get home. Should we call and ask her whom she is meeting?"

"No, dear, she is nervous enough. Someone asked her out, and she said yes. Let her enjoy this."

"Yes, dear."


He exited the rideshare; using his phone, he made his way over to the flower shop; after consulting with the owner, he walked out with a lovely bouquet of tulips and roses. He made his way over to Café Divine. He was a little early but entered and got a table by the window. The hostess smiled at him and winked, wishing him luck. He ordered water as he waited.

Izuku: I am here at the Café. I am seated at the fourth booth near the window.

Momo: Thank you for letting me know; I am 5 minutes away.

He sat calming himself when he saw a car pull up in front of the café and the driver opened the door and out she stepped. His heart froze, and the world stopped. He could hear Jean laugh. I am in so much trouble.


She did her best to steady her nerves as they pulled to a stop. Emerging from the vehicle, she thanked the driver and entered the café. As greeted by the hostess, she looked over to the fourth booth and saw him. He was getting his feet. He looked like a Greek god. The rays of light filtered through the window; his muscles were visible under his shirt, a button undone, and were those flowers. She walked towards him.


She glided towards him. This goddess swept into the café and was now coming to him. For all that exists in the universe, don't fuck this up, Izuku. She was smiling. Did she just do the hair tuck? Do girls practice that? Fuck me.

He smiled at her and extended the bouquet. "Yaoyorozu, you look stunning. I am sure there are better words, but honestly, I cannot recall them."

She blushed. And that smile.

"Thank you, Midoriya, that is very sweet. Thank you as well for the flowers." She said as she took her seat. He motioned to the hostess for some menus and took a seat.

They sat silently, blushing and looking up through her long eyelashes at him. He was just lost in her eyes. Everything around was fading away—only her.


Is anyone else even here? I can't stop looking at him. I should say something. But I don't want to. I could spend forever looking at him. Her mind began to flood with images from all those hidden books. Him slipping off his clothes, softly undressing her as he hovered above her, coming in ever closer to his lips so near hers.

A cough snapped them out of their trance. What in the world is wrong with me?

"Um, just water for now. Thank You."

-Café Divine-

The waitress had snapped them out of daydreams. I took the two of them a moment. Finally, Izuku spoke.

"I'm sorry I was staring at Yaoyorozu. And again, I know this is so forward of me, but you are magnificent."

"Momo," she said quietly. "Please call me Momo."


Silence. He took a deep breath.

"I have never been here before. Is there something you recommend?" He said, lifting the menu, giving them something else to focus on—a much-needed distraction.

"Oh, yes, the Da-Hong Pao tea is amazing. As well as is the house chicken."

They looked over the menu; they were looking at each other again. The waitress returned, ordered the tea, and both ordered the chicken. Breathe, just breathe, get to know her. Jean told him.

He took a breath. "Ok, how about we do this."

She looked at him quizzically.

"Hi, my name is Izuku Midoriya. I am 17 years old as of yesterday. I just recovered from an accident. I go to Aldera High and plan to go to U.A."

She smiled that smile. He is breaking the ice. "Hello, Izuku Midoriya; I am Momo Yaoyorozu; I will turn 17 in under a month. The two girls you met yesterday are my best friends, Mei Hatsume and Melissa Shields. I attend Han'ei Academy, and I also plan to go to U.A."

"Hero Course?"

"Yes, Hero course?"

"Wow, that is awesome. If you don't mind me asking, what is your quirk?"

It took off from there; she could create things from the lipids in her body as long as she knew the molecular structure. He was what he called a Psychokinetic. He could move items like Telekinesis, but he could also affect things tiny, causing a fire he could control. They were both single children. Her parents worked a lot, his father worked abroad, and his mother joined him.

He liked to draw; she liked music, art, and reading. They weren't fans of horror; he liked old music, pre-quirk things. She enjoyed the classics but was a fan of a new band called The Sound of Fury. He thought there were terrific also, so talented and diverse. She wanted to be a hero to help others and improve the world. He wanted to be a hero to save people and institute change. Both of their favorite school subjects were history. She enjoyed science and math. Math was never his strong suit, but he had been improving recently.

He said the accident had been a blessing, as it forced him to reevaluate his life. He had had a breakthrough with his quirk. She felt a little sad that he had to rehab all alone. They ate, talked more, and shared dessert. Drank more tea. They spoke of the bill and settled on her paying for the tea and him for the food. She loved the flowers.

They took a walk to a nearby park and kept talking. The longer they walked, the less they spoke; and the more they looked at each other. He told her there was an art exhibit in the next town over; could he take her there next weekend? They agreed on a second date as the sun began to dip in the sky. She had to head home, she told him, she had class tomorrow. He asked her if it was wrong that he didn't want the date to end. She told him no, but all good things come to an end.

He walked her to the park exit, where they waited for her driver. They were standing there simply gazing into each other's eyes. He asked to kiss her. She said yes. It was soft. The fire ignited between them. It became more intense; her arms around his neck, his wrapped around her waist. Slowly their mouths opened, their tongues exploring each other till it was a fiery embrace. She slowly pulled away as her driver arrived. They were both breathless. "Wow," they said.

"Please let me know when you make it home, Momo."

"I will, Izuku." She turned his head slightly, kissing him on the cheek, not trusting herself with anything more. She got in the car and drove away.

He was giddy and felt light; six months ago, he jumped, and now he was the Phoenix. He had kissed a girl. The most beautiful girl in creation. With the power of creation. He walked out of the park down the street, calling his rideshare. Are all first kisses like that, Jean?

Nope, ones like those are special, trust me.


He went to sleep that night. He wanted to dream. Dream of her. He was rewarded.


She was silent the entire time home; she entered the home, went straight to her room, and closed the door. Her hand went to her lips. She could still feel the warmth. She placed the flowers in a vase next to her bed. She took a seat and pulled out her phone.

Momo: I am home Izuku.

Izuku: I'm glad you made it home safe.


Izuku: Did you have a good time?

Momo: Yes.

She sent a photo of the flowers.

Momo: They are next to my bed, so I can see them when I wake up. Goodnight Izuku.

Izuku: Goodnight, Momo. Can I call you tomorrow night around 8?

Momo: I would like that. Talk to you tomorrow.

She momentarily held her phone against her chest and then turned to the group chat.

Momo: He was terrific. He was so handsome. We have a lot in common. He wants to be a hero, also. He kissed me. I enjoyed it.

Her phone practically exploded with the responses from her friends. They texted for hours as she gave them all the details. She bathed and did her nightly routine but pulled a book from under her bed to read before falling asleep.

-Aldera High-

Izuku stood in front of the school for a moment. He could hear all the whispers around him. Most students didn't recognize him; the boys were jealous of his physique. The girls were undressing him with their eyes. It was pissing him off; he was trying to control it. Everyone here had either bullied him or stood by while it happened. Not one of the mother fuckers had lifted a finger for him. It was then that he suddenly felt the fire. He stopped it. He remembered what Jean had taught him. She wasn't with him this morning. She had promised to step in if it got bad. But this was his journey, and he had to do it himself.

Deep breath. Let's get this shit over with. Please don't let me run into HIM today if there is any justice.

He was stuck in the office for well over an hour. Talking to the principal and guidance counselor, they were having difficulty adjusting to his new appearance. After getting somewhat frustrated, he used his Telepathy to give them a nudge to go with it. He got his counselor to agree to allow him to take tests and graduate early. That would be handled by the end of the week. But he had to attend school for the week. After a short trip to the nurse's office to review his medical release, he was told to participate in class. He paused at the door, and he could hear it.

"All you fucking extras, just shut up. I will be the only one from this shithole that goes to U.A." There is no justice anymore.

He opened the door the class went silent. He walked over to his teacher and handed him his pass.

"Ah, Mr. Midoriya, welcome back, fill this out, please."

College selection sheet. He wrote U.A. on it, signed it, and left it at the podium. A single sound had yet to be made.

"U.A huh, well, good luck with that." The teacher said, not looking up.

"Who the fuck is this guy?"

"Now, class, behave while I go turn these in."

Whispers all around the class. Is that Deku? Holy shit, what happened to Midoriya? What the fuck is going on? Dude, dude, pinch me. I think I am asleep.

He didn't respond, just taking his seat.

"Holy Fuck is that you, Deku? How many steroids are you doing? They shrink your nuts, but you never had them." He heard Bakugo say.

He didn't respond—just breath.

"Hey, you quirkless piece of shit, you answer me when I talk to you, or do I need to remind you of your place. Are you LISTENING TO ME, DEKU? YOU FUCKING ANSWER ME." Explosions started to sound out in the room. The other students began to back up. "HELLO DEKU, DEKU, ARE YOU DEAF AS WELL AS QUIRKLESS."

"That is not my name," Izuku said through his teeth.


Izuku stood up and turned around, finding himself towering over Bakugo. "I said that's not my name Bakugo. Either call me Midoriya or shut the fuck up."

The room fell silent. Whispers. OH, shit, did you hear what Deku said?

"OH, YOU THINK YOUR TOUGH SHIT NOW, DEKU; LET ME REMIND YOU OF YOUR PLACE." There was an explosion. But nothing happened. When the other kids opened their eyes, Bakugo extended his hand, but the explosion and smoke were all contained in a field of green energy. Izuku had a similar power covering his body. "WHAT THE FUCK….UKHH." the energy encapsulating Bakugo slid around his arms, pinned them behind him, and bound his legs.

Izuku's arm snapped out, grabbing Bakugo by the throat and lifting him off the ground. "Listen here, you homicidal psychopath; I told you my name is Midoriya; actually, I rather if you just never spoke to me again," Bakugo tried to speak, but the hand around his throat got tighter.

"I'm sorry, what was that? I can't hear you. You really must speak up."

"MR. MIDORIYA, RELEASE BAKUGO AT ONCE AND GO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE." The teacher ordered, entering the room.

Izuku dropped him, gasping for breath, "How the fuck" He rasped. Midoriya leaned down, grabbed him under the chin, and leaned close.

"I took your advice. I jumped. Remember what I said, pumpkin." He released Bakugo's chin and gave him a lite tap on the cheek.


"I heard you. I'm going."


The guidance counselor and the principal agreed that he could just come in on Saturday to take the tests. He walked out, flipping the school off as he walked away. God, that felt so damn good. I wanted to fucking kill him. He started shaking; he ducked into an alley. The shaking was getting worse. Some small pieces of paper started catching fire.

Arms suddenly wrapped around his shoulders.

It's okay, Izuku. It is okay. Let it out; no one will see us or hear you but me.

He did just that. The world almost burned that day. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last.

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