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Elder Jian Hong, can I cultivate with you?

As Long Yu approached the imposing gates of the Yin Yang Sect, he felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

Up close, the gates revealed themselves even more majestic, with the stone-carved dragons looking almost alive, their eyes shimmering with an ethereal light.

For a moment, he stopped, admiring the art and symbolism representing the perfect balance between Yin and Yang.

"So, this is the place where I'll begin my new journey," Long Yu thought, his heart beating faster.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Long Yu adjusted his posture, determined to make a good impression.

Advancing with firm steps towards the gates, they opened slowly with a deep, reverberating creak.

The interior of the sect unfolded before him, a blend of lush nature and elegant architecture, where every detail seemed carefully designed to reflect harmony and balance.

Upon entering, he was directed by one of the guards to a large courtyard where several other people were gathered.

Each of them seemed equally anxious and curious, all waiting for the start of the admission test. Long Yu noticed that the diversity among the candidates was great – men and women from different backgrounds and abilities were present.

An elder of the sect, with long white beards and a penetrating gaze, approached the group. He exuded an aura of power that silenced the room.

"Welcome to the Yin Yang Sect," said the elder, his voice resonating with authority. "I am Elder Li. Today, each of you will be tested to prove worthy of becoming a disciple of this sect."

He gestured for the new candidates to follow him to a training area, where several instructors awaited. The atmosphere was solemn, with Yin and Yang symbols decorating the space, reminding everyone present of the importance of balance.

"Today's test will be simple but challenging," continued Elder Li. "You must demonstrate the ability to harmonize the energies of Yin and Yang in your bodies. Those who can achieve a satisfactory balance will be accepted as disciples."

After that, the elder placed a board in front of everyone. On the board, there was the Yin Yang breathing technique. He allowed people to study the board for 1 hour before removing it and organizing the candidates.

The candidates lined up in rows. Long Yu, determined to give his best, closed his eyes and began to concentrate. He remembered the sensations he had when manipulating the dragon jade and tried to invoke the calmness of Yin and the strength of Yang within himself.

Around him, he could hear the murmurs of the other candidates, some sounding anxious, others confident. Slowly, Long Yu began to feel the two energies flowing within his body. It was as if he were in a state of deep meditation, with a sense of peace and power intertwining.

"Come on, Long Yu, you can do it," he thought, trying to stay focused.

After a few minutes, Elder Li began to walk among the candidates, observing their progress. He stopped beside Long Yu, sensing the aura the young man exuded. An expression of surprise crossed his face, followed by a slight smile of approval.

"Very well," the elder said aloud. "You have achieved balance in an impressive manner."

Long Yu opened his eyes and saw that a soft, but bright, aura surrounded him. He noticed that some of the other candidates had also managed to harmonize their energies, while others were still struggling to achieve the necessary balance.

"Congratulations to those who passed the test," he announced. "You are now disciples of the Yin Yang Sect. For those who did not succeed, do not be discouraged. Keep training and trying."

The new disciples were then guided to a large meeting hall, where they would receive their first instructions and be introduced to their mentors.

As they settled in, an woman, with red hair and ruby ​​eyes, with an imposing posture and serene gaze, stepped onto the central stage.

"Welcome to the Yin Yang Sect," she said with a firm yet welcoming voice. "My name is Jian Hong, and I will be one of your guides on this path. Before we begin, there is something important you need to know about our sect."

She paused, observing the reaction of the new disciples. "The Yin Yang Sect is not just a traditional cultivation sect. We practice dual cultivation, a technique that involves joint training between pairs to balance and maximize the energies of Yin and Yang." A murmur ran through the room.

"???" Long Yu was surprised. Dual cultivation was something he had only read about in novels, but now he was faced with reality.

"You will work in pairs, learning to harmonize your energies with those of your partners," continued Master Lan. "This practice not only increases your individual power but also strengthens mutual union and understanding. It is a challenging but rewarding path."

"Elder Jian Hong, is there no other path to follow in the sect that does not involve dual cultivation?" Long Yu asked, trying to hide the anxiety in his voice.

The elder looked at him with a penetrating yet understanding gaze.

"Long Yu, our sect is known for dual cultivation because we believe in the power of balancing and uniting opposing energies," she explained. "While there are other cultivation techniques you can learn, the main focus here is dual cultivation. It is the most effective method to reach the true potential of Yin and Yang."

Long Yu pondered for a moment. He had read about dual cultivation, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for this approach. But now it was too late to think. He couldn't change sects after thinking for a while, he agreed. At least in the beginning.

"Understood, Elder Jian Hong. I am willing to try," Long Yu replied.

"Great, Long Yu. This is the first step in a journey of growth and learning. Trust in the process and in your cultivation partners," she said. "Now, let's choose the partners."

The new disciples began to be called one by one to find their cultivation partners. Long Yu watched attentively, trying to figure out who he could be paired with. But a bold idea came to his mind, and he raised his hand again.

"Elder Jian Hong," he called, attracting everyone's attention. "Would it be possible for me to practice dual cultivation with you?"

Silence filled the room as everyone awaited the elder's response. She looked at Long Yu thoughtfully for a moment before answering.

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