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93.75% TBATE: The Tyrant[ADOPTED] / Chapter 14: DID YOU REALLY THINK...


-Anos' POV-

The serenity of Xyrus Academy shattered

in an instant. I could feel the shift in the

air even from a distance. The once

peaceful grounds, filled with laughter and

the hum of magical energies, now

resonated with the sounds of terror and

destruction. Dark magic surged through

the atmosphere, casting menacing

shadows against the crumbling walls and

shattered windows.

I observed the cause of all this, Draneeve from afar, his towering figure exuding malevolence. Hiseyes glowed with an eerie light, his laughter echoing ominously through the ruins. The barriers surrounding the academy, thought to be impenetrable, fell with ease under his relentless assault. He advanced further into the grounds, his

dark aura spreading waves of dread and

despair. I could see the students and

teachers, powerless against his onslaught, lying scattered across the grounds, their desperate cries for help swallowed by the chaos.

As I approached the academy, I felt the

familiar surge of my own power mingling

with the destruction. The atmosphere

vibrated with an energy that was distinctly

mine. A single, resonating snap of my

fingers shattered the barriers encasing

the school.

Stepping through the dissipating

remnants, I took in the scene of

devastation. Bodies of students and

teachers lay strewn across the ground,

their injuries severe. My gaze lingered on

Tessia, her form battered and unconscious, Doradrea's severed head lying grotesquely apart from her body, and Theodore's charred figure twitching weakly.

Rage flickered within me. Extending my

hand, I summoned a brilliant white light

that enveloped the area. The light was

blinding, washing away the horrors of the

scene. When it receded, the academy

grounds were transformed. The injured

were healed, the dead resurrected, and

the traitors among them bound and


"Did you really think you would leave this

place unharmed?" My voice echoed with

authority and disdain, "I'm away for a few days and this is what happens?". The students and teachers turned their gazes toward me, eyes filed with hope and amazement.

Witnessing their reactions, I felt a flicker

of satisfaction. With another snap of my

fingers, I awakened the unconscious, who

gasped in astonishment upon seeing me.

Draneeve struggled to regain his

composure. He attempted to mask his

fear with arrogance. "You possess great

strength. Join my king's army, and you will

be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams."

I laughed, the sound devoid of mirth. "I am

beyond the reach of pests like you."

Fury consumed Draneeve. He conjured a

spike of dark energy and hurled it at my

heart. The spike pierced me, emerging

from my back, blood cascading onto the


Hmm... I let him hit me to see how strong he was but his attack was pretty disappointing. I heard a collective gasp of horror from the crowd, their hope seemingly extinguished.

" " Anos!!! " "

Tessia and Kathyln Screamed my name in despair, but Claire pointed, her eyes wide with disbelief. "He's still standing!"

I rested my right hand casually on my

waist, smiling mockingly. "How is this

possible?" Draneeve's face twisted with


"If you consider a minor scratch like this

an attack, you should surrender now," I

replied, effortlessly pulling the metallic

spike from my chest. "Did you really think that crushing my heart was enough for me to die?" With a flick of my wrist, I hurled the spike back at Draneeve's accomplice and traitor of the DC, Kai Crestless's face. The force of the throw sent Kai flying backward, crashing into a wall and creating a massive crater, ending his life.

Ignoring the gaping wound in my chest, I

turned my bored gaze to Draneeve. "Is that all you have?"

Visibly shaken, Draneeve ordered his

troops to attack. I didn't move a muscle.

With a mere gaze, I caused the attacking

soldiers and monsters to explode, their bodies scattering flesh and blood everywhere.

Professor Glory, dumbfounded, whispered,

"He killed them just by looking at them."

The students and teachers stared in

shock and awe. They were witnessing the

true might of Anos Voldigoad, the

reincarnation of the Demon King of

Tyranny, though they remained unaware of

my true identity.

Draneeve, his forces obliterated,

attempted to flee. In an instant, I

teleported in front of him, my hand

plunging into his chest and pulling out his

heart. "Let's see if you can survive a minor

scratch, given your arrogance," I said,

crushing the heart in my hand, which painted my face in blood.

Draneeve's body crumpled to the ground,

lifeless. The students and teachers,

speechless, looked at me with a mix of awe and fear. I surveyed the scene, my

expression one of bored indifference amidst the carnage I had caused.

The aftermath of the battle was a grim

spectacle. As I stood amidst the ruins of

Xyrus Academy, my gaze shifted from the

lifeless bodies of students and teachers

to the bound traitors who had betrayed

their own. The once vibrant academy now

lay in tatters, a grim testament to the

ferocity of Draneeve's attack. Yet, amidst

the destruction, I had restored some

semblance of life and order.

I observed the traitor students and

teachers, their faces twisted with fear and

regret. They had hoped for power, only to

find themselves at the mercy of true

strength. My eyes then fell upon the

corpses of those who had perished long

before my arrival. A pang of sorrow

touched me, but it was quickly replaced

by a steely resolve. Their deaths would

not be in vain.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed a

familiar figure arriving at the academy.

Arthur, accompanied by Sylvie in her fox

form, appeared tense, his eyes scanning

the devastation. Relief washed over his

face when he found Tessia and his friends


"Art, you've arrived," Tessia called out, her

voice a mixture of relief and exhaustion.

Hearing her, the boys around Arthur

glanced at him with jealousy, clearly

uncomfortable with how Tessia

addressed him. But their jealousy was fleeting, quickly replaced by the stark

realization of the situation. They could

feel my presence behind them, a presence

they had grossly underestimated.

Elijah Knight, always eager to voice his

thoughts, spoke up, his excitement

palpable. "Arthur, Anos is not just Anos

Voldigoad; he's a Mannace Voldigoad!"

The students and teachers around him

grew pale, cold sweat running down their

faces. They quickly turned their gazes to

me, realizing the gravity of Elijah's

statement. Elijah, finally understanding

his mistake, swallowed hard, his face

mirroring the fear of those around him.

However, I was lost in thought, staring at

the corpses of those who had perished

before I arrived. The academy's population had been reduced by half, and the weight of their deaths hung heavily in the air.

Arthur, seizing the moment, tried to ease

the tension. "I'm relieved that everyone is

alright" he said, his voice steady.

Tessia asked, "Art, did you send Anos


Arthur shook his head. "No, Anos messaged me about the terrorist attack

and told me to contact Gramps to send all

the Lances here."

As he spoke, I noticed the Lances arriving

from the sky, landing near Arthur.


-Varay Aurae's POV-

Landing with a soft thud, I took in the

Scene of devastation before me. The

academy, once a beacon of learning and

hope, now lay in ruins. Bodies of students

and teachers lay scattered, a grim

reminder of the ferocity of the attack. My

eyes swept over the carnage, noting the

extent of the destruction.

Flesh and blood were splattered everywhere, painting a gruesome picture.

A wall bore a massive crater, and in the

center of it dangled the lifeless body of a

student, his face impaled by a large, wide-edged spike. The sight was both horrifying and intriguing, revealing the sheer force

behind the attack.

My gaze then fell upon another body,

dressed in red robes and a mask with a

creepy smile, lying lifeless with a hole

where the heart should be. Near that body

stood a man-Anos Voldigoad-dressed in

the same uniform as Prince and Princess

Glayder, covered in blood. Despite the

gaping hole in his chest, he stood tall and

imposing, his crimson eyes scanning the

environment with an air of bored indifference.

As I looked at him, a strange excitement

surged within me, my heart skipping a

beat. "What's happening to me?" I

wondered, trying to regain my composure.

Arthur stepped forward and introduced

him. "That's Anos Voldigoad, commander

of the disciplinary committee. He told me

to bring you all here."

Trying to mask the flutter of emotions, I

steeled my voice. "My apologies, but the

council of Dicathen has decided to arrest

Anos Voldigoad."

Gasps of shock rippled through the

crowd. Arthur's confusion and shock were

evident. "But Anos saved everyone here,"

he protested.

I met his gaze firmly. "Anos Voldigoad

possesses power and magic never

witnessed in the history of Dicathen. The

council considers him a significant


Kathyln, usually emotionless, voiced her

anger. "What foolishness is this? Anos

saved us all! Without him, we would have

died. My parents would never agree to


I produced a scroll, an arrest warrant

signed by the council members, including

King and Queen Glayder. Kathyin,

devastated, fell silent. Arthur's anger

flared. "I brought you all here to help

Anos, not arrest him!"

Bairon Wykes, irritated, interrupted.

"Watch your tone, boy. Let the elites do

their work."

Arthur retorted, "That still doesn't explain

anything! Anos saved Tessia, along with

Prince and Princess Glayder. He saved

three royals!"

Bairon, frustrated, said, "Look at him. He

has a hole in his chest and is just standing there. Do you still consider him human?"

I joined in. "The council decided this because Anos's origin of power is unknown, even to the royals. He possesses strength seemingly higher than a white mana core stage and magical knowledge unknown to us, yet he doesn't have a mana Core."

This revelation left everyone in stunned

silence. Doubts about whether Anos was

an ally or an enemy filled the air. Bairon,

growing impatient, said, "If you still doubt

us, why don't you ask the man himself?"

Sensing the tension, I said, "Fair enough. But stay close to us; it might get dangerous."

-Third Person POV-

As they approached Anos, he seemed to

be lost in thought, his crimson eyes fixed

on the lifeless bodies that littered the

ground. In a calm, deep voice, he spoke

through his mental link to his subordinates. "Alea, lvis, I want you to do an errand for me. Head towards the council of Dicathen and show them what I'm about to give you."

"Yes, master" Alea replied, her loyalty


"Consider it done, my lord" Ivis responded

with equal dedication.

The group of students and teachers

neared him, their faces a mix of fear and

curiosity. Before they could speak, Anos

focused his thoughts and chanted a

single word, his voice calm, deep, and

resonant. "Revide."

The word hung in the air, vibrating with ancient power. A radiant light enveloped the entire academy, pulsating with energy. Gasps of amazement and disbelief echoed around Anos.

Arthur stepped forward, his eyes locked on Anos. "Anos, what... what are you doing?"

Anos met his gaze, his expression unreadable. "My resurrection magic only works risk-free within three seconds. Their deaths were unjust, and I have the power to right that wrong."

Arthur's eyes filled with hope for the perished. "Anos, can you do something about the dead?"

Anos turned around, getting everyone's attention. His eyes filled with steely resolve and his usual confident smile. "If the fate is twisted but if it didn't hold any value to me I wouldn't stress about it but if the choice was given to me to choose whom to save, I'd save all. It's pretty simple to change the fate after all, all I have to do is destroy it."

As soon as Anos declared this, all the students and teachers, including the lances, had hope in their eyes. While all the females were mesmerized by Anos's appearance, one girl whispered, "He's so handsome," which made all the boys cry internally with jealousy.

Ignoring the spectacle behind him, Arthur asked Anos with determination, "So, what's the plan?"

"I'm going to change the past. When they were killed, and when they die, I will stop time for their bodies so I can revive them within the safe time frame. But it will be risky for all your lives, so all of you stick together close to me. It's about time he arrived."

Arthur and everyone, while initially surprised that Anos could control time and doubtful about whom he was talking about, came closer to Anos, under his protection.

Suddenly, all time seemed to slow down, the fabric of reality itself vibrating. Then, something otherworldly happened. The entire area turned white—not surrounded by light like before, but the dimensions of the area shifted. The floor, the trees, the buildings, even the sky turned white, and grayish-white cubes floated in the air.

"What's happening?" asked Arthur, perplexed.

Anos, looking in the air at someone, replied, "When there is a disturbance in the timeline of the universe, he comes forth from the heavenly realm that governs time itself to eliminate the disturbance. And right now, the academy has turned into his domain, the garden of time. He is The Guardian God of Time, Eugo La Raviaz."

As Anos spoke, there was a fluctuation in the air a few meters above the ground. A vertical cut in space opened a portal from which some otherworldly energy emerged, pitch black and fluttering elegantly like a cloth tied on a mountaintop with laminar windflow. The weird change in reality occurred when that portal opened, indicating someone's arrival. From there, a silhouette could be seen emerging. When it materialized, there was a heavy pressure in the atmosphere, as if the whole world aged drastically. Everyone except Anos felt overwhelmed by this pressure beyond comprehension.

The figure looked otherworldly, like a grim reaper with black robes and white gloves, its hood covering its head, and its face hidden by a knight-like visor, holding a huge scythe. Anos, seeing the Guardian God of Time descending from the portal, greeted him in his casual tone, like greeting an old friend after a long time. "Yo, Eugo, long time no see. How have you been? Well, whatever. Listen, I want to save only a bunch of people, so I'd appreciate it if you could look the other way."

Eugo replied, his voice emotionless, "Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad, the infamous God Slayer, your existence is defying the heavenly order of time. Now, Time itself will be your undoing."

That declaration send Shockwave through the crowd. all the students, teachers, tied traitors, lances, and even Arthur, all became wide-eyed with shock.

"A god slayer?" whispered Kathyln in disbelief.

"Commander, what is he talking about?" asked Claire, her voice trembling with fear.

Arthur, wide-eyed, said, "No, he is telling the truth. Anos himself has revealed his identity to me before, but... Anos, you're a God Slayer? An actual God Slayer?"

Eugo, interrupting the commotion, replied, "Don't be shocked, little ones. The one standing before you is an ancient royal demon king who massacred humans, spirits, and even killed off gods. A tyrant who took his tyranny to the extremes. Even reasons were destroyed before his eyes."

Anos, hearing this, chuckled and answered, "Well, that's new. You didn't even talk once before when we fought last time."

Eugo, answering Anos, said, "Before you decided to split the universe into four realms, you killed all the gods but spared only a handful who were the fundamental order of the existence, thinking it would be enough for the reality to function. Do you realize the consequences? The foundation of the existence became so weak we had to recreate it anew."

Anos, wide-eyed, replied, realizing something, "Ahh~ so that's what happened." He then turned toward Arthur, who, along with the others, were looking at anos with shock and horror. "Arthur, we found a significant clue to our questions."

Anos then turned toward Eugo with a smile plastered on his face. "Thanks. Because of you, I've found all the answers to my questions. Truly, I'm grateful."

Eugo replied, "Arrogant demon, you always took pleasure while destroying everything and killing innocents."

Anos smiled mockingly. "Ho? Now that's funny. I never took you for an idiot. There's a significant difference between glory killing on the battlefield and being a sadist. While I admit I enjoy doing both, it doesn't mean I'm a bad person." his mocking smile broadened. "I mean, I look more handsome than you."

Listening to the conversation between Anos and the Time God, all the spectators were filled with shock and horror, they didn't fear anos only because he didn't deny the claims but because he corrected the facts about him while making jokes.

Varay despite the revelation said in a calm tone, "So Anos is a royal, a demon king, and a god slayer on top of that. That explains a lot."

Some students, hearing her, said, "That's why he is so strong."

Eugo, ignoring Anos's mockery, said in an emotionless tone, "Still as arrogant as ever. Fair enough. Now, Time itself will be your own demise."

Anos, hearing his reply, said with his eyes cold and a sadistic smile on his face, "Still as ignorant as ever. Fair enough. I will put you in your place."

The tension in the air was palpable as the

two ancient beings faced each other, one

representing the chaos of unbridled

power and the other the underlying order

of time. The students, teachers, and

lances could only watch in awe and terror

as the stage was set for a battle beyond

their understanding.

Eugo put his hand back into the swirling

portal. "Unforgivable. You shall be

punished for disrupting the flow of time."

From the portal, he pulled out Draneeve's

corpse, gripping it by the head. "I grant

thee the power of the God of Time.

Annihilate Anos Voldigoad!" Draneeve's

chest began to close.

"Is he healing?" Tessia asked, bewildered.

"No, his time is being rewound," Anos

answered calmly.

Eugo transformed into swirling black sand

and engulfed Draneeve's body. Moments

later, Draneeve emerged, his robes now

black, his usual mask with a creepy smile

carved on it, and his hands transformed

into large scythes, which he brandished

imposingly. He opened his eyes and

laughed maniacally. "Hahaha! Now what

will you do? I have become immortal!"

Anos, wanting to end it quickly, wasted no

time. "Jeo Graze!" he intoned.

Suddenly, five suns the size of small

houses, blazing with a mixture of swirling

pitch-black fire and crimson energy, shot

at Draneeve, who had fused with the

Guardian God. Draneeve chuckled and

stopped the attack in its tracks by

stopping its time. "Return to the past," he

commanded. As he did, Jeo Graze shrank

and disappeared.

Draneeve mocked, "Now time will move

according to my will. You can't touch me

now. This barrier turns back the time of

everything it touches."

Anos, unfazed, replied, "l already did,

though." Suddenly, the disappeared Jeo

Graze reappeared and blasted Draneeve.

When the explosion cleared, Draneeve

was in a bad shape, his clothes tattered like

rags. Despite the devastating attack, his

enhanced godly body allowed him to

survive. "How did you do that?" Draneeve

asked, bewildered.

"You claim yourself to be time, yet you yourself are unaware of timely matters. All I had to do was send my attacks into the future to bring them into the present," Anos replied dismissively.

Enraged, Draneeve turned back time on

himself to heal his wounds. "You're

strong, but your weakness is blatantly

obvious." He began slashing, sending

energy projections in the form of white

razor-edged blades, each with the same

time-reversing ability as his barrier. Anos

conjured multiple layered barriers to

protect everyone, which shattered one by

one under the barrage of attacks.

Anos, thinking it was the right time to

earn back everyone's trust, declared,

"Listen closely. To defeat him, I have to

use my destructive power. But for that to

happen, you have to give up fear and

feelings of hostility towards me, or else

you will all be destroyed along with your

souls as collateral damage." Hearing

Anos, everyone was skeptical at first, but

the resolve in his voice made them nod in


Listening to Anos, Draneeve said arrogantly, "Huh, still hoping to kill me? I'm now a god! I have become even greater than my king."

Anos, being a king himself, noticed

Draneeve's blatant disloyalty. He asked,

"Hmm, interesting. You know l'm also

known as a Demon King. So tell me, what

do you think being a Demon King is all

about? Is it the name? Power? Authority?"

"All of them combined" Draneeve answered while simultaneously destroying the multilayered barriers as quickly as they reformed.

"No, it's none of them," Anos replied,

sounding a bit disappointed. "It's simply

me. Being myself is what it takes to be a

king. Being someone who bends the will of the world with the strength of my power,

destroying everything that stands in the

way of this 'me', no matter if they're

mortal or divine. That's what a true

Demon King is."

Anos continued, sounding disappointed,

"If I were your king, I would have destroyed you-source and all-the moment you showed disloyalty."

Draneeve, snapping at Anos's Words,

flared his aura, overwhelming everyone

inside the barrier. Some students started

collapsing. To counter it, Anos flared his

protective presence and healed everyone

inside with healing magic. "Don't worry.

You said you'd trust me. Now tell me, who

am I? That's right, I'm the Demon King."

Hearing Anos, everyone inside the barrier

began to put their trust in him. Draneeve,

seeing his aura fail to affect Anos, decided to attack head-on. He slowed down time for himself, becoming extremely fast, and dived toward the barriers, breaking them one by one. After breaking the last one, he appeared behind Anos and stabbed him in the back. Blood dripped everywhere. Seeing Anos brutally stabbed, everyone stared in despair.

"Hahaha! Now get devoured by eternal

time, you sham king!" Draneeve taunted.

Anos's body began to disappear as

Draneeve reversed Anos's time to before

his birth, making him non-existent. "Now

it's your turn," Draneeve said, approaching

everyone who were terrified.

A hand touched Draneeve's shoulder from

behind. "To do that, you have to get past

me." When Draneeve turned around,

everyone saw Anos, completely unharmed

and his clothes clean from blood. "HOW


Draneeve shouted in shock.

"Did you really think killing me was

enough for me to die?" Anos replied with

his usual confident smile.

"It doesn't make any sense," Draneeve

said, horrified. Seeing Anos unharmed,

everyone's eyes widened in disbelief but

also hope. Draneeve, in desperation, tried

to distance himself from Anos. "It seems I

have underestimated you."

Draneeve drew Cuts in space with his

scythe, opening a portal emitting strange

black energy. The energy shot out towards

Anos, swallowing him. "Let's see if you

can survive your soul being swallowed by

the past," Draneeve said, believing he was

still superior.

But Anos emerged, still unharmed. "Did

you really think you could erase me just by erasing my soul?"

Draneeve, sensing Anos's strength, flared

his aura, turning everything gray. "Stop

needle, stop clock, everything is stopped.

Time has now stopped for eternity!" As

Draneeve chanted, everyone stopped, but

they remained conscious, as if only

paralyzed. Then, they heard footsteps.

"What? It's impossible!" Draneeve

exclaimed in disbelief as everyone

witnessed Anos casually walking in

stopped time. "Oh please, did you really

think you could stop me in my tracks just

by merely stopping time?" Anos's voice

was calm.

"What is this magic power that keeps even the divine power at bay?" Draneeve said,

realizing his situation.

Everyone understood that it was due to

Anos's protective presence that they were

still conscious. Draneeve, sensing all his

cards becoming useless, charged at Anos

head-on. "Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!"

In desperation, Draneeve attacked Anos

with both scythes, which Anos effortlessly caught with his bare hands.

With a mere twist of his wrist, he broke

one scythe and punched Draneeve in the

stomach exploding his internal organs, sending him flying a few meters ahead.

Seeing Draneeve struggled to stand and heal himself due to the intense pain. Anos turned to everyone, slightly irritated. "Just how much time do you need to trust me to save everyone?"

Everyone saw Anos's eyes for the first time in this batle. They were not the eyes of a monster; they were the eyes of someone who would conquer insurmountable odds for someone else's sake. They were the eyes of a protector not destroyer.

Anos, with his crimson eyes glowing with

an otherworldly glow, said in a serious

tone devoid of malice but filled with

resolve to protect, "I know some of you

wish to see your friends again, some of

you wanted to spend time with your

brothers or sisters who died in vain. It's a

twisted fate that has befallen them. If you

trust me, I'll gladly destroy such fate.

Don't wish, don't pray. All you have to do is

walk behind me, and I'll obliterate every

injustice standing before you, starting


As Anos declared this, the environment

around everyone shattered into small

fragments like glass, and they were freed

from time's grasp. They momentarily

transcended it, overwhelmed by the

otherworldly feeling of Anos's protective

presence. They began to trust Anos as

their protector, realizing he had destroyed

their bondage to time to put them out of

the Garden of Time's influence, ensuring

their safety.

"Good work," Anos said, smiling at them.

He then turned to Draneeve, who was still

struggling in pain. "Rejoice, now I can

finally take you on."

Anos stretched out his hand, and a

ten-meter violet and red three-dimensional magic circle appeared above him, its intricate design rotating and revolving around its own axis. Black shadowy dust descended from it.

Anos cut his index finger with his thumb and let a drop of blood fall on his shadow, which

began swirling in the air. "Come forth,

Venuzdonoa," Anos commanded. The

shadow took the form of a black curved

sword with red designs on its blade.

"What's this?" Draneeve asked, now

fearing the situation.

"It's the sword of the Demon King of

Tyranny that destroys everything no matter how infinite or eternal. Whoever witnessed it was wiped out along with their source- the magic sword of destruction, Venuzdonoa!"

Anos declared, brandishing the sword. "I'll show you what it means to pick a fight with the Demon King," he continued, raising the sword high,"in his own domain".

As Anos spoke, the sky began to crack

with red fissures, reality itself crumbling

under his power. Draneeve, now terrified,

attempted to flee. "It's useless," Anos said

calmly, slashing his sword. A crimson

energy slash shot towards Draneeve, who

dodged successfully but fell to the

ground, his lower half severed.

"But I dodged it!" Draneeve stuttered in


"Did you really think you could avoid it just

by dodging it?" Anos replied coldly.

In a desperate attempt to survive, Draneeve opened innumerable portals, releasing black miasma energy towardsAnos from all directions. But before the energy could reach Anos or the others, the portals shattered. "What-why?" Draneeve shouted, his voice filled with unease.

"Did you really think I can't cut your

attacks without even touching them?"

Anos's voice was as cold as ice. "I already

told you it's useless."

Draneeve, in a final bid for survival,

rewound his position's time, floating

again. Using his remaining scythe, he

propelled himself toward Anos to attack.

Anos met his charge head-on and stabbed

Draneeve's face with Venuzdonoa. The

impact sent Draneeve flying, but he used

his scythe to dig into the ground for Support.

"AHHHHHHH!!- What? It's not healing!"

Draneeve screamed in agony, trying to

heal himself but finding his existence


Anos prepared for his final strike. "Carve

this into your skull along with your fear to

ensure that you will never forget this."

With a single slash, Draneeve's body was

sliced into thousands of pieces and


"l am the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos

Voldigoad!" Anos declared triumphantly.

"Curse you! Providence cannot contain

you, you misfit!" Draneeve's voice echoed

as his last words before vanishing into


Taking his victory, Anos approached

everyone, his expression now warm.

"Good work. You succeeded in surpassing

your fear of me. Now, let's get back to

work." Everyone looked at Anos with awe

and thankfulness.

Anos stabbed Venuzdonoa into the

ground, destroying the Garden of Time.

The white dimension shattered like glass,

its fragments scattering in a beautiful and

artistic display. All things returned to

normal, and everyone felt their sence of time returning after momentarily transcending it, with a calm demeanor, Anos uttered a single word, "IngalI."

Harleyon_4148 Harleyon_4148

well there you have it, I did my best writing this chapter

yeah I know the final fight was not my imagination but it was important to write next chapters.

wanna know how?

next time anos will explain to his subordinates how he got reincarnated longer then expected time.

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