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17.18% Biomass Effect / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 – Reactions part 4: Krogan & Thorian

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 – Reactions part 4: Krogan & Thorian

Radio was always a problem Blacklight hoped to solve. Especially in regards to other species. Over a period of months, since they discovered the alien races of the Citadel, they worked on it. Initial progress was small. It started with digging into the library of genetic traits Blacklight possessed. Radio waves were simple on paper. Simply a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than infrared light.

The starting point was looking into electro-reception, the biological ability to perceive electrical stimuli, an ability most common in sea life. By looking into these traits, more specifically the abilities in non aquatic life such as echidna, bees, and roaches.

Bioships grew electro-receptive organs, hundreds of thousands of them. This often lead to sensory overload, though that was a minor problem at best for an entity such as Blacklight. Minor alterations eventually allowed Blacklight Brain Hives to perceive Radio Waves. It was the first step to actually using it.

Over the months Blacklight watched how Radio Waves behaved, eventually coming up with hundreds of thousands of algorithms on how they functioned. They learned, they grew, they evolved. Eventually they started their own process to communicate with radio waves.

Using the massive amount of bio-electricity produced by Brain Hives, Blacklight began altering their electrical output in an attempt to find a way to create radio waves on the correct spectrum. It took several months, coinciding with the time when Blacklight first learned of the Reapers. Though it was fairly primitive it was proof it was feasible.

It took a further three months for Blacklight to perfect it. While it was simple, and certain messages sometimes were not sent through fully intact, it was a start.

'So far all information we get from the beacon about the Reapers is not enough to convince anyone of their existence, nothing concrete. The Geth have absolute proof, but considering it's the Geth, who are more than capable of creating anything with computers, well everyone would just assume it's a trick or it would implicate them as allies with us.', spoke Dana.

'Because of course a completely logical AI race would do stuff like that for shits and giggles. Never mind that an AI race of logical machines won't do anything if there is no logic behind it.', thought Alex.

'No one ever said it would be easy.', spoke Dana.

Alex sat quietly in the bar as he watched the aliens go about their usual business, and giving him as much space as he could ever want. Alex found the aliens strange in many ways, not just their appearance but the little nuance habits they had that truly made them alien.

Turians had these little rituals they did when they were together. All of them drank their poison of choice, and after each drink their mandibles would twitch just a bit. To most it would just seem to be a little habit they all shared, but Alex saw that it was done intentionally.

One of the Older Turians even said what sounded like a small prayer before drinking his drink. Alex asked Dana to ask the consumed Turians if there was a significance to it, and apparently there was. The consumed Turians told him it was done to honor their dead, the idea being that their mandibles would have small drops of alcohol on them after each sip that would be flicked off, essentially giving the drink to the spirits of the departed.

A few of the younger ones did it, but not all of them, only those who lost someone. And there were no older ones who did not flick their mandibles. Alex supposed that was the price of their highly militaristic culture. Death was common for the Turians.

Alex shifted his gaze to a lone Asari. Like Alex himself the Asari passed her time simply by people watching. The small smile on her face showed that she enjoyed it. Every now and then a small aura of biotic energy would glow from her skin, an aura so small that Alex only barely saw it, considering his vision - Which had 16 types of color receptive cones in each eye- he knew no one else saw it.

It took him a while to realize what the Asari was doing. Alex saw it when a Drunk Turian almost walked into a Salarian. A small biotic push gently moved the Drunk Turian out of the way, just enough to avoid the Salarian. Neither of them even noticed. Alex saw it again when she carefully prevented a Krogan's drink from falling over, again no one but him noticed.

'Someone's a Good Samaritan.' spoke Dana.

Before Alex could do anything else a large scared Krogan walked up to him, watching him. Alex looked at the Krogan for a moment before irritation overcame him at being stared at.

"Can I help you?", asked Alex.

"Names Wrex. I need you to come with me.", said the scared Krogan.

Alex only raised a brow. The Krogan simply blinked at him as if that request was just something that happened all the time. Alex decided Krogans were a bit weird.

"What for?"

"Because I need to punch something in the face and Blacklight seems to be made of sterner stuff than most anything else."

Alex all but smiled.

'Alex, do not do what I think you are going to do.', came the voice of Dana within his mind.

Alex, as an older brother, had mastered the art of tuning out ones sibling. Fun was about to happen and he would be damned if Dana ruined that.

"Is this really happening right now or are you just trying to get my hopes up?"

"Oh. Its happening, so you coming or what?", asked Wrex.

"You kidding, hell yeah I'm coming."

'Dammit Alex.' spoke Dana.

Wrex nodded as the each discreetly left the bar.

"So, any reason you want us to beat the shit out of each other?", asked Alex.

"Son, there are two things you need to know before we get started. First is that all Krogans, without exception and no matter what clan they belong to have the same basic philosophy. We believe there is no problem in the universe that cannot be solved with fists, guns, or a well placed headbutt. The smarter ones even know how to use all three to solve one problem.", said Wrex.

"I like the Krogans already.", said Mercer with a smirk.

Wrex nodded.

"Now the next thing you need to know is, so far, I have caved in the face of every species that ever stepped foot on the Citadel. That includes Hanar and Keepers. Your kind is new to the galaxy and I want to keep my record intact."

Alex nodded.

"Understandable, but...I have to ask, why a keeper? They literally do nothing.", asked Alex.

Wrex shrugged.

"I don't know, it was my first time on the Citadel. No one told me we aren't supposed to mess with them. Besides the little bastard had no respect for personal space. Doesn't matter. Now then the final thing you need to know is I have every intention of caving your face in to see what happens."

"I should warn you, there are no stops in the Alex Mercer Murder Train, unless you jump."

'...Really Alex. you know you can get in a whole lot of trouble for this.', spoke Dana.

Alex, to his credit, thought about it for a moment, before channeling his inner annoying big brother.

'I'm sorry, the Alex Mercer you are trying to reach is busy about to kick lizard ass, please leave your name and number after the sound of someone getting punched really hard in the face.'

"Good. I hate breaks anyway.", said Wrex with a small laugh.

"Workaholic huh?", asked Alex.

"Yep. Helps when the work I do is fun. So you ready?"

"Any rules?", asked Alex.

"Yeah, don't die too fast. Now are you ready?"

"Are you?"

Wrex smiled before looking around at their battle ground. It was a nice isolated spot in the wards far away from any prying eyes. All in all not the worst place to rearrange someone's internal organs. Wrex nodded before looking to Alex, who had calmly activated his Muscle mass power. Alex smirked as he hit his fists together and waiting for the attack. He didn't have to wait long before the Krogan charged him... Unfortunately for Alex said Charge was boosted by Biotic energy and the Krogan slammed into Alex at a speed so fast that most species would be unable to even see the Krogan. Alex barely had time to react before he was launched about thirty feet into a wall.

Alex grunted as he peeled himself off the wall to look at the Krogan whose body was wreathed in a biotic glow. Alex, for his part, only smiled. His fists tightened as he charged the Krogan, fist ready for an undercut. Wrex steadied his stance as he waited for the blow to come. Wrex, with reflexes honed by decades of battle caught the fist mid air, only to learn that Alex was a lot stronger than he appeared and even with his hand around the First Mind's fist, he didn't actually slow it down, causing him to be hit in the chin with the back of his own hand.

Wrex groaned as he stared at Alex who was cracking his knuckles. Wrex mimicked the action as he smiled. The two charged each other like titans, exchanging blow after blow. Alex had taken each hit in stride. Other than his Muscle mass power, he didn't use much else. Wrex on the other hand had gone at it with all he had.

Alex was able to snap one of the Krogans ribs, though as he expected, the redundant nervous system made that about as effective as a paper cut. A particularly nasty paper cut, but a paper cut none the less. When Alex saw the foot of the Krogan heading up towards him in a traditional Spartan Kick, Alex crossed his arm to catch it, though it proved difficult when Krogan leg muscles turned out to be a lot stronger than expected. Alex was Sparta Kicked in the abdomen, knocking away a few bits of Biomass, and jiggling the rest, though it was not enough to really do anything beyond that.

Alex leapt back as he waited for the Krogan to move. For only a moment Alex stood still, waiting to see what the Krogan would do next. Wrex smirked as he stood calmly and looked at Alex, his biotic aura burst with power. The next thing Alex knew he was floating harmlessly in the air.

"Damn Biotics.", said Alex as he stretched his legs like taffy before they firmly touched the ground. Improvised microscopic spikes anchored him to the ground. The next thing he did was wait for the Krogan to charge, which he did, and of course it was a Biotic Charge. Alex braced himself as the Krogan slammed into him with the force of a tank, but the spiked anchors held and Alex didn't move an inch. The Krogan grunted as he rapidly went from very fast, to not moving at all, save his internal organs which didn't get the memo that the rest of him had stopped. It was in this dazed state that Alex was able to wrap his arms around the Krogan. Then faster than Wrex could react, Alex tucked Wrex's head underneath his armpit before wrapping the arm around Wrex's head right under his chin. Wrex recognized this as a front face lock. This was the first time as far as Wrex could recall, someone other than another Krogan, put a Krogan into this lock.

Then with a roar, Alex gripped the Krogan tighter and smirked as he lifted the Krogan off the ground. The Krogan was surprised to be lifted by something a smaller than himself. For a moment, Wrex was held vertical in the air, upside down, before Alex fell backwards, violently slamming Wrex back into the ground behind him. Alex, in a feat of great flexibility, was still anchored by his feet to the ground. Once Wrex slammed into the earth, he released the Krogan, retracted the spikes, pulled his legs up to his chest, put his palms flat on the ground on either side of his head, rolled backwards until all weight was on his shoulders, before kicking his legs straight up in the air while pushing with his hands to land on his feet standing straight up.

"That Wrex, was a Vertical Supplex. Which makes me the first person in history to use that on a Krogan." said Alex sounding very pleased with himself at the moment.

Wrex rolled over huffing. Alex smirked as his arm shifted into a blade. Like a bullet he flew at the Krogan who likewise smiled. Alex swung, only to find the blade was stopped... By a glowing holographic blade coming out of the Krogans Omni-Tool. Something Alex had not only never seen, but never heard of before.

"What the fu..."

Was all Alex said before Wrex smiled and initiating a biotic charge, carrying Alex with him. Then He threw Alex like a ragdoll. Alex quickly got to his feet as he saw Wrex prepare another charge. Alex tried to prepare for it, however what he did not prepare for was Wrex stopping just in front of him while transferring all momentum into his arm which punched Alex in the face. With the well placed biotic fist to the face something amazing happened. Despite the high density of Blacklight Biomass, Wrex's fist had actually gone through Alex's head, spreading gore all around the area in a satisfying spray. When Wrex withdrew his hand, there was a fist sized hole where the face used to be.

"Well. My record's intact...", said Wrex as he flicked gore off his hands right before biomass all around squirmed towards Alex who was already regrowing his head.

"...Kinda.", said Wrex.

Alex crossed his arms, even while his head was still reforming. By the time it was finished he stood there looking at Wrex with a smile on his face.

"I was holding back you know. Also, what the hell was that knife thing?", asked Alex.

"Keep telling yourself that. As for the knife, It's an omni-blade, don't get a whole lot of use these days by most, but I never leave home without it.", said Wrex.

"The Turians didn't know about them.", said Alex.

"Yeah, I don't get it myself, no one uses them, and a lot don't even know they exist. Personally I think those people are stupid.", said Wrex.

He nodded to the Krogan before looking at the state of their battleground. The walls were smashed and the floor was cracked, then his eyes turned to the bar.

"Can I buy you a drink?", asked Alex.

Wrex grunted.

"Thought you'd never ask."

And thus the universe's most frightening friendship was born.

The Relay activated as the large manta ray like Bioship exited Mass Free Space and entered real space. Its manta like wings functioned as biological solar sails propelling it forward. Likewise several holes along the wings released chemical propellant taken form various Gas Giants, allowing the ship to move even faster towards the new planet.

Blacklight was well aware that Feros was important for the Citadel. While the ruins were picked clean of any and all technology by the Citadel, it was still covered in miles upon miles of old decrepit Prothean cities. Blacklight detected few radio waves but chances were good that there would be the odd scavenger or archaeologist upon the planets surface. Still, there were a few areas no such distraction would be. If the Geth's information proved correct then this could be the first step to gaining more knowledge of the Reapers.

The Bioship flew towards the planet, folding its wings in as its body slowly grew dense armor to survive the burning of atmospheric reentry. It was not long before it collided with the ground and punched into an underground cavern. Much of the Bioships mass was lost, but enough remained to begin a minor infestation.

The remaining infested biomass began creeping along the caverns ground, consuming trace life. Dead plant and animal matter was consumed and the mass spread throughout the cavern. The process was quick, but soon enough of the cavern was infested that the next part of the operation could begin.

Infested Pustules quickly grew, before a pair of Hunters emerged from the growth. The two hunters waited until a third Pustule grew, and from it emerged a Leader Hunter. The massive beast moved like a large cat as it scaled the walls. Modified gills along its neck breathed in the air of Feros. Predictably the air was saturated with spores. The Many within Blacklight absorbed the spores and began their research.

Highly evolved species. The Spores are very complex, yet less than a micron in size.

The Hunter leapt up the top of the cave, followed by the two lessers who watched and waited until the biomass grew across the hole that was made in the ground. It took only moments. Once a hard shell formed the Hunters began digging, throwing dirt and rocks on top of the shell to further hide their intrusion onto this planet, one they were not registered to have due to its status as a garden world.

Once the hole was covered the Hunters melted into the soil, their bodies seeped and rejoined the Biomass growing under the earth. Energy would not be a problem in this area. The amount of spores in the air would serve well for feeding the growing Biomass. Neural Webs grew along the walls as they crept deeper and deeper into the earth. A single pustule formed. From it emerged a Blacklight Evolved. The Evolved, named Ashley Williams, looked around the cave before moving deeper into its depths.

Biomass grew along the walls as she moved, every now and again small nodes would form along the biomass, before turning into bioluminescent organs providing light to see deeper into the caves. Ashley did not even watch as she moved deeper and deeper. Then she found it. In a large chamber was a massive root.

Just by looking at it she could tell it was unique. She moved up to it, testing it to be sure. She placed a hand along its side as small tendrils formed on her palm, and consumed just a sample of the root.

Carbon Based, an amalgam of several types of fungi, cellulose strands forming a resin like structure, secretes an enzyme that breaks down organic material. Traits of both fungi and plants detected in its genes.

The tendrils dug deeper into the root. Looking into the complex arrangement this odd species displayed. Then at the very core it found something.

Neural tissue at the roots core. Neural nodes at either end connecting to either another root, or a central core that acts as the brain, a neural cilia to connect with a vast neural network. Like a giant brain, each root functions as a neuron, separate yet connected.

Ashley released her grip from the root. Unfortunately this root was dead, disconnected from the others. Still it held much information about the strange plant creature that dwelled on this planet. The plant like nerves that had fused to Ashley detached before Blacklight biomass moved to the dead root. Cell by cell it was consumed. Using the excess tissue the root's biomass was used by Blacklight to form a proto-Brain Hive. Bladed tendrils dug deeper into the earth to make more room for the Brain Hive to grow.

Ashley watched as several more Infested Pustules began growing forming into different Evolved who would search the caves looking for the creature these neural roots belonged to. Already much of the initial cavern was infested, and the infestation was steadily growing.

The Brain Hive connected to the neural webs that now grew all around the caverns from Blacklight biomass. Traits taken from the dead root was added to the nerves. Hunters prowled the caverns searching for more roots. Ashley crawled through a smaller caves. The fit was tight, but the malleable nature of Blacklight enabled her to easily fit through to the other side by forming into a mass of squirming tendrils.

After hours of creeping through the claustrophobic caves, she emerged in another massive cavern. He body reformed into its natural state allowing her to see the contents of the cave. It was the largest one by far, and more importantly the cave held a large underground lake. The Neural Roots grew in the waters, and old spores had long tinted the waters a sickly green. Ashley waited as tentacles of neural webs crept from the small tunnel she emerged from. The Nerves crept towards the waters edge before sinking in, sifting through the waters as they absorbed the carpet of spores that floated in the waters before they moved closer to the roots. Then Blacklight's Neural webs touched the nerves of the root.

What are you.

We are Blacklight.

I am the Old Growth. Lesser minds call me the Thorian.

May we Speak.

Too Far from core. Need to be closer.

Ashley blinked as she looked to the lake. She began walking towards it as her form began to change. Gills formed along her neck as her fingers became webbed. Fins formed along her arm before she dived in the water and followed the nerves. She swam deeper down the undersea tunnels. Behind her the Blacklight Biomass consumed the plant matter within the lake, but were careful not to disturb the neural roots.

Highly complex life form. Neural Network is vast. Too much sensory data to speak through the roots. Connected to the neural cilia by the roots but separate from it, possibly in the event one of the roots fail or die it would not effect the whole.

Ashley swam through the caverns before emerging in yet another chamber, this one stranger than any other. All around her were humanoid corpse things that sat on the ground curled up in hibernation. They vaguely resemble a human, only with plant like traits. Their faces resembled green skulls. Ashley swam to the shores as her body turned back to normal.

As Ashley moved in this chamber the humanoid corpse plants began to rise. Hundreds of them moving slowly, watching her, despite the lack of any eyes they easily followed her with their heads. Many were hissing. The small tendrils of Blacklight Biomass from Ashley's feet moved to take trace samples from dead versions of the strange humanoid beings.

Defensive structures. Spores that form these lesser beings. Not efficient, but numerous. Plants normally lack it, but this may be a form of Immune System. One for fighting against macro-organisms.

Ashley stopped when a large group of the plant things surrounded her. Then as one they turned their head upward. Ashley blinked only once before her eyes followed. She saw what they were guarding. The Thorian Core, a large bulbous thing that resembled an insect or squid in many ways. No visible eyes or sensory organs of any kind could be seen on it, other than the neural tissue in its roots.

One of the slow moving plant things walked up to her. With her complex eyes she saw that despite its dead appearance, it breathed, though only shallow breaths that released billions of spores in a green haze as acidic fluids dripped freely from its mouth. The things shambled over to a neural node and stood next to it. It slowly turned around to look at her before low hissing came from it. Then it pointed to the root. Taking the hint Ashley moved towards the root. Once she was in arms reach of the root she looked to the strange humanoid plant creature. It growled low before opening its mouth.

"Speak.", said the creature in a sickly low and hoarse voice.

Ashley placed her palm against the Neural Node. As soon as she did she felt something enter her mind and through it the mind of the Many.

Blacklight, the amalgam of all species from planet called Earth. Created by an artificial virus dubbed Blacklight. I know you as you know me. You are connected to me, I am connected to you. Now that we know of each other, why are you here infecting my domain? It is difficult to find in your sea of minds. Your mind is labyrinthine.

It was not surprising that the Thorian could get so much with a direct Neural link. At the same time Blacklight learned quite a lot about the Old Growth before them, though much of its mind was blocked off, with some information hidden from the many. It did not trust them.

Your mind is likewise intricate and elaborate. We seek information and a possible alliance with you.

Blacklight could feel the strange thoughts of the plant like being before them. They were odd thoughts, difficult to read with how its mind functioned. Though glances of information could be seen.

The Reapers?


Strangely Blacklight felt more of the Thorian's mind open, giving them access to more knowledge on the Reapers than even the Protheans had.

Time and Time again I have seen their cycles come and go. And time and again they have not found me. Though They continued to find Old Growths across the cosmos. It has been three cycles since I felt the last of my kind perish with a scream that I cannot forget. The skies grow silent, I am the last of us.

We can see you possess many traits we can use to destroy the Reapers. Will you not help? You would not have to hide again. We are not dissimilar in our goals. We both wish survival, only we want to extend that survival to others.

They are but potential Thralls.

They are much more than that. Together we can accomplish much. Let us show you what we can do.

Blacklight shared more information with the Thorian. Information of what they as a species could do. The Thorian watched with interest, but also doubt.

Like you, I have many defenses as well. My roots are coated in paralytic stingers, my acids can melt stone given enough time, I make thralls of any who inhale my spores, or the spores will grow into my Creepers of which numbers well into the Billions. I can create perfect copies of any life I consume, memories and abilities intact. I produce toxins and poisons that even your vast library of traits can only match through your quantity. I grow miles upon miles each year even when unaware in my hibernation, plowing through stone and metal as I continue to spread and grow. All of my brothers could do this and more, yet they all fell to the God Machines. Many of them covered entire worlds.

We have not come so far as to leave with nothing.

I will give you what I know. However the next cycle draws near, I will soon rest, I will not fall like my brothers have before me. I am the last. I cannot fall. I see your history and abilities. Many of my roots are old and rotten, dead from time long past. Consume them if your wish. I do not know if an alliance with you is wise, but I will be amiable if nothing else.

We accept, and we shall aid you as well. We shall continue to spread throughout these caverns, but we will steer clear of your domain. We do not wish for conflict. Should you require aid, send your Creepers to us and we shall come.

Aid? I have a better Idea, I grow tired of the silence since the last of us have fallen. You are unlike the other races, unique in your own way, unlike any I have ever seen in my billion of years of life. If you wish for a true alliance, then I will watch you. Should you be found wanting then there will only be no alliance, if you are found to be useful then we may exist in symbiosis.


You have your consumption ability, Old Growths had Symbiosis. I will watch you, and if what I see is adequate, then you shall know all I know, and more.

"...So while chasing him I just start screaming at him and his army while he's in his tank trying to get away. Now this was before everyone else was a part of Blacklight. So I'm chasing Taggart screaming the whole time while destroying everything in my way. I think I karate kicked a helicopter mid air while chasing him. Anyway Tanks start shooting me and I just lose my shit and scream 'Nothing will protect you from me! Not men! Not Weapons! Not Armor!' at the top of my lungs. I didn't find out until after I consumed him that he almost shit himself when he heard me say that."

Wrex laughed as he downed the last of his drink.

"Guy sounds like an ass anyway.", said Wrex.

"You have no idea. So what about you, any stories to tell?", asked Alex.

Wrex nodded.

"I remember this one time out on Omega I was hired to take out this real sick bastard, some serial killer, guy targeted kids of different species. Turns out one of his victims was the daughter of a very rich Asari. She hired me to take the guy in alive so she could kill him. Took me three days before I found him, completely by accident. I'm not much of an investigator, but I learned the guy had killed at least nine kids, so I wasn't showing any mercy."

"Yeah, I hear you there Wrex. Shit like that deserves no mercy. So what happened?"

"I was walking around, minding my own business really when I see this Salarian eyeing a kid Turian. He was talking to himself, gave off a strange vibe so I followed him. Found out where he lived. While he was away I get inside and find some shit I'll never forget. Guy kept trophies. Small Asari Head tentacles, A small Krogan head plates, small Vorcha teeth, a few small Volus suits. Like I said Sick bastard. I waited for a while in there when the guy came back. Had the kid Turian with him. I shot the guy in the face as soon as I saw him, didn't die right away. Kid starts screaming when he sees what was in the back room. Now I don't like Turians, but no one hurts a kid while I'm around. Kid was sharp, he figured out what was going on and kicked the Salarian in the sides a few times. Long story short the guy was delivered, half a head but still alive, and I got the kid to his parents. Kid grew up to be a colonel. I call in favors from time to time."


It was at that point that two C-sec guards walked into the bar over to Alex and Wrex.

"Mr. Mercer, Councilor Tevos requests your presence in her office.", said the Guard.

Alex looked to Wrex who was downing another drink. Wrex looked to Alex.

"Looks like you have to go, I'll keep in touch.", said Wrex as he left.

"Yeah see you.", said Alex before turning to the guard.

"So we going or what."

Alex walked into Tevos office. She sat at her desk staring blackly at Alex.

"You called me for something.", asked Alex.

Tevos just stared. Alex crossed his arms. He had a good idea where this was going.

"Your first day without guards, an act of trust on our part... And you get in a beat down with a Krogan. Care to explain that Mr. Mercer."

"He's the one who came up to fight. I just accepted. We didn't hurt anyone, just a spar that's all."

"Spar. Really, a Spar. The leader of an entire species, and a Biotic Krogan destroying public property and ending up on the news is a Spar.", said Tevos.

Alex blinked.


Tevos just turned pointed to her console.

"Citadel News Network, Blacklight destroys public property in a fight with known Krogan Bounty Hunter. Citadel Times, Alex Mercer comes in conflict with Krogan. Extranet exclusive, Blacklight and Krogan brawl in the hall. I can go on about the news stations running this story, or rather would run it if I hadn't paid a lot of money to get it swept under the rug. The story is dead as far as they are concerned, and all copies are in my possession. Now I want you to sit down, and shut up as I ask you a few questions. After that we will never speak of it again, and as far as the galaxy is concerned this never happened. Understood."

"...It's cute that you think you can threaten me. Like a puppy barking at a lion. It's almost adorable.", said Alex.

"Sit. Down. Now.", said Tevos with calm venom.

"Alright, Alright. So what do you want to know."

The internal shell of a Reaper was an unusual and alien place, even by the definitions of Citadel space and the differences between species. No ships were as powerful and advanced as that of a Reaper. Nazara was no different. Truly massive hallways seemed to go on forever in either direction. An army of collectors marched through these long tube-like halls, ones without any angles, with densely packed machinery all along the walls. The Collectors marched in sync towards a large central chamber. This chamber nested within the ship, and was one of the most important rooms on the ship, next to the central core. The constant screams of indoctrination bellowed in the marching collectors minds as they moved with the single-minded goal to obey the Reaper they currently dwelled within.

Willingly they stood in this massive chamber, one filled with small holes arranged on the floor in a grid like pattern. Each Collector stood directly over a hole, waiting for the next phase of Nazara's plan, one that would allow these select Collectors to withstand the consumption abilities of Blacklight.

It's all just a dream.

Only in dreams could things like this happen. My body won't obey me. There is that constant drone in my ear. I don't know what it is, or what these insect things around me are. It's just a dream all a dream.

Collector-0013TZ9 Stand over designated Conversion Port.

Why does that voice call me that, I am not a simple number, I have a name. It's... I don't remember, but dreams are like that I suppose. I wonder if my mind is trying to tell me something. What does this dream mean, does it mean anything at all... I think I can hear screams, but over that constant drone, I cannot be sure.

The last collector stood over the hole. They stood still as the mechanical sounds around them started. Simultaneously each one leaned forward. Then suddenly and without warning, spikes flew from the ground skewering the collectors in the chest. Impaled on great spears that emerged from the surrounding holes. None of them reacted to it, at least not physically.

IT IS NOT A DREAM. NOT A DREAM. A NIGHTMARE. I can't move, I can't speak. I'm wishing so much to move that it hurts me more than this spear I am impaled on, but I can't even lift a finger with my own will, no this thing that once was my body moves of it's own will. Just lying limp, waiting for something. Make it stop, make it all stop. I have to wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP! SOMEONE WAKE ME UP!

ALERT! Cognitive Error


Errors found in Collector-0013TZ9

WARNING! Collector-0013TZ9 has been Compromised

Beginning Indoctrination Protocol

I remember now. I re-re-remember. The Reapers. I am not a collector, I am not a c-c-co-collector. I am Prothean-thean. That drone, by the gods that droning hum, it's not a drone at all. It's a scream. Indoctrination is the sc-s-s-screams of the dead and dy-dy-dy-dying. The Reapers, they scream in a con-con-con-constant ag-ag-ag-agony that is not their own. Why are they doing this-is-is-is?


No! I will not. I can-can-can-cannot. I will not submit to your screams. I can't take the screams. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. MAKE IT STOP... I can feel them. This thing I am impaled on, it's doing something. Something is moving inside me. Just under the skin-in-in. I can hear it, faintly. So faintly, the sound of small things inside me, like insects. It feels wrong. It hurts. It hurts...

The spikes impaled in each Collector began their painful process. Microscopic ports along the spikes' sides released tiny microbe sized nanites into the bodies of the collectors. They moved into the collectors bloodstream, sucking up what trace elements remained in their already heavily altered bodies. It didn't take long, only a few hours before the secondary program in these nanites began. They altered the collectors individually in ways both painful and grotesque. Yet the nanites themselves did not allow the collectors vitals to fall, they kept them alive through the whole thing. Each collector was both alive and aware, able to feel the small machines that flowed throughout the bloodstream as they moved strategically within each individual body, turning the already altered collectors into even more of an automaton.

Countless tiny needles on the nanites cut into the insides of the collectors, before the nanites bored deep into the cuts replacing the once-flesh with much more useful implants made out of their own bodies, each one connecting with other nanites to become more complex implants, ones that Blacklight could not consume. The nanites then rested within the body, keeping themselves in the needed shape. Veins and tissue slowly replaced with wires and cables that ran through each individual collector body. These new Collectors would be much more difficult for the Cancer Race to consume, allowing Nazara to gain the needed tactical data.

It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. What is it doing. Why does it hurt. Why won't I die? Where did that dulled state go. I thought all this was just a dream, why won't it come back. I don't want this hurt to continue, please bring it back...This can't be real, it just can't be. Help! Please Someone Help! I Just want to dream again. Make this a dream again. Please.


Just a Dream, this is all just a Dream.


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The new software had slowly overwritten and consumed Collector-0013TZ9's sapient mind bringing it back to acceptable levels needed for the data Nazara needed to gather. The spikes that had impaled the collectors slowly lowered and the New Collectors stood. Cybernetically altered and mildly improved. They would not be as efficient, but they could not be consumed by that cancer quite so easily. The New collectors marched in unison as the next wave entered the room, each one standing over the holes in the floor.

ETA to Blacklight controlled space. 1.05 Days.

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