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50% Fairy Tail: Fifteen Strong / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Gimme Shelter
Fairy Tail: Fifteen Strong Fairy Tail: Fifteen Strong original

Fairy Tail: Fifteen Strong

Author: TheRagFromTheCrag2

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Gimme Shelter

(Author's Note:)


I want to be very clear about something, and that thing is that this story, this chapter more accurately won't be for everyone. You'll know the parts when you see them most likely. But I'm just forewarning you.


(Magnolia Town, Kingdom of Fiore, Ishgar, Fairy Tail Universe)


(Guiliano Augiliar POV)


How long exactly he'd been in the Universe of Fairy Tail he knew not, his memory although perfect was not exactly complete. The torture that was his early childhood was largely blocked out. He eventually was able to force his brain to forget the more traumatic parts while retaining the important parts.

He'd found a family in Northern Fiore, a sister by choice. Through one of the Guilds up there he'd become S-Class and extremely wealthy. Now he was in Magnolia Town because it was time for him to take a more active role in the World.

He'd been a business partner of Jude Heartfilia, the deal was that Jude got to use him as promotional material and an endorsement. He also invested in Heartfilia Konzern. The business had been a fruitful relationship for both of them. And now his sister was the one in charge of all his former assets and wealth.

No matter though, as a famous S-Class Mage he can make that wealth reappear easily. Hence his reasons for coming to Magnolia Town. There was a chance that Markarov wouldn't let him stay S-Class, but Guiliano had information to trade that should convince the old Dwarf to let him stay S-Class.

One of the benefits of Meta-Knowledge.

''Well, time to say hello.'' Guiliano says as he comes to stand before the door.


(POV Shift: Nobody in Particular)


It was a typical day in Fairy Tail. A new member meant lots of feasting, drinking, and brawling and naturally a very angry Markarov.

Just as Markarov was getting into his speech about what or meant to be a Fairy Tail Wizard...

The Doors exploded and Master Makarov comically fell from the second floor and hit his head.

''Sorry about that, but I had to get the attention of Markarov.'' Says a voice and as the dust settled a young man that everybody recognized because of his distinctive attire and the fact he was famous.

''Isn't that the Cait Shelter guy? The one who has been featured In Sorcerers Weekly for the past Ten Straight Years?'' Wakaba asked.

''Wonder what he's doing here?'' Gray said.

''I wonder what business Cait Shelter has with the Master?'' Asks Cana.

''I don't know who you are, but I don't care! Nobody but Fairy Tail is allowed to destroy our Guild Hall!'' Natsu yells charging at the newcomer.

''I'm the son of Igneel's best friend.'' Natsu stopped dead in his tracks and looked as if he'd seen a ghost. ''What makes you think that you're the only one with a Dragon for a parent? Newsflash kid, you're not. Now then Markarov…can we talk privately or not? I have important information for you.'' Asks the newcomer.

''Follow me.'' Markarov says.

As Guiliano passes Lucy, he stops. ''I'm not here for you, my arrangement with him is concluded so no need to worry.'' He tells Lucy, causing whispers to break out amongst the Guild and Lucy to relax a little bit.


(POV Shift: Guiliano Augiliar)


''What business does Cait Shelter have with little old me?'' Asks Markarov.

''None. I'm here for me. I've left Cait Shelter and am searching for a New Guild. Blue Pegasus, Quarto Cerberus, and Lamia Scale have extended Invitations. However, I'm more inclined towards Fairy Tail in large part because of Natsu.'' Says Guiliano.

''Why? Because his father was a friend of yours?'' Markarov questions.

''No. Because his father is my Grandfather.'' Guiliano says and Markarov's jaw drops…literally.

''Your telling me Igneel has a son Natsu doesn't know about?'' Asks Markarov.

''Yeah, and I'm asking you not to tell Natsu. My father - for lack of a less colorful word - is not the type of person who should be a part of Natsu's life.'' Says Guiliano.

''You make him out to be some sort of demon.'' Says Markarov.

''Hmm, I'll put it to you this way, old man. My Father makes your son look like Father of the Year and a Saint to boot. And I've met your son, and he's no Saint nor is he even remotely suitable for being father of the year material.'' Says Guiliano.

''If Natsu's stories are to be believed I find it highly unlikely that Igneel had a son who you claim is worse than Ivan." Markarov says.

''Igneel did the Dragon way, get your offspring into Adolescence before kicking them out of the nest. I eventually escaped and met Igneel's best friend, Atlas Flame, who adopted me and taught me, and when he eventually died he entrusted his Dragon Lacrima to me. Thus I am a First Generation Fire Dragon Slayer and a Third Generation Hell Flame Dragon Slayer.'' Says Guiliano.

''I think you'll have to explain that to me.'' Markarov says.

''Natsu is a First Generation Dragonslayer, the same as my kid sister. A First Generation Dragonslayer is largely considered the OG, the Original for the simple reason that they were taught by a Dragon. Coincidentally in the modern era, such a thing is an exceedingly rare thing in large part because the Dragons are in hiding. Then you have your second Generations, your grandson Laxus falls under this banner. A Second-Gen Dragonslayer is….ahh, how to put it? For a lack of a better word a Fake, because they were implanted with a Dragon's Lacrima, they are not considered true Dragonslayers, the kindest term I suppose would be to call them Artificial Drgaonslayers. After the Second Gen is when things start to get interesting, you have me, because while I am half-dragon, my Magic was gifted to me by my father and his…allies. But I also was taught by Atlas Flame, and when Atlas Flame died, He gave me his Dragon's Lacrima.'' Says Guiliano.

''I think I understand what you mean. You were taught by a Dragon, and that very same Dragon gave you its Heart Lacrima. Thus creating a new type of Dragonslayer from the roots of both First and Second Generation.'' Markarov says.

''Yeah, but that's hardly the end of it, there are two more Generations and they are arguably an….insult to the very name of Dragonslayer. If a Second-Generation Dragonslayer is a fake, then a Fourth-Generation Dragonslayer is an insult to our very existence. Fourth Generation Slayers are mindless puppets, made from a Dragon's embers energy or pure magic Power. Kind of like Golem Magic I suppose. As for Fifth Generation Dragonslayers….they deserve to die. A Fifth Generation Dragonslayer got their powers through devouring the flesh of either a Dragon or First, Second, or Third Generation Dragonslayer, they are cannibals.'' Says Guiliano.

Markarov's Face twists in disgust.

''That doesn't necessarily explain why you don't want Natsu to know about your father.'' Markarov points out. ''I need a legitimate and fair reason not to.'' Markarov says.

''I was hoping I wouldn't have to do with this.'' Guiliano says as he begins taking off his shirt. ''Not one of these scars is as a result of a mission. Nearly all of them is a result of being in my father's care.'' Guiliano says as he puts his shirt back on.

''Your father gave those to you?'' Markarov asks darkly.

''First one would've been…age four.'' Says Guiliano and Markarov's Face only gets darker.

''I see…..I'll keep your secret child, but sooner or later you'll have to be honest with Natsu.''

''I'm aware, and I'll know when it's time. I've got something special for that time.'' Says Guiliano as he taps Markarov on his head….with his Tail.

''You have a tail?'' Asks Markarov.

''I suppose a hybrid's abilities work similar to Take-Over Magic. We can undertake a partial transformation, but unless we fully master our abilities and have the resolve to match we will never be able to fully transform into a Dragon…or so the legends say.'' Says Guiliano.

''I think you and will need to have a more extensive Conversation at a later date, but for now, see Mirajane for your new Guild Stamp and prepare yourself for the feast and brawl to follow.'' Says Markarov as he finishes his mug of beer.

''Appreciate it, think I'll start with some non-S-Class missions first though. Get my feet wet first as it were.'' He tells Markarov as he heads out to get stamped and wait for Romeo to appear, but pauses. ''In exchange for letting me keep my S-Class status, I'll offer up a little gift of Knowledge…Lisanna Strauss is still alive, and Mystogan can get you to her location. But it must be on his timetable, because only when his timetable has reached its end will he have no choice but transport Fairy Tail to war with an enemy who threatens the entire world, an enemy only Fairy Tail can stop.'' Says Guiliano as Markarov gets a hardened look full of resolve.

''Lisanna…alive? Does this enemy have a name?'' Asks Markarov.

''Mystogan knows him as…father. When you inevitably confront the secretive bastard, tell him to come find me, I've my own issues with him.'' Guiliano says walking out.


Guiliano chose to have his Guild Stamp placed on the right side of his neck. The Cait Shelter Guild Stamp had been placed on his palm, but there was hardly a need to hide his Affiliation. He was now a Fairy Tail Mage.

And Still S-Class to boot. He could have offered up details about Zeref, Irene, Alvarez, or even future events. He chose not to because offering up info on Dragonslayers and Lisanna were the best carrots for staying S-Class.

If Markarov went to war with a fellow Wizard Saint over the humiliation and harm of Levy, Jet, and Droy rather than the destruction of the First Fairy Tail Guild Hall then it was reasonable to assume that offering up information that Lisanna was not only alive but in a world with a great enemy that threatened the world that only Fairy Tail could stop, Markarov would do anything and everything in his power to save Lisanna and bring her home.

The Argument could be made that hinting that Mystogan knew how to bring her home would debunk the timeline a but, but the fact was that wording his sentence around the fact that there was an enemy that threatened the entire world and only Fairy Tail could defeat it, and that only when Mystogan's timetable ran out of time was Lisanna able to be brought home, would likely make Markarov hesitant to confront Mystogan to hurry up his timetable. Markarov would not wish to risk Lisanna's safety by rushing in blind before it was time to defeat the great enemy.

''How come my Dad hasn't come back yet?'' There it was, Romeo had arrived.

''Your starting to work my nerves Romeo. You're a Wizard's son, have faith in your father and wait patiently for him.'' Markarov says.

''But Sir! He told me he'd be back in three days, and he's been gone for over a week now!'' Romeo protests.

''If I remember correctly, he took the job on Mount Hakobe.'' Markarov notes idly.

''THAT'S RIGHT AND IT'S NOT THAT FAR FROM HERE, SO WHY DOES NOBODY GO LOOK FOR HIM!?'' Romeo demands positively and justifiably irate.

''Listen kid your old man's a Wizard and like every other Wizard in this life he can take care of himself! Now go home, have some milk and cookies, AND WAIT!'' Markarov says, losing his patience with the boy.

Guiliano has heard enough and stands up. He goes to the Job board, plucks a job from it, and walks out. He would take care of the job after helping Natsu, Happy, and Lucy save Macao.

In any event, this would be a fun way to win points with Fairy Tail, and getting his Hands on Hakobe Herbs and Ice would help him earn some Jewels on the side. He had a number of cooled containers that would preserve the Herbs and the Ice since the Herbs would shrivel up in warmer temperatures instantly and obviously ice melts.


Guiliano was waiting for Natsu to knock out Taurus, before making his appearance. This wasn't a drawn out battle, and Guiliano had already filled his containers completely, so all that was needed was to wait for the horny bull to get knocked out.

When that happened, Guiliano would jump in and finish the job.

He'd have to use his weakest attack at lowest power to make sure he didn't accidentally kill Macao. But the fight would be over quickly, and he had some spare ice to help heal Macao.

''Natsu!'' Lucy shouts annoyed.

''Hey, so how come there are more monsters now than when I left?'' Natsu asks.

''HE'S A FRIEND DUMMY! ONE OF MY SPIRITS!'' Lucy shouts indignantly.

''That guy?'' Natsu asks dummy, jabbing his finger at the Macao Vulcan.

''NOT HIM THE BULL - wait a minute! How were you able to survive out the-''

''HELL FLAME DRAGON'S ROAR!'' Guiliano yells, sending his attack at the Vulcan from behind.

''Hey your that new guy, Cait something and raised by a Dragon too right?'' Natsu says.

''Actually My names Guiliano, I was a member of the Cait Shelter Guild before deciding to move on and join Fairy Tail. Speaking of which…'' Guiliano says, walking towards the Vulcan watching as it returns to Macao's form.

''Macao?!'' Natsu asks in surprise.

''Are you telling me that big perverted monkey was actually your friend this whole time?'' Lucy asks in shock.

''Yeah, he must've been taken over by that Vulcan.'' Happy says.

''What do you mean taken over?'' Lucy asks

''It must've used a possession spell on him. You see Vulcan's survive by stealing people's bodies and taking over. They're evil body snatches!'' Happy explains.

''The Exceed is quite correct, and as far as the perversion goes, male Ice Vulcan's are naturally perverted since females of their own kind tend not to like living so far up like this one would've. Then again, from what I hear, Macao's a skirt chaser, could just be him.'' Says Guiliano.

''What's an Exceed?'' Asks Lucy.

''That's what Happy is, it's his species. You see several years ago the Exceed Queen grew concerned, because the humans in their world had used up nearly almost the world's magic, and Exceeds have their own unique Magic. She didn't want her people's unhatched generation used as fuel for the fires of war, and secretly sent them here, including her own children. Naturally Naturally, the people were outraged, but the Queen placate them by telling them of a great enemy only the children could defeat, which is why they were sent to Earthland. She Sacrificed her integrity to save her people.'' Guiliano reveals, before turning back to Macao. ''He's pretty roughed up, we should feed him some Ice and Tea, I have some spare that should stabilize his condition before we move him.'' Says Guiliano.

''Oh, hey that's right! Hakobe Herb grows here doesn't it? That should boost his magic power a little.'' Lucy says.

''And the Hakobe Ice helps with Healing, doesn't it?'' Asks Happy.

''That's corrrect, But I know a special recipe designed for helping victims of Take-Over Magic, I've only got enough of the other ingredients with me for a single batch though, so we'll need to patch his wounds first, since the tea turns poisonous after about thirty minutes, and we don't want him to ingest the stuff without his wounds patched.Lu Lucy, if you patch his wounds, Natsu can get a fire going, and I'll prepare the ingredients.'' Guiliano says.

''I can do that.'' Lucy agrees.

''Then let's not waste anymore time! The sooner Macao's fit to travel, the sooner we can get him back to Romeo!'' Natsu says boldly.

''Agreed.'' Guiliano says as they get to work.


The trek down the Mountain back to Magnolia Town had been a slow one, but that was mostly to give the tea time to work on Macao's system.

When they finally got back it was worth it to see Romeo smile. Reminded him of Wendy…he so dearly missed his little sister, and Carla and Carlo too! Speaking of which…he should send for Carlo, he'd been unable to bring him with him at first, but the little one should be okay to travel now.

But for the moment….he had a job to do, hunting down some thieves and murderers, so it was best for him to get on with it and complete the job, the sooner the better….


(Author's Note:)


Just a quick note here, Wendy is Guiliano's adopted sister, and Carlo Carla's twin brother. That's all I had to say for right now, see you guys when I see you in the next chapter, whenever that happens depends on an upcoming poll near the time this was written, so it might be soon or it might not be, We'll have to wait and see what happens. Also let me be upfront and say that. While he will in the end know a large number of Magics, as it stands he's only mastered around four or fuvw of those and of three or four only three are Dragon Slayer Magics. Mastery of your magic is a key part of this story so I ask you refrain from screaming OP MC from the first five chapters.


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Thanks to Lewis Wilson, Mitchell Howard, David Martinez, Ken Harris, ROGUE505 Saver, Morgan Sinn, Mathew T Linderman, Luck George, Kyle Diano, Francisco J Guzman, and Zeldris Wrath for their support on P-atreon.

And also a big thank you to Cody, Luci Alarra, TJ Cruz, Beastmode2003, Kunta, Availon90, Gavin Barclay, Dragonslayer29, Jacarya Robinson, Nathan Just, Axlii, and Reece Hutton for their past support on Patreon.

The next Chapter is currently available on my relaunched and rebuilt P-atreon, to access simply search the following link, but without the dash between the P and A, Two tiers with the same benefits but different contexts. The chapters on P-atreon will be published when the chapters following them are done and dusted and ready to publish over here on this site.


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