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Chapter 2: Cap 2

In this chapter you will have a slight summary with jumps in time about Victor's life, I honestly don't know what to write about his childhood so I will go quickly until reaching adolescence or coming of age.

(time jump 2 years)

'okay, to summarize, being a baby is not very nice to say the least, I spent all my time sleeping, eating or in this case drinking milk in a bottle and shitting all day.'

'Speaking of my powers and my growth, I have advanced a little in these aspects, I was able to walk at the first year of age, I also began to be able to pronounce words or short phrases, at my current age I can already have simple conversations, nothing extravagant for my parents worry but they do consider me a genius'

'Although seeing that perhaps I am from space, they took it in a better way, I also showed some of my gifts, although at first they were surprised, over time they downplayed their importance, yes, my parents educated me not to use them in public and I can only use them at home'

'They also called me Victor West, a name I quite liked if I do say so myself.'

While Victor was in his internal monologue, the door to his room opened.

"Victor, let's go eat"

"Yes mom"

As we went down to the dining room, we heard the television on.

~Wayne enterprise shares continue to decline since the late Thomas and Martha Wayne passed away 2 weeks ago, leaving their heir Bruce Wayne with the business giant~

'As I was going down, that surprised me quite a bit and apparently gave me an idea of the current timeline, although it's unfortunate for Bruce's parents, there's nothing I can do. Even if you look up the date it was, there's not much a 2-year-old can do when he can't leave the house and search the internet.'

"Look, Maria, that's why I tell you to be careful when we return from work at night."

"I know, Jon, but that happens in Gotham, that city is very bad in all aspects"

"Okay, enough talking, let's go eat."

'as we sit down to eat and talk some things, my mom asks about going to kindergarten'

"Victor, next year you will go to kindergarten, are you excited?"

"I already said mom that I would prefer to stay home and learn something more productive"

"That's right María, you already know that Victor is more intelligent and mature for his age"

"I know, but I want him to learn to socialize with other children, you know he doesn't have anyone to play with in this area."

"Okay mom, but on one condition"

'My mom looks for a while with a smile'

"Okay, tell me Victor what condition you want"

"I want you to teach me to read and buy me books to learn"

"Ahhh, okay but you'll have to play like a normal kid okay?"

'Yes!!, now I will finally be able to move forward with the whole subject of studies and not just wait for my body to grow to start exercising'

"It's okay mom, promise"

(Time skip 4 years)

We see a 6-year-old boy, about 1 meter 60cm tall, with a somewhat thin but defined build, with purple eyes and black hair, wearing a school uniform and combing his hair.

"Victor, hurry up or you'll be late for school!!"

"I'm coming mom"

Victor jumps from the second floor and lands softly

"I already told you to stop doing that."

"I'm sorry mom, but you know I like to use my powers a little bit"

"Ugh, I know, I still don't understand your habit of entering even when you already have all that strength."

"Haha, you know I do it not only to be stronger and faster, but also because it helps me with control and restraint"

"And that is the only reason why your father and I allow you to go around doing those training sessions."

"Okay, enough talking, here's your snack, and here's about 5 dollars if you want something."

"Thank you mom, see you!!"

'I run out of the house with a smile and get on the bus, waving to most if not all of the children'

'All this power feels incredible, and I hope to continue improving for what is to come, I have already been working on lifting cars, jumping from heights, and while sometimes my parents are not there, I hit things or jump from a height to test my defenses '

'Obiamnete I think about all this while I'm sitting talking with the children, ufff, I hope I grow up quickly to do some more things and also for my powers to fully awaken'

'The bus arrived at the school and we left, arriving at the classroom, everyone in their seats and class begins, ugh I hope this passes quickly, it's boring when you already know all that.'

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