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72.5% Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE) / Chapter 27: Damn it...

Chapter 27: Damn it...

~Omniscient Pov~




In a high-tech command center, filled with electronic equipment and countless monitors glowed. Soldiers and analysts hurriedly moved about, each absorbed in their own tasks. At the center of the room stood a figure of authority, an elderly man in fact... He was wearing a black suit, a large scar on his face, sharp eyes, and a rigid posture as he monitored the entire situation...

"Commander Cecil! We picked up a massive energy reading. It came from Sector 1," a soldier reported, his voice steady despite the urgency of the news.

The commander, Cecil, turned to face his soldier, "Sector 1? That's one of the main locations of the alien ships we saw... What's the status of our teams in that area?"

"Team Alpha was last reported engaging the alien forces, sir," the soldier replied, quickly pulling up another set of data on his tablet. "But they were saved by some unknown individual, and after that, we picked up the energy. It could be related to that same unidentified individual who was seen entering the alien ship."

The commander's eyes narrowed as he processed the information for a moment, "And this energy reading... How significant are we talking?"

"Off the charts, sir... If our readings are correct... It had enough power to completely vaporize a small country, right off the map..." the soldier reported, with a clear hint of both awe and fear in his tone. "We've never read anything like it before. It even coincides with the moment the alien portal began to close as well."

'That's impossible... Just how powerful could this being be?' The commander thought about it and scoffed for a bit. "See what you can find about that anomaly, and keep me informed on the other sectors. We can't afford to lose focus." He said.

However, not even a minute later, "Sir, I've just gotten some footage from our aerial infantry... I'm sending it to you now." With the click of a few buttons, Cecil could see most of the area, and what surprised him, was the fact that there were no aliens below in sight...

'The area should be flooded, just what happened here?' But that's when he saw the figure, with some form of energy in its hand, and the next moment, he could see the figure throwing it, and soon after, the explosion happened...

It had happened terrifyingly fast. not even 10 seconds had passed, and what was left of the alien's ship was gone, as if they weren't even there in the first place.

Cecil placed his hand on his desk, contemplating what he had just seen... 'What the hell..' His eye twitched for a moment before he exhaled deeply. Not particularly liking this new variable he had on his plate one bit. In his line of work, Unknowns were dangerous, and anything dangerous needed to be dealt with, but this wasn't an opportune time...

"Leave whatever it is be, but stay vigilant. Focus on sectors 2 and 3, we already have monumental casualties from all this, we can't afford to get any more on our hands..." But he hadn't gotten a response, "Soldier! Are you even listening!?" Cecil shouted.

"Sir... T-the same individual... I-It's heading r-right for sector 3..." the soldier stammered, his face now a shade paler too.

"What?" Whatever it was, was heading straight for the very last portal...





~Ezra's Pov~




'They seem to be handling themselves well...' I was surveying the battlefield a little... The heroes clashed with alien forces both on the ground and in the air, their movements erratic and unprofessional. Most were struggling, fighting with every ounce of strength they had, but with only a few exceptions managing to hold their own. Omni-Man was one of them.

He moved like a force of nature. No... That would be an understatement... His blows were nothing short of devastating. He was tearing through the alien ranks as if he were a hot knife through soft butter. Watching him, I couldn't help but feel excited, how would I match against someone like him?

[He's powerful, master. Especially his sheer raw speed.] ECHO said.

'I know...' I, of course, didn't disagree with her. There wasn't any room for arguments either. I couldn't even properly see the guy at all, except for the small instances when he decided to help those around him, otherwise, he was practically teleporting to me.

Which was a bit baffling to me. I could see at speeds almost to the level of light itself, which meant; given the distance between us, he was at least moving hundreds if, not thousands of times faster than my eye could begin to even track, even with my ridiculously high perceptive capabilities...

Not only that, from here; I could immediately tell he was dangerous, enough to say I didn't stand much of a chance. The only way I could put up a fight was to catch him off guard with my lightning spear with maximum output, otherwise, I was a sitting snail for him.

So instead of focusing on him, I'd focus on defeating some aliens myself, if he could push through, so could I.

I quickly turned my attention back to the alien ships ahead. Its entrance was heavily guarded, and energy barriers glowed oddly. I could tell, these freaks were preparing for something big...

Moving swiftly, I approached the entrance, my senses heightened. The alien guards spotted me and opened fire, and their weapons fired at me.







"O-Our weapons don't affect the creature!!!" One of them hissed.

Their blasters struck me, but they had zero effect. It didn't even get passed my Bio-Electric aura... So their energy beams and bullets bounced harmlessly off my, suit. I pressed forward, unfazed by their futile attempts to stop me.

Instead, I soared through faster than before. With a burst of speed, I launched myself at the nearest guard, my fist connecting with its armored chest. The impact sent it flying, crashing into the barrier behind it. I landed, pivoting myself while delivering a roundhouse kick to another, the force of my blow crumpling its armor like tin foil, killing it instantly.

"R-Retreat!!!!" one shouted, running. I hated runners...

'Pathetic.' I thought, moving towards the entrance. The guards kept coming, their numbers felt endless. But I was relentless. Each strike, each movement was calculated and precise, designed to end them both quickly and efficiently.


I heard a button being pressed just before I reached the control room, bursting through the doors with ease. The alien figure at the console turned to face me, its eyes glowing with malice, but not just that... It had a look that I knew well. Like it would take me down with itself...

"You've killed thousands of my people just by coming here..." It hissed, clearly this thing wasn't afraid like the last ones, in fact. It seemed like it had nothing else to live for. I could tell something was wrong, it must have did something just before I got in here.

"And I plan to take revenge..."

I lunged at it, grabbing its face and squeezing hard. "What did you do?" I demanded, my voice a low growl. The alien struggled, but I didn't let go. "Tell me, or I'll crush you right here."

The alien's eyes flickered with a mix of hatred and satisfaction. "Too late, human," it sneered. "You've activated the teleportation sequence. In moments, everything within a wide vicinity, including this ship and everyone in it, will be transported to our home planet."

My grip tightened involuntarily, and I could feel the alien's bones start to crack under the pressure. "You think that will stop me?" I said, my tone deadly calm. "You're underestimating me."

But inside, my mind was racing. If what it said was true, I had only moments to act. Killing the alien wouldn't stop the sequence—it had already been set in motion.

[Master,] ECHO's voice cut through my thoughts, [we need to disable the teleportation sequence. Look for the control panel, there must be a way to override it.]

I released the damn, who fell to the ground, gasping for breath. Ignoring its curses, I turned my attention to the console. My fingers flew over the controls, searching for anything that could stop the teleportation. The holographic displays shifted and changed as I worked, displaying alien symbols and sequences I didn't even remotely recognize.

"You're wasting your time, fool!" the alien taunted from the floor. "Nothing you do can stop it now."

I ignored it, focusing on the task at hand. The seconds ticked by, each one bringing us closer to the inevitable. I could feel the hum of some device growing stronger, the energy building up around us...

[There, master.] ECHO pointed out a sequence of symbols on the display. [That could be the override. You need to input the correct code.]

I looked at it, "What's the damn code?" I demanded, bringing it closer while It glared at me, clearly defiant.

"*Cough!* Cough!* G-go to savage planet," it spat.

I didn't have time for this. Grabbing the alien by the collar, I hoisted it up and slammed it against the console. "Give me the code, or I'll make your last moments very painful."

Instead, its eyes flickered with fear, and for a moment, I thought it might've refused. But then it muttered a string of words I couldn't even begin to understand. This thing was a lost cause, it wouldn't help me beyond this. I couldn't just blast out of here.

That could make the process instant due to malfunction, and the ship might even explode, taking me out with it...

'Damn, IT!!!' What looked to be the console, emitted a sharp beep, and a new sequence began. The alien laughed weakly, "You can't stop it. We're going home, human. And you'll come with us."

I felt my temper flare for a minute, and without an ounce of hesitation, I caved in its skull, killing it instantly.

Soon after, the floor beneath me started to glow, and I could feel a pull from the ship. I tried to fly off, but I knew I wouldn't make it out of this thing in time either, but it was too late. A light enveloped me instantly, and in a flash, I was gone from the alien ship, hurtling through what I figured to be space and time itself swirling around me...








"Eargh..." I opened my eyes, still a bit disoriented from that damn ordeal earlier... When I regained my senses, I stood up, feeling much heavier than before. I summed it up as me still feeling winded, but this went beyond that.

It was even hard to breathe here, something I didn't think I would have struggled with. It took me a bit to adjust, but I realized I was not seeing the blue skies, smelling the fresh air, and the battlefield of Earth...

In fact, I found myself in a completely different environment. The air was thicker and heavy, the sky a strange shade, a combination being a blood-amber hue... Alien structures loomed around me, towering and unfamiliar. I was on their home planet.

Not just that, the gravity of this place... It felt vastly heavier compared to Earth... I could barely stand.

I assessed my surroundings quickly. [Master!] ECHO's voice echoed in my mind, [We need to find a way back. This planet is hostile, and you're vastly outnumbered.]

'I know.' I thought back, I could sense life from miles away...

I didn't know what to think here. I was on some random alien planet, likely light years or galaxies away from my home... No, think positively. Maybe I could learn things from this place. Given the higher gravity and such. I could even make the most of it with my training. 

Looking up I realized that they had a star, a red star. Yet, I Didn't feel any weaker, on the contrary, I was still growing stronger next to it, but its levels of radiation felt much weaker than a normal Sun.

I guess I was immune to the red Sun's weakening effect on my physiology, it's even empowering me. I really didn't know what to think at this moment... Was I also immune to green kryptonite? I left it alone.

For now? I needed to survive in this place.










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