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29.41% The House Of The Tigers / Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Journey to Harrenhal

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Journey to Harrenhal

Riding up to the fabled old Castle of Moat Cailin, my father, knights, and I joined a company of other Northern families who had set up camp around the keep, waiting for everyone to gather before heading south. Dismounting our horses, we made ours to the center of the camps where the members of House Stark were set up. We had to greet Lord Stark since he was still Warden of the North. However, like the Boltons, we aren't openly rebellious and constantly scheming like those flying f*ckers; we are not fanatically loyal to the Starks like the other Northern families.

Although they are honorable and good people, they haven't done anything to better the North in the thousands of years that they ruled over it. Especially recently with a Warden who is more concerned with setting up ties with the houses of the South rather than bettering the North for his people. Don't get me wrong; I don't hate the Starks or anything. It's just after Cregan, the Starks have become pushovers for the realm when we should be the ones they fear most, as most of the wars won on this continent could not have been without the aid of the North on one side.

Coming out of my thoughts, we arrived in front of the Stark tent. Seeing us approach, the guards at the tent entrance signaled our arrival before allowing us to enter. As my father and I entered, we came face to face with Rickard Stark sitting behind a desk doing paperwork and his eldest son Brandon standing behind him. I guess we should learn the Lordship's duties and meet the representatives of the different families.

 "Lord Stark, I see you're in good health." My father greeted me with a slight bow 

"Lord Aurelius, I see you are as well, and the travels treated you well on the way here," Roderick replied while getting up and coming over to my father, giving him a firm handshake. "And I take it that this is your son, young Aerian," he said, looking at me with a small smile.

"Yes, he is, a wonderful gift from the gods." My father said while ruffling my hair, much to my annoyance.

"Haha, come meet my eldest, Brandon; he will participate in the melee this time."

"Ah, young Brandon, the last time I saw you, you were the little boy causing mischief up and down Winterfell, causing your poor dad many headaches, haha." My father said while pulling Brandon into a hug.

"He is very much still along with his sister, who seems to have twice the trouble streak he does," Rickard said while rubbing his forehead with a tired look, causing Brandon to scratch his head sheepishly at the accusation.

"Haha, it just means the house will be more lively. Anyway, Lord Stark, we shall be on our way to rest before we set off on our journey in the morning; I wish you both a good rest." My father said as we both gave a slight bow. With a nod from Roderick, we turned and left to go back to where our knights should have set up our tent.

"Well, Lord Stark seemed nice," I said to my father as we returned.

"He is, but he is not what the North needs right now, especially with a crazy fire, the happy king sitting on the throne who will burn anyone without worrying about the consequences," Tharren said with a serious face.

"If the realm is so dissatisfied, why don't they rebel and take down the dragons."

"Because most nobles are still benefitting and prospering under his rule, they would need something, serious catalyst that would force their hand or make them angry enough to go to war."

"And would we join?"

"Hmm, as much as I would like to stay out of the wars of the south, if the Starks drag us in, we won't have much of a choice, as staying out of it will cause our house to lose the respect of all the other houses."

"That is true, Not that we have much to fear as by that time, our forces should be bolstered and the best the realm has to offer; any other house would be foolish to stand against us in combat."

"Haha, you are very right, but let's hope that we have enough time to do as you said and that we don't get caught off guard; I have a feeling this tourney isn't simple."

'Oh, Father, you have no idea,' I thought as we returned to our campsite and got ready to turn in for the night.

Early the following day, once everyone had woken up and broken their fast, we packed our tents and camping supplies, saddled our horses, and began our journey south to Harrenhal. The travel time was not that long since Harrenhal was situated within the lands of the Riverlands, which was the first kingdom we would enter once passing the twins home to the rat-like Freys. Once we passed the twins, the rest of the journey was smooth. We rode for the next two days and finally saw the enormous stone castle in the distance. It was quite a majestic sight when you saw it for the first time in real life.

After another hour of riding, we came to the periphery, where tents set up for lords of the realm started. As we went further inside, the tents got more extensive and more luxurious until we reached an open space near the tourney grounds and the castle itself, dedicated to house Stark and the Northerners alongside the other Lord Paramounts of the realm.

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