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95.65% Rebirth of the Weakest Dragon / Chapter 22: Forest Guardian

Chapter 22: Forest Guardian

Despite their efforts, the guardian's Regeneration made it a tough opponent. But Emma was relentless, using her Inferno Breath to burn through its defenses. The Forest Guardian roared, a sound like ancient trees groaning in pain, but it stood firm, summoning more roots and vines to lash out at Emma and Lyria.

"Lyria, keep attacking its weak spots!" Emma wrote quickly in the dirt with her claws. Lyria nodded, her eyes steely with determination. She summoned another Arcane Arrow and took aim, her shot finding its mark on a vulnerable joint of the Forest Guardian's massive wooden frame.

**Forest Guardian:**

- **Health: 3600/4000**

The guardian staggered slightly but quickly began to regenerate, its wooden limbs knitting back together almost instantly. Emma knew they had to keep the pressure on. She leapt into the air, using her Supreme Flight to gain altitude before diving down with a powerful Gale Slash that cleaved through the creature's arm.

**Forest Guardian:**

- **Health: 3200/4000**

"Good, we're getting there," Emma thought, her mind racing with strategies. She knew they couldn't let up, not even for a moment. She could feel the surge of power from her recent level up, her body thrumming with energy. But this battle was taxing, both physically and mentally.

The Forest Guardian wasn't just any monster; it was a boss-level creature, its power ancient and formidable. Emma could sense its connection to the forest, how it drew strength from the earth itself. She had to sever that connection, weaken it enough to deliver a decisive blow.

"Lyria, follow my lead," Emma wrote, her claws scraping quickly across the ground. She took to the air again, this time using her Celestial Beam, a focused blast of pure energy that struck the guardian's core.

**Forest Guardian:**

- **Health: 2800/4000**

Lyria followed up with another Arcane Arrow, her aim precise and deadly. The arrow struck the guardian's head, causing it to roar in pain. The creature's regeneration was slower now, the repeated attacks taking their toll.

**Forest Guardian:**

- **Health: 2400/4000**

The ground shook as the guardian unleashed its Earthquake Stomp, roots and vines lashing out wildly. Emma dodged, her agility and Supreme Flight keeping her just out of reach. Lyria wasn't as quick, a root catching her leg and sending her sprawling to the ground.

"Lyria!" Emma's heart lurched, but she couldn't afford to lose focus. She had to trust that Lyria could handle herself. She used her Tsunami Blast, a powerful wave of water crashing into the guardian and washing away some of its roots.

**Forest Guardian:**

- **Health: 2000/4000**

Lyria struggled to her feet, her face set in grim determination. She summoned another Arcane Arrow, her hands steady despite the pain. The arrow flew true, striking the guardian in its core, the spot where Emma's Celestial Beam had already done significant damage.

**Forest Guardian:**

- **Health: 1600/4000**

Emma landed beside Lyria, her scales glowing with energy. Together, they faced the guardian, their resolve unwavering. "One more big push," Emma thought. She used her Inferno Breath again, the flames scorching the guardian's wooden form, turning parts of it to ash.

**Forest Guardian:**

- **Health: 1200/4000**

The guardian roared, its movements slower now, more labored. Emma could see the cracks forming in its once-impenetrable defenses. She summoned all her strength for one final attack. "Lyria, everything we've got!" she wrote in the dirt, her claws scraping deep furrows.

Lyria nodded, her eyes meeting Emma's. Together, they unleashed their most powerful attacks. Emma's Celestial Beam and Lyria's Arcane Arrow struck simultaneously, their combined power overwhelming the guardian.

**Forest Guardian:**

- **Health: 800/4000**

The guardian staggered, its form crumbling. It tried to regenerate, but it was too late. Emma and Lyria pressed their advantage, attacking relentlessly. Emma's claws tore through the guardian's limbs, and Lyria's arrows found their marks with unerring precision.

**Forest Guardian:**

- **Health: 400/4000**

The guardian's roars grew weaker, its movements sluggish. Emma could feel victory within reach. She gathered all her remaining strength, channeling it into one final Inferno Breath. The flames engulfed the guardian, burning away the last of its defenses.

**Forest Guardian:**

- **Health: 0/4000**

With a final, agonized roar, the Forest Guardian collapsed, its massive form disintegrating into ash and splinters. The ground trembled, then grew still. Emma and Lyria stood victorious, their chests heaving with exertion.

**Experience Gained: **

**Level Up!**

**Level Up!**

Emma felt the familiar surge of power, her body glowing with energy as she leveled up twice. The battle had been grueling, but the rewards were more than worth it.

**Emma's Status:**

**Level: 38**

**Experience: 300/8000**

**Health: 3040/3040**

**Mana: 1520/1520**

**Strength: 190**

**Agility: 190**

**Intelligence: 145**

**Luck: 100 (Max)**

**Race: Celestial Dragon**

**Skills: Inferno Breath, Enhanced Perception, Gale Slash, Diamond Scale Armor, Supreme Flight, Tsunami Blast, Celestial Beam**

Emma looked at Lyria, who was panting but smiling. "We did it," Emma wrote, her claws scraping the message into the dirt.

Lyria nodded, her face lighting up with a tired but triumphant grin. "Yeah, we did. That was incredible, Emma!"

Emma nuzzled Lyria affectionately. "Thank you for your support, Lyria. We're getting stronger every day."

They stood there for a moment, savoring their hard-won victory. The forest around them was quiet, the creatures that had watched the battle now retreating into the shadows. Emma could feel the weight of their achievement, the sense of accomplishment that came from overcoming such a formidable foe.

As they made their way back to the village, Emma couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. 

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