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17.39% Rebirth of the Weakest Dragon / Chapter 4: Rising Strength

Chapter 4: Rising Strength

Emma woke with the first rays of dawn filtering through the trees, casting dappled patterns of light on the forest floor. She stretched her small, scaly limbs and let out a contented sigh. It had been a challenging few days, but she was adapting to her new life as a baby dragon. She had even managed to win a tough fight against two goblins.

"Morning, Draconis," she said, feeling more at ease with the ever-present guide in her mind.

**Good morning, Emma. Today is another opportunity to grow stronger.**

Emma smiled. "Alright, let's see what's out there."

She began her day with a walk through the forest, keeping her senses alert for any signs of danger or potential prey. She marveled at how much more attuned she felt to her surroundings. Every rustle of leaves, every bird call, even the subtle shifts in the wind seemed to convey information. It was a far cry from her life as a librarian, where the most exciting thing she had to deal with was a misplaced book.

As she wandered, she came across a patch of wildflowers. The vibrant colors and sweet scent made her pause. She crouched down, inspecting the flowers closely. "I wonder if dragons like flowers," she mused, taking a delicate sniff.

Just then, she heard a rustling behind her. She spun around, ready to defend herself, but relaxed when she saw it was just a small animal—a rabbit-like creature with long ears and soft fur. Emma smiled at the sight. "Hello there, little one."

The creature twitched its nose and stared at her, seemingly unafraid. Emma reached out slowly, and the creature sniffed her claw before hopping away into the underbrush. She watched it go, feeling a strange sense of connection to the wildlife around her.

Continuing her exploration, Emma came across a small, bubbling brook. She leaned down to drink, the cool water refreshing her. As she looked at her reflection, she noticed how much she had changed. Her scales had a slight greenish tint, and her eyes were bright and alert. She still looked like a baby dragon, but she could see subtle signs of growth and strength.

Feeling invigorated, she decided it was time to hunt for more experience. She needed to level up and get stronger. She wandered deeper into the forest, keeping her senses sharp. It wasn't long before she spotted a group of small, pig-like creatures rooting around in the dirt. They looked like easy prey.

Emma crouched low, creeping closer. She took a deep breath, feeling the familiar warmth building inside her, and then released her Fire Breath. The burst of flame caught one of the creatures off guard, and it let out a squeal before collapsing.

The other creatures scattered, but Emma was quick. She pounced on another, using her claws to finish it off. The remaining creatures fled, and Emma felt the warm glow of gained experience.

**You have gained 20 EXP.**

Emma checked her status screen, eager to see her progress.

**Emma's Status:

Level: 2

Experience: 70/200

Health: 120/120

Mana: 60/60

Strength: 7

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 6

Luck: 5

Race: Greenhorn Dragon**

"Greenhorn Dragon, huh?" she muttered. "I guess that explains why the goblins called me weak. But I'll show them."

She continued her hunt, finding and defeating more small creatures. Each victory brought her closer to leveling up. She practiced her Fire Breath and honed her agility, feeling more confident with each passing hour.

By midday, she had gained enough experience to reach the next level.

**Congratulations, Emma. You have reached Level 3.**

Emma's heart swelled with pride. "Alright! Let's see the new stats."

**Emma's Status:

Level: 3

Experience: 0/300

Health: 140/140

Mana: 70/70

Strength: 9

Agility: 9

Intelligence: 7

Luck: 6

Race: Greenhorn Dragon

Skills: Fire Breath**

Emma felt the familiar surge of power. She was getting stronger, and it felt amazing. She continued her exploration, eager to keep pushing her limits. As the day wore on, she encountered more creatures, each one a little tougher than the last.

She faced off against a group of wild boars, using her agility to dodge their tusks and her Fire Breath to weaken them. It was a tough fight, but she managed to defeat them all, earning more experience and another boost in confidence.

**You have gained 50 EXP.**

Emma checked her status screen again.

**Emma's Status:

Level: 3

Experience: 50/300**

"Getting there," she said, determined to reach the next level before nightfall.

As the sun began to dip towards the horizon, Emma stumbled upon a small clearing. In the center stood a lone, large wolf-like creature. It had piercing yellow eyes and a menacing stance. Emma felt a thrill of both fear and excitement.

"This will be a challenge," she murmured.

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the fight. The wolf growled, sensing her presence. It charged at her, and Emma jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding its snapping jaws. She retaliated with her Fire Breath, the flames licking at the wolf's fur.

The wolf howled in pain but didn't back down. It lunged again, and this time Emma was ready. She used her agility to dart around it, slashing with her claws whenever she saw an opening. The fight was intense, and Emma had to use all her skills to stay one step ahead.

Finally, with one last burst of Fire Breath, the wolf collapsed. Emma stood panting, feeling the warm glow of victory.

**You have gained 100 EXP.**

Emma checked her status, her heart pounding with anticipation.

**Emma's Status:

Level: 3

Experience: 150/300**

"Still a way to go," she muttered, but she felt invigorated by the fight.

As night fell, Emma found a safe spot to rest. She was exhausted but proud of her accomplishments. She curled up under a large tree, her mind filled with thoughts of her journey so far.

"Goodnight, Draconis," she said softly.

**Goodnight, Emma. You have done well today.**

Emma smiled as she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the adventures that awaited her.

The next day dawned bright and clear. Emma felt more determined than ever to reach the next level. She continued her hunt, defeating more creatures and gaining experience. By midday, she was close to leveling up again.

She came across a small pack of goblins, similar to the ones she had fought before. They were arguing over a pile of loot, oblivious to her presence. Emma saw this as an opportunity.

She took a deep breath and launched her Fire Breath at the group. The goblins scattered in panic, but Emma was relentless. She pounced on one, her claws slicing through its defenses. The other goblins tried to retaliate, but Emma was too quick. She dodged their attacks and used her Fire Breath to weaken them.

The fight was tough, but Emma's determination paid off. She defeated the last goblin and felt the warm glow of gained experience.

**You have gained 150 EXP.**

Emma checked her status screen, her heart racing.

**Congratulations, Emma. You have reached Level 5.**

Emma beamed with pride. "Yes! Let's see those new stats."

**Emma's Status:

Level: 5

Experience: 0/500

Health: 180/180

Mana: 90/90

Strength: 12

Agility: 12

Intelligence: 9

Luck: 8

Race: Greenhorn Dragon

Skills: Fire Breath, Enhanced Senses**

Emma felt a surge of power and new awareness. She could see, hear, and smell everything with heightened clarity. It was exhilarating.

"Enhanced Senses, huh? This is going to be fun," she said, feeling more confident than ever.

As she continued her journey, Emma knew she was on the right path. She was growing stronger, and nothing was going to stop her. She was determined to prove that even a Greenhorn Dragon could become powerful.

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