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100% A Life Of Wealth / Chapter 93: A Pitiful Weak Woman

Chapter 93: A Pitiful Weak Woman

Murong Feng calmly held his wine glass, his eyes seemingly fixed on the passionate music video playing on the 52-inch LCD screen on the wall. In reality, his mind was pondering what matter could have required Guo Guodong's personal attention.

He didn't have strong feelings about the so-called underworld and legitimate world. What was today's society like? One only needed to glance at the social news section of any website to see it all: corrupt officials, collusion between government and business, violent assaults... The list was endless. How many of society's ugly phenomena were actually caused by the so-called underworld? Therefore, Murong Feng had never looked down on Guo Guodong, nor had he tried to keep his distance.

Murong Feng had always believed that all people were equal and deserving of respect.

This applied to the two beautiful girls sitting nearby as well. Murong Feng didn't look down on them, knowing that behind the smiles of ordinary people in this society, there was often a great deal of helplessness.

Whatever required Guo Guodong's personal attention must be significant. Was it an official matter? Or something related to the underworld?

Murong Feng shook his head. This kind of life was unimaginable to him. Although he now had some reputation in both business and political circles, and had experienced kidnapping attempts and rumors along the way, he hadn't encountered many schemes or deceptions. This was characteristic of the new generation of wealthy individuals who had risen in the new economic era through the power of knowledge capital. Murong Feng had been quite fortunate indeed!

People like Guo Guodong, who had fought their way up from the bottom of society, were the ones who had truly experienced countless hardships to achieve their current status and position. Whatever the issue was, he should be able to handle it... Murong Feng felt somewhat reassured by this thought.

Seeing Murong Feng's previously contemplative expression relax slightly as he drained his glass, the beautiful girl named Shu Ya sitting next to him moved a bit closer. She gently took the empty glass from his hand and, while refilling it, said softly with a warm smile, "Mr. Murong, Boss Guo should be back soon. Would you like me to sing a song for you?"

Murong Feng tapped his fingers on the side of the glass, smiled, and thanked her. After a moment's thought, he said, "I really like Faye Wong's songs. Why don't you choose one of her songs that you like?" His gentle smile and kind eyes made Shu Ya's heart flutter. She quickly stood up to hide her reaction and said with a smile, "Alright, then I'll sing 'Red Bean' for you!" She walked to the small stage at the front of the room. Her long legs, visible beneath her knee-length skirt, moved gracefully, leaving a striking impression. She half-sat on the bar stool and began searching for the song. As the music started, she glanced at Murong Feng, her pretty face blooming into a smile, her eyes sparkling with charm.

"I haven't yet fully felt / The climate where snowflakes bloom / We shiver together / To better understand what tenderness is / I haven't yet held your hand / Walking through barren dunes / Perhaps from now on I'll learn to cherish / Eternity / Sometimes, sometimes / I believe everything has an end / Meetings and partings all have their time / Nothing lasts forever / But sometimes / I'd rather choose to linger and not let go / Wait until we've seen all the scenery / Perhaps you'll accompany me to watch the gentle flow of water..."

Shu Ya had a beautiful voice. While she lacked Faye Wong's ethereal quality, she added a touch of lingering affection to the song. Murong Feng applauded softly in rhythm, listening intently.

The other girl, named Yi Yun, seeing that Murong Feng was in a good mood, smiled and raised a glass of wine, saying, "Mr. Murong, this is our first time meeting you. Shu Ya and I are both very happy to make your acquaintance. Let me toast to you!" Earlier, when Murong Feng and Guo Guodong were happily chatting, the two girls had rarely interjected. Now that Yi Yun spoke up, Murong Feng noticed the differences between her and Shu Ya. Shu Ya seemed more innocent, while Yi Yun's tone and demeanor were more confident. Murong Feng smiled and raised his glass, saying, "I'm very pleased to meet you both as well." He drank it all in one go, partly because he had already had quite a bit to drink that evening and couldn't feel the effects anymore. This gesture deeply moved Yi Yun.

Although she and Shu Ya hadn't been forced into prostitution thanks to Guo Guodong's protection, they still had to accompany some important figures for drinks. Those men would usually grope and leer at them with lecherous smiles, forcing them to drink excessively before deigning to toast them in return. Murong Feng's simple gesture made her feel something called respect.

Suddenly feeling like crying, Yi Yun held back her tears. The polite smile on her face unconsciously became more genuine. Often, it's a small detail that can truly touch a person's heart.

As the last notes of "Red Bean" faded away, the heavenly voice and melody still lingering in the air, Murong Feng and Yi Yun applauded. Shu Ya, also in high spirits, hung the microphone on the small screen next to the bar stool and walked down lightly. She picked up a glass of wine and said in a coquettish tone, "Mr. Murong, I'd like to toast you too... You've already had a drink with Sister Yi Yun, so you should have one with me as well, right?" Murong Feng smiled and said casually, "Alright, thank you for the beautiful song!" He clinked glasses with her and drank.

As the melody gradually faded, the room became a bit quieter. Murong Feng suddenly heard some commotion outside. He stood up and went to the door, opening it to see what was happening, knowing that Guo Yong should be outside.

When he opened the door, he was taken aback.

The Tian private rooms at Dihuang were located in the innermost part of the second floor, offering strong privacy and usually seeing little foot traffic in the corridor. However, there were now quite a few people standing there. Guo Yong and several nightclub security guards were in a standoff with a group of people, arguing about something.

This wasn't unusual for a place like a nightclub where all sorts of people mingled. What surprised Murong Feng was that he recognized the arrogant-looking man standing at the front of the opposing group...

It was Wang Hao, the student union president of the School of Government at Northern University, from the same year as Murong Feng. They had once competed for the position of university student union president, with Wang Hao winning and Murong Feng becoming an executive committee member. Although they weren't close, they would at least nod and smile if they saw each other on campus.

Rumor had it that Wang Hao came from a prominent family background, and he had always been somewhat arrogant. During their university days, Murong Feng had kept his distance from him. Now, almost six years after graduation, they unexpectedly ran into each other here.

Wang Hao appeared to have been drinking and was standing there with a somewhat fierce expression, shouting, "Get Shu Ya out here to accompany me! Who dares to stop me?" The security guards were putting up a brave front in front of Guo Yong, but they knew the identity of this regular customer and didn't dare use full force to stop him. Wang Hao's companions were also protecting him, creating a chaotic scene. Guo Yong stood behind the security guards, watching coldly. Wang Hao's companions seemed to know Guo Yong's reputation and didn't dare to use brute force.

Seeing this scene, Murong Feng felt irritated. He had also had quite a bit to drink that evening, and the commotion made the alcohol rush to his head. Suddenly feeling bold, he shouted loudly, "Everyone, stop arguing!"

At his shout, everyone suddenly fell silent and turned to look at him. Guo Yong especially wore an expression of surprise, having never seen Murong Feng like this before. He quickly realized that Murong Feng had had too much to drink and hurried to his side, saying in a low voice, "Murong, it's nothing. Go back inside and enjoy your drinks and singing. I'll handle this."

Murong Feng waved him off and looked towards Wang Hao.

Wang Hao now recognized him as well, and a strange smile appeared on his face. He took a few steps closer and said with a laugh, "Murong Feng! So it's you... Hehe, it's been years since we've met. Looks like you're doing well for yourself! I've been hearing your name a lot lately... For old times' sake, I won't make a big deal out of this. Just get that little Shu Ya out here quickly. I must have her company tonight!"

Murong Feng saw that Wang Hao was throwing his weight around while drunk. Although he felt angry inside, he calmly shook his head and said, "Wang Hao, you're drunk. Don't make a scene here. You should know whose place this is." If Wang Hao truly had the deep background that rumors at university suggested, he might not fear Guo Guodong. Murong Feng's question was a test.

Sure enough, Wang Hao laughed loudly and said disdainfully, "You mean Guo Guodong? Even he acts like an obedient grandson when he sees my father..." Before he could finish his sentence, a shadow suddenly flashed beside him, followed by a crisp "slap" sound. Wang Hao was left staring in shock, holding his cheek and glaring angrily at Guo Yong, who had rushed forward to give him a resounding slap.

Guo Yong spoke in a calm tone, "This is to discipline you on behalf of your father. Don't cause trouble for him!"

Wang Hao was filled with shame and anger. "You dare to hit me?! Fine!..." Wang Hao's companions also changed their expressions dramatically and rushed forward. The security guards hurriedly pushed them back, preventing them from engaging with Guo Yong.

The scene descended into chaos, leaving Murong Feng shaking his head and smiling bitterly. Who would have thought that as soon as Wang Hao opened his mouth, he'd be slapped by Guo Yong? This immediately shattered Murong Feng's initial plan to reason with Wang Hao.

Just then, an authoritative voice called out, "What's all this commotion about?" It was Guo Guodong. Immediately, a chorus of "Boss Guo" and "Brother Guo" rang out, and even Wang Hao's companions put on sheepish smiles. Guo Guodong walked over from the end of the staircase, accompanied by another man and surrounded by several others.

Murong Feng felt relieved to see Guo Guodong arrive.

However, when he saw the scholarly-looking man walking beside Guo Guodong with a smile, Murong Feng's heart skipped a beat.

Gu Changqing!

The legendary Gu Changqing, known for his deep background and political acumen, yet always charming and likable in person.

So this was who Guo Guodong had gone to meet personally!

What surprised Murong Feng even more, was that Wang Hao, who had maintained a resentful expression upon seeing Guo Guodong, immediately put on a smiling face when he saw Gu Changqing. He addressed him respectfully, "Big Brother Gu, you're here too?"

Gu Changqing frowned slightly upon seeing Wang Hao and gave a small nod. He then quickly walked forward with a broad smile, shaking hands with Murong Feng and saying, "My my, Murong Feng, what a coincidence! It's a pleasure to see you again!" Only then did he turn to Wang Hao and ask, "Wang Hao, what's going on here?"

Wang Hao looked stunned, seemingly unable to comprehend why Gu Changqing was so friendly with Murong Feng. His mind raced to process this new information, and he quickly smiled and shook his head, saying, "It's nothing, just a small matter. Murong Feng and I are old classmates, just catching up."

Guo Guodong watched the three of them talking, then let out a hearty laugh and said, "Well, if it's nothing, then Lei Zheng, please entertain Young Master Wang. Gu and I still have some business to discuss... Everyone else, disperse." He looked around, and the crowd that had gathered quickly scattered. Wang Hao, though somewhat reluctant, exchanged a few words with Gu Changqing before leaving with Lei Zheng. Although he believed Guo Guodong wouldn't dare to do anything to him, he was afraid of Gu Changqing, who held an extremely high status in their circles. Wang Hao didn't dare offend him.

Guo Guodong seemed unwilling to let Murong Feng interact much with Gu Changqing. Instead of inviting him into the private room, he stood where he was and said with a smile, "Mr. Gu, let's settle on this for now!" Gu Changqing wore a benevolent smile as he shook hands with Guo Guodong, saying, "Mr. Guo, I'll leave it in your capable hands!" He then shook hands with Murong Feng, smiling as he said, "Murong, we must get together properly sometime. You left early last time!"

Murong Feng smiled and replied, "Certainly, we must!"

Gu Changqing didn't linger any longer. After shaking hands, he turned and left with his entourage.

Guo Guodong watched his retreating figure thoughtfully.

Back in the private room, when Murong Feng curiously asked about Gu Changqing's business with him, Guo Guodong sighed and said, "Murong, in all my years in this game, I've never met anyone more formidable than Gu Changqing. I heard from Yong that he seems to be deliberately trying to befriend you. Take my advice: keep your distance from him!" He avoided discussing the specifics of Gu Changqing's visit.

This was the second time Murong Feng had heard such a warning about Gu Changqing, first from Tang Qing and now from Guo Guodong. Subconsciously, he became even more wary of Gu Changqing.

The conversation then turned to Wang Hao.

Murong Feng learned that Wang Hao's father was the district mayor of Haidian. Although Beijing was full of high-ranking officials, someone with real power in a specific area was still someone Guo Guodong needed to maintain good relations with.

Wang Hao was a regular at Dihuang, often bringing friends for entertainment. He had taken a liking to Shu Ya and had been persistently pursuing her. Fortunately, Shu Ya was under Guo Guodong's protection, so Wang Hao hadn't dared to use force. It seemed that tonight he had had a few too many drinks, leading to the commotion.

Guo Guodong clearly didn't think much of Wang Hao, but when mentioning his father, he showed some caution, describing him as an old fox.

Murong Feng sighed inwardly. Looking at Shu Ya's pitiful expression beside him, he wondered how long Guo Guodong would be able to protect her.

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