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91.17% In Marvel as a Skeleton / Chapter 31: Ch-30: Saving Priv- Jacqueline Falsworth

Chapter 31: Ch-30: Saving Priv- Jacqueline Falsworth

Jacqueline's scream echoed through the manor as Ethan and James surged forward. By the time Ethan exited the shadow behind John, he was already done with the bite. Jacqueline lay unconscious in his arms, and he was smiling, licking his bloodied lips as he looked at Ethan emerging from the shadows.

"Shit!" Ethan cursed internally. He realized his mistake of being too predictable, especially against a vastly superior enemy. John's hand transformed into a claw and slashed at him. Seeing no other way to defend, Ethan activated {Shield Block}. The invisible barrier in front of him slowed the attack slightly, but John's claw still struck, sending him flying back. 


Ethan crashed into the wall behind him and struggled to his feet. 

Meanwhile, James was running upstairs, aiming his Webley pistols at John, but couldn't pull the trigger—not because of lingering brotherly love, but because John was using Jacqueline as a human shield. The twisted glee on John's face showed he was taunting James, knowing that normal guns couldn't hurt him.

James felt powerless, his frustration and anger boiling over. "You're a disgrace to the Falsworth name, John. Using our sister as a shield? Have you no bloody decency left?"

John laughed, a chilling sound. "Decency? That's a luxury for the weak. I've embraced what I am, brother. You should try it."

While this exchange took place, Ethan was not idle. He decided to gamble, realizing his only chance was to use {Dash} to gain a speed advantage. 

With a plan in mind, Ethan focused and launched himself forward at 175 mph, striking John with the force of 70,000 Newtons. The impact was enough to kill an ordinary man instantly, but John was only flung back, although the impact made him release his grip on Jacqueline.

James caught her as she fell, his heart pounding. "I've got you, Jackie," he murmured, cradling her protectively.

John crashed through a table below and landed hard on the floor. Wasting no time, Ethan took out a silver-laced stake and jumped down, aiming for John's heart. His coat fluttered as he descended, clutching the stake with both hands. "Arghhh!" he yelled as the stake pierced John's flesh. Smoke emitted from John's arm where the stake had pierced it; he had used his arm to block the attack from reaching his heart.

Ethan tried to pull out the stake for another strike, but John's vice-like grip made it impossible. Realizing brute strength wouldn't suffice, Ethan focused on the stake in his hand and activated {Sharpen}. 

A blue light enveloped the stake, and with a push, it started piercing deeper through John's arm, inching towards his chest.

John's eyes widened in pain and fury. "You'll regret this, you little—" he growled, cutting off as he used his strength to fling Ethan off him.

Ethan crashed into another piece of furniture, breaking through it and skidding to a stop on the expensive carpet. John stood, smoke still rising from his wounded arm, his eyes burning with hatred. "You think you can stop me with these tricks?" he spat, the wound hissing but not healing as fast as his usual injuries. "I'm immortal, and you're just delaying the inevitable."

James set Jacqueline down gently and aimed his pistols at John again, his hands steady despite the rage boiling inside him. "You won't take her, John.–


–"Not while I'm still breathing."

John laughed, a chilling sound as his wounds healed with ease. "Then I suppose I'll have to stop you from breathing, dear brother."

Ethan picked himself up, his mind racing with plans. Seeing that John was distracted by James, he quickly pulled out the trusty VX-9, added the silencer from his [Slime] suit, and aimed at the vampire. 

Although he knew that the attack might not work, he still pulled the trigger, not once but a few times in succession, so that even if Baron dodged, he would still be hit by the surrounding bullets.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

The sound of the trigger mechanism clicking alerted John to the firing of the gun. He dodged instinctively, but the widespread fire tactics Ethan had deployed worked. Although John managed to evade a few bullets, their insane speed ensured some still hit their mark. 

Chunks of his body were blown away. Black ichor sprayed, staining the carpet and furniture around John. The vampire was thrown forward by the momentum of the multiple bullets, losing his balance. 

Ethan kept firing, aiming at the bloody and bullet-riddled figure. "You think you can—" John started, but was interrupted by another bullet tearing through his shoulder. "I won't let you—" Another bullet hit his leg, causing him to stumble further.

Pew! Pew! Click! Click! Click!

Even after the magazine was empty, Ethan didn't want to stop, fearing that Baron would get up the next second and he'd have to go through another ridiculous boss battle without adequate weapons. But his fears were in vain. 

After the relentless assault, the vampire, now barely recognizable as humanoid, lay motionless. Ethan stopped reloading and decided to go for the kill, retrieving a silver-laced stake. By now, James had also come down, his weapons ready, willing to at least distract the vampire if it got up.

James nodded to Ethan, his face grim. "Let's end this, mate." 

Ethan passed a stake to James as a backup and retrieved another, moving forward to finally claim the hard-earned victory. 

When, suddenly—Bang! Bang! 

Bullets whizzed past, and Ethan and James ducked instinctively. The bullets missed Ethan, hitting the wall beside him and taking chunks out of it. They looked toward the source and found Edward, the old butler, holding a double-barrel shotgun, reloading it.

James's eyes widened. "Edward, what the bloody hell are you doing?"

Looking more closely, they saw Edward's dilated eyes, beads of sweat rolling down his face, and his body shivering intermittently. Despite this, he lifted the gun again, aiming at James. 

It seemed John had hypnotized him before James and Ethan had even arrived. The bite mark was hidden under Edward's collar.

Ethan raised his hands, trying to calm the situation. "Edward, listen to me. You don't want to do this. It's John controlling you."

Edward's voice trembled as he spoke. "I'm sorry, Master James. I can't... I can't control it." He lifted the shotgun, aiming shakily at James. "Please... run."

James, maintaining his composure, addressed Ethan without taking his eyes off Edward. "Ethan, we can't hurt him. There must be another way."

Ethan nodded, his mind working quickly. "Perhaps killing John, might end his hypnosis."

James kept his eyes locked on Edward and whispered to Ethan, "Alright, I'll try to distract Edward. You move in."

With a silent agreement, James slowly moved to the side, drawing Edward's aim away from Ethan. "Edward, think about Jacqueline. She needs us. You can fight this."

Edward hesitated, his grip on the shotgun faltering. "Jacqueline... I..."

Taking advantage of the moment, Ethan activated {Dash}, propelling himself forward at an incredible speed. In an instant, he was beside the disfigured vampire, who was still healing, albeit quite slower than before. 

'I guess he needs blood to heal faster,' Ethan thought as he looked at the sorry figure of the once arrogant Baron Blood. He had some problem trying to figure out where the heart might be but after a second, he found it, and without wasting any time, he plunged the stake deep and, just for good measure, twisted it a few times.

The vampire's body convulsed violently as the silver-laced stake pierced his heart. A horrifying screech filled the air, echoing through the manor. 

The ichor oozed from the wound, and the once fearsome Baron Blood began to wither, his flesh disintegrating into ash. His eyes, filled with malice, locked onto Ethan for a moment before the life completely drained from them. 

With one final shudder, Baron Blood dissolved into a pile of dust, leaving behind nothing but the stake protruding from the debris.

As John's influence faded, Edward's eyes cleared, the hypnotic glaze dissipating. He staggered, his body weak from the ordeal. James looked down at the remains of his brother, a mixture of relief and sorrow on his face. 

"You brought this on yourself, John," he murmured. "You hurt our sister. There was no other way."

Ethan's vision was suddenly filled with notifications:

[You have killed a Level 30 Vampire. You have gained 60,000 Exp.]

[You have Leveled up. 10 Stat points obtained.] x2

[Congratulations for reaching Level 10. You have been granted the skill {Shadow Bind}.]

Ethan felt his control over the shadows evolving, a new skill unfolding within him. He could now use the shadows to bind his opponents, much like Shikamaru from Naruto. 

But instead of the complexity of Shikamaru's skill, his skill allowed him to directly control his opponents' shadows, transforming them into tendrils that could bind them. Also, he knew that the skill would improve with practice, just like his other shadow-related abilities.

But now wasn't the time to dwell on his new abilities. There was still Jacqueline to worry about. James was already on his way up the stairs with the tired and staggering Edward following behind him. 

The hypnosis and blood loss had left Edward weak and dizzy, much like Jacqueline.

Ethan's train of thought was interrupted by a new mission notification:

[New mission has been issued. Check the mission description for details.]

Ethan quickly checked the details and saw:

{Optional Mission}: Save Jacqueline Falsworth.

{Rewards}: 50 coins.

'What?! How much blood did he suck in such little time that she needs saving?... Anyways, better for me. I will get a free draw, just have to take her to the hospital.'

Ethan turned to the concerned James, who had Jacqueline in his arms and was carrying her down the stairs. "James, we need to take her to the hospital quickly! She has lost too much blood."

James's eyebrows shot up, and without delay, he ran to the door with Ethan following behind him. 

Then, Ethan's vision went to the staggering Edward and he decided to carry him to the hospital too. 

Although he was often apathetic, there were times when Ethan showed pity, mostly in cases of humble old people and animals. Edward's case was the former.

"Edward, we're taking you to the hospital as well," Ethan said as he took the old butler's arm around his neck and supported him in walking.

Edward's voice was weak but grateful. "Thank you, sir. I... I didn't want to hurt anyone."

"You're not to blame, Edward. You were under his control," Ethan calmly reassured him.

As they reached outside, Ethan saw James putting Jacqueline in the backseat of a car. He followed suit and let Edward sit in the back and hold Jacqueline while he jumped in the front seat along with James, who took the wheel. 

The car sped through the estate as James screamed at the guards to quickly open the gate. The guards complied, although confused by the sudden emergency.

"Hang on, Jacqueline. We're almost there," James said, his voice strained with worry.

And, Ethan looked back at Edward. "How are you holding up, Edward?"

"I'll manage, sir. Just... just save Miss Jacqueline," Edward replied, clutching Jacqueline's hand.

The car sailed through the road, and after ten minutes of driving, they reached the nearest hospital. James didn't waste any time as he jumped out, calling for medical help. Nurses and doctors rushed out with stretchers, quickly taking Jacqueline and Edward inside.

The hospital was a flurry of activity as medical personnel rushed to attend to Jacqueline and Edward. The stark white walls and sterile environment were a stark contrast to the chaos they had just escaped. 

Ethan and James followed closely, their eyes never leaving Jacqueline as she was wheeled away on a stretcher.

James's military instincts kicked in as he barked out orders, ensuring that Jacqueline received immediate attention. 

"Get a doctor, and I mean now! She needs a blood transfusion, fast!" he commanded, his voice brooking no argument.

The hospital staff, initially taken aback by James's authoritative tone, quickly sprang into action. Whispers and curious glances followed Ethan, but he paid them no mind, his focus solely on Jacqueline and Edward.

A nurse approached, looking between James and Ethan. "Sir, we need to know her blood type."

James, still holding Jacqueline's hand, nodded. "O-negative. Make it quick, please."

Ethan's eyes scanned the room, assessing the situation. His sharp gaze caught the curious looks from some of the hospital staff, but he ignored them. 

As they moved Jacqueline into a private room, the doctor and nurses set up the equipment for the blood transfusion. Ethan and James stood by, watching as the medical team worked swiftly and efficiently. The sound of beeping machines and hurried footsteps filled the room.

James's face was a mask of worry and determination. "She's a fighter. She'll pull through," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else, trying to hold on.

Ethan placed a reassuring hand on James's shoulder. "She will. We did everything we could. Now it's up to the doctors."

Edward, seated in a chair nearby, looked up at Ethan. His face was pale, but he managed a weak smile. "Thank you, sir. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been there." 

Ethan shook his head. "No need to thank me, Edward. Just rest and recover. You did well."

As the transfusion began, Jacqueline's face slowly regained some color. The tension in the room eased slightly, but James's eyes never left his sister. He took a deep breath, his hands still trembling slightly from the adrenaline.

"James," Ethan said quietly, "she's going to be okay. You got her here in time."

James nodded, his jaw clenched. "I just... I can't lose her, mate. Not after everything."

Ethan's gaze softened. "You won't. She's strong, just like you."

The minutes felt like hours as they waited. And finally, a nurse approached with a clipboard, glancing at Ethan and James. "We've stabilized her for now. The transfusion went well, but she'll need rest and monitoring."

James let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Thank you. Can we stay with her?"

The nurse nodded. "Of course. Just try to keep it quiet and let her rest."

As they settled in, James pulled a chair close to Jacqueline's bedside, his hand gently holding hers. Ethan stood nearby, his eyes scanning the room, ever vigilant.

Edward, now a bit more stable, looked at Ethan again. "Sir, if I may ask... who are you, really?"

Ethan met his gaze, the hint of a smile playing at the corners of his jaw behind the mask. "Just a friend, Edward. Just a friend."


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