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66.66% TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha / Chapter 13: Chapter 11 - Night prowl Part 1

Chapter 13: Chapter 11 - Night prowl Part 1

(Timeskip - that night)

(Chris Argent POV)

Chris and his wife Victoria had just finished with meeting Allison's teacher, but he wasn't feeling proud right now, according to the teacher, Allison had skipped a whole day of school today, and he and his wife didn't know where she had gone, Chris thought she might've been with his sister Kate, and had called, but Kate wasn't picking up, nor were the other two hunters that were with her,

Chris was starting to get worried, "Still no answer?" Victoria asked him with worry in her voice, "No, it's not like Kate to ignore my calls, somethings wrong" he answered her while shaking his head,

he decided to call Allison, "Allison, answer your cell phone it'll make discussing the terms of your grounding much easier, call me back before your punishment reaches biblical proportions" he left her a message and looked forward, only to see Scott and his mom, infront of them,

"Scott! have you seen Allison?" Victoria asked as they walked up to the mother-son duo, "Mrs. Argent! ah Mr. Argent, i'm sorry no, i-i haven't seen her all day" Scott answered looking nervous for some reason,

"You have any idea where she might be? You are dating her afterall" Chris asked and narrowed his eyes, 'If Allison wasn't with Scott, than who could she have left school with?' Chris thought as he felt worried and anxious thinking the worst,

"Ah, wait a minute, my friend Stiles had said a couple of Allison's girl-friends were throwing a party this morning celebrating someone's birthday, maybe she went with them?" Scott said with a little worry,

"Who are these girls?" Victoria asked Scott, Chris new today was Allison's birthday, so it stands to reason that perhaps Allison was just having a girls day out,

"Ah Erica Reyes and Sarah Maheani, they are really close with Allison and Lydia, well mostly Allison, i saw them talking to her this morning, i didn't see Jake and Danny around so i think they might've gone to Jake's apartment to celebrate" Scott said with a thoughtful expression,

"Jake? Danny?" Victoria asked, "Ah right, um Jacob Hale and Danny Maheani, Sarah's cousin, Jake is Sarah and Erica's boyfriend" Scott clarified,

"Wait a minute Scott, Jake is dating both Sarah and Erica?" Melissa McCall asked her son with astonishment in her voice and her eyes wide with surprise,

"Y-yeah, he's dating them both" Scott confirmed with a hint of scorn, "Wait, did you just say Hale?" Chris realised something and asked, if this Jacob Hale was related to Derek Hale than he had alot to worry about,

"Scott, can yo-"*Beep..beep..beep* a car tooting it's horn interrupted what Chris was about to say, causing all of them to turn and see a grey and black camaro drive into the school parking lot, Chris's eyes narrowed as he saw the kid he met a week ago, the same one that had dropped Allison off after she went for a house party,

beside him was another tall kid with tanned skin, tall and lean opened the passenger side door and stepped out, they looked the same height, and body frame,

after they came out, three girls got out after them, and one of them was Allison, Chris's face softened a little when he saw his daughter was ok, she was laughing and talking with the two girls and walking towards them,

"Dad! Mom!, um-ah-hi?" Allison said a bit embarrassed as she looked down at the ground, "*Sigh* We will discuss your behaviour about today later, now introduce me to your friends" Victoria interjected before Chris could speak, and so for about 2 minutes Allison introduced both Chris and his wife to her friends,

"AAAARRHHHH* suddenly a scream was heard, people started running around in panic, Chris noted that Allison's friends all turned but didn't panic,

they were assessing what was happening around them very calmly, to say he was impressed and suspisious would be an understatement, he took out his gun just in time to see a mountain lion pounce towards the sheriff, and he opened fire without hesitating *BANG*.

(Chris Argent POV End)

Timskip - School after two days

(Sarah POV)

Sarah was in the cafeteria having lunch with Erica, Allison and Lydia, Danny was sitting with Jackson talking about lacrosse at the table beside them,

Jake was not in school today, he had left to go see a lawyer that had arrived at his paternal grandparents home looking for him, to discuss something about his mother, so he had left for L.A this morning, it was only a two hour drive from here to his grandparents house so he had dropped us off before leaving,

"The what of who?" Lydia asked with scepticism and looked at Allison, "The beast of Gevadaun, listen, a quadruped wolf-like monster, prowling the overn in south Dodorian eras of France, during the years, 1764 to 1767, it killed over a 100 people, becoming so infamous, that the king Louis the fifteenth, sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it." Allison read out and than looked at all of us,

"Wow! So... bloody" Erica said not sure how to react to what Allison just read, "Boring.." Lydia added, "Even the church, declared the monster a messenger of satan" Allison said and eyed each of us, "Ok that just sounds creepy" Sarah said and ate her food, "Hhhm still boring" Lydia said with sas, "Any of this have anything to do with your family?" Lydia asked looking bored,

"Yes, the hunter that finally killed the monster, his name was Argent" Allison declared proudly, "So one of your ancestors killed a big wolf, huh very nice" Erica said with a nod,

"It was not just any wolf, take a look" Allison said while showing us an illustrated picture of the wolf, it was shadowy, and big, with features of a wolf and the body of a man, and it's eyes were colored red,

Erica and Sarah held their breaths, this was something similar to a werewolf shown in movies, but it looked bigger, "Wow, now i wish i had family history like that" Lydia said and rolled her eyes, "See you guys in history" Lydia added with her patented smile and left,

"So you said your aunt gave you that book?" Sarah asked Allison with curiousity, "Ahuh, she said it was our family's history and wanted me to know about it" Allison answered with a nod, Erica and Sarah looked at eachother, Jake had taken a step back from persuing Allison a prospective third mate, and now Allison was learning about her family, a family that hunted werewolves like them,

"I already miss Jake" Sarah said and took another bite of my sandwich, "Me too" added Erica whilst sighing, "Oh come on guys, Jake will be back later" Allison said and moved over to show us more of her book.

(Sarah POV End)

Timeskip - Later that same night in the school

(3rd person POV)

Sarah, Erica and Danny had heard a betas roar, and had instantly thought it was Stiles, so they had hurried out of the apartment and ran here, the roar had come from the school, and now here they were outside the school building, looking at Allison, Jackson and Lydia,

"What are you guys doing here?" Allison asked with surprise, "We were looking for Stiles" Danny answered for them, Erica and Sarah just nodded in confirmation,

"What about you guys?" Erica asked the trio, "Well we were supposed to be on a double date with Scott and Allison, but he sent Allison a text a while ago to meet him here" Lydia replied as she got out the car, "The doors open, someone's inside, shall we check it out?" Sarah asked,

to which everyone gave her a nod and walked over to enter the building, Jackson took the lead to go in first, Erica quickly sent a text to Jake who was already on his way back,

letting him know where they were, he replied saying he was 15 minutes away.

(3rd person POV End)

(Stiles POV)

Scott and i ran, ran as fast as we could, but the alpha kept finding us, we hid in the changing rooms, he found us, we hid in the girls tiolets, he found us, and now here we are at the gym, freaking out, "Alright we have to do something" i said with a shaky voice, "What?" Scott asked breathless,

"I don't know, kill it, hurt it, put mental anguish on it, something" i said holding my head tryna think of a way out, and then i saw the door leading into the janitors closet,

without thinking too much about it i took my car keys and threw it into the small room, *Clangx* as soon as the keys made noise the alpha ran in growling, i reacted quickly and shut the door, "The cabinet, hurry" i shouted to Scott,

Scott moved fast and pushed the heavy vending machine, making it fall and land perfectly infront of the door, the alpha tried ramming the door open, but with the vending machine laid flat and long, it couldn't push the door open, we had it trapped...for now.

i tried to peak inside the small door window to see the alpha, it looked nothing like Jake, i mean sure Jake never really fully shifted, but i wanted something to compare his alpha form to if he did shift in the future,

"What are you doing?" Scott said and grabbed my arm making me jump out of my skin, "I just wanna get a good look at it" i said defensively, "Are you crazy?" he whispered and waved his hands, "Look it's trapped, ok, it's not gonna get out" i said reassuringly to Scott,

the alpha growled as i got infront of the peep window of the door, i pointed the torch i was holding into the room to get a good look, "Yeah that's right we got you now you son of a..""SSSHH shut up""look i'm not scared of this thing" Scott and i exchanged and after i said i wasn't scared of it,

a claw came slamming against the window making me fall on my ass with fright, "Not scared of you" i yelled and stood up tryna act like the thing didn't almost make me piss my pants,

"Alright cause your in their and we're out here, your not going anyw..*CRASH*" i didn't get to finish my self assuring speech because the damn thing broke through the ceiling, and than i remembered what Jake had once told us,

"Never taunt a cornered beast *Gulp*, cause all you'd do is just piss it off more" i said and looked at the ceiling with a look that said, 'I'm an idiot', "Stiles run!" Scott grabbed me and pulled me back breaking me out of my stupor, and we both ran again,

We ran straight for the lobby and bumped into everyone, "WHAT THE?.." i said and looked at everyone in shock, Danny, Sarah, Erica, Allison, Jackson and Lydia were all standing in the lobby,

"What are you all doing here?" Scott asked looking scared and shocked, "I got a text from you telling me to meet you here... why do i feel like you didn't send that message?" Allison said and looked at us suspiciously,

"What's that smell?""You smell it too?""Yeah it's rank, where the.. " Erica, Danny and Sarah said in that order and than looked at me, "It's the alpha!" i blurted out, "Alpha? what's an alpha?" Lydia asked with confusion, as Scott was tryna deflect the ceiling about us broke and it fell right in the middle of us,

it knocked Scott, Allison and i away with a swipe of it's arm before turning and tried to bite Lydia's left leg, since she was also close by, *AAAAAHHH* Lydia screamed in a high pitched tone causing the creature to stop a few inches away from her flesh,

Danny and Sarah reacted quickly and kicked the alpha in the ribs with front kicks causing it to roll away in pain, it recovered quickly and ran into the dark hallways,

"Shit! Everyone go, run!" i said and got up, ran to Lydia and picked her up princess style and ran, everyone followed me running into the cafetiria hall, Scott, Danny and Jackson quicky locked the emergency doors,

i placed Lydia down on a table as Erica, Sarah and Allison came over to check on her, "Help me get this the front door" Scott said and he and Jackson started moving tables and chairs tryna barricade the cafetiria doors,

"Scott wait, not here.." i said while looking at the knee high floor to ceiling windows, "What was that? Guys what was that? what tried to bite Lydia?" Allison asked, "It looked like some kind of animal" Sarah answered Allison, she was scared too, we all were, Jacob had told us that if we ever came across the alpha we were to run, not fight, but run, and now here we are trapped, with no where to go,

"Help me! Chairs! Stack the chairs" Scott said to Allison and he and Jackson placed another table infront of the double doors, "Guys..just wait a second" i tried to calm them down so they could think, but the only ones relatively calm were me, Danny, Sarah and Erica, everyone else was in panic mode,

"You guys listen to me.. can you wait a second..guys?..Stiles talking..can we hang on one second please..GUYS!" i kept talking to them tryna get their attention but Jackson, Scott and Allison were moving things here and there and weren't listening, which pissed me off and i partially shifted, and shouted with a growl, my eyes fickered and stopped glowing before Lydia, Allison or Jaclson could see it,

"Now that i've got your attention, nice work everyone, great job, great hussle, but now , what should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows?" i said sarcastically before opening my arms and gesturing to the windows,

"I-it- it was Derek, h-he killed th....*GACK*" Scott didn't get to finish what he was about to say as Sarah grabbed him by the throat and slammed him up against the wall, her eyes glowed golden "Stop tryna put blame on someone else, and let them know the truth" Sarah said angrily, "What truth?" Jackson asked, he didn't see Sarah's eyes glow golden,

"The tru-*CRASHXXSSSH*" the windows suddenly shattered as a ladder suddenly broke through the glass, "What the hell?!" i said and ran over to look down, and there i saw Jake standing below with a smile on his face, "Climb down quick!" he shouted, i led the way being the first to get on the ladder and quickly slid down military style,

"Dude! I am so happy to see you" i said and gave him a big bro hug after i arrived on the ground, "*AHEM!* Stiles if anyone's gonna hug me i'd prefer it to be my girlfriends" he said in a sarcastic tone while pushing me off of him,

"Aha-haha yeah, *Ahem* right" i said awkwardly as Sarah was the first to reach Jake after me and kissed him passionately, '*Sigh* i'm so jealous, i wish i had someone like that' i thought to myself when i was suddenly pushed aside as Erica came running, hugging Jake after Sarah stopped kissing him, and she gave him her own passionate kiss, and stood beside him,

soon everyone was here on the ground except for Scott, "Where's Scott?" i asked looking back into the school, "he said he was gonna distract whatever animal that was in the school, to give us a chance to escape" Allison replied,

tears where in her eyes, Jake moved over to her and quickly gave her a hug, Allison seemed to find a bit of comfort from him, cause she let herself fully fall into his embrace,

"Damn it Scott" i cursed, *WEE**WOO**WEE**WOO* sirens rang out as cop cars drove up to the school, "Shit how are we gonna explain this" Jackson said looking anxious, "We can tell them the truth, that someone killed the janitor and let lose some type of animal to hunt us in the school" i said matter of factly.

We spent the next hour with the cops, my dad had arrived and Scott also came out of the school, Scott convinced me to blame Derek for the janitors murder, and we told my dad who put out an APB immediately, we explained a few things before we were told we could leave,

we were about to walk to Jake and my pack when Sarah stepped in front of us, "Only pack members, your not a member of our pack Scott, walk away" she said coldly,

Scott looked angry, as he turned to look at Allison who was still hugging Jake strongly as they stood infront of it, slightly leaning against the car, "I need to talk to Allison" Scott said with a hint of anger, "She doesn't want to talk to you right now" Sarah replied quickly, not moving an inch,

"Woah, Woah there, calm down guys, we ca-""Shut it Stiles, Jake is already pissed at you and Scott, so keep quiet and go see him" i tried de-escalating the situation but before i could finish talking Sarah interrupted and looked me straight in the eyes,

myself and Scott turned to look at Jake when Sarah said he was pissed, i saw his eyes flicker and glow for a second, i swallowed hard and nodded at Sarah before walking over, my legs felt like jelly as i came t stop infront of him,

"We'll talk later at the apartment, let your dad know your crashing with us" Jake said with a firm tone, no room for further discussion, i just nodded and left to look for my dad, Scott on the other hand, had tried to get past Sarah, only to get judo slammed hard on the concrete pavement,

i heard Sarah whisper "You've scared her enough, leave before things get bloody" she let him go and stood up before heading over to where Jake and the others were, Scott got up and looked at the others with anger before turning and leaving.

When i returned Danny was driving Jake's camaro with Sarah sitting in the passenger seat and Allison and Erica at the back, "Where are they going?" i asked Jake confused, "Home, you and me are gonna go look for Derek" he said and we walked away following Derek's scent into the bushes.

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