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72.72% Danmachi: Sirius Felln / Chapter 8: Bell's First Adventure, and my first fight to my limits

Chapter 8: Bell's First Adventure, and my first fight to my limits


after we bought bell an armor and a dagger, we went straight to the dungeon, but before that i saw eina, my personal consultant.

- good morning, Eina!

after that she smiled at me and said.

- good morning, sirius-kun! and who is this boy next to you?

- i told you to just call me sirius, and this is bell, bell cranel, just yesterday he joined hestia familia.

i responded.

- oh, so this is your new member huh?

eina said, ignoring my first sentance, and changing the topic while blushing.

- im bell cranel, nice to meet you!

said bell.

- nice to meet you too bell-kun, oh, by the way, dont go too deep okay?

eina asked.

- dont worry, we will be fine!

i said to her while going to the dungeon.

- oi, bell, dont relax from now on unless i tell you to, the dungeon is a very dangerous place, where you should never relax, because if you do, the labyrinth could sence that, and a big amount of monsters could appear right in front of you, in your most reckless moment, and in an instance, they would kill you. NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN, got it?

i said, pressuring him with my words.

- *gulp* y-yes!

he gulped before answearing me.

after some time, we arrived to the forst floor, where i began to train him.

- come on! faster! retreat and analyze your enemies! who are they?! how much of them?! what abilities they have!? and etc. 

bell listened to any of my commands, and became stronger each second, damn! am i that great oof a teacher?

- did you pick up every magic stone?

- yes!

bell said.

- No you didnt!!!

i shouted, and pointed at 2 magic stones he missed.

- being an adventurer in a dungeon means always being on your toes, and not missing even the slightest detail!!! did i make that clear!?

- y-yes sir! excuse me sir!

now thats how my spartans training begins.

- alright! were going down!

i said.

- b-but im very tired, maybe we could-

he stopped when he looked at me, while i was pressuring him with my gaze.

- what did you just said?

i asked.

- n-nothing! lets go down!

bell then quickened his pace.

after that we went through those floors until floor 6, when i suggested we have a break.

- i-isnt this enough for the first day?

asked bell, because of that i became annoyed.

- oi, bell, how do you want to get stronger, when you cant even surpass your limits, and fight till your body cant even move anymore, thats how i personally got so strong, because if i wouldnt become strong, who would protect my loved ones...

about the part about protect the love ones i made up, because i was talking about my previous life right there, but i formulated everything so that he understands.


bell got surprised because of my words, and quickly understood what i was talking about.

- alright! i think thats enough of the break!

said bell. it appears that i motivated him and boosted his spirit.

after that we arrived to floor 7, when i suggested we part ways.

- eehhh?! do you know what youre talking about? part ways? are you crazy!?

- what did you just said?

i gazed at him.

- i-i mean that its my first time being here, and you want me to go there alone and fight those monsters without your watch? im gonna die!

- ... at my first expedition, which was yesterday, i went down till floor 8, when a minotaur appeared, and i killed him too, although i almost almost died, after i managed to kill the minotaur, you know what i did? i went hunting some more, before going home, you know why? because im not a little pussy who cries all the time about how scared he is to fight completely alone, wiithout any help. IM A MAN THAT OVERCOMES AND GETTING STRONGER NO MATTER WHAT! NOW TELL ME, ARE YOU THAT LITTLE PUSSY!?

- n-no!


- y-yes!


after that he left, but, i planned to follow him and watch him, obviously from a safe place, so that no one could see me.

*he's easier to fool than i thought*

after some time spying on him, i noticed saw that he began to run from a minotaur, shouting my name.


after some time running, he faced a dead end, pressured by a minotaur.

*Ais shout be here for now, where is she?*

* !. there she is! now my turn!*

i thought to myself, before running towards them as fast as i can, in a moment i was there, when i saw bell, covered with the minotaur's blood, and shocked.

after i looked at bell, i began to stare at Ais for a second, a beautiful young woman, with blonde hair and golden eyes, with an emotionless expression, looking at me.

- ... thank you for saving the member of my familia.

i thanked her and bowed.

she responded by nodding me.

after that bell bagan to suddenly run away, after looking at Ais.

after he ran away, i apologized second time for the thing this beautiful young woman had to witness.

- ... sorry that you had to witness such a pathetic scene...

- ... dont worry.

she said with a little smile.

*does she already has sympathy towards me?*

i stared at her for a second once again, before saying.

- for a thanks for today, ill treat you with a dinner some other time, deal?

i said. she was a little surprised at the beggining, but then said.

- sure, ill be waiting for your invitation.

with a little smile on her face.

because of her response i stood there in shock for a bit, because i didnt think she would actually accept my invitation.

*i cant make a woman wait for a long time*

- see you soon!

i said with a smile, while following bell, when Ais followed me with her gaze.


- what the hell?! why did you suddeny began to run away?\

i asked bell.

- i-i dont know, i just did, thats all...

he said.

- *sigh* alright, do you want to return to the church, or do you want to continue hunting?

i asked.

- ... i want to continue!

i grinned as he said that.

- alright then, lets do down!

i suggested.

- yeah!

said bell.

when both of us went down, bell barely managed to fight these creatures that were in floor 10, when i easily killed them in groups.


you killed 5/5 Orcs

reward: 15 shop points



you killed 15/15 Orcs

reward: 30 shop points



you killed 30/30 Orcs

reward: spell: Uravis: this is a wind spell that allows you or the person you use the spell on, to cover in wind that making you a lot faster, however, the power of the acceleration is directly proportional to the amount of mana you put into it. (the acceleration power has no limits, as long as you have enough mana)



you killed 5/5 Imps

reward: 15 shop points



you killed 15/15 Imps

reward: 30 shop points



you killed 5/5 bad bats

reward: 15 shop points



you killed 15/15 bad bats

reward: 30 shop points



*damn! how much rewards, thats crazy, i still cant get enough of this*

*by the way, for now im getting a lot of shop points, that i dont even have to buy them with valis, but as far as i go in the dungeon, each time i would recieve millions of valis, that i would gladly use in the shop to exchange the valis to points, but im good for now*

- oi, bell, i think its time to go home!

- really? finally!

bell was very happy to hear that, since he's really tired.

- i think we should buy the food in one pub, thats the same place i bought the food from yesterday, remember bell?

- oh! ill go with you then!

i grinned.

- sure.


- woah! 55000 valis!? even though its my first expedition!?

- dont be arrogant! the most of it is thanks to me.


we arrived to the hostess of fertility pub.

it was already late, and because the loki familia were frequent visitors here, they were there even now, that late, it was almost midnight.

most of them, again looked at me like they did yesterday, but now noticing a white haired boy with red eyes, that reminded them of a rabbit, right next to me, as we entered the pub.

i nodded to them, so did those who looked at me.

after that, i approached the counter, letting bell take the order.

- chose whatever you want today, as a gift.

i said to bell.

- yes! thanks, sirius-senpai!

- i would like to order...

bell bagan to order the food.

after some time, the order was ready, bell took the food, and as planned, we wanted to go straight to the church, when we hear some noise talking about us.

it was bete loga, from the loki familia, he began shouting slurs about us and loughing at us, calling us weak and pathetic.

- oi! Ais! you prefer strong guys, right? what do you say? would you prefer to go out with me? or one of those two weaklings?!

as bete loga said that, bell began to rush out of the pub, but what did i do?

i approached bete loga from behind and asked him.

- Oi! were you talking about us just now?

- ... and what if i say yes? would you be able to do with me somthing?

beta loga said, provoking me, while everyone in the loki familia looked at me with a surprised expression, including loki.

- who know... "pup"...

as i say that, bete loga's forehead veins began to pop out, and in an instant, the whole pub became silent, even though it was very noisy moments ago.

- ... im a wolf you son of a bitch!!!


as he said that, he kicked my left sidepeace, when i flew through the entrance door and then slammed my body at the nearest wall.

- hey! what are you doing!?

Riveria Ljos Alf began to shout at him.

- shut up! you better say that to him!


i suddenly punched him, being covered in my own blood, i used my new spell, uravis, and used a bit of mana, actually he was careless at that moment, thats why my punch reached him, otherwise, i dont really think i would be able to land that puch on him.

but even that punch didnt have any effects on him.

- ... youre as tenacious as a cockroach, damn you!!!

- wait!!!


Riveria once again tried to stop bete loga, but didnt managed to.

this punch was a lot stronger than his previous kick, as i went through the nearest wall while lieing and coughing with blood.

- he's just level 1! are you out of your mind!? what if you killed him?!

riveria starts to shout at bete loga.

lieing there, i entered the rage state.

when suddenly the whole pub began to feel pressured, even loki could feel goosbumps all over her body because of the pressure of my presence.

- youre done for!

i said, when bete loga began to sweat like crazy, he new that i was just a level 1 adventurer, but because of this presence his instincts shouted him to run away as fast as he could.

when suddenly, a beautiful shade of red light appeared on my hands, covering the, when i activate the gloves of dispair. 

after that, i activated the berserk skill, when my muscles began to expand, and veins popped out all over my bady, right before i used a spell on myself, the uravis spell, giving every last drop of my mana to this spell.

when suddenly, in an instant, i appeared right in front of bete loga, then right after i punched him as hard as i could, he rushed through the walls of several hauses.

*BAM!!* *BAM!!* *BAM!!* *BAM!!*

after he felt a lot of pain while crashing through walls, he then passed out.

the last thing i saw, was that everybody looked at me very surprised, or should i say shocked.

- get that, you motherfucker!

i said, before my vision began to blur, and right after that, i passed out.


(PS: so guys! how have you been? great? thats what i want to hear.

by the way, i know that in the original work, mana was called magic, but using the word mana is more comfortable for me. thats why, if you dont like my wording, just get used to it! because im not going to change it! bye!)

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