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85.56% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 161: Chapter 157: The Echoes of the Void

Chapter 161: Chapter 157: The Echoes of the Void

Chapter 157: The Echoes of the Void

In the vast expanse of a black void, a small cubby nameless child floated aimlessly. The darkness was punctuated by the soft glow of pink and gold stars, twinkling like distant beacons of hope. The child felt a sense of wonder and awe, as if they were drifting through a cosmic ballet. The stars seemed to whisper secrets of the universe, filling the child with a sense of peace and tranquility.

But as the dream progressed, the stars began to shift and change. The once comforting glow turned into a menacing flicker, casting eerie shadows that danced around the child. The void seemed to close in, and the child felt a growing sense of dread. The stars' whispers turned into haunting echoes, filling the child with fear and uncertainty.

Just as the nightmare reached its peak, the child suddenly found themselves submerged in a pool of water. The cold liquid shocked them awake, and they gasped for air, their heart pounding in their chest. They were in an underground magic basement, the walls lined with ancient runes that glowed faintly in the dim light. The water rippled around them, creating a mesmerizing pattern that seemed to pulse with a life of its own.

The child struggled to remember their own name, their mind foggy and disoriented. They felt a strange mix of emotions—relief at being awake, but also a lingering fear from the dream. Slowly, memories began to surface, and the child started to piece together their identity. The magic of the basement seemed to help, as if it were guiding them back to themselves.

After what felt like an eternity, the child's name finally came back to them, and they felt a sense of calm wash over them. The dream had been both beautiful and terrifying.

"So many, voices, were they luaghing or screeming." Malik asked himself

Malik gasped as he emerged from the darkness of his dream, his body jerking awake in the magic pool that cradled him. The water around him rippled gently, glowing with a soft, ethereal light that pulsed in rhythm with his heartbeat. For a few moments, he just lay there, allowing his senses to return to the real world. His eyes and ears struggled to adjust to the overload of sensations, the residual echoes of the dream still clinging to his consciousness.

"So many voices," he murmured to himself, his voice trembling. "Were they laughing or screaming?"

The haunting whispers of the stars from his dream still echoed in his mind, blurring the line between reality and the nightmare he had just experienced. It took him a good fifteen minutes before his vision cleared, and the cacophony in his ears dulled to a tolerable level. He blinked rapidly, focusing on the two familiar figures standing at the edge of the pool.

Hana Kimura and Rei Harada were there, their faces etched with concern as they watched him carefully. Without a word, they stepped into the water, the warmth of the pool enveloping them as they moved closer to him. Malik's body was still trembling, the remnants of his dream refusing to let go.

"Malik," Hana said softly, her voice a gentle balm to his frayed nerves. "How are you feeling?"

Rei knelt beside him, her presence quiet yet grounding. "You've been unconscious for about seventeen hours," she added, her tone steady.

"Seventeen hours?" Malik echoed, his voice laced with disbelief. He shook his head, trying to push away the lingering fog from his mind. "That's too long. I have so much work to do… I can't afford to waste time like this."

He began to pull himself out of the pool, the water cascading off his body in shimmering waves. But as soon as he tried to stand, his legs buckled under him. Rei was quick to catch him, her grip firm yet gentle.

"You're not well," Rei said, her voice leaving no room for argument. "You look sick, Malik. You need to rest."

Malik shook his head stubbornly, trying to pull away from her. "I don't have time for that. There are too many things that need to be done—"

Before he could finish, Rei reached into her cloak and produced a small vial. With a swift, practiced motion, she uncorked it and pressed it to Malik's lips. He barely had time to protest before the liquid slid down his throat, its effects immediate and potent. His vision blurred, and his body grew heavy, the world around him fading into a comforting darkness.

Hana watched silently as Malik's body went limp in Rei's arms. There was no anger in her gaze, only understanding and a quiet resolve.

"He'll thank us later," Hana murmured, stepping forward to help Rei. Together, they lifted Malik from the pool, his body now completely relaxed.

Rei nodded, her expression unreadable as she cradled Malik's unconscious form. "He pushes himself too hard. He forgets that he's not invincible."

Hana sighed softly, brushing a damp strand of hair away from Malik's forehead. "He carries so much on his shoulders. But even he needs to remember that rest is just as important as the work he does."

They carried Malik out of the basement, moving with practiced ease through the dimly lit halls of the mansion. The silence of the house was almost oppressive, the staff having cleared the area to give them space. Hana and Rei exchanged a glance, each silently reaffirming their commitment to protect Malik, even from himself.

When they reached Malik's bedroom, they gently laid him on the bed, pulling the covers over his still form. Hana took a moment to smooth out the wrinkles in the blanket, her movements slow and deliberate.

Rei stood by the bedside, her sharp eyes scanning Malik's face for any signs of discomfort. "He'll be out for a while," she said quietly, more to herself than to Hana. "But when he wakes up, we'll make sure he understands the importance of taking care of himself."

Hana nodded in agreement, her gaze softening as she looked down at Malik. "He gives so much to others… It's our job to make sure he doesn't lose himself in the process."

With one last look at Malik, the two women left the room, closing the door softly behind them. Malik's breathing was steady, his body finally getting the rest it so desperately needed. As he slept, the mansion around him seemed to sigh in relief, the walls no longer straining under the weight of his energy.

For now, Malik would rest, and when he awoke, he would be ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. But for tonight, he was safe, watched over by those who cared for him more than he could ever know.

As Malik's body rested in his bed, his mind and soul began to drift, untethered by the confines of his physical form. He found himself floating high in the sky, the vast expanse of the heavens stretching endlessly around him. The stars were closer than ever, sparkling with an otherworldly brilliance. The air was thin and crisp, and he felt weightless, as if he could simply drift among the constellations forever.

In the blink of an eye, the scene shifted, and he was deep within a dark cave. The walls were damp, glistening with moisture, and the air was heavy with the scent of earth and stone. The sound of dripping water echoed through the cavern, creating a rhythmic pulse that seemed to match the beating of his heart. He could feel the ancient power of the earth all around him, grounding him even as his soul continued to wander.

Another moment passed, and Malik found himself submerged in the depths of the ocean. The water was cool and soothing, the deep blue stretching out into infinity. Schools of fish swam past, their scales shimmering in the dim light that filtered down from the surface. Malik's breath was calm and steady, as if the water itself had become part of him. He could feel the weight of the ocean pressing in on all sides, yet it did not suffocate him; instead, it felt like an embrace, welcoming him into its depths.

Then, he was in a forest, surrounded by towering trees with leaves that whispered secrets to the wind. The ground was soft beneath his feet, covered in a blanket of fallen leaves. The scent of pine and earth filled his senses, and he felt a deep connection to the life that thrived around him. The forest was alive with the sounds of nature, yet it was peaceful, a sanctuary away from the worries of the world.

His journey did not end there. The next place was a vast desert, the sands shifting beneath him as the wind howled in his ears. The sun was setting on the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and red. The heat was intense, yet not unbearable, and Malik felt a strange sense of solitude, as if he was the only being in this endless sea of sand.

Finally, he found himself on the edge of a great canyon, its walls towering above and plunging down into darkness. The wind whistled through the crevices, carrying with it the echoes of a thousand forgotten voices. Malik stood at the precipice, feeling the pull of the void below, but also the call of the sky above.

In each of these places, he was guided by a lantern, its bright flame cutting through the darkness. It led him from one place to the next, never faltering, until finally, his soul was drawn to a mere thought, a strand of an idea not yet fully formed. This stray thought led him to a woman, sitting in meditation on a stump deep within a forest, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. The woman was Itachi Uchiha.

Itachi Uchiha sat quietly on a stump in the middle of a dense forest, her eyes closed in deep meditation. The night was calm, with only the soft rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl breaking the silence. The moonlight filtered through the canopy, casting a gentle glow on the forest floor. Her breath was steady, her mind centered, and her soul at peace.

Without warning, she sensed a presence nearby, a faint ripple in the tranquil waters of her meditation. Opening her eyes, she saw a small, nameless child standing a few feet away, looking confused and frightened. The child's ethereal form shimmered in the moonlight, their eyes wide with fear.

Itachi's heart softened at the sight. She rose gracefully from the stump and approached the child with a calm and reassuring demeanor. Kneeling down to the child's level, she spoke in a gentle voice, "Hello there. Are you lost?"

The child nodded, tears welling up in their eyes. Itachi reached out a hand, her touch warm and comforting. "Don't worry," she said softly. "I will help you find your way."

As she guided the child through the forest, Itachi's mind was filled with thoughts of compassion and empathy. She understood the pain of being lost and alone, and she was determined to help this lost soul find peace. With each step, the forest seemed to grow brighter, as if responding to Itachi's presence. The child began to relax, their fear slowly dissipating.

They walked in silence, the only sound being the crunch of leaves beneath their feet and the occasional rustle of a night creature. Itachi continued to speak soothing words, sharing stories of hope and resilience, the kind that could calm even the most troubled of spirits. Eventually, they reached a clearing where the child's form began to change, shifting and solidifying until, standing before her, was not a lost child, but Malik.

Itachi's eyes narrowed slightly in curiosity, her calm demeanor unbroken. "Why are you here, Malik?" she asked, her voice steady and unyielding.

Malik, for a moment, didn't answer. A sly smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and he finally spoke, his voice smooth and playful. "Perhaps I was just drawn to the beauty of the night... or maybe I was looking for someone to share it with."

Itachi raised an eyebrow at his remark, her expression neutral, though the faintest hint of amusement flickered in her eyes. She did not comment on his flirtation, simply observing him with her usual calm detachment.

Malik's smile softened as he turned his gaze upwards, looking at the stars scattered across the night sky. "In truth, I don't know why I'm here. Something led me to you, and I figured I might as well sit and enjoy the view."

Without waiting for her response, Malik sat down on the soft grass of the clearing, his eyes still fixed on the celestial display above. Itachi watched him for a moment, her curiosity piqued. She had always been one to question the motives behind actions, but something about Malik's presence felt... different.

After a few moments of contemplation, Itachi silently sat down beside him, her gaze following his to the stars above. They remained like that, side by side, in a comfortable silence as the night slowly gave way to dawn. The soft hues of pink and orange began to creep across the horizon, painting the sky with the promise of a new day.

As the first rays of sunlight broke through the canopy, Malik's form began to fade, his presence slowly dissipating like mist in the morning light. Itachi glanced down to where he had been sitting, her eyes catching sight of a small object left in his place—a cherry blossom pin. She picked it up, the delicate flower resting in her palm as she felt a strange warmth emanate from it.

Itachi stood, her hand closing around the pin as she turned back towards the forest. Without another word, she began to walk back to her camp, the cherry blossom pin held securely in her grasp. As she moved deeper into the trees, a thought lingered in her mind, echoing softly with the memory of the night—a reminder that sometimes, even the most fleeting of encounters could leave a lasting impression.


Late in the morning, as the soft light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Malik found himself in the care of Sura, the head of medicine in his household. The warmth of the room contrasted with the coldness that had seeped into his bones from the previous night's ordeals. Sura moved about the room with practiced ease, her presence calming and reassuring as she prepared to examine him.

Sura, a petite woman with a nurturing demeanor, approached Malik with a gentle smile. Her auburn hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, and her green eyes, filled with concern, scanned his face as she placed a hand on his forehead.

"Malik, you're looking better," she said softly, her voice like a soothing balm. "But your skin is still a little pale. Have you been resting properly?"

Malik gave her a tired smile, appreciating her care. "Resting as much as I can, Sura. But there's always so much to do."

Sura frowned slightly, her professional instincts kicking in. "You've been through a lot lately, more than anyone should have to bear. Your body needs time to recover fully. I can't stop you from leaving or continuing your work, but I strongly advise against pushing yourself too hard."

Malik leaned back against the pillows, feeling the weight of her words. He knew she was right, but the demands of his responsibilities weighed heavily on him. "I understand, Sura. I'll try to take it easy, but there are things I need to take care of. I can't afford to slow down now."

Sura sighed, recognizing the determination in his eyes. She knew well enough that trying to argue with Malik would be futile. "Just promise me you'll be careful. Your health is important, not just to you, but to everyone here who cares about you."

Malik reached out and pulled Sura into a gentle hug, grateful for her unwavering support. "I'll be fine, Sura. I have people like you looking out for me. That's more than enough."

She returned the hug, her concern evident in the way she held him. "You're more than just our leader, Malik. You're family to us. Please don't forget that."

As Malik released her, he saw the worry still lingering in her eyes. He offered her a reassuring smile before stepping away from the bed. "I won't forget, Sura. And I won't push myself more than necessary. Thank you for everything."

Sura watched as Malik left the room, a sense of unease settling in her chest. She made a mental note to inform Tsunade and Shizune about Malik's condition and his determination to continue working despite it. As the head of medicine, she knew that their combined medical wisdom could offer advice or intervention that might help Malik in the days to come. More than that, she knew Shizune, as Malik's fiancée, would want to be kept in the loop about his well-being.

As Sura moved to make her notes and prepare her report, she couldn't shake the feeling that something more was on the horizon—something that would test Malik's strength and resolve even further. And she prayed that he would be ready when that time came.

Malik stood before the mirror in his expansive room, his fingers deftly adjusting the collar of his outfit. Today, he had chosen something that not only screamed wealth but also exuded charm. He was dressed in a sleek, tailored suit made from the finest pink silk, the fabric shimmering under the light. The suit was adorned with intricate gold embroidery along the lapels, cuffs, and seams, giving it a regal and opulent appearance. Underneath, he wore a soft, cream-colored shirt that provided a subtle contrast to the bold pink. His shoes were polished gold, reflecting the light with every step.

To complete the ensemble, Malik draped a long, flowing coat over his shoulders. The coat was made from the finest velvet, dyed a deep rose pink with a luxurious golden satin lining. A gold pocket watch with an elegant chain rested in his vest pocket, adding a touch of vintage class to his outfit.

As he looked at himself in the mirror, Malik knew he had dressed to impress, not just for the sake of appearances but also to mask how unwell he was feeling. He took a deep breath, steadying himself, knowing that his outward confidence would need to carry him through the day.

Before stepping out, Malik summoned Gen'yūmaru, his loyal friend and trusted operative. The young man appeared swiftly, his sharp eyes immediately noticing Malik's extravagant attire.

"Looking sharp, boss," Gen'yūmaru said with a smirk, his tone light despite the underlying concern he felt for Malik's condition.

"Thanks," Malik replied with a grin. "I've got a date today, and I can't afford to look anything less than perfect."

Gen'yūmaru raised an eyebrow but didn't comment further on Malik's state. He knew better than to argue when Malik was this determined. "So, what's the plan?"

Malik handed him a heavy sack of coins, the weight of it making Gen'yūmaru's eyes widen. "I need you to head to the 'Rich People Shopping Area' and pick up a few things for me. Get something nice. You know, the kind of stuff that makes people raise their eyebrows."

Gen'yūmaru chuckled, taking the sack. "This is enough to buy half the market, Malik. You sure you don't want to join me? Might be fun."

Malik shook his head, a playful smile on his lips. "I trust you to handle it. Besides, I have other things to take care of today."

"Alright, alright," Gen'yūmaru replied, slipping the money into his bag. "Just don't forget to bring me back something good from your date. I'll meet you back here later."

With a nod, Malik watched as Gen'yūmaru turned and left the mansion, the clinking of coins barely audible as he disappeared from sight.

Stepping outside, Malik felt the first few drops of rain begin to fall from the sky. The clouds above were thick and dark, but instead of feeling gloom, Malik welcomed the change in weather. The rain had always been a source of comfort for him, a reminder of the cleansing and renewal that it brought.

Closing his eyes, Malik summoned his magical mount, GrubGrub. A soft pink light emerged from his chest, expanding and shifting until it took the form of a majestic winged lion, its fur shimmering with a soft, pink glow. The creature's wings were vast, each feather tipped with a golden hue, and its eyes gleamed with a knowing intelligence.

"Let's go, GrubGrub," Malik whispered, running a hand through the mount's ethereal mane. The winged lion roared softly in response, lowering itself so Malik could climb onto its back.

As soon as Malik was seated, GrubGrub spread its wings and leaped into the sky. They soared through the rain-soaked air, the droplets parting around them like a veil. The wind whipped past, cool and invigorating, and Malik found himself momentarily lost in the sheer freedom of flight.

He had a date today, and nothing—not even his own failing health—was going to keep him from it. The sky stretched out before them, an endless expanse of possibilities, and Malik knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, he was ready to face them.

For now, though, he let the rain and the wind carry him away, leaving his worries behind as he flew toward the promise of something new.

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