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5.15% Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker / Chapter 5: c 5: What goes up must come down

Chapter 5: c 5: What goes up must come down

C 5 

Malik opens his eyes and finds himself back in his bed, "How did I even get up here?", the memory of the conversation with the Goddess still fresh in his mind. He takes a deep breath and gets out of bed, feeling determined to make the most out of his time in the Naruto world. 

As he makes his way down to the basement, he pulls up his new quests. The room is dimly lit, but as he steps inside, Malik notices a large array of empty shelves, that are most likely meant to be filled with various books, scrolls, and artifacts. The room is large emitting a faint glow, indicating that it holds some sort of power. A large part of the room is a Kitchen, and another part has a large pool of dark water, "I wonder if they have to do with my skills at some point". 


Pervert (repeatable): Every time you witness something perverted, like see someone's underwear, you earn 5 points for the Shop. Charmer (repeatable): Every time someone falls in love with you Earn 100 points. Important Characters + 200 Side Character +100 Older Characters +100 Parents +200 Villains +1000 Go to/find Important Places (repeatable): points depending on the place. Don't be an ass (repeatable): no points but you might get something else. 

Deciding to visit the Acadamy, Malik makes his way there, running into Ino. 

 As he approach's Ino, he can't help but appreciate her beauty. She has a radiant aura that is hard to ignore. Her long, wavy blonde hair flows gently in the wind, and her piercing blue eyes sparkle with fierce determination. As he rounded the corner, he nearly collided with her. Regaining my balance, I found myself looking at Ino Yamanaka. She was dressed in her usual attire, a high-collared blouse and matching apron skirt, both a vibrant shade of purple that seemed to match her lively personality. 

Her outfit was adorned with various accessories. Bandages were wrapped around her abdomen and legs, a testament to the physical demands of being a ninja. Small hoop earrings glinted in the sunlight, adding a touch of femininity to her otherwise tough appearance. , but her confident posture and the way she carries herself make her stand out. ("It would be crazy to go after Ino, when I just got Sakura") Malik thought to himself. 

"Hello, Ino," he says, trying to strike up a conversation. "How are you doing today?" 

She looks at him, sizing Malik up for a moment before answering but not impressed by the short fat rich kid. "I'm doing well, thank you," she says. "And you?" 

Thinking about his next move. ("I could try to use Silver Tongue to win her over, or maybe use "Pictures" to take a photo with her and increase affection points, nah, I'll leave her alone for now.") 

[Flash Quest Given by the Goddess] 


(Get a kiss from Ino, and have her show you her panties willing, All by the end of the day.) reward one free skill. 


"This Goddess is trying to get me killed, but I also want a free skill so . . ." Malik thought to himself Ino raises an eyebrow at his sudden interest noticing him staring at her clothes, but her expression remains friendly. "Is there something you wanted to talk about?" she asks. 


He glances at her outfit, noticing the bandages wrapped around her legs. An idea forms in his mind. ("Use your Lucky Pervert skill to "accidentally" catch a glimpse of her underwear as he helps her adjust her bandages. It's a risky move, but it could potentially help him complete the flash quest given by the Goddess but am I both that brave and stupid.") 

Taking a deep breath, he goes for an offer, "Here, let me help you with those bandages. They seem a bit loose." He reaches out to touch the bandages on her leg, trying to act as naturally as possible. 

Ino looks at him suspiciously, but eventually nods and lifts her leg up for him to adjust the bandages. As he carefully begins to adjust the bandages on Ino's leg, he starts to feel a surge of luck from the Lucky Pervert skill. And "accidentally" brushes a hand against her underwear, hoping to catch a glimpse. However, just as he does so, Ino pulls her leg away, looking at him with a mixture of surprise and annoyance. 

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" she exclaims, taking a step back. 

Malik stutters, trying to come up with an excuse for the behavior. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I was just trying to help," Mallik said, hoping to salvage the situation. 

Ino narrows her eyes at him, clearly skeptical. But then, after a moment, she seems to relax a bit. "Well, just be more careful next time." 

" You can see the disappointment in her eyes, but she decides to give another chance. This is an opportunity to use Silver Tongue skill to win her over. Try to charm her with words, making her forget about the awkward encounter and focusing on the positive aspects of the conversation. 

Taking another deep breath, focusing his mind on the task at hand. "I'm really sorry about what happened earlier," he says, looking Ino directly in the eyes. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. You're just so beautiful, I guess I got a little carried away." 

Ino's expression softens at the sincere apology. She seems to be considering Malik's words, her mind working to decide whether to trust again or not. 

"Thank you for your apology," she says after a moment. "But please, be more careful in the future." 

"I was on my way to the Acadamy, did you want to walk together?" Malik asks ,Ino hesitates for a moment, considering the offer. She glances towards the Academy, then back. "Sure, I could use the company," she says with a small smile. 


As they both walk together, Malik can't help but feel a sense of nervous excitement. He sort of managed to smooth things over with Ino, but completing the flash quest given by the Goddess will be no easy task. He'll need to find a way to get a kiss from Ino and see her panties willingly, all before the end of the day. 

Not wanting to push his luck too far, especially after the earlier incident with the bandages. 

Instead, deciding to take things slow and build up a rapport with Ino. 

As they walk together, can't help but notice the way Ino's hips sway gently with each step she takes. He feels his heart starts to race imagining what it would be like to see her . . . no no, this is just business. 


"So, Ino, what do you think of the Academy so far?" he asks, trying to make small talk. 

"I like it," she replies. nodding, trying to think of a way to finish the quest. "That's great to hear,". "I was just thinking, since we're both here, maybe we could study together sometime." 

Ino raises an eyebrow at him, clearly surprised by the suggestion. "Study together, aren't you like a backer or something?" she repeats. 

"Yeah, I'm not training to become a shinobi or anything but I don't mind helping." As they continue to walk, Ino seems to be considering the proposal. He can see the gears turning in her head as she weighs the pros and cons of studying with him. This could be his chance to get closer to her and potentially complete your quest, but he'll need to tread carefully. 

Just then, noticing a small alleyway up ahead. It's dimly lit and seemingly empty, providing the perfect opportunity for some privacy. Maybe could suggest taking a detour through the alleyway, giving a chance to make a move. 

Turning to Ino and saying, "Hey, do you mind if we take a shortcut through that alleyway up there? It might save us some time, even though we were both super early." gesturing towards the alleyway, hoping that Ino will take the bait. ("I'm not a predator, if she wanted, she could easily kill me") 

Ino looks in the direction and nods. "Sure, that's fine," she says. As they both enter the alleyway, the darkness envelops them, and the sounds of the bustling town fade away. The only light comes from a small cracks in the roof of the buildings above, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Feeling the tension between him and Ino growing. 

Mustering up the courage. ("This is his chance to complete the quest, and you can't let it slip away. You could try to initiate a kiss with Ino, but he'll need to do it subtly, so she doesn't become suspicious.") 

Moving closer to Ino, trying to gauge her reaction. She seems to be a bit nervous, but also curious about what is going on. Taking another step closer and gently placing his hand on her waist, pulling her closer to him. 

Ino Yamanaka: 

Malik: Love:28-Lust14 

Ino's azure eyes, usually so full of confidence and determination, widen in surprise at the unexpected proximity. She doesn't retreat, though. Instead, she tilts her head up to meet his gaze, her eyes reflecting a whirlpool of emotions - curiosity, apprehension, and something undefinable. He can feel the rapid flutter of her heartbeat against his chest as he leans in, lips hovering just a breath away from hers. 


The world around them seems to fade into insignificance, the only reality being the magnetic pull between the two. Just as he is about to close the distance, to taste the sweetness of her lips, Ino's soft voice breaks the silence. "Wait, what are you doing?" she asks, her voice a mere whisper in the quiet night, yet it echoes loudly in his ears. 


Pausing, pulling back slightly to look into her eyes. taking a deep, steadying breath, trying to find the right words that would defuse the tension. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself," he confesses, voice low and sincere. "You're just so beautiful, Ino. I felt this overwhelming urge to kiss you." 


At the words, the apprehension in Ino's eyes seems to soften, replaced by a thoughtful expression. She seems to be weighing the words, considering his apology. After a moment that feels like an eternity, she finally speaks. "I understand," she says, her voice soft yet firm, her eyes never leaving his. 


The tension eases, replaced by a comfortable silence. The moment is over, but the connection remains. He pulls away completely, but the memory of the almost-kiss lingers, a promise of what could be. He knows that whatever happens next, this moment, this confession, has changed something between them. And for now, that's enough. Ino takes a deep breath and looks away, breaking the intense gaze between the two. She seems to be lost in thought, her mind working to process the whirlwind of emotions she's feeling. He can see her chest rising and falling rapidly, her heart still racing from the encounter. 


After a few moments, she turns back, her eyes meeting his once again. "I appreciate your honesty, Malik," she says, her voice soft and sincere. "I don't know what to make of this, but I do know that I want to continue to get to know you better." 

Feeling a surge of excitement and relief at her words. This is a step in the right direction, a sign that he hasn't completely ruined his chances with Ino. But he also knows that he need to tread carefully from here on out. 

"Thank you, Ino. How about I meet you at your family's flower shop?" As he suggest this, Ino nods in agreement. "Sure, that sounds good. I'll see you there then." She turns to leave the alleyway, and he follows suit, feeling a newfound sense of optimism. 

 "Would you show me the way?" Malik said while winking. 

"Fine" she says rolling her eyes. 

As they start to walk back together, continuing to make small talk, discussing the Academy. Ino seems more relaxed now, her earlier apprehension replaced by a genuine curiosity about him. He can feel the Lust state decreasing as he builds a genuine connection with Ino, replacing the earlier tension with a sense of mutual respect and understanding. 

Arriving at the flower shop, Ino leads the way inside. The shop is filled with the sweet scent of various flowers, creating a calming atmosphere. Ino's family members are bustling about, tending to customers and arranging bouquets. 

"Make yourselves comfortable, I still need to meet up with the others at the Acadamy, so I'll be a little while are graduation tests are coming up." Ino says, turning to him with a smile. "But feel free to look around or help out if you'd like." 

Nodding, taking in the beautiful flowers that surround him. Noticing a particularly vibrant bouquet of pink and white roses, as he continues to admire the vibrant bouquet of roses, a woman approaches from behind. She has light brown eyes as, but without pupils, and her brown hair is tied back into a bun with a red ribbon. Strands of hair frame both sides of her face, hanging over her ears from behind them. She is fair-skinned, and slight wrinkles are visible near her mouth, adding a touch of maturity to her beauty. 


"So, you must be the popular boy owning the bakery not too far from here," she says, her voice calm and collected. "I'm Yaino, Ino's mother. It's a pleasure to meet you." 


Extending a hand, returning her warm smile. "It's nice to meet you too, Yaino-san. I was just admiring these roses. They're beautiful also what do you mean popular, are people talking about me, are they saying good things . . . .or?" 


Yaino's eyes light up at the compliment. "Thank you," she says, her smile widening. "Ino and I put a lot of effort into maintaining this garden. It's our little sanctuary." 


Her attire consists of a dark teal elegant dress, which sports an aquamarine coloured gem below the collar, adding to her regal and classy appearance. Despite her calm demeanor, he can sense a fierce determination in her, a testament to her role as part of the Allied Mothers Force. 


"I know that she's graduating soon, and figured we could do something special for her, maybe we could figure something out in a few days, after she passes of course." Malik said Yaino nods, considering the suggestion. "That's a great idea, Malik. I'd love to do something special for Ino's graduation. Let me talk to her and the rest of the family, and we'll come up with a plan. How does that sound?" 


Malik smiles, grateful for Yaino's willingness to help. "That sounds perfect, Yaino-san. I can't wait to see what we come up with." 

As he continues to chat with Yaino the time fly's by while he helps at the flower shop, noticing that the flower shop is starting to close up for the day. Ino returns from the Academy, looking tired but happy. She sees Malik talking to her mother and approaches with a smile. "Hey" she says. 

Returning her smile, feeling a sense of warmth in his chest. "Yo" Ino looks at him, her azure eyes shining with curiosity. "I hope you had a good time while I was gone," she says, tilting her head slightly to the side. 


Nodding, feeling a bit nervous but also excited. "I did. Your mother and I had a great conversation. We were thinking about planning something special for your graduation," he explains, watching her reaction closely. 

Ino's eyes widen in surprise, and then she breaks into a wide smile. "Really? That's so sweet of you, Malik! I can't wait to hear what you guys came up with." 

Yaino nods in agreement, beaming with pride. "Yes, we're looking forward to it too. We'll let you both know as soon as we have more details." As you continue to make small talk, Yaino excuses herself to help with some last-minute chores before closing the shop for the day. Him and Ino are left alone in the beautiful flower shop, surrounded by the sweet scent of various flowers. 

Ino looks at Malik with a warm smile, her azure eyes sparkling, (damn there like deep pools) Malik thought. "So, what do you want to do now?" she asks, tilting her head slightly to the side. (Is she giving me a signal or ...) 

Taking a moment to consider his options out loud. Malik suggests going for a walk together or perhaps grabbing a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant, maybe both. 

Ino nods in agreement, her smile growing wider. 

Ino Yamanaka: 


Malik: Love:40-Lust3 

Ino's eyes light up at the suggestions of going for a walk together, and she nods eagerly. "That sounds like a great idea, Malik! I'd love to stretch my legs and get some fresh air." 


Both stepping out of the flower shop and into the bustling streets of the village. The sun is just starting to set, casting warm hues of orange and pink across the sky. The streets are filled with people going about their evening routines, but he and Ino only have eyes for each other. 

As they walk, Ino chatters animatedly about her day at the Academy and her plans for after graduation. Listen attentively, absorbing every word she says and feeling a deep connection growing between them. The tension from earlier has completely dissipated, replaced by a comfortable camaraderie. Ino's laughter rings out, drawing the attention of a few passersby. She doesn't seem to notice, her focus entirely on Malik and the conversation at hand. The sound of her laughter is infectious, and he finds himself grinning from ear to ear. 

As they continue to walk, they come across a quaint little park nestled between the buildings. Ino suggests taking a break there, and he can't help but readily agree. The park is quiet and peaceful, the only sounds coming from the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. 

Finding a bench and sitting down next to each other, thighs almost touching. The warmth of her body radiates towards him, making his heart race. Ino seems to feel it too, her breathing becoming shallow as she looks at him with those deep blue eyes. 

Feeling the tension building up again, but this time it's different. The air around them feels charged with electricity, and he can sense the attraction between him and Ino growing stronger. Both lean in closer, faces inches apart. The world around them fades away, and all he can focus on is the beautiful girl in front of him. 


Suddenly, Ino leans in and presses her lips against his. It's a soft, gentle kiss, but it sends a jolt of electricity through his body. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer as she deepens the kiss. Time seems to stand still as they both lose themselves in the moment, forgetting everything else around them. 

When she finally breaks apart, he can see the passion and desire in Ino's eyes. She looks at him with an intensity that takes he's breath away. "Wow," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper. "That was... incredible." He nods in agreement, still reeling from the intensity of the kiss. "It was," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. Feeling his heart racing, and his mind is filled with thoughts of Ino. 


Ino smiles at him, her cheeks flushed with color. "I've wanted to do that for a while now," she admits, her voice soft and vulnerable. "I hope it wasn't too forward of me." 

Shaking his head, still trying to process what just happened. "No, it wasn't," he assures her, taking her hand. "I'm glad it was you who made the first move." 

Ino giggles, her laughter like music to your ears. "I'm glad too," she says, leaning her head on his shoulder. "This feels right, you know?" 

Wrapping his arm around her, pulling her closer. "Do you mind if I take a picture of you?" Malik offers. Ino looks up at him with a curious expression. "A picture? Now? Here?" she asks, her eyes sparkling with intrigue. 

"Yes," he replies, nodding enthusiastically. "I want to capture this moment, the beautiful scenery, and most importantly, your radiant smile." 

Ino's cheeks flush at the words, and she nods her agreement. "Okay, I'd love that," she says, adjusting her posture slightly and striking a pose. 

Taking a moment to frame the perfect shot, making sure to include the picturesque park, the warm sunlight, and of course, Ino's lovely face. With a gentle press of the button, capturing the scene. 

Ino Yamanaka: 


Malik: Love:70-Lust24 

[You are her main Love interest] 

Taking a moment to admire the photo just took of Ino. 

As he puts his phone away, Ino looks at Malik with a curious expression. "So, what's next?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. 

Once again considering their options. He could suggest continuing the walk, heading back to the flower shop, or perhaps finding a nearby place to grab a bite to eat. But Malik knows he needs to finish the Flash Quest: [Flash Quest Given by the Goddess] 


He takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Looking into Ino's eyes and say, "Ino, there's something I need to do before the day ends. May I request two things from you? First, I'd love for you to show me your panties. And second, I'd like to kiss you again." 

Ino's eyes widen in surprise, but then she smiles, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Okay, Malik. I trust you," she says, standing up and turning around. She hesitates for a moment before slowly lifting the hem of her skirt, revealing her lacy pink panties. 

[Skill: X-ray vision gained.] 

Suddenly Malik hears shouting "BITCH", screamed Sakura as she full-body tackled Ino into the ground. 

"Why are you showing my BOYFRIEND YOUR NASTY ASS UNDERWEAR!" Sakura screamed. 

"Wait . . . Boyfr . . .Your what!!!!" said Ino several emotions crossing her face, none of them good. 

"So, this is how I die . . . Interesting", Malik said. 

BlackPolar BlackPolar


He's a Phantom

Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom, Danny Phantom


Young Danny Fenton, he was just 14

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It w...

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