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16.85% Harry Potter : The Unfinished Battle / Chapter 15: Chapter - 15 : Healing and Hijinks

Chapter 15: Chapter - 15 : Healing and Hijinks


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Much to Sirius' disgust, the Healers insisted that he stay in hospital for at least another two weeks if not longer. Harry managed to beg Mr Weasley to bring him to visit every day, eager to plot and plan and get to know Sirius better. Sirius seemed grateful for the distraction. He often looked shaken and haunted before Harry settled down by his bedside and did his best to cheer him up. Yet while Sirius was always glad for the company – and complained loudly once visiting hours were over – he refused to see anyone except Harry. According to the Auror at the door, lots of people had tried to visit, some of them actually old friends and not just nosy busybodies, but they'd all been turned away. Only Mr Weasley had been allowed in, and that had just been for as long as it took Sirius to thank him for looking after Harry.

Harry didn't feel comfortable asking Sirius why he was isolating himself - was he angry at everyone for abandoning him or had Azkaban left with a fear of large crowds? - and decided such personal questions would have to wait until they knew each other a bit better. He did worry about Sirius getting lost in his memories of Azkaban though, and so was glad of the presence of the mediwitches, who bustled in and out of Sirius' room and often stopped for a quick chat with 'that poor man' and 'that dear sweet boy'.

Harry found it amusing to watch Sirius grin and flirt and make them all blush despite his being weak and malnourished from Azkaban. Sirius seemed to revel in the attention and perked up whenever one of the mediwitches came through the door. He was definitely recovering his spirits and his body was slowly healing; Harry was amazed by what a difference healing magic and a few Cheering Potions could make. Yet for all that, the sight of the Healer-in-Charge of the Merlin and Morgana Ward on her ward rounds was not a welcome one.

"Still too skinny," Healer Aberworthy said disapprovingly as she prodded Sirius with her wand.

"Ow!" Sirius yelped as she hit a tender spot on his ribs. "Merlin, what happened to the Hippocratic Oath? 'Do no harm' and all that."

"I remember my oath very well, Mr Black," she said primly, not relenting in her examination. "No doubt a good sight better than you do."

"Then why are you poking me with a pointed stick?"

"Maybe she thinks you're attacking her with a pineapple and a man-eating tiger," Harry put in from where he was sitting in the chair beside Sirius' bed, munching on a chocolate frog and enjoying the show.

"Huh?" Sirius twisted round to look at Harry.

Harry sighed. "Never mind." Purebloods never appreciated the comedic genius of Monty Python.

"Hold still!" Healer Aberworthy brandished her wand threateningly in Sirius' direction. "I have seven more patients to see this morning and I refuse to spend all my time in here recasting diagnostic charms just because you're incapable of staying still."

"Oh by all means, don't let me detain you," Sirius said generously. "I wouldn't want my fellow witches and wizards to suffer without your tender care."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Overdoing it a bit there, aren't you?"

"Indeed, subtle you are not, Mr Black." Healer Aberworthy gave her wand a few more flicks and frowned thoughtfully at whatever her spells were telling her.

"I can do subtle," Sirius said a trifle sulkily, crossing his arms and glaring at Harry. "See how subtle I can be when I booby-trap your bedroom."

Harry gasped in mock disapproval. "Oh but you're an invalid, Sirius, you shouldn't be thinking about pranks!"

"Quite, no strenuous activity of any kind for at least another month." Healer Aberworthy gave a stern nod, but Harry's laughter quickly cut off when she turned her attention to him. "You look as if you could do with some rest and recuperation yourself, Mr Aubrey. You're much too pale. I've always said hospitals aren't good places for young children to visit … a lot of our patients are contagious you know."

Sirius had a sly look on his face. "Maybe you should give him a few Potions. You know, just to be on the safe side."

"Excellent idea, Mr Black!" Healer Aberworthy exclaimed, brightening up considerably. "I know just the thing." She started going through the pockets of her bright green healer's robes, pulling out all sorts of mysterious salves and ointments. Disregarding Harry's protests, she forced a vial of Pepper-Up Potion down his throat, followed by a flask of murky orange gloop which tasted absolutely disgusting.

"I blame you for this," Harry muttered darkly to Sirius once she'd left to harass her other patients. "I think she's poisoned me."

Sirius shrugged unsympathetically. "Hey, if I have to take disgusting potions then so do you. Parent's prerogative I'm afraid."

"You're not a parent. Not yet anyway," Harry wondered what it would be like to actually be Sirius' son and not just pretending like they were at the moment. He suspected it might be a bit awkward at first. They got on well together, but that didn't change the fact that they were almost strangers.

"Speaking of which," Sirius said. "I got a reply from the goblins. The inconsiderate blighters sent it with a screech owl in the middle of the night, can you believe that?"

"I'm prepared to believe anything of the goblins so long as it involves money and them making other people's lives miserable."

"Huh," Sirius said.



"Come on, there is something."

Sirius shrugged. "Well, I'm just surprised, that's all. Judging by the stories you've told me, you don't mind that Remus is a werewolf, and you spent your school days chatting with Acromantulas and riding Thestrals through the Forbidden Forest. You were practically best-friends with a house elf! So I suppose I find it surprising to hear you say something so negative about a whole race of creatures. Not that I don't absolutely agree with you, mind – goblins are evil little blighters."


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