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12.35% Harry Potter : The Unfinished Battle / Chapter 11: Chapter - 11 : Secrets and Surprises part - 2

Chapter 11: Chapter - 11 : Secrets and Surprises part - 2


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Harry was overwhelmed by how quickly everything was happening. He had hoped to have Sirius free before the end of the year or maybe before he left for Hogwarts if he was really lucky. He certainly hadn't expected to get Sirius out of Azkaban after less than a week. Harry was overjoyed at how well everything had worked out, but one thing Mr Weasley said worried him. It seemed Sirius had been informed of Harry's role in events, specifically that his son had brought his case to the Aurors' attention. Harry could only hope that Sirius wouldn't say anything like 'That's impossible, I've never even slept with her,' when the topic of Evelinda Aubrey and her illegitimate child came up.

It wasn't certain how long the trial would take, but Harry hoped he would only have to wait a short while before he could explain everything to him. He just wondered how Sirius would react to the bizarre news he had to share. He was certain his Sirius would have kept his secret, but his counterpart might decide to report him to the DMLE or Dumbledore, ruining all of his plans.

Harry had to risk in telling him the truth, however. His glamour charms might fail at any point, his untrained magic left him pretty much defenceless, and if Sirius didn't accept him he would surely be shipped off to some orphanage. As kind as the Weasleys were, they didn't have the resources to take in another child.

It was all far from ideal, but Harry was determined to make the most of it. At least while he was at the Burrow he had as much food as he could eat. With that in mind, Harry ambled downstairs hoping for some lunch. But instead of the delicious smells of Mrs Weasley's cooking he heard gossiping voices emanating from the kitchen. Harry hovered in the doorway, surprised to see Mrs Diggory sitting at the table and excitedly waving a copy of the Daily Prophet. Harry had never met her in this world, but was glad to see she wasn't the pale, wan figure he remembered from when Cedric had died. Yet another thing he would make sure never happened here…

"I knew it! I just knew it!" exclaimed Mrs Diggory. "Didn't I tell you, Molly, that something odd has been going on at the Auror Office?"

"Well, I must say this has all come as a shock to me!" Mrs Weasley looked distraught. "When I think of that man… all these years… in my house!"

Mrs Diggory patted her on the arm. "There, there. It's quite clear you and your husband had no idea. The Ministry investigation of Arthur will be over in two shakes of a niffler's tail, don't you worry."

Mrs Weasley did not appear comforted. "In my house with my children, Gladys!"

"It just goes to show," Mrs Diggory said, shaking her head. "What are honest and hardworking wizards and witches to do when we can't trust our own Ministry, I ask you?"

Heart pounding, Harry hurried into the kitchen and snatched a copy of the Daily Prophet right out of Mrs Diggory's hands. Ignoring her protests, Harry stared in awe at the front page.

'Ministry Incompetence Revealed!' the headline declared in large black letters. 'Sirius Black declared innocent in emergency session of the Wizengamot! Prisoner never received trial! Investigation launched into hideous miscarriage of justice!'

The article went on to speculate over what Black's state of mind would be like after nine years surrounded by Dementors, and to quote dozens of people who claimed to have known the truth all along. Harry rolled his eyes and handed the newspaper back to the indignant witch he'd stolen it from.

"Now see here young man!" Mrs Diggory spluttered, looking ready to launch into a long telling-off.

Mrs Weasley put a restraining hand on her friend's arm. "This is Orion Aubrey, Gladys, remember I mentioned him?" She gave Harry teary smile. "You must be so happy about your father, dear."

For once Harry didn't have to prevaricate or hide the truth. "This is one of the best days ever!"

At long last Sirius was free. Although Harry felt a twinge of sadness that his Sirius had never lived to see his name cleared and that this world's Harry Potter hadn't lived long enough to meet his godfather. Harry knew he would never be able to replace the godson Sirius had lost and vice versa; he hoped, however, that they would be able to support each other. He supposed it all depended on the outcome of their first meeting.

"My dad's in Saint Mungo's, isn't he?" Harry checked.

Mrs Weasley nodded. "Yes, dear. But what…"

Harry moved towards the fireplace. "I'm going to go visit him. Can I borrow some Floo powder?"

"You can't just go gallivanting around Saint Mungo's by yourself!" Mrs Diggory exclaimed. "Why, you're even younger than my Cedric. Molly, surely you won't allow it?"

Mrs Weasley clearly wouldn't. "Orion, let's not be hasty, dear. I'm sure Mr Black needs time to recuperate. Perhaps you can visit in a few days' time, hmm?"

Harry really hated being a child. "But he's my dad! Please can you take me to see him? Today?" he begged, realising he wouldn't be allowed to leave without permission.

Mrs Weasley hesitated and exchanged a glance with her friend. "Well, perhaps this afternoon Arthur can take you once he's home from work," she said at last.

"Thank you!" Harry beamed at her. "I'll go upstairs and get ready!"

He rushed away, doing his best to act like a child should, but paused on the stairs when he heard the two witches talking in hushed voices. Did they suspect him?

"Molly, do you really think this is a good idea? The poor boy is illegitimate, after all. And innocent or not, his father is a Black."

"Yes, but Orion is the reason Mr Black is free. Surely that will enough to earn him some acceptance, don't you think?"

"Well all I can say is that I hope you're right. At least the boy is a pureblood, that's something."


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