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69.56% HP : Harry The Hero / Chapter 16: Chapter - 16 : First Impression Part - 6

Chapter 16: Chapter - 16 : First Impression Part - 6


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Ron was rather quiet the rest of the day. Harry didn't talk to him either although he did allow Ron to sit next to him in classes. The other Gryffindor boys didn't seem to know what happened although from their glares the girls sure did. Ron tried to ignore the fact Granger never showed up for the rest of the day's classes or lunch.

Ron was looking forward to the forgetting the day's problems at the Halloween feast. He was trailing Harry when Parvati approached the Boy-Who-Lived with Lavender in tow. Ron could just hear the conversation.

"Hermione's been crying in the bathroom since after Charms class. She won't come out," Parvati said.

"Yah. I don't like her much but this does seem a bit over the top doesn't it?" Lavender commented in an airy voice.

Parvati shot her friend a glance. "Hermione's been having a hard time of it. I think she's a bit homesick and feels like she doesn't fit in. Weasley seems to have a real talent for chocking things up."

The Great Hall looked fantastic but Ron didn't really notice. He just concentrated on eating and not meeting anyone's eyes.

Ron looked up with a start when the doors to the Great Hall suddenly swung open. Professor Quirrell sprinted in his robe and turban askew and a look of pure terror on his face.

The Defence professor reached the main table and gasped out, "Troll- in the dungeon- thought you ought to know."

Then he sank to the floor in a dead faint.

The hall want crazy as the students (and some teachers) started to panic. Dumbledore used his wand to create some loud noises and get everyone's attention. Then he ordered to the Prefects to take the students back to their dorms while the staff dealt with the troll.

Ron was starting to follow the group his brother Percy was leading when Harry grabbed him.

"Hermione, she doesn't know about the troll."

Ron saw the expression on Harry's face and his conscience flared bit. "Oh, all right. But Percy better not see us."

The two First years trailed Percy's group out of the Great Hall but turned up another corridor and started off towards the girls bathroom.

"Someone's coming," Harry hissed. "Back in the alcove."

Ron complied but muttered, "I don't hear anyone."


Sure enough, ten seconds later Professor Snape stalks past their hiding spot with his robe flaring out dramatically behind. Ron tensed as the man passed. The greasy git would love to catch them out.

"Come on," Harry said. "We have to hurry."

They had just about reached the girls bathroom when Harry stopped suddenly. Ron almost plowed right into him.

"Whadja do that for?" Ron asked irritably.

"The troll- its nearby."

"How do you know that?"

A sudden scream erupted from within the bathroom. Then a roar and the sounds of cracking wood.

"Hermione!" Ron said in shock.

"Hurry!" Harry shouted as he sprinted towards the bathroom. Ron was right behind him running into the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom they were greeted by the sight of a giant troll holding a club and standing in the wreckage of several bathroom stalls. Water was spraying everywhere from the shattered porcelain toilets. Hermione Granger was huddled on the ground against the wall just outside the last stall remaining. The troll seemed to be looking for the girl. Ron guessed the water spraying about and Hermione's black school robes made it hard for the dim-witted troll to see her.

"Confuse it!" Harry shouted.

Ron stepped into the room and started waving his arms over his head. "Oy, pea-brain! Over here!"

The troll turned to see the boy at the other end of the room. It let out a roar and started towards him while raising his club.

Harry sprinted down the wall to Hermione. Ron saw him grab her arm and try to get her to stand up. The girl's face was so white with fear Ron could see it clearly the whole length of the room away. Ron was still jumping about distracting the troll but he did see Harry suddenly grab Hermione and pick her up before turning and running right past the troll and out of the room.

Ron turned to follow but the troll swung its club knocking debris everywhere. A piece of porcelain smashed into Ron sending him to the ground. Several pieces of the stall landed between Ron and the door cutting off his escape.

His wand out, Ron thought feverishly to come up with a spell that would help him. He didn't know many damn it!

Then a black furry shape shot into the room and leapt onto the trolls back. The troll shrieked in agony as the creature latched its teeth onto the troll's neck. Even the troll's thick skin gave into the pressure from the jaws and sharp teeth. The troll's thick green blood was rolling down its side.

The troll dropped its club whipped around trying to dislodge its attacker. It wasn't until the troll's back was to Ron that he could clearly see the creature. It looked sort of like a werewolf but not like any he'd ever seen pictures of. It was then Ron noticed the new creature was wearing the same baggy pants Ron had seen earlier that day. Except now they weren't baggy at all. It was Harry. Somehow the creature was Harry Potter!

The troll was winning its fight to shake Harry loose. Ron knew he had to do something to help.

"Wingardium Leviosa!"

The trolls club smashed down onto its own head just as Harry was thrown off. The troll gave a groan as it dropped to its knees and then slumped to the ground.

Ron stood shocked at what he'd managed to do. Then he noticed the creature walking towards him. Yet as it walked, Ron saw its hair shrinking and its features changing. By the time it reached Ron, it was a topless human Harry Potter in baggy pants.

Harry clapped Ron on the shoulder. "I'm glad you learned that spell." Ron was too stunned to speak.

"What the bloody hell was that?" a new voice shrieked.

Standing in the doorway was a drenched Hermione Granger. She was looking at Harry with wide eyes. She was also holding the rest of Harry's clothes.

Harry frowned and said, "Look, we don't have time for this right now. The professors are almost here. We just tell them what happened but not mention my other form, okay? I'll explain later."

Ron said okay, but Hermione just nodded and held out Harry's clothes. Harry smiled but first went over to one of the water sprays to wash off the troll blood. He'd just gotten his robe and shoes back on when McGonagall, Snape and Quirrell burst into the room.

McGonagall took in the unconscious troll, the destruction of the room and her three First years. Quirrell looked ready to faint and Snape went to check on the troll but McGonagall turned on her students demanding what had happened.

Harry started to talk but was cut off by Hermione.

"I wanted to research my assignment for Charms and missed dinner. I was on my way back to the dorm when the troll found me. It chased me in here. Harry and Ron realized I didn't know about the troll and came to find me. If they hadn't the troll would have killed me."

Ron was staring at the girl in shock. The little know-it-all and rules follower was lying to a teacher? He was impressed.

A modified version of the story came out starting from Hermione's point of view and then Harry took over at the point he and Ron arrived. For once, Ron was able to keep his mouth shut and not mess things up. McGonagall actually looked impressed at Ron's use of the Levitation Charm to knock out the troll.

"Very well, Mr Potter, Mr Weasley five points each for managing to defeat a full-grown mountain troll and help a fellow student. I would give more but if you had simply told a prefect you wouldn't have had to do so. It is one thing to be brave and another to be foolish. Now off with you."

They thanked the professor and left immediately. The trio remained quiet the whole walk back to Gryffindor tower. Just before they reached the entrance to the tower, Hermion grabbed both of them and pulled them into an unused classroom. She shut the door behind them and fixed Harry with a stern look.

"Now, what was that?" she demanded.


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