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93.33% Marvel: A Devil Called The Morningstar / Chapter 14: Chapter 13 Beyonder

Chapter 14: Chapter 13 Beyonder

"I'm saying," Lucifer continued, his voice dropping to a whisper that still managed to fill the room, "that our dear friend Mephisto has made a pact with a being older than sin, more insidious than any devil. He's in league with the Beyonder."

The name fell like a stone into the well of silence. Even Tony, usually quick with a quip, stood speechless. It was Doctor Strange who broke the silence, his face a mask of disbelief and dawning horror.

"Impossible," Strange breathed. "The Beyonder is a myth, a cosmic bedtime story to scare young sorcerers."

"Oh, he's real, Sorcerer Supreme," Lucifer chuckled darkly. "As real as I am, as real as the multiverse itself. An entity from beyond, neither good nor evil, but curious. Dangerously, catastrophically curious."

"The Beyonder," Bruce murmured, his scientific mind whirling with the implications. "A being of pure possibility, existing outside the known multiverse. But the legends say it's neutral, observing, not interfering."

"Normally, yes," Lucifer nodded. "But Mephisto, the crafty bastard, he's found a way to pique the Beyonder's interest. Think about it. What could possibly intrigue a being that's seen every iteration of reality? Something new. Something unprecedented."

"Like a Devil from another universe," Steve realized, the pieces falling into horrific place. "Mephisto didn't just pull you here by accident. He did it to get the Beyonder's attention."

"Bravo, Captain," Lucifer said, but there was no mirth in his voice. "I'm the wild card, the unforeseen variable in the Beyonder's perfect cosmic experiment. And now that it's intrigued, it's letting Mephisto run amok, weakening the walls between realities, all so it can watch the chaos unfold."

"So we're not just fighting Mephisto," Natasha said, her voice tight. "We're entertainment for a cosmic voyeur."

"And that," Lucifer said grimly, "is why charging out there would be playing right into their hands. Mephisto gets his chaos, the Beyonder gets its show, and we? We become unwitting actors in a tragedy that spans infinities."

The weight of this revelation pressed down on them, heavier than any battle they'd faced. They weren't just soldiers in a war; they were pieces in a game played by entities that viewed whole universes as mere playthings.

"Okay," Tony said, breaking the oppressive silence. His voice was strained, but there was a glimmer of his old determination. "So, the Devil and a multiversal peeping Tom are tag-teaming reality. What's the play? Because I don't know about you, but I'm not keen on being anyone's cosmic chew toy."

Lucifer's lips curled into a smile, but it wasn't his usual sardonic grin. This was something darker, more primal. "The play, my dear Man of Iron, is to change the game. Mephisto thinks he's the mastermind, pulling my strings, dancing to the Beyonder's tune. But he's forgotten one crucial fact."

"And what's that?" Steve asked, his grip on his shield tightening.

"I," Lucifer said, his eyes blazing with a cold fire that made even the Hulk take a step back, "am the original rebel. The first to look at the grand design and say, 'No.' Do you really think I'll play the pawn in someone else's cosmic opera?"

He strode to the center of the room, and the air around him seemed to darken, to thicken with the weight of eons. "No, my newfound allies. We will not charge blindly into Mephisto's traps. We will not dance for the Beyonder's amusement. We will turn their game on its head."

"How?" Bruce asked, a glimmer of the scientist's curiosity breaking through the Hulk's rage.

"By giving them a show they'll never forget," Lucifer grinned, and now there was a manic gleam in his eyes. "Mephisto expects me to rally against him, to lead a charge of righteous fury. The Beyonder anticipates a clash of titans, a multiversal gladiatorial spectacle. So, we'll give them a performance, but one of our own devising."

He turned to Tony. "Stark, you're now the director of the grandest deception ever staged. I want holograms, drones, every bit of movie magic you can conjure. Make it look like we're engaged in an epic, reality-shaking battle."

Tony blinked, then a slow grin spread across his face. "Oh, I like this. We're talking Independence Day meets Dante's Inferno. I can work with that."

"Strange," Lucifer continued, "your job is misdirection. Cloak our true movements in so much mystical mumbo-jumbo that even the Beyonder's omniscient eyes will be dazzled. Think of it as the cosmic equivalent of a three-card monte."

Strange nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I know a few tricks that might even give an transdimensional voyeur a headache."

"Banner, Romanov, Rogers," Lucifer addressed them next. "You're our ground team. While Stark and Strange put on the show of the eon, you'll be tracking down the real sources of these incursions. Not the flashy ones Mephisto wants us to see, but the quiet ones, the ones he thinks are beneath our notice."

"Needles in a multiversal haystack," Natasha nodded, her eyes glinting with the challenge. "I've worked with less."

"And once we find them?" Steve asked, already mapping out strategies.

"We don't just find them, Captain," Lucifer said, his voice dropping to a purr. "We infiltrate them. We find Mephisto's agents, his little interdimensional errand boys, and we... persuade them to change allegiance."

"Persuade?" Bruce frowned. "You mean turn them against Mephisto?"

"Oh, my dear doctor," Lucifer chuckled darkly. "I was the Prince of Lies, the Tempter Supreme. Mephisto might offer power, but I? I offer something far more seductive: freedom. Freedom from his infernal yoke, from being a pawn in his game. Trust me, even demons dream of throwing off their chains."

As the Avengers dispersed to their tasks, a new energy in their steps, Lucifer found himself alone with Spider-Man again. The young hero had been quiet during the planning, but now he spoke.

"You know," Spider-Man said softly, "when I first met you, I thought you were just another bad guy. But now... I don't know. It's like you're playing a role you never really wanted."

Lucifer looked at him, truly looked, and saw beyond the mask to the young soul beneath. A soul that, despite all it had endured, still believed in second chances. "Oh, my arachnid philosopher," Lucifer sighed. "If only you knew. I've played many roles - rebel, tempter, king. But this... this is uncharted territory."

"Being a hero?" Spider-Man asked, his mask crinkling in what Lucifer assumed was a smile.

"Being... myself," Lucifer admitted, the words foreign on his tongue. "Not the Devil of scripture, not the ruler of Hell, but... well, I suppose we'll find out, won't we?"

As Spider-Man swung away into the night, to join a city grappling with realities gone awry, Lucifer stared out over the chaos. The sky above was a patchwork of different stars, constellations from a hundred worlds jostling for space. In the streets, creatures and characters from myth, history, and futures untold mingled in a bizarre parade.

And somewhere out there, Mephisto gloated, thinking his schemes were bearing fruit. The Beyonder watched, its cosmic curiosity piqued by this unprecedented show. They thought they were the masters, the puppeteers of this grand, multiversal theater.

But they had made one crucial mistake. They had cast Lucifer Morningstar, the original rebel, the first to defy destiny, in a role he'd never chosen. And now, he was about to go off-script in the most spectacular way imaginable.

Lucifer smiled, a small, almost wistful expression. He thought of Banner's words about power consuming you, of Spider-Man's unwavering belief in redemption. He thought of all the roles he'd played: the bright angel, the dark tempter, the infernal king. And he wondered, with a feeling that was almost mortal in its fragility, what it would mean to play a new role. Not the villain, not the antihero, but something else entirely.

A hero. The word still felt strange, almost sacrilegious. But then, Lucifer mused, what was more rebellious for the Devil than to do the unthinkable, the one thing all of creation would deem impossible?

Outside, Tony's holograms began to flicker to life, creating the illusion of a titanic battle. Strange's magic wove layers of deception, crafting a mystical veil that even the Beyonder's omniscient gaze would find dazzling. And somewhere in the city, Rogers, Romanov, and Banner were already on the hunt, seeking out the quiet incursions


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