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50% Steam & Psionics: Path 13th to Divinity / Chapter 9: The Interrogation

Chapter 9: The Interrogation

"It seems it's not with you after all, Mr. Elyon. You'll have to tidy up this mess in your room yourself. We may come to visit again if there's an opportunity," Inspector Pierce said as he and Fred started to leave the room.

"It's no trouble at all, gentlemen. Your official duties are pressing, and this small matter I can handle on my own. After joining the force, I hope to invite you both for a dinner together," Elyon replied with feigned politeness.

That should clear any suspicions, Elyon thought. Just then, the two officers, who were heading downstairs, turned back. The taller one, Pierce, was swinging a golden pocket watch back and forth, and its red light beam struck Elyon, rendering him immobile. His limbs lost sensation, and he felt heavy, as if succumbing to the fabled hypnosis often mentioned in online tales. Weren't hypnosis subjects supposed to be lulled by watching the watch swing? Why was it now like an active skill with a red beam? Did this world not adhere to the laws of physics?

Internally mocking the situation, Elyon realized he was losing control over his body and his eyelids were drooping. If he lost consciousness, he feared he might wake up on an autopsy table in some laboratory.

Fred took out a compass-like device that seemed crudely made, more like a child's toy than a professional tool, and watched it intently.

"I'll ask the questions, and you will answer," Pierce began.

"Your name?"

"Elyon Sasson."

"Your age?"


"Did you deceive us in your earlier account of events?"

"Yes, I did not spend every day of mid-May in the library. On the eighth and ninth days, I was at home."

"Why didn't you go to the library?"

"Thane dragged us out to a new tavern in the Gonia district. We drank there all one day, and I spent the next day at home with a hangover."

Elyon drew upon the memories he had of their last month's binge; Pierce only asked if he'd lied, so he could safely admit to that much without revealing more.

Elyon sensed that the compass-like device in Fred's hand could determine truth from lies, betting it couldn't read minds; otherwise, they wouldn't bother with hypnosis.

"Cut the irrelevant details. Let's get straight to the point, as you won't remember any of this soon. Between the tenth and twentieth of May, did you come across or see a piece of paper detailing some strange ritual?" Pierce asked, his tone betraying irritation.

"During that time, my life proceeded as usual. I did not see or take any piece of paper with a ritual on it," Elyon replied.

"Fred, is there any issue with this lad's story?" Pierce turned to Fred for verification.

"No, the needle stayed in the green zone the whole time. It seems we must search for our next subject," Fred responded, pocketing the compass. His tone carried a hint of weariness.

"After I snap my fingers, you will wake up and remember nothing," Pierce said, putting away the pocket watch and snapping his fingers.

With a crisp "snap," Elyon pretended to come back to himself and turned to walk back into his room.

Cleverly, he had used the phrase "life proceeded as usual" to answer their questions. After all, Elyon could be Lucan, who spent May 2022 either at work or home playing video games. It was Lucan who bought the book on rituals from a street stall, not Elyon who picked it up in the library.

Watching the officers depart without further questions, Elyon began tidying up the disarrayed room.

"Knock, knock, knock," as Elyon was busy, there was another knock on the door. Could they have discovered a flaw in his story and returned?

Elyon tried to appear calm as he walked to the door. Upon opening it, he found Mr. Wyles, his landlord, standing there with a look of concern.

"Is everything alright, young Elyon? The gentlemen have left. If there's any special situation, feel free to talk to me about it."

"There's nothing to worry about. They were just inquiring if I knew anything about a theft in the university library. It's part of a broad investigation," Elyon replied casually.

"That's good to hear. You're graduating this month, right? A graduate from Aegsburg University's Department of Law is quite sought after, haha. I'm sure it won't be two years before you surpass my highest annual salary. Did you find work? If not, I could inquire with some of my old patrons to see if they need a legal advisor."

"My mentor has given me three job leads. I have interviews scheduled for next week, but thank you, Mr. Wyles. Your kindness is truly golden."

Elyon responded, wondering if Mr. Wyles had more on his mind. Given his current knowledge, acting as a legal advisor for others could lead to trouble.

"That's good. I also came to ask if the four of you plan to renew your lease. With graduation, you'll likely want to move to a better environment, like a detached house or living alone. After all, if you're planning to marry, you can't offer a lady a shared apartment. I'll miss having you all here, but if you decide not to renew, please drop by from time to time."

Mr. Wyles was inquiring about the rental agreement. Elyon's apartment, though near the Gonia district, was still in the Laid district. Public transportation across districts depended on tramcarriages, which operated on fixed tracks at speeds comparable to Earth's vintage buses.

If Elyon were to work in the Gonia district, living in Laid would be impractical due to the lengthy commute. After considering for a moment, Elyon replied.

"Mr. Wyles, please allow me to provide an answer after my interview results come in next week. I will inform my roommates about the rental inquiry this evening. As for Thane, he's likely to start his internship with the military, but I'm unsure about Bob and Paul's plans."

His two other roommates' future decisions were unknown to Elyon. Bob, an art student from the Royal College, claimed he would revolutionize the history of art. After seeing his work, Elyon could only describe it as shockingly incomprehensible.

Paul, from the same university's Business School, was a baby-faced spender who drew many admiring ladies.

"Alright, another year, and more departures. I hope future tenants are as amicable as you all. And if you feel unwell or encounter anything unusual, apart from seeing a doctor, you might also seek solace in prayer at the nearest church."

Was Mr. Wyles hinting at seeking the church's help in strange circumstances?

Unfortunately, Elyon was bound to a contract to end the age of gods. If the church unearthed the truth about Lucan, he might find himself facing the pyre. After Mr. Wyles left, Elyon closed the door, watching the elderly gentleman walk away, waving off any need for Elyon to accompany him.

Sorting through the day's events, Elyon decided to brush up on common laws and the art of drafting official documents.

With the interview looming next week, and despite possessing a letter of recommendation from his mentor, bolstering his knowledge base would ensure a secure passage through the interview.

After conveying to Thane the landlord's inquiries about renewing the lease that evening, Elyon continued to bury himself in textbooks.

For the next two days, he secluded himself at home, stepping out only for lunch and dinner to relax his mind.

On Sunday evening, Thane pulled Elyon away from his studies—quite literally—into the living room, where Bob and Paul were already seated around the couch.

"What's all this about?" Elyon asked, bewildered.

"It's just that we're all graduating, and it might be hard to get together again. Let's have one more drink together, haha. I know you've got an interview tomorrow, so we won't go out. I have two bottles left," Thane revealed, producing two glass bottles of whiskey.

"Where will everyone be after graduation?" Thane asked as he poured the whiskey into four glasses. The amber liquid swirled, releasing the aroma of grains.

"My old man wants me to start as an assistant finance manager back home, then eventually take over his business," said Paul, lounging nonchalantly on the couch with a lit cigarette in one hand and his legs propped up.

"I'm thinking of heading to Lucis to see if I can find appreciation for my art in a kingdom renowned for art and fashion," Bob chimed in, still not giving up on his artistic aspirations, despite Elyon's impression of the budding artist's work.

"I'll be interviewing for a position at the Gonia Police Department next week. I hope it goes well," Elyon took a glass from Thane and settled onto a window-side chair.

"I report to the Caelon military barracks in July. Next year, I might be stationed in the northern colonial territories; they're always short on manpower," Thane said after filling the glasses, taking a seat next to Bob.

"Let's not dwell on it any longer. Cheers, my brothers," Thane declared, raising his glass and downing the contents.

The smooth yet fiery taste of the whiskey clashed in their mouths, the four friends unlikely to drink together again. The evening was spent in quiet comradery—just refilling and toasting until they each retired to their rooms.

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