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31.11% Naruto: Call of Cthulhu / Chapter 14: Unholy Obsession

Chapter 14: Unholy Obsession

Orochimaru's eyes locked onto the page, his breathing quickening as he devoured the words. Each new revelation sent a shiver down his spine.

"Fascinating," he murmured, his voice a soft hiss in the lab's silence. "Absolutely fascinating."

The Necronomicon was no ordinary book. It spoke directly to his soul, resonating with his deepest desires.

Every sentence, every phrase, left an indelible mark on his mind, fueling his insatiable hunger for knowledge and power.

As he read on, his body began to tremble, caught between excitement and numbness.

He felt like he was standing on the cusp of a groundbreaking discovery, staring into the unknown.

The possibilities both thrilled and terrified him, leaving him breathless and wanting more.


As he delved deeper into the Necronomicon, he encountered beings that defied his wildest imagination.

There was Cthulhu, the Great Dreamer, slumbering beneath the waves, and Hastur, the Unspeakable One, who whispered secrets on the wind-swept plains.

Then there was Cthugha, the Living Flame, and Shub-Niggurath.

But one being in the Necronomicon captivated Orochimaru like no other: Yog-Sothoth.

Second only to Azathoth in the pantheon of the Great Old Ones, Yog-Sothoth was said to be the master of time and space, the keeper of all knowledge and wisdom in the universe.

His form was infinite, spreading across countless dimensions and realities like ripples on a pond.

Every moment, every existence, was connected to him.

And he knew all. Past, present, future - nothing was hidden from Yog-Sothoth's all-seeing gaze.

According to the Necronomicon, those who proved worthy could even communicate with this god, learning the secrets of the cosmos from his ageless lips.

All one needed was a silver key.


Orochimaru's heart pounded in his chest as he read on.

A silver key, the key to unlocking the secrets of immortality and ultimate power... it was the ultimate prize, the final piece of the puzzle that would make all his dreams come true.

According to the Necronomicon, the key would unlock a door to a great stone tower, where the priest Umr At-Tawil sat upon his throne.

Those brave enough to gaze upon his face would be granted a glimpse of Yog-Sothoth himself, and with it, the secrets of the universe would be theirs to claim.

"An immortal, older than the Sage of Six Paths... older than ninjutsu itself," he murmured as he struggled to comprehend the enormity of the claim.

The implications were mind-boggling.

If the Great Old Ones were truly eternal, as the Necronomicon claimed, then their secrets could grant him immortality as well.

All he needed was the key, and the universe would be his to command.


But where to find such an artifact? The Necronomicon hinted at its existence, but offered no clues about its whereabouts.

For all Orochimaru knew, it could be hidden anywhere in the world... or beyond.

Doubt began to creep in, whispering in his ear. What if this was all just a myth, a madman's ravings scribbled in some ancient tome?

The claims of omniscience and immortality defied all human logic and reason.

Even the most deluded dreamer wouldn't dare make such outlandish claims. And yet...

His grip on the book tightened, his knuckles white with tension. No, he refused to believe it was all a lie.

The Necronomicon spoke to something deep within him, a primal yearning for truth that could not be denied.

He would find the key, no matter the cost. He would unlock the secrets of the Old Ones, and then...

Just then, something slipped from between the pages of the book, falling to the floor with a metallic clink.

He froze, his gaze snapping to the glinting object at his feet.

Slowly, he bent to retrieve it, his heart pounding in anticipation.


Orochimaru's eyes fixed on the silver fragment in his hand.

It was a piece of a key, exquisitely crafted with swirling patterns that seemed to shift and twist like living vines.

Even incomplete, it was a masterpiece, unlike anything he'd ever seen.

"The Silver Key," he whispered. "The key to the door of truth..."

But how did it end up hidden within the pages of the Necronomicon, waiting for him to discover it?

Was it a clever trick, designed to make the book's wild claims more believable?

His lip curled in a sneer. If so, it was a cheap ploy, unworthy of his attention.

And yet... the key felt real enough in his hand. Cool and solid, pulsing with an unmistakable aura of power.

Just as he pondered this, a sharp knock at the laboratory door made him tense.

His hand instinctively went to the hidden pocket where he'd stashed the key and the Necronomicon.


"Enter," he called, his voice steady despite the racing of his heart.

The door swung open, and a man in a brown robe walked in. His hair was messy, and one eye was hidden behind a patch.

Danzo strode into the room like he owned the place.

His gaze flicked over the body on the operating table without flinching.

"Another failure, I see," he said, his tone as dry as dust.

Orochimaru shrugged. "Ordinary bodies can't handle my experiments. As I've told you, I need-"

"I know what you need," Danzo cut in, waving his hand dismissively. "And I've told you, my Root operatives are off-limits. At least for now."

There was a warning note in his voice, one that Orochimaru knew better than to ignore.

For now, Danzo was content to supply him with test subjects from the dregs of the village.

But if Orochimaru pushed too hard, demanded too much... well, even a snake could be crushed underfoot.


"In any case," Danzo continued, "I didn't come here to discuss your experiments. I have news."

Orochimaru cocked his head. "Oh? What is it?"

"Kakashi and his Anbu team had a run-in with some Kiri shinobis yesterday. They were after some kind of statue."

"A statue?" Orochimaru repeated, his interest piqued.

Danzo nodded. "One with the power to cast genjutsus on all who look upon it, if the reports are to be believed. Kakashi brought it back to the village, but the Hiruzen has ordered it sealed away. Like the Scroll of Seals."

Orochimaru's brow furrowed. A statue that could trap people's minds... it sounded like something from the Necronomicon. Something connected to the Old Ones.

"Where did it come from?" he asked, trying to sound casual. "This statue?"

Danzo replied, "Some cult in Kiri, if the reports are right. They worship something called Cthulhu."


Orochimaru's heart skipped a beat. His breath caught in his throat, and his eyes widened in shock.

Cthulhu. The name jumped out at him from the pages of the Necronomicon, a siren call he couldn't resist.

The Great Dreamer. The High Priest of the Old Ones. The key and the gate.

It all clicked into place. The statue, the Necronomicon, the silver key... they were all part of a larger puzzle, one that he knew he had to solve it.

If he could unlock the secrets of the Old Ones, harness their power for his own...

Then immortality would be within his grasp. And with it, the entire world.

"Cthulhu," Orochimaru mused, a menacing smile spreading across his face. "How very, very interesting..."

Danzo eyed him warily, sensing the shift in his demeanor. "You know something about this... Cthulhu?"

Orochimaru chuckled, a low, sinister sound that sent shivers down even Danzo's spine. "Oh, I might have come across the name in my studies. Ancient legends, dusty old tomes... you know how it is."


He waved a hand, as if dismissing the matter entirely. But beneath the surface, his mind was racing, his genius intellect working at lightning speed.

His teacher had the statue. The statue was linked to Cthulhu. And Cthulhu...

Cthulhu held the key to everything.

Orochimaru's smile grew, his eyes burning with an obsessive intensity.

He would stop at nothing to claim that statue, to unlock its secrets and tap into the power of the Old Ones.

And then... nothing would stand in his way. Not his teacher, not the village, not even death itself.

For he would be immortal. A god in human form.



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He says, "Serious-Lee?".

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