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80.9% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 89: Chapter 89 The Seeing Tree

Chapter 89: Chapter 89 The Seeing Tree

Danzo woke in a glass cell. immediately he examined the area. Getting out seemed impossible, there were seals carved into the roof to prevent him using Chakra of any kind. His eyes trailed to the other cells. He saw people in some of the cells but what really caught his attention was a massive black leech with a white human face, or maybe mask. Not far from the leech was some swirling color he could not put words to that seemed to move as if it were a living thing. Hiss first thought was he died and he was in hell, but logic took over after a few moments.

Then someone walked to the glass. Danzo recognized the boy as Konohamaru, Hiruzens grandchild, the one who left with the fox child. As soon as Danzo thought that said child walked next to Konohamaru. The two spoke to each other, though the room was sealed so Danzo could not hear what they were saying, and they hid their lip movements with their hands.

Konohamaru said something that caused Naruto to nod. Konohamaru went off, while Naruto just looked at Danzo. Eventually Konohamaru returned with a girl wearing curious armor and a full face gas mask. Her complexion was one of a dead girl. It did not escape Danzo that the boy across from him, with the wood and metal arms seemed to recognize the girl. Danzo remembered the boy as one of the Chunin hopefuls during the exam. He quickly guessed that the Girl in Armor was the boys teammate by his reaction, though why he was locked up, and she roamed free Danzo did not know.

The girl reached behind her and pulled out a very curious item. A large gold bell on a velvet string. She explained what it was to the fox child who smiled and nodded. Naruto grabbed some small device from his pocket and placed them in his ear. Konohamaru and the girl did as well. Then Naruto moved over to the side and the class wall rose into the ceiling. Before Danzo could do anything the girl rung her bell and Danzo collapsed. He found he could not move, and was officially at the fox childs mercy and the look on his face made it clear he would get very little mercy.

"Curious the effects sound has on the human body. With the right frequency anything can be done. Kin here is a master of using sound as a weapon. She has studied what different frequencies does to humans. That bell allows her to manipulate a frequency that caused instant paralysis and slight dizziness", said Naruto.

He grabbed a wooden chair and sat over Danzo who looked up at Naruto. Two old calculating eyes watched him as if he were some scientific curiosity to learn about.

"Another thing is that the bell still allows a person to speak, so you and me are going to have a little chat Danzo. You stole something from me, something that you nor anyone else was ready to know existed. The minute you did that you became my enemy, and now you are at my mercy. So tell me, what progress have you had with the Reagent", asked Naruto.

Danzo remained silent. Kin rung her bell again, only this time it made a slighty different sound. Danzo flinched agains his will before blood poured from his ears.

"That should loosen your tongue, now answer my Question", said Naruto.

Danzo found it was somehow difficult to keep silent. He noticed the girl was swinging the bell in a circular motion it put Danzo in a state where he would speak compulsively

"We made little progress, everything came back as mindless beasts", said Danzo.

"So you got that close. Either your reagent is flawed, or you did not inject it into the upper spine. Either way I need to know everything. How many did you resurrect", asked Naruto.

"Five Hundred fifty six", said Danzo.

Naruto stood to his feet and kicked Danzo in his chest.

"You fool, do you have any idea what would happen if that many Zombies get out. They may be weak, but they cannot die. You could have single-handedly destroyed the village", said Naruto.

"I kept them contained for further study, the reagent is to powerful not to know everything about it", said Danzo.

"You should have destroyed them, not studied them. We even burn the resurrected mice for safety reasons. This proved you are not ready for the power of the Reagent", said Naruto.

"And you are", asked Danzo.

"Yes, I am. I know the risks. I ALWAYS take precautions on every project I have. I cannot risk failure, to do so may doom the human race to oblivion. If you had any idea just how foolish your plan was you would have destroyed the ruined reagent when you stole it", said Naruto.

"That formula could single handedly put Konoha ahead of every other Hidden Village. We could have spread and make the entire continent united under Konoha's banner", said Danzo.

"The village doesn't matter", said Naruto.

Danzo glared at Naruto.

"You take that back boy", said Danzo.

"It is true. The Village does not matter, no one village is better than any other. Only Old and senile Fools and those who follow their hazardous Dogma believe it is. Konoha is my village as well, but it is not more important than any other village, whether it be a simple village or a nina village. You think to small Danzo, you care to much for one village, I care for the people within them. Not just Konoha but all of the villages", said Naruto.

"Your words make it sound as if you planed to sell your formula to the other Villages. You are a traitor if you plan to give them such a weapon", said Danzo.

"The Reagent is not a weapon, it can become one, and for the next nine years I will use it as one. But it's true purpose is not as a weapon. It was to be stored here after those nine years until humanity was ready for it", said Naruto.

"Nine years, explain yourself child", said Danzo.

"You are my prisoner, not the other way around. You are not in the position to ask me anything. You made me a missing nin, you made my friends missing nins, I am very powerful Danzo and very smart. You do not want me as an enemy", said Naruto.

"You are but a child, no matter how brilliant you are you are still weak, and you cannot Understand anything of my plan. I was to unite the world under one banner", said Danzo.

"Through militant force. Peace may one day come, but not by force. Let peace come naturally, eventually we will either destroy ourselves or evolve past war with ourselves, but if it will happen then it must happen on it's own, so let it. If you force peace then you doom the species. Your way to peace would leave only Konoha as a nina village, while others do not even attempt to take up arms against you out of fear. And should Konoha fall the other villages will follow. The Third's method is superior to yours Danzo. He fought for peace not with armies or weapons but with words", said Naruto.

Danzo fought to move, but Kin only plaid her bell again leaving him motionless. In response Danzo spat at Naruto.

"Hiruzens ways would destroy Konoha", said Danzo.

Naruto was tired of trying to convince Danzo of anything. He decided to instead to take the information he needed.

"Your grafted on arm has been tested as has the many sharingan eyes on your arm both are worthy of study, though it has also made you something not entirely human. It is the only thing we have in common", said Naruto.

Danzo looked to Naruto with confusion.

"What do you mean", asked Danzo.

Before his very eyes, Naruto shifted into some horrible form with nine eye covered tentacles, grey skin, and alien features. Danzo noticed he now had four arms. Sai had told him of this power, bt hearing about it and seeing it were two entirely different things. Naruto mentally lifted Danzo into the air. He put his hands to His head and read every memory he ever had. Digging very deep. Once done he shifted to normal causing Danzo to fall to the ground. Naruto's face was one of subdued anger but with hints of apathy. It scared Danzo to see.

"Seeing things from your point of veiw, I still find your argument flawed and the vile and with the heinous things you have done, it angers me greatly, the things you have done to people, killing the innocent, killing more young children than I care to count, starting wars to further yourself, sacrificing the lives of the innocent, and back stabbing your best friend. I see now that you will not change. I also know where you keep your Baku scroll. Good, their dream eating abilities will come in handy. I see traces of Humanity in you Danzo, it's faint but it's there, buried under all the filth never to emerge again. I can't allow you to continue as you are. A friend has found some use in you after looking at your arm, he has requested to experiment on you and your memories have pushed me to grant him his request. You will become Herberts newest lab rat. Your methods are monstrous, but whatever you have done to yourself is something worth study. ", said Naruto.

He turned to Kin.

"Take him to Herbert", said Naruto.

Kin nodded before her and several shadow clones put Danzo on a stretcher. Naruto looked down on the old man and shifted into his Eldritch form again.

"I know for a fact that whatever Herbert has planned will be painful. So to spare what little humanity you have, I will grant you your greatest wish", said Naruto.

He lifted a hand and placed it to Danzo's head where it destroyed his mind. The purple glow faded and Naruto shifted back to normal.

"Your wish to kill your emotions has been granted. You now are completely incapable of feeling any emotion ever again, your humanity is dead", said Naruto as he turned back to exit the room.

Danzo watched as he was brought to a room where there stood a man wearing a black cloak and a kitsune mask. He rubbed his hands in anticipation. Danzo watched as he grabbed a scalpel and went for his chest with it. Danzo felt no fear, he watched as the man cut into his chest and inserted wired. Danzo felt no anger. He watched as the man left the room. Danzo felt no Happiness. Danzo watched as the man returned to him and put strange fluids in the tubes. Danzo felt no Sadness. Danzo watched as his body began to change as the fluids pumped into him watching the macabre show of deformation and mutation, and Danzo felt nothing but pain.

Konoha was not in chaos as many feared. Most of the populace was relieved the man who's obsession with the reagent was no longer their leader. The rumors spread far into the village. It made it's wat to all ears. Tsunade was easily put into the position. Her first decree was the complete disbanding of ROOT and the destruction of it's bases. Only two were fond but Hiruzen knew there were more. The ANBU would continue their search untill very one was found and every secret they had was in the Hokage's hands. Had Danzo seen this he would have understood why humanity was insignificant including himself.

With Hiruzens help Tsunade would bring the village to new heights though the village was still in bad shape from both the invasion and Danzo's leadership. They did not know that searching out the bases would unleash a horror onto the village, but that would not happen just yet. Danzo's bases were well hidden, and to find but one would take time.

Walking the streets was an inconspicuous boy, with deathly pale skin and black hair. His face an emotionless mask. He wore a hooded robe to hide himself. He had no purpose and yet he continued to live. Following his last order.

"Find Naruto Uzumaki and watch him", said Sai out loud.

It was the last order he could remember, and so long as he drew breath he would follow it. Needless to say, with his whereabouts unknown, that was going to be a difficult task. He would wait. Little did he know that Naruto was all around him. Animals and people looked at him, he had no way of knowing that many were clones of the very boy he sought to find. The clones ignored him, let Naruto decide what actions to take.

Naruto sat in his office looking at every memory he removed from Danzo's head, it made him angry, to the point where he cared very little for whatever Herbert was doing to the vild and pitiful excuse for a human being. The fact that he had some humanity only made it worse. Naruto did not regret his decision even after realizing that Danzo was not as much of a monster as he believed. Though once his emotions were removed, there was little left of anything that could be called a human. He counted the items in his desk again out of habit, it calmed him. Hours had passed when Herbert returned.

"I finished my experiment", said Herbert with sadistic glee.

"What did you do to him", asked Naruto.

"If you want to know, go to the greenhouse room. I thought it would be ironic to put him around the Devine flowers, they were all he needed to complete his reagent", said Herbert.

Naruto nodded. He got out of his desk and followed Herbert. Once in the greenhouse room of the Shinigami he noticed something unusual. In the center of the room was a plot of grass behind one of the glass doors. It was next to the plot where the Devine flowers were growing. Naruto walked inside the room. Other than the grass there was only one other plant in this room. It was a large tree. Naruto walked up to the tree and noticed red spots on it. As he neared he froze. The tree was covered in multiple Sharingan eyes that looked around the room. They all focused on Naruto and followed his movement. Naruto looked at the tree itself. It was a sick reddish brown color, but otherwise looked like an oak tree rooted to the ground. Naruto looked at the only eye on the tree that was not a sharingan eye. Focusing for a second he realized he was looking at a vaguely human face. The eyes on the face were disturbing, with one being Danzo's regular eye the other a Mangekyo sharingan.

Naruto looked at the strange sight before him not knowing what to think.

"He is still alive", said Herbert with a smile.

"What the hell happened to him", asked Naruto.

"My own idea, the bastard is now a tree. All I had to do was further the Mokuton bloodline along and force mutation onto him, almost killed him but I did everything to make sure he stays alive for a long long time.", said Herbert as he started to chuckle.

Naruto fell silent. The eyes still looked at him, even in this state he could tell Dazno still had no emotion at all. The eyes looked dead. Even the vaguely human face held the look of Apathy. Naruto shook his head and looked at the roots of the tree. Some looked as if they had hands frozen into place at the tip of the roots.

"I think you may have gone a bit to far Herbert", said Naruto.

"Maybe but what did you expect would happen when you gave him to me, I cannot wait to study this thing", Herbert.

Naruto nodded.

"I didn't expect this, but whats done is done. He brought it on himself, no one makes my friends criminals when he was the one who stole from me", said Naruto.

"Yeah karma is a bitch", said Herbert.

Naruto approached the tree the eyes still followed him. When he shifted to his eldritch form he placed a hand on the bark. He read his mind.

"His mind is little more than an animals mind, but we must take precautions. Make sure the tree cannot produce seeds. I don't want there to be any more of these things to exist", said Naruto.

Herbert nodded.

"Simple enough, need anything else", asked Herbert.

Naruto shifted back to normal.

"No, nothing at all", said Naruto as he shifted back to normal.

He looked at the one eye on the tree that was not a sharingan.

"I told you that I am not an enemy you want to have, your ambition ends Danzo and the world is better for it", said Naruto.

Naruto left the greenhouse. Danzo was taken care of. Which ment it was time for Minato and Kushina to return home. It would be nice to talk to them before they left. But first he had business in Konoha. He had a Hokage to talk to, and a summoning contract to retrieve.

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