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Ch 3: Red Blood Piranha



"Alright. It seems like you've got all the information you want. It's about the time you start the test or you'll miss the current batch of regulars." Headon clapped his hands to get the attention.

"And your test is..."


Suddenly the bright light in the jail behind Headon turned off.

"The Survivor"


When the lights turned on again, the giant eel behind the bar before is gone. Instead there are thousands or maybe tens of thousands red scaled fish. Their bodies were as big as half a human's, around 1 meter long. And their jaw full of fangs look like they could tear a steel easily.

When Yuri saw this, she was immediately angry. If it's not because Headon is an administrator, she might choked him on the spot. Meanwhile Evan was shocked too, but he kept quiet and only glanced at Headon.

"Are you crazy! Headon!!"

"This is not something that can be done by someone who just got in the Tower! Do you want to kill him?!"

Looking at this thousand Red Blood Piranha and shinsu even denser than before. She feels like Bam's test is more humane and logical.

"I'm just a mere guardian of the first floor doing my job, Princess. Someone enter, and I make a test." Headon stated.

"Don't go Drake. This evil rabbit is trying to kill you. This fish is a Shinheuh (Divine Sea Fish) called Red Blood Piranha. It's one of the most violent Shinheuh in the tower.

Not only that, they're quite strong and intelligent. Each one is comparable to E-rank regular. Facing few of them is okay, but when there's swarm of thousands, not even ranker dare to face them."

Yuri tried to convince Drake to give up this test. Headon must intentionally give this impossible test just because there are two irregular entered the tower. He definitely didn't want to let him climb. So he tried to kill him here.

"The choice is not on you Princess. And still, don't you underestimate him too much, my Princess?" Headon refuted.

"You just want to kill him because he's an Irregular!" Yuri shouted at Headon again.

"Are you scared? There is exactly 10,000 Red Blood Piranha inside. Your task is only to survive for 10 minutes inside." Ignoring Yuri infront of him. Headon turned his head to Drake and ask.

"So what's your choice, young man? *Smirk*" He smirked like he already knows his answer.

"Do I have another choice? *Grin*"

Drake replied Headon smirk with his crazy grin.

"One thing. Do it count as passed if I kill them all before 10 minutes?"

"Well yeah of course." Headon simply answered.

"You asked my choice right? Of course I'll fuck them up! HAHAHAHAHA!!"

Drake laughed as if he were going for a swim at the beach instead of diving into that tank full of piranhas.

"Wait- NO!!"

Yuri tried to stop him but Headon's stick stopped her first.



Drake who just jumped to the tank, directly faced by thousands of hungry piranha.

Drowning in the dense shinsu. He shout,

"AaAAaaaAHhHHHhhH... This is it!


Drake absorbed all the mana around him at astonishing speed.

His body that stands at 1.8 meter tall, suddenly growing to 2.5 meter. His clothes tore showing his muscle and the tattoo around his body.

Seeing this, Yuri and Evan surprised that Drake could do this. This man they thought that just an amateur newbie like Bam actually could gather that much shinsu inside his body.

Looking at his current strength. He is already as strong as a ranker, albeit a just a normal one. But you should note that he just entered the tower!

"Yuri Evan, as my gratitude. I'll show you my signature moves!"

[Black Flash!]

When he clenched his fist, a purple-ish black lightning flashed around his fist. Then he punched it towards the the swarm of piranha.


The punch exploded and kill at least dozen piranhas. But instead of fear, they become more vicious.


Blood from the exploded piranha spread across the tank provoking the rest of them.

"Come on you all! Black Flash!!"

Drake punched again and again. Every blow is coming with a black flash killing the piranhas.

However there's just too much of them. Drake is constantly getting pushed back. But he always calculate his move. Every time he moved, it's just at the right time and the right place.

"Black Flash! Black Flash! Black Flash! BLACK FLASH!!"


The sounds of explosion and shrills of the piranhas just keep repeating. Blood that spilled has already colored the whole tank red. Until,


After all those sacrifice, one of the piranha finally caught Drake fist. It bite his hands off then chew it along with the bones.

"Drake!!" Yuri and Evan shouted. They're worried because there are still 3 minutes left and Drake already lost his hand. While Headon is just smiling as always, his smile even widened.

Drake jumped far backwards and look at his right hand then look at the piranha.

"Hahahahahah! You fish, how does my meat taste like? It seems like I underestimated you."

Drake laughed it off like nothing happened. Not even grimace of pain. He look at his pocket and see there's 3 minutes left. Then he look at the piranhas. At a glance, it looks like there are still half of them remain.

"At this rate I won't be able to kill you all before the time ends. I'ma get a little serious. Don't die easily. *Grin*"

In an instant, his right hand who had chopped of is regenerated and grew a sharp claws. Then his shinsu is getting heavier, and his eye become sharper, like an eagle.

Now not only Yuri and Evan, but even Headon is a little surprised.

Drake took his stance, ready to cut. The crazed piranhas come at him again. Then,

[Alkhazar Style Swordmanship: Howling Moon, Five Stack]


The world seemed to stop for a moment.

One claw

Cut through space

Killed all the piranhas


Lull_321 Lull_321

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