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18.45% Real Waifu Catalog: Warcraft Beta Tester / Chapter 62: Stage One of Testing

Chapter 62: Stage One of Testing

5/7 just past midnight

I started with a kiss. Lillibeth/Prudence responded eagerly, pressing against me. It was odd; from what Vanessa had told me, Prudence would be catatonic for a few days at least. Her mind wouldn't be able to connect one thought to the next, essentially, with some lingering side effects possible. Lillibeth bypassed the brain entirely, it would seem.

"How do you feel? You seem in good spirits."

"I can touch and feel whatever I want, and I can't feel a damn thought from her trying to push me out. I feel hungry and everything."

"So is this just you? The real Lillibeth?" I pulled out a meat pastry Darcell had bought, still a bit warm. She took it greedily and started eating. Not like someone starving. She ate slowly, savoring it, like someone who wasn't very hungry but had been presented with their favorite food.

"Nah. Prudence is here but she's not doin any of the thinkin, and Lillibeth isn't doing any of the doing or the talking. If you want to hear Lilli talkin you'll need to come see her when she's in one of them skeletons in the graveyard. Course, the skeleton wouldn't feel near as nice doing this." She reached down with one hand and gently took my cock through the layers of my robe. I couldn't feel it much, but the point was made. I noted what she said for a few days from now though; it might be nice to give her a mindless undead body she can use whenever she wants, once the result would be physically appealing.

"Do you love me?"

"Definitely I love ya. Ya saved me from the darkest point. Let me live again." She smiled warmly as she said it.

I checked my app; very romantic, I know. Prudence was in there, with an indicator showing she was linked to Lillibeth but not actually a member of the retinue. I checked her estimated time to capture, and it was 71 hours. Minimum time to be captured by the necklace, but not instant.

"Could you say it some more? I know it's a bit weird, but I think you can pass your love for me onto the people you possess. Add them to my group. It's also nice to hear."

"I kinda hope it doesn't just turn into a magic incantation. Won't be half so fun to say if it's just work." She sighed. "But I do love you. I think you made me love you, but it's true anyway. I love you more'n anything in the world, right now and as far back as I can remember. I hope you love me back, a bit."

"I do, at least a bit." I spoke as I started to disrobe, and she followed suit. It had been a stressful day, and I didn't get laid nearly as often as a man with a harem should. "You're interesting, and helpful. I definitely want to keep you by my side unless I have a good reason to change my tune. Plus, you are effectively a variety of different people because of how I have to interact with you. I don't see myself getting bored any time soon." She seemed to like what she was hearing. It wasn't over the top or particularly romantic, but all she seemed to need was reassurance that she wouldn't be alone again.

On the blatantly using her end of the spectrum, I checked the app again. No change. Damn. Having Lillibeth take over someone braindead immediately and capture them in 3 days would be useful, but not as much as instant capture would have been. I didn't know if I wanted to always be committing her to that job. It would be the equivalent of turning her into an extra necklace, albeit one that got immediate results and could reliably be passed on more quickly. I'd lose the use of her as a scout or invisible assistant, unless I could jury rig some way to have her come and go from a certain body without resetting the timer.

Prudence had several scars and a rather hard body, but I enjoyed the variety. Lillibeth luxuriated in the sensations, grabbing hold of me as we toppled onto the bed. Prudence's face had a playful grin as I rolled her onto her back. "Yeah. Yeah don't leave me waiting. I love feeling you inside me." I couldn't deny a lady a request like that, so we dissolved into a mass of moans and grunts.

We settled into a rhythm, but she already knew I liked dirty talk from my time with Abby. "Don't stop, don't stop, don't ever stop." She wrapped her legs around me, trying to thrust in time with me. "I'll do this for you any time, anywhere. See a pretty girl you want, and I'll be her. I'll make her your little slut." I rewarded her excellent suggestion by treating her like exactly the good little slut she was promising.

She came long before I did, multiple times. I can't even pretend it was my technique or rugged masculinity; she was just greedy for the experience. When I came, she wrapped herself around me and whispered in my ear. "I'd beat any other man who didn't pull out black and blue. But you can do whatever you want; I love you too much to ever say no."

Eventually I pulled out, and she took it upon herself to clean my cock off. She relished the taste, more because it was a strong and distinctive taste than because it was particularly pleasant. I realized that her extreme reactions to my body wouldn't last forever, so I decided to fix that.

Sexual contact with Erich Bismark: great pleasure

Ingesting Erich Bismark's semen: intense Orgasm

That should do it. At least partially. That done, I curled up with my lover and went to sleep.


I woke up at around 8, when I'd set my alarm. I was still spooning with Prudence, who was still wearing Lillibeth's necklace. Good. I was in no hurry to go downstairs, so I enjoyed the situation and went over my app.

No changes from fucking Prudence, not that I'd been expecting them. I was certain that I was missing something; Abby had sure as hell been affected by things she'd done and said while possessed.

Tony wasn't available in Elwynn today, since he was going to be pretending to be me after Vanessa went to the meeting, so I figured that I might as well check missions in Redridge. The Lions could do minor missions too as long as someone in the retinue was directing them, and it would be useful to unlock the regional quest for here. I didn't remember enough about the lore in Redridge to know who The Company would classify as top dog.

Missing in Action

Rescue the captured soldier John Keeshan from Renders Rock in the northern Redridge mountains.

Rewards: Mission Ticket, Entrancing Orb

Well there was a name I recognized. Not from my current era, admittedly. I recognized him because in the Cataclysm expansion Blizzard had inexplicably decided to turn John Keeshan into a giant action movie reference complete with tragic backstory and a tank. I wasn't entirely sure what was canon here, but if he was half the badass he was in the quest chains I remember I wanted him in the Lions. Possibly leading them. Oh yeah, and the rewards were great. An entrancing orb had absolutely come in clutch with Abercrombie, and I was currently flush with mission tickets, but I could probably afford to use some of them. I just didn't want to get too distracted from… Mor'ladim. Who I'd been ignoring for the last 24 hours. Dammit.

I only knew one member of my retinue who could sneak deep into… wherever Renders Rock was, probably enemy territory, it wasn't marked on my map. Actually maybe three. But Vanessa was busy betraying her closest friends and I still wanted to figure out the ins and outs of Lillibeth's power set.

"Hey, Keryn. You awake?" I got a slightly groggy "yeah" back. "So I have something I need you to do for me. A guy who needs rescuing from behind enemy lines." As I spoke, Prudence woke up without any signs of early morning grogginess.

"Huh. Who, where, and when?"

"John Keeshan. I think he's a corporal in the Stormwind army. Currently he's being held in a place called Renders Rock in the northern Redridge Mountains. And as soon as possible. Today if you can." Prudence slid under the covers.

"What, you want me to just completely drop my mission here?" I felt a warm wetness on my cock, licking up the stiffening shaft.

"In case you forgot, I am actively trying to get you to lose your job. This is something I want done. You're the only person I have on hand who seems likely to be able to get it done. For what it's worth, all I need from you is to get in and physically lift him for ten seconds. You can teleport him to safety and then come back." The wetness enveloped my cock's head and started gently suckling.

"Alright. Fine. Can I finish my breakfast or is this urgent?" I felt a slight shudder as she tasted my precum, and then the sucking became more vigorous.

"It's fine. I'm hardly out of bed myself. I'll let you know before I summon you, and I'll give Darcell her marching orders unless you think she's up for a rescue mission." Lips reached the base of my shaft.

"Nah. She's still green. I'll have her monitor the situation here from a safe distance." Prudence didn't seem to have a gag reflex at the moment.

"Write me up a report on what you've been doing. From what Darcell mentioned it seems to have been going reasonably well, or at least exciting." I grunted slightly as I came, more from the pornographic nature of the situation than from the stimulation itself, which was immediately followed by Prudence cumming her brains out.

"Will do, sir." Prudence crawled out from under the covers with a satisfied expression.

I hung up. "Well good morning to you too."

"Mornin. So what's your breakfast going to be?"


I checked in with Yanca; she seemed to be doing well. I assured her that we were considering options, that I'd have the solution for her by the end of the week, and then she could get back to work on whatever she wanted to do. She'd be captured and restored in a few days, so I didn't think it would be a problem to make those kinds of promises. In the meantime I suggested she rest up. I didn't really know how she'd pass the time one armed, but I was too busy to entertain her. Ah. I've got it.

Trusting Erich Bismark: negative emotion reduction

Thinking or acting in the interests of Erich Bismark: mild euphoria

Not exactly subtle, but soothing some of the anxiety seems like the best thing to do on a time budget. A shame she didn't know the area, being originally from Elwynn, or I'd hook her up with Keryn as a source of information. Instead that was Auffrey's job; if anyone in town knew where Render's Rock was, she could find out.

I let Auffrey know that I was sending an agent to find a new commander for the Lions, and that she should formalize the contract with the Magistrate. Once we secured Lakeshire, I wanted Auffrey to go to Stormwind and see if she could drum up some support for the Lions, including recruitment and possibly capture of any influential friends or family she might have. Mostly I wanted someone in Stormwind I could teleport to, but I was hoping she'd be able to get the Rampant Lions recognized as a legitimate organization. After that meeting, I summoned Keryn and directed Auffrey to give her any information and assistance she could spare.

I sent Vanessa today's necklace, which was a silk choker with an emerald clasp. I hoped she'd find a good use for it. The next few days worth of necklaces were set aside for snapping up her team, hushing up everyone that knew about these necklaces, and getting Lividia, Tony, and Abby back where they belonged.

I snuck back into the small yard behind the inn where I wouldn't be seen, and summoned Mezzo. "So, is anyone promising?" The day before, I'd summoned my imp to give him a mission. Another little experiment of mine.

"I'm not exactly mister popular, you know. You sure you don't want another imp?"

"No. Capturing someone that is explicitly not an imp is very important."

He sighed, and started in on who he might be able to capture for me in the Twisting Nether.

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