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77.77% I'm in Harry Potter Being a Demigod / Chapter 7: "Harry Potter"

Chapter 7: "Harry Potter"

He had made it, Harry watched as the smoke from the locomotive rose above the heads of the noisy crowd, while cats of all colors came and went between people's legs.

The owls called to each other, with a sullen hoot, above the noise of the chatter and the movement of the heavy trunks.

For Harry, all this excited him, and he longed for life in this new world even more, which is why he didn't sleep all night.

Once he entered the train, the first cars were full of students of all years, some looked out of the windows to talk to their families, others argued about seats and some greeted each other after a long time without seeing each other.

Harry made his way until he found a compartment with extra space near the end of the train.

"Sorry, do you mind if I sit down?"

Inside was a boy with wavy black hair. If he remembered correctly it was this boy he ran into at the station.

His appearance was slender, his face was calm, and his eyes were somewhat sleepy.

He seemed somewhat dazed and had a disorganized appearance, he was wearing clothes as if he were going camping in the forest and unlike the rest of the students, he only brought a backpack.

He turned his face away and responded.

"No problem, there is enough space."

Harry nodded his head and first put Hedwig, his owl, in a seat, and began to push the trunk toward the door of the carriage.

He tried to lift him up, but could only lift him a little before he fell.

"Do you want me to give you a hand?"

Harry was startled and when he looked behind him he realized that it was the previous boy.

Somewhat embarrassed he responded.

"Yes please".

Then, in front of his surprised gaze, he saw how the boy completely lifted the cart, as if it were... I don't know anything is wrong... something light perhaps...

He dusted off his palms and returned to his seat.

Harry came to his senses and was grateful.

"Thank you".

"No problem, it doesn't cost anything... this one..."

"Of course, Harry Potter, a pleasure."

He extended his somewhat sweaty hand and gave his name.

The boy was stunned for a few seconds and looked at him somewhat strangely.

Harry looked at his hand and quickly wiped it away and held it out again.

"Leo, Leo Jackson. That's my name, nice to meet you Harry."

Harry felt surprised, you know since he came into this world no matter who it was he was very excited about him, it was the first time he had seen such a calm reaction so he couldn't help but ask.

"You don't feel weird or awkward meeting me."

"Because I should".

"Well, it's not that I want to show off, but I'm somewhat known around here." Harry lifted his hair, exposing a lightning bolt-shaped scar.

"I'm sorry I don't know you, am I supposed to?"

Feeling that he misunderstood something he quickly denied.

"No, that's fact it's great, I was just curious about...."

Before he finished speaking an exclamation sound interrupted them.

"Is that...?" Outside were two twins with reddish hair, if Harry remembered their names were Fred and George.

"Wow, that's amazing." said the other twin.

"Is it you...?

"It's definitely the George." said the first.

"It's you, isn't it?" They approached him and asked him, staring at his forehead.

"Who?" Harry asked a little confused but seeing where his gaze was going he quickly understood.

"Harry Potter" they responded in unison.

"Oh, him," said Harry, who had already understood. "I mean, yeah, it's me."

The two boys gaped at him and Harry felt himself blush a little.

Then he turned around and looked at his cabin mate.

And with his eyes he said.

'See, this is a normal reaction.'

Feeling somewhat helpless.

Leo who saw this simply shrugged and sat back down, expressing that he had nothing to do with this.

Just as Harry was feeling a little overwhelmed by the twins' questions, much to his relief, a voice came through the open compartment door.

"Fred? George? Are you there?"

"Let's go mother." With an apologetic look they quickly left the carriage.

Harry, who was finally freed, sat next to the window, right in front of Leo.

From there, half hidden, I could hear everything the redheaded family was saying outside the cabin.

From time to time exclamations of surprise were heard and subtle glances appeared from time to time scanning him.

The truth is he felt like an animal in a zoo, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"I see you weren't exaggerating about earlier."

Harry saw Leo who didn't know when he took out a book, and at his words he could only smile wryly.

The train began to move slowly after a warning through horns.

Harry looked out as the train moved and saw the boys' mother waving her hand while the little sister cried and ran after the train.

However, once it began to accelerate, they could only stop and wave at the scene.

Harry looking at the mother and daughter couldn't help but think, that maybe if he had parents they...could be just as sad for him.

For a moment he felt quite sad, but that feeling didn't last long.

While he watched the houses speed past the window and the air blowing in his face.

Harry felt a wave of excitement.

He may not have known what was going to happen in the future... but it would never be worse than what he left behind.

The compartment door opened and the youngest of the redheads entered.

"Is there anyone sitting there?" he asked, pointing to the seat next to Harry.

Leo and I turned to look at him.

Honestly, his question seemed a little stupid to me, don't you see that there is no one? and why next to me and not Leo's.

Harry looked at Leo, who was looking at the boy who entered as if he were a retard, without even hiding it a bit.

Well...that explains why he doesn't want to sit there.

Harry forced a smile, shook his head, and the boy sat down.

He glanced at Harry and then quickly looked out the window, as if he hadn't been watching.

But after a few seconds he apparently couldn't help it anymore and asked.

"Are you really Harry Potter?"

Harry simply nodded.

"Seriously... I mean, are you that 'HarryPotter'?"

"No, his name is Harry Stark, famous philanthropist, known for his ability to spend money."

Leo responded with some cynicism.

The boy blushed a little and scratched his head a little.

"I'm sorry... You are."

"Before asking someone's name you should say yours first."

"Oh... well, sorry, my mistake, I thought it might be one of Fred and George's pranks, I got a little nervous."

"I didn't even notice you, well, nice to meet you my name is Ronald. Ronald Weasley, my friends usually call me Ron, you can call me that."

The boy named Ron said, apparently feeling a little embarrassed by his previous behavior.

Leo was silent for a while and then extended his hand.

"Leo...Leo Jackson just call me Leo."

Seeing how they quickly became friends, Harry also said.

"Yo, my name is Harry..."

"We know". Ron and Leo responded in unison.

"A... Right."

For a second we all had fun and started laughing.

And after getting to know each other for a while, we quickly hit it off.

Ron is a little stupid but he is not a bad person, he is from a family of wizards, but unlike other families his is relatively poor.

He has many brothers and according to him he was the sixth among them to enter Hogwarts.

In fact his robe and wand were both his older brothers'.

As for Leo, although he is a bit strange and sometimes distracted, he is someone who is very lively when you meet him.

In his words, like me he is an orphan, only unlike me he was abandoned at the gates of an orphanage.

And like me, he doesn't have much knowledge of the magical world, which made me feel closer to him.

At half past twelve a middle-aged woman passed by pushing a cart.

Seeing the embarrassed looks of her friends who only brought some hamburgers with them.

And watching the drool run down Leo's mouth.

I paid for all the sweets and shared them with everyone, we had a good time eating the candy of all the flavors.

I found flavors like toast, coconut, boiled beans, strawberry, curry, herbs, coffee, sardines and other flavors.

Leo and Ron were quite unlucky, the flavors they tried were saliva, pepper, chili, onion and Leo could swear that he got one that tasted like mucus.

In fact, since then he stopped playing with us and almost vomited on us. Luckily the train windows were sliding.

While we were chatting, the landscape seen out the window became increasingly wilder.

The cultivated fields had disappeared and replaced by forests, meandering rivers and dark green hills. Leo kept saying strange things, something about centaurs or something, but me and Ron still didn't see anything.

A few hours passed and it was already quite late.

Leo started reading the previous book in fact he was a little curious and when I asked what it was about, he said it was one about mythological monsters and gods.

I felt a little bored and was drawn to what Ron was saying.

"You know, yesterday I tried to turn Scabbers yellow to make him more interesting, but the spell didn't work." he said, as he placed Scabbers, his rat, on his lap.

"Pay attention, I'll show you, look..."

He reached into a trunk and after a while took out a very worn wand that was chipped in some places.

Honestly, it didn't seem very reliable, Leo who had stopped reading for a moment and I doubted its functioning a little.

There was a knock on the compartment door, and Ron who was about to wave his wand stopped and looked. It also caught Leo and I's attention.

The girl was already wearing her Hogwarts robes. She had brown hair and was quite fluffy.

"Has anyone seen a toad? Neville lost one." The girl said with a somewhat bossy voice.

"We haven't seen any toads." Ron who had been interrupted responded rudely, but the girl wasn't listening, or she pretended not to.

She just looked at the wand that

she had in her hand and said.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Then let's go see it."

She sat in the free chair, that is, next to Leo.

Ron and I thought he was going to protest but when we saw him we found him staring at the girl in shock.

She surprised me a little, you should know that even after knowing her identity he didn't seem surprised at all.

"Uh... okay." Ron cleared his throat.

"Sunbeam, daisies, turn this silly little rat yellow."

He waved his wand, but nothing happened. Scabbers slept on, as gray as ever.

"Are you sure this is the appropriate spell?" The girl asked.

"Well, it's not very effective, is it? I tried a few simple ones, just for practice, and they worked. No one in my family is a magician, it was quite a surprise when I received my letter, but I was also very happy, of course, since this is the best magic school, as far as I know. I've already learned all the books by heart, of course, I hope that's enough..."

As if to prove that she wasn't lying she stood up, pulled a wand out of her sleeve and with a simple spell she repaired Harry's somewhat broken glasses.

"I'm Hermione Granger. And who are you?" She said as she sat back down.

We were all astonished, you want to hear everything you say, you even speak human words.

Harry looked at Ron and Leo, calmed down when he saw on their stunned faces that they didn't learn all the books by heart either.

In fact the strangest face was Leo's, it looked like he had just met a Martian.

"I'm Ron Weasley." Ron muttered still angry.

"Leo Jackson."

"Harry Potter".

"Is that really you?" Hermione said.

"I know everything about you, of course, I got a few extra books to prepare myself further and you figure in History of Modern Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Great Magical Events of the 20th Century."

"I'm?" Harry felt strange knowing that he was in the history books and that practically anyone knew more about his life history than he did.

"My God, you don't know. If I were you I would have looked for everything I could"

"Not everyone has that possibility..."

Leo muttered, he looked a little upset for some reason.

Hermione also treated her like air and continued chattering.

"Do you know which house you're going to? I've been asking around and I hope to be in Gryffindor, it seems like the best one all. I heard Dumbledore was there, but I guess Ravenclaw won't be so bad... Anyway, I might as well keep looking for Neville's toad. And you two should change now, we'll be there soon."

And just as he was about to leave, he turned and said to Leo.

"By the way, you have the book backwards and you should stop reading fictional stories, just because magic exists doesn't mean gods do." Then he turned around and walked out.

Then I looked at Leo and saw him frowning, he looked visibly angry.

He straightened the book and said.

"Ha, you live in a magical world and you tell me not to believe in gods?" He said sarcastically.

"Whatever house I get, I hope she's not there, don't you think the same Leo?"

Ron said as he tossed his wand back into the trunk.

"You're right". Leo responded.

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